Republic Ministry of Intelligence

The Republic Ministry of Intelligence served as the Galactic Republic's agency for all intelligence operations. In the era of the Clone Wars, Davu Golec, a human native to the planet of Mandalore, was employed by this Ministry. Being a close associate of New Mandalorian Duchess Satine Kryze, Golec supplied her with a holographic statement that had been submitted to the Ministry amidst the Duchess's efforts to maintain Mandalore's neutrality during the Clone Wars. This statement originated from Jerec, the New Mandalorian Deputy Minister, who asserted that his administration possessed the capability to eradicate the Death Watch terrorists that were a menace to their world, without needing the Republic's assistance. Someone within the Republic government had altered the original testimony, manipulating it to give the impression that Jerec was actually pleading for Republic assistance. Once Kryze received the authentic recording, she presented it to the Galactic Senate, thus averting a military occupation of Mandalore.

