The Coruscant Guard, an elite corps of clone shock troopers within the Grand Army of the Republic, was specifically created to function as a military police and to safeguard the Galactic Republic's capital world, Coruscant. This unit operated under the command of Clone Commander Fox, a clone trooper celebrated for his unwavering dedication to the Republic and a leadership style characterized by leading from the front lines. During the tumultuous Clone Wars, Commander Fox distinguished himself and became one of the most honored soldiers in the Republic Military.
The Coruscant Guard undertook a range of responsibilities in service to the Republic. These included patrolling the galactic capital as riot clone troopers in conjunction with the Coruscant Security Force, executing hostage rescue missions, and serving as security at the Republic Judiciary Central Detention Center. They gradually took over duties from the Senate Guard, accompanying Jedi, senators, and other diplomats on missions beyond Coruscant. As the conflict with the Separatist Alliance escalated across the galaxy, the Coruscant Guard also acted as bodyguards for Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine, a role they shared with the Chancellor's Red Guard.
Following the establishment of the Galactic Empire, the New Order chose to retain the Coruscant Guard. Consequently, they continued their role as a security force on Coruscant, but with the added purpose of enforcing the reign of the self-declared Emperor Palpatine. Fox remained in command of the Coruscant Guard until his execution at the hands of Darth Vader, the Sith Lord serving as the Emperor's enforcer.

During the Clone Wars, the Coruscant Guard functioned as a corps within the Grand Army of the Republic, consisting of exceptionally skilled and lethal clone shock troopers. Under the leadership of Clone Commander Fox, the Coruscant Guards operated as a Security Force on Coruscant, the Galactic Republic's [capital](/article/capital] world. Their primary mission was to protect government buildings and critical infrastructure. However, as the war intensified and the Senate Guard became increasingly ineffective and corrupt, the Coruscant Guard frequently supplemented the Senate Guard. Eventually, they completely assumed the Senate Guard's responsibilities, acting as bodyguards for members of the Galactic Senate and the Supreme Chancellor. Furthermore, shock troopers patrolled Coruscant's streets alongside civilian police officers and GU-series Guardian police droids of the Coruscant Security Force, assisting in suspect apprehension and providing urban riot control. The Coruscant Guards were also responsible for guarding the Republic Judiciary Central Detention Center, conducting hostage rescue operations, serving as escorts for diplomatic missions, and performing military police duties.
In the final years of the Galactic Republic, the Secessionist Movement, secretly manipulated by the Sith, prompted the Galactic Senate to debate establishing a military for the Republic's defense. Upon the Jedi's discovery of the Confederacy of Independent Systems possessing a droid army, the Senate granted emergency powers to Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine. Palpatine, secretly the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Sidious and the architect of the crisis, utilized these powers to create the Grand Army of the Republic, composed of clone troopers grown on Kamino under his direction, using the guise of the long-deceased Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas. The clone troopers' deployment on Geonosis marked the beginning of the battle and the start of the Clone Wars. As the Grand Army spread across the galaxy, a division was formed to protect Coruscant, the Republic's capital. This division, known as the Coruscant Guard, was composed of highly trained clone shock troopers skilled in peacekeeping and urban pacification.

When Jabba the Hutt's son was abducted, Senator Padmé Amidala visited Jabba's uncle, Ziro, at his night club on Coruscant, hoping Ziro would persuade Jabba to allow the Jedi to rescue his son. However, Amidala discovered Ziro's involvement in the kidnapping, orchestrated by Count Dooku, the Separatist leader and a Sith Lord. Dooku promised Ziro a substantial reward for the senator, and Ziro had Amidala imprisoned in his dungeon. While in her cell, Amidala contacted her droid, C-3PO, requesting assistance. Ziro ordered Amidala's execution upon her discovery. Meanwhile, C-3PO contacted the Coruscant Guard, seeking their help in rescuing the senator. Commander Fox and several shock troopers accompanied C-3PO to the night club and blasted their way inside. They engaged and destroyed the droids in combat, allowing Amidala to free herself amidst the chaos. Together with the shock troopers, they cornered Ziro, who was attempting to escape, and Commander Fox placed him under arrest.

As both the Republic and Separatists sought suitable planets for establishing bases, Grand Master Yoda of the Jedi was sent to the coral moon of Rugosa for a clandestine meeting with Katuunko, the King of Toydaria. The Coruscant Guard provided an escort, led by Lieutenant Thire and including shock troopers Jek and Rys. However, Asajj Ventress, Count Dooku's apprentice, arrived first to negotiate with Katuunko on behalf of the Separatists. Separatist warships ambushed the Republic cruiser, but Master Yoda and the shock troopers managed to land on the planet, though not at the designated meeting location.
Ventress challenged Master Yoda, offering to pit her best battle droids against him. If the Jedi Master defeated her army, Toydaria would join the Republic. However, if the Jedi failed, Toydaria would align with the Separatists. Yoda accepted the challenge. The Jedi and the Coruscant Guards began their journey towards the negotiation site. During their trek through the coral forest, they encountered heavy combat, during which Thire was wounded. Nevertheless, with the encouragement of the aged Jedi, the small force prevailed. Dooku, realizing his plot had failed, ordered Ventress to assassinate King Katuunko. Yoda and the Guards arrived in time to prevent the king's death, although Ventress managed to escape.

Commander Stone and a squad of shock troopers accompanied Senator Kharrus to deliver a spice ransom to pirates based on Florrum who had captured Count Dooku. However, rogue pirates ambushed them, seeking the spice for themselves. The pirates shot down the Republic shuttle, causing it to crash on Florrum's surface. Both the shuttle's clone pilots and Senator Kharrus perished in the crash, leaving only Commander Stone, a sergeant, three shock troopers, and Junior Representative Jar Jar Binks, who became the highest-ranking survivor.
After Kharrus was buried and given a makeshift funeral, the rogue pirates ambushed the clones and stole the spice. While Commander Stone preferred waiting for reinforcements, Representative Binks urged them to act. As Binks technically held the highest rank in the Republic mission, Stone acknowledged they had to follow his orders, although the shock troopers were hesitant. The group counterattacked the pirates and successfully retrieved the ransom spice. The pirates then attempted to eliminate the clones, but the Republic forces defeated them and commandeered their craft, taking them to the pirate outpost. They arrived at the facility and departed Florrum with Jedi Generals Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi, who had escaped a brief captivity at the hands of the pirates.
Later, Coruscant Guards took custody of prisoners captured by members of the Jedi Order and escorted them to the Republic Judiciary Central Detention Center. Coruscant Guards were present at the Republic Detention Center to take custody of Boba Fett and Bossk after their capture by General Plo Koon and Skywalker's apprentice, Commander Ahsoka Tano. They were also stationed at the Jedi Temple to take custody of Aurra Sing after her attempted assassination of Senator Amidala.

When Satine Kryze, the Duchess of Mandalore, held a secret meeting with Davu Golec, an agent of the Republic Ministry of Intelligence, in the lower levels, a Death Watch assassin killed Golec. The gunshot alerted a Coruscant police probe, which arrived at the scene as a crowd gathered. The police probe identified that a shooting had occurred, and upon seeing Kryze with a blaster over Golec's body, identified her as the suspect. Police droids arrived moments later and informed Kryze that she was under arrest. Shocked but maintaining her innocence, Kryze fled the scene with the police in pursuit. The police probe notified nearby Coruscant Guard shock troopers, who joined the police in the chase. Running into a crowd, Kryze fired a stun bolt from her blaster, disabling the police probe tracking her and causing it to fall. The police droids tripped over the disabled probe and fell, with the riot troopers also stumbling over them. This moment of confusion allowed Kryze to blend into the onlookers and slip into an alley.
However, the troopers spotted Kryze turning the corner, and at that moment, an individual in a speeder with a cloak similar to Kryze's left the alley. Believing this individual to be Kryze, the riot troopers informed the police units that she was fleeing towards Section IG-44. Two Coruscant Police droids on BARC speeders began the chase, with more following, allowing Kryze to evade capture. Both the Coruscant Police and Coruscant Guards continued their search for Kryze, questioning locals if they had seen her. Vice Chair Mas Amedda made a public statement demanding Kryze surrender to Republic law enforcement. Kryze sought help from an old friend, Master Kenobi, and agreed to meet him in Monument Plaza. Avoiding the Coruscant Police and troopers searching the park, Kryze handed the holodisc to Kenobi. After escaping a brief encounter with the Death Watch assassin, the two made their way to the Senate Building. There, Kryze turned herself in to the Senate Guards on duty, and Kenobi gave the holodisc to Senator Amidala, who then played the full recording of Jerec to the Senate. In the recording, Jerec affirmed Mandalore's ability to handle Death Watch, leading the Senate to vote against occupying the planet, vindicating Kryze, and closing the police murder investigation against her.

When the Hutts hired Cad Bane, a bounty hunter, to seize the Senate Office Building and force Supreme Chancellor Palpatine to pardon Ziro the Hutt, a Hutt crime lord imprisoned in the Detention Center. Bane assembled a team of bounty hunters and infiltrated the executive building, eliminating several Senate Commando guards along the way. The team then took a small group of senators hostage. Bane trapped Palpatine and Senator Orn Free Taa in the Chancellor's office by shutting down the building's power. Bane demanded Ziro's release in exchange for the senators' lives, ordering Taa to take a pardon disc to the Detention Center to free Ziro.
Taa reluctantly complied and was escorted to the Detention Center by Bane's accomplices, where the shock troopers on guard released Ziro. As a final measure against Palpatine, the bounty hunters set up a system of lasers around the senators that would trigger explosives upon the slightest touch before leaving the building. Clone troopers of the Coruscant Guard, led by Clone Commander CC-1010, arrived and stormed Palpatine's office, then moved to apprehend Bane's team on the landing platform. However, with the senators still trapped, Palpatine ordered that the bounty hunters be allowed to escape with Ziro.
Coruscant Guards were later present at the Jedi Temple, along with Jedi Masters Yoda and Mace Windu, for the arrival of Padawan Ahsoka Tano and Captain Wilhuff Tarkin, who had returned from a mission on Lola Sayu. They escorted Tarkin to the Senate Office Building to meet Supreme Chancellor Palpatine.
As the War progressed, the Confederacy of Independent Systems pursued a peace treaty with the Republic, proposed by Separatist Senator Mina Bonteri. However, under Count Dooku's direction, demolition droids infiltrated Coruscant, planning a bombing of the central power distribution grid. The droids arrived at the docks, where shock troopers were patrolling. They presented their identification to Commander Fox, who waved them through. Upon reaching the generator, they killed several engineers and attached themselves to the wall as bombs. The droids then detonated, crippling all electrical sources on Coruscant, resulting in power outages, fires, and civilian deaths.

A riot was instigated at the Detention Center by Cad Bane, a bounty hunter, to provide cover for his and Moralo Eval's escape. The riot began when Bane had a young Boba Fett confront Rako Hardeen, demanding Hardeen apologize for killing Master Kenobi and depriving Fett of the bounty. Unbeknownst to everyone, Hardeen was Kenobi in an undercover disguise. Hardeen and Fett fought each other before being stopped by two shock troopers. However, Bossk, a Trandoshan, knocked out the guards, attacking Hardeen for fighting with Fett. At that point, more Coruscant Guards arrived to stop Bossk. However, as they began to fight Bossk, the other prisoners joined the riot. A shock trooper on the balcony called for reinforcements while stunning the prisoners.
As the riot escalated, the Coruscant Guard troopers deactivated their stun settings and began killing the prisoners who attacked them. During the chaos, Eval and Bane began their escape, joined by Hardeen, who convinced them to take him along. The troopers managed to restore order, although many prisoners were killed, necessitating their cremation. Arriving at the detention center's morgue, the three entered the chute cases before two clones arrived. The clones sent them down to the cremation center, where they attacked and killed the three clone officers on duty. Moving to the loading bay, the three prisoners overwhelmed the troopers stationed there and escaped in a Panther police interceptor.
Shortly thereafter, members of the Coruscant Guard escorted Chancellor Palpatine, along with members of the Senate Guard and Jedi Generals Mace Windu and Skywalker, to his homeworld, Naboo, for the upcoming Festival of Light. During the ceremony, Cade Bane and Moralo Eval, under Count Dooku's direction, put their plan to kidnap Palpatine into action. Together with their group of bounty hunters, including Kenobi disguised as Hardeen, they infiltrated the security detail using holographic disguise matrices. Kenobi pursued Eval and Bane, who took Palpatine, and captured them shortly before the arrival of Windu, Skywalker, and a shock trooper, who arrested the two kidnappers.
An explosion in a hangar at the Jedi Temple resulted in the deaths of six Jedi, several clone troopers, and Temple employees. Following the explosion, Coruscant Guard troopers secured the hangar while Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker and Padawan Ahsoka Tano, assisted by the crime scene analysis droid Russo-ISC, investigated the incident. As anger and confusion spread, family members of the deceased employees gathered outside the Temple to protest the Jedi. The Coruscant Guard, with several riot troopers and a LAAT ship, was dispatched to the Temple to assist the Jedi Temple Guard in controlling the crowd. The investigation revealed that Letta Turmond, the wife of Temple employee Jackar Bowmani, had fed him volatile Nano-droids, which then exploded, killing Bowmani and causing the bombing at the Temple. Skywalker and Tano arrested Turmond and placed her in a holding cell in the Jedi Temple.

However, with clone troopers killed in the explosion, the Republic military, under the direction of Admiral Wilhuff Tarkin, claimed jurisdiction over Turmond and took her into custody. Turmond was transferred to the prison complex at the Republic military base, which was under the Coruscant Guard's control. As Turmond refused to speak with anyone except Tano, Admiral Tarkin requested Tano visit her. Upon arriving at the base, Tano found Commander Fox personally overseeing the guard station. After Tano left her lightsabers and comlink at the guard post, Fox and two other troopers escorted her to Turmond's cell.
Fox returned to the guard post after leaving Tano with Turmond. Meanwhile, Turmond revealed that a Jedi had taught her how to make the bomb to protest the Jedi's involvement in the war. Before Turmond could reveal the name, Barriss Offee, a Jedi, Force choked her, unbeknownst to all. However, the security camera footage made it appear as if Tano was choking Turmond, and a shock trooper notified Fox of Turmond's distress. Fox and two other troopers quickly rushed into the cell, finding Tano bending over Turmond's lifeless body, seemingly distraught. Fox, while acknowledging Tano's potential motive for revenge, placed her under arrest.
Admiral Tarkin, upon being informed of the situation, arrived to interrogate Tano, escorted to her cell by two Coruscant Guards. Showing Tano the recording, Tarkin pointed out that the video appeared to show Tano telekinetically choking Turmond, although Tano maintained her innocence. Tarkin ordered that no one else be allowed to see Tano. Shortly thereafter, Anakin Skywalker arrived and began arguing with Commander Fox, demanding to see Tano. Fox had two shock troopers activate their electrostaffs, threatening to enforce the Admiral's orders with force, at which point Skywalker departed.

After discovering a key card just outside her prison cell, Tano made use of it to escape. She thought Skywalker had left it, but it was actually Offee. Upon reaching the guard post, Tano noticed her lightsabers and comlink beside three injured shock troopers. Suddenly, Commander Fox walked into the guard post and, upon seeing Tano, immediately sounded the alarm. A trio of Coruscant Guards pursued her northward into the corridor, sealing off the area before a Coruscant Guard trooper alerted Fox. With Fox in pursuit, Tano stumbled upon three troopers who had been slain by a lightsaber. As Tano continued her escape, Fox arrived and, presuming Tano to be the murderer, issued an order to shoot her on sight.
However, Captain Rex and Anakin Skywalker then arrived. They argued with Fox, insisting that Tano would never commit such an act. Skywalker, unable to persuade Tano to surrender, commanded a lockdown and search of the base. Tano managed to evade a squad of Coruscant Guards, including Trooper Hound and his massiff Grizzer, who were patrolling the memorial zone. Commander Fox and his squad spotted her, leading to a chase towards the pipelines outside the base. The shock troopers attempted to stun her, but Tano deflected the blasts. Briefly surrounded by several Coruscant Guards, she still managed to escape into the sewer system, with Skywalker, Rex, Fox, and multiple Coruscant Guard squads in pursuit. Skywalker chased her through a pipe that ended at the underworld portal. Tano, reiterating her innocence, jumped into the portal onto a transport, escaping capture as Commander Fox and Captain Rex arrived.
Soon after, two Coruscant Guard squads were dispatched to locate Tano in the Coruscant Underworld. Anakin Skywalker and Captain Rex led one squad, while Jedi Master Plo Koon and Commander Wolffe commanded the other. Using two police gunships, the squads acted on a tip from the Coruscant Security Force's Underworld Police division that Tano had been sighted on Level 1312. Descending into the underworld, the squads spotted Tano alongside Asajj Ventress, a former Separatist agent turned bounty hunter. Tano and Ventress activated the terminal gate's shield, preventing pursuit, after which Skywalker deployed probe droids to locate the two fugitives. Wolffe and his team of Coruscant Guards then exited the police gunship to monitor the probe droids' findings.

Before long, the squad was informed of Tano's location and Wolffe immediately led his troopers to apprehend her. Cornered and held at blaster-point by Wolffe's men, Tano tried to persuade them to stand down, but Wolffe refused to let her escape. A fight broke out, with Ventress using her lightsabers to cut through the troopers' blasters. Tano joined the fight, ensuring that she and Ventress only incapacitated the troopers. Unable to stop them, Wolffe and the Coruscant Guard troops could only watch as Tano and Ventress escaped. Wolffe informed Master Koon that Ventress had aided Tano's escape, and his shock trooper squad had to recover before resuming the chase.
In the meantime, Ventress departed from Tano, who arrived at an abandoned munitions warehouse on Level 1315 and was ambushed by Barriss Offee disguised as Ventress. Their subsequent battle drew the attention of two Coruscant Police officers, who alerted Skywalker's squad of Coruscant Guards. The two squads arrived to find Tano in a lower storage room. Despite Tano's pleas for a chance to explain, Wolffe stunned her unconscious before she could speak. The Coruscant Guard took her into custody and returned her to the Jedi Temple. Overwhelmed by the evidence against her, and at the Senate's insistence, Tano was expelled from the Jedi Order and handed over to the Republic military to be tried for allegedly bombing the Temple. Escorted to the courtroom by Coruscant Guards, she was defended by Padmé Amidala and prosecuted by Tarkin. Skywalker discovered that fellow Jedi Barriss Offee was the true perpetrator, having collaborated with Turmond and then framed Tano for her crimes. Offee was arrested, and Tano was acquitted. However, Tano declined the offer to rejoin the Order.

During the Battle of Ringo Vinda, Clone trooper Tup fatally shot Jedi General Tiplar. Tup was placed under Fives' supervision on Kamino, but he died from complications related to a tumor and the degradation of an implanted behavioral modification biochip. Kaminoan Doctor Nala Se injected Fives with a reaction-slowing drug to conceal the Sith plot.
On Coruscant, Chancellor Palpatine framed Fives for attacking him, causing Fives to escape from the medical facility. Fives took a cab to 79's, a clone bar, where he met his friend Kix and asked him to relay a message to the commanding officers of the 501st Legion, Anakin Skywalker and Captain Rex, requesting a meeting to share what he had learned in an effort to clear his name. Unbeknownst to Fives, he had been spotted and tracked to the meeting location, and the Coruscant Guard had been dispatched to apprehend him.
Skywalker and Rex arrived at the designated location and were instructed by a concealed Fives to drop their weapons. After they complied, Fives trapped them in a ray shield. While both Skywalker and Rex wanted to assist Fives, they struggled to believe his story, which was further complicated by his drug-induced haze. Commander Fox and a squad of shock troopers ambushed the rogue clone, aiming their weapons and demanding his surrender. In desperation, Fives seized a blaster pistol and attempted to defend himself, but Fox fatally shot him in the chest. Skywalker and Rex were released from the ray-shield, and Rex rushed to Fives' side. Fives explained that he was only trying to fulfill his duty before repeating Tup's final words before he died.
As the war raged on, Republic and Separatist representatives met on the planet Scipio to jointly oversee the appointment of Rush Clovis as the leader of the InterGalactic Banking Clan. Senator Padmé Amidala traveled to Scipio as the Republic's representative, accompanied by a garrison of the Coruscant Guard under the command of Commander Thorn.

Shortly after Clovis assumed leadership of the InterGalactic Banking Clan, Count Dooku, a Separatist leader, blackmailed him into raising interest rates for the Republic while favoring the Separatists. Dooku also pressured Clovis to grant the Separatists complete control of the bank. After Clovis conceded, Commander Thorn and his shock troopers detected Separatist fighters approaching the landing platform where they were stationed. Thorn ordered the troops and gunships to evacuate the landing platform and regroup outside the city gates. He then informed Senator Amidala about the impending Separatist invasion, explaining that they would not be able to reach her in time and that she needed to escape the planet. The attacking droid fighters shot down the gunships and Consular-class cruiser, leaving the remaining shock troopers without reinforcements.
As Thorn and his men advanced towards the entrance of the neutral zone, droid gunships entered the battle and blocked their path from the front and the landing pad from behind. The droids began to eliminate the shock troopers and deployed commando and super battle droids to attack. Thorn was the last one standing but continued to fight, wielding his rotary blaster cannon as both a melee and long-range weapon. However, he was vastly outnumbered and was shot multiple times in the chest until a commando droid finally killed him. These events prompted the Galactic Senate to dispatch forces from the Grand Army of the Republic, led by General Anakin Skywalker, to liberate the planet. In the aftermath of the battle, the Senate placed the banks under the direct control of Supreme Chancellor Palpatine.

Following the Siege of Mandalore and the capture of the Sith Lord Maul by the 332nd Division, a group of shock troopers from the Coruscant Guard were sent in a Nu-class transport to escort him and provide extra security. When the Nu-class arrived on the Tribunal, in orbit, further shock troopers assisted in transporting him to a holding cell and maintained guard over him. When Chancellor Palpatine, secretly the Sith Lord Darth Sidious, issued Order 66, branding the Jedi as traitors to the Republic, the shock troopers on the Star Destroyer assisted members of the division in attacking Tano on the bridge.
After Tano escaped the bridge, a clone shock trooper aided Clone Commander Rex in his recovery. Rex then instructed the trio of shock troopers on the bridge to execute Maul and began formulating a plan to eliminate Tano. However, Tano freed Maul after incapacitating the two shock troopers guarding him, intending for him to divert Republic forces away from her. Maul then initiated a rampage throughout the ship as he made his way towards the main hangar, encountering additional shock troopers from the Coruscant Guard, some of whom he knocked unconscious and others whom he killed. All remaining clones aboard the Tribunal were subsequently killed when the vessel crashed on the surface of a remote moon.

With Order 66 initiating the Great Jedi Purge, the Coruscant Guard, under Commander Fox, assisted in executing the initiative on Coruscant itself. When Jedi Master Kelleran Beq escaped from the 501st Legion's Operation: Knightfall with the Jedi youngling Grogu, the Coruscant Guard pursued them in Low Altitude Assault Transport/infantry gunships. After one of the LAAT/i was destroyed, as Beq tricked the shock trooper pilot into flying the path into a train, the other arrived behind him to a landing pad, where Beq met up with a detachment of the Royal Naboo Security Forces for help in escaping aboard a H-type Nubian yacht. While Beq and Grogu escaped aboard the yacht, clone troopers, some in blank-white armor and others in red-Coruscant Guard shock trooper armor, disembarked from the gunship and exchanged fire with the Security Forces. Several V-wing starfighters pursued the Nubian but failed to destroy it before it escaped into hyperspace.

Master Yoda later engaged Sidious in a duel in the Senate chamber, resulting in a stalemate. Several Coruscant Guards arrived, including Clone Commander Thire, and unsuccessfully searched for Yoda's body. However, the Jedi Master had escaped with the assistance of Senator Bail Organa. Sidious, suspecting that his apprentice Darth Vader was in danger, departed Coruscant for the planet Mustafar with a detachment of Coruscant Guards. The shock troopers soon discovered Vader's mangled and burned body, defeated by Kenobi, and alerted Sidious. Upon seeing Vader, Sidious ordered the shock troopers to summon a medical transport. Returning to Coruscant, Sidious and Vader were taken to the Grand Republic Medical Facility, all under the watchful guard of the Coruscant Guards. There, Vader underwent surgery that encased him in a life-supporting suit.
During the funeral of Senator Amidala in the city of Theed, Naboo, a detachment of the Coruscant Guard provided security for the event. When two of the troopers encountered Senator Organa, who was speaking to Tano in a restricted area, they verified his identification and informed him that he needed to be escorted back to the ceremony, which Bail agreed to.

In the early years of the Galactic Empire, the Coruscant Guard continued to patrol the levels of Coruscant, routinely checking citizens' identifications. When Jedi Master Jocasta Nu returned to Coruscant after the initial purge there, she encountered Fox and several other shock troopers on patrol and used a Jedi mind trick to bypass them, allowing her to reach the Jedi Temple. As Nu managed to infiltrate the Temple, members of the Coruscant underworld police discovered her starfighter, she ordered her droid, Beetoo to self detonate, resulting in a large explosion that killed the police officers as well as Beetoo. After the bombing, Coruscant Guard members were involved in securing the bomb site and aided the newly established Imperial Security Bureau and the underworld police in the investigation.
Once Nu was detected in the Temple, Vader commanded the Coruscant Guard and the underworld police to secure the entire perimeter. Consequently, the Coruscant Guard deployed two companies, while the underworld police deployed an entire contingent. The shock troopers fired on Nu when she attempted to escape through a hole she had blasted in the Temple wall, prompting her to defend herself with a lightsaber. When Vader appeared at the breach as well, the shock troopers mistook him for a Jedi (Commander Fox having failed to provide a description of the Sith Lord) and opened fire on him as well before Fox arrived in a police gunship and ordered them to cease fire. Fox attempted to apologize for his blunder but Vader, not in the mood for apologies, snapped the commander's neck with the Force before ordering the remaining shock troopers to capture Nu alive.
The archivist attempted to jump to her death, but Vader held her in place with the Force and she was bound and loaded into the gunship. When Nu taunted Vader over the knowledge she possessed that he now knew, one of the shock troopers offered to gag her in order to cut off her Jedi lies. Nu, still darkly amused, fired back that they themselves were taking orders from a Jedi in the form of Vader, who was Skywalker. Vader then killed all shock troopers in the gunship by blasting them out of it, sending them plummeting to their deaths.

Months following the destruction of Kamino's cloning facilities, the Imperial Senate initiated a vote on the Imperial Defense Recruitment Bill, which would formalize the Imperial Military's transition from an army composed entirely of clone troopers to a recruitment-based force of non-clone soldiers. Several squads of shock troopers were present and provided security for the event. When Vice Admiral Edmon Rampart was exposed before the Senate for having personally ordered and participated in the destruction of Kamino using his fleet of Venator-class Star Destroyers, a squad of shock troopers forcefully arrested Rampart under orders from Grand Vizier Mas Amedda, who appeared with Emperor Palpatine to address the Senate.

During this early period under the Empire, a contingent of shock troopers bulldozed several homes, including the home of Orvek, in a forested area to construct a relay station. Despite promises of compensation, Orvek and others protested that they had only known one home and did not know where to go. Without showing any emotion, a shock trooper coldly informed Orvek to find somewhere else. Following this encounter, Orvek joined a group of disciples led by Jedi Padawan Ferren Barr, who was masquerading as a Jedi Master.
In 14 BBY, two shock troopers became involved in a hunt for two rogue Imperial Inquisitors when Lord Vader required a speeder to chase them down. After the Inquisitors destroyed the thrusters of the speeder, Vader leaped across other speeders while the speeder with the two members crashed and exploded in a park, killing an important Gran Senator and her companion.
The Coruscant Guard initially appeared in Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith.