A patrol trooper commander is shown equipped with a shield.
A shield served as a protective piece of armor, typically held on the arm, designed to defend against incoming attacks or projectiles. Riot shields represented one specific shield variant utilized within policing contexts.

During the period of the Clone Wars, the clone riot troopers belonging to the Coruscant Guard employed riot shields alongside a baton. The M3 Bulwark Blast Shield was another shield type used by the Grand Army of the Republic; clone troopers within the 501st Legion and Doom's unit utilized it during the Battle of Ringo Vinda. This shield was constructed from a material impervious to blaster fire. While lightweight enough for use with a DC-15A blaster carbine, it possessed the durability to endure and divert concentrated blaster impacts. On Kashyyyk, Wookiee warriors employed wooden battle shields exhibiting an inverted teardrop form.
Following the rise of the Galactic Empire, the standard riot equipment issued to stormtroopers of the Empire incorporated a shield. Moreover, both patrol troopers and a scout trooper variation referred to as Shield Troopers had the option to carry shields.
Within Maz Kanata's assortment of ancient relics was a shield crafted from an unidentified silvery metal. The Kyuzo warriors utilized helmets that could function as both shields and projectiles. First Order riot control troopers also used shields to protect against crowds or for combat purposes. During the Battle of Takodana, FN-2199, a riot trooper belonging to Kylo Ren's division, employed his shield in conjunction with his F-11D blaster rifle. Nevertheless, upon spotting Finn, a stormtrooper who had defected, FN-2199 discarded both his blaster and shield to engage Finn directly with his Z6 riot control baton.