Davu Golec, a Mandalorian human male, resided on the planet of Coruscant and was employed by the Republic's Ministry of Intelligence during the era of the Clone Wars. He maintained a close friendship and professional relationship with Duchess Satine Kryze, the leader of the New Mandalorians on Mandalore, both before and during the Clone Wars conflict. During Duchess Kryze's visit to Coruscant to contest the Republic's proposed occupation of Mandalore, Golec uncovered the testimony of Deputy Minister Jerec. This testimony revealed that the request for Republic troop deployment was based on fabricated information. In a daring move, risking both his life and his career, Golec arranged a clandestine meeting with Duchess Kryze in a dimly lit alley on Coruscant to deliver the full, unedited version of the testimony.
However, Kryze's arrival on Coruscant had been noted by a member of Death Watch, a radical splinter group of Mandalorians. The Death Watch assassin located Kryze's meeting with Golec in Sector GL5 and fired a fatal shot from a sniper rifle, resulting in Golec's death. Kryze retaliated with her blaster but was subsequently compelled to escape the scene, pursued by Coruscant Police and Coruscant Guard shock troopers who wrongly believed she was responsible for Golec's demise. Satine managed to secretly meet with Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi and entrusted him with the disk containing the testimony, intended for delivery to Senator Padmé Amidala. Kryze surrendered herself to the Senate Guard, while Amidala presented Deputy Minister Jerec's authentic message to the Senate. Kryze was absolved of the accusation of Golec's murder, and the evidence he provided to Kryze played a crucial role in convincing the Senate to vote against deploying troops to Mandalore.