Death Watch

During the Clone Wars, the Death Watch, known in Mando'a as Kyr'tsad, was a Mandalorian terrorist faction of warriors. This group opposed the pacifist government on Mandalore, which was headed by Duchess Satine Kryze. After failing to seize control of Mandalore, they joined Maul's Shadow Collective, successfully taking control of the planet during the conflict. A power struggle then erupted between former allies Mand'alor Pre Vizsla and Maul, the leader of the Shadow Collective. This conflict led to Vizsla's death, Maul's ascension, and the division of Death Watch into the Mandalore resistance, led by Bo-Katan Kryze, and Maul's Mandalorian super commandos.



The Mandalorian Civil War concluded with the remaining Mandalorian martial traditionalists, who adhered to Mandalore's ancient warrior ways, being exiled to Concordia, a moon. The New Mandalorians, who embraced pacifism, assumed that most of these exiles had died. However, the survivors reorganized and adopted the name Death Watch. Unlike the Old Mandalorians, who did not seek vengeance, Death Watch aimed to topple the pacifist regime and reinstate the traditional warrior culture. They were secretly led by Concordia's governor, Pre Vizsla of Clan Vizsla, who wielded the Darksaber, and Duchess Satine Kryze's sister, Bo-Katan Kryze.

Alliance with the CIS

Spreading terror

During the Clone Wars, Pre Vizsla and Death Watch formed an alliance with Sith Lord Count Dooku, a leader in the Separatist movement. Their goal was to orchestrate a coup against Duchess Satine Kryze and her New Mandalorian government. Dooku aided Death Watch in becoming a credible threat to Kryze's government. Simultaneously, Vizsla, as Concordia's governor, feigned support for Kryze by ostensibly working to eliminate Death Watch. During this period, a Death Watch saboteur attacked a Galactic Republic cruiser before committing suicide. This incident fueled rumors throughout the galaxy, eventually reaching the Republic Senate, suggesting that Kryze was building an army to support the Separatist cause.

Death Watch under the leadership of Pre Vizsla, brandishing GALAAR-15s and WESTAR-35s.

Veraslayn Kast, an artist and follower of Vizsla, created an untitled Death Watch poster for the movement. As Death Watch ushered in a resurgence of Mandalorian warrior propaganda, Kast's poster and similar works were among the first in years to depict armored Mandalorian warriors, given that such clans were believed destroyed in ages past and after the recent civil war. The rise of Death Watch also rekindled galaxy-wide fear of Mandalorian armor.

When the Jedi Council dispatched Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi to investigate Mandalore's allegiance, Vizsla informed Dooku about the Jedi's presence. Dooku assured him that a Republic occupation of Mandalore would incite a rebellion, driving people to Death Watch. Subsequently, Death Watch deployed a terrorist bomber to bomb the Memorial Shrine in Sundari. The explosion occurred directly in front of Kenobi and Duchess Kryze. When Kenobi requested questioning of nearby individuals, the bomber fled, prompting Kenobi to pursue him. However, the bomber took his own life to avoid capture, preventing Kenobi from interrogating him.

Kenobi and Kryze journeyed to Concordia to return the bomber's body to his family. There, they met with Governor Vizsla. While Kryze dined with Vizsla, Kenobi secretly investigated the Concordian mines to ascertain their activity. Upon examining one, Kenobi discovered Mandalorian helmets, leading to his ambush and capture by two Death Watch warriors. The warriors attempted to eliminate Kenobi by pushing him into a mineral crushing line, but Kryze intervened, distracting them and freeing Kenobi. After subduing the two warriors, Kenobi and Kryze attempted to escape the mine, only to be confronted by Vizsla, who revealed his leadership of Death Watch, and his men. Kenobi engaged Vizsla in combat, ultimately escaping with Kryze.

Attack on the Coronet

Tal Merrik, a Kalevala Senator and Death Watch member, secretly smuggled a crate of assassin probes onto the Coronet to assassinate Kryze en route to Coruscant. However, Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, and their clone troopers uncovered Merrik's deception. Merrik then took Kryze hostage and contacted Vizsla for reinforcements. Multiple Droch-class boarding ships arrived, deploying B2-series super battle droids onto the Coronet. Skywalker and his troopers successfully thwarted the droids. Merrik rigged the Coronet's engines to explode and attempted to board one of the boarding ships with Kryze. However, Kenobi stopped Merrik before he could board, and Skywalker ambushed and killed him with his lightsaber.

Preparing for War

A Death Watch assassin shoots at Duchess Satine Kryze.

Death Watch orchestrated a bombing on Kalevala that resulted in the death of Deputy Minister Jerec. Dooku and his master, Darth Sidious, altered a recording of Jerec and sent it to the Republic Senate to force them to occupy Mandalore. Meanwhile, Vizsla prepared his forces for battle and dispatched an assassin to eliminate Kryze. The assassin found her in conversation with Davu Golec and aimed his sniper rifle. However, he accidentally hit Golec, allowing Kryze to escape. The assassin pursued Kryze, but she evaded him. Kryze then contacted Kenobi, and they met in secret. The assassin discovered their meeting and followed them to an alleyway, where he threw a thermal detonator at them. Kenobi pushed Kryze out of the way, then fought the assassin, who was eventually forced to retreat. Kryze provided Kenobi with the authentic message from Jerec, which Kenobi delivered to the Senate. The message prevented a Republic takeover of Mandalore, prompting Dooku to order Death Watch to stand down.

Exile to Carlac

Following a conflict between Vizsla and Dooku, during which Dooku scarred Vizsla with his lightsaber, Death Watch severed ties with the Separatists. Reduced to a wandering group of outlaws, Death Watch established a new camp on Carlac. There, they forced women from a nearby Ming Po village into servitude. Over time, Death Watch lost its military discipline and descended into banditry, but the terrorists still hoped to reclaim Mandalore and get revenge on Dooku. To that end, they collaborated with former Separatist Senator Lux Bonteri, who also sought revenge against Dooku for orchestrating his mother's death. Bonteri promised to provide information on Dooku's location using his holotrace device. Bo-Katan Kryze met Bonteri at his ship, where he presented Ahsoka Tano, a Jedi Padawan, as his betrothed. Bo-Katan and her group escorted them back to the camp, where Vizsla met with Bonteri, who revealed Dooku's location. Meanwhile, the other Mandalorians forced Bonteri's subordinates to work, assigned Tano's droid R2-D2 to repair droids for target practice, and placed Tano among the village girls as a servant.

Pre Vizsla and his men capture Ahsoka Tano.

However, Vizsla was confronted by the Ming Po elders, who demanded the return of their women. Initially, Vizsla and his men complied, but upon reaching the village, Vizsla betrayed the Ming Po by murdering the chieftain's granddaughter in front of him. He and his men then began burning down their village. Tano defended the villagers, attacking the Mandalorian warriors and revealing herself as a Jedi. Vizsla and his men captured Tano and brought her back to their camp. As Vizsla attempted to execute Tano, R2-D2 arrived and launched her lightsabers to her. Tano broke free and killed four of Vizsla's men. Vizsla fought Tano, but the droids R2-D2 repaired began to revolt. While Death Watch was distracted, Tano, Bonteri, and R2-D2 escaped the camp, pursued by Bo-Katan and her men. However, they failed to capture the escapees. Tano, Bonteri, and R2-D2 returned to their ship and fled Carlac, after which Bonteri left Tano and R2 to pursue his own path.

Plot to take over Mandalore

Joining Maul

Death Watch eventually discovered an escape pod adrift in space containing two Dathomirian Zabrak brothers: Darth Maul, a rogue Sith Lord, and his brother and apprentice, Savage Opress. They transported the Sith warriors to their base on Zanbar, where Vizsla was eager to hear their story. The two Zabraks awoke on medical tables to meet Vizsla. Maul explained that they were the true Sith Lords and did not follow Dooku. Maul also claimed that Kenobi had shot down their ship. That night, Vizsla and Maul discussed their goals, finding common ground in their desire for revenge against Dooku, his master, and Kenobi, leading them to form an alliance. Maul agreed to assist Vizsla and Death Watch in seizing Mandalore, viewing it as a strategic base for expanding his empire and exacting revenge. Bo-Katan expressed her distrust of the Sith, stemming from past encounters with both the Sith and the Jedi, whom she considered similar. Maul used the Force to choke her into silence. Vizsla finally asked of their names and the two introduced themselves as Maul and Savage.

Gathering forces

Maul confronts the Black Sun ruling council.

Maul observed Death Watch soldiers in combat and concluded that Vizsla needed an army to conquer Mandalore. He suggested coercing crime syndicates into an underworld alliance. Vizsla, Maul, Opress, and Death Watch traveled to Mustafar, the headquarters of the Black Sun, where they met Ziton Moj. Moj led them to the Black Sun ruling council. However, the council refused to pledge allegiance. Vizsla and Opress swiftly subdued attacking Black Sun gangsters, and Opress threw one onto the council's table. The council members rose from their seats, and their leader, Xomit Grunseit, declared their identity as the Black Sun. Opress then hurled his [lightsaber](/article/savage_opress%27s_lightsaber] across the table, beheading all the crime lords in seconds. This left Moj in charge of the Black Sun, who promptly accepted Maul's proposal. The Black Sun began supplying Death Watch with resources, initiating the Shadow Collective.

Back on Zanbar, Vizsla believed their army was ready, but Maul disagreed. Lom Pyke of the Pyke Syndicate then arrived, agreeing to join the criminal alliance after hearing about the attack on the Black Sun. To complete their army, Maul and Vizsla sought out the Hutt Clan. The Shadow Collective traveled to Nal Hutta, where they met with the Grand Hutt Council. Like the Black Sun ruling council, the Hutts rejected Maul's offer, and when he threatened their lives, they unleashed bounty hunters. Maul, Opress, and Vizsla fought off the bounty hunters, during which the Hutts escaped, except for Oruba. Maul and Opress interrogated Oruba, who revealed that the Hutts were fleeing to Tatooine. Vizsla deduced that the Hutts would regroup at the palace of Jabba the Hutt. Opress, under Maul's orders, executed Oruba for his insolence.

Bo-Katan and Death Watch soldiers in Jabba's Palace.

The Shadow Collective attacked Jabba's palace soon after but were met with staunch resistance. Death Watch warriors were quickly able to cause chaos as they landed and dropped over a dozen armed guards. They soon surrounded Jabba the Hutt, who agreed to join the Shadow Collective. With a criminal army at their command, Maul revealed his intention to control the criminal underworld after conquering Mandalore. Maul then instructed Vizsla to send scouts to the capital to identify targets in Sundari for their plan. Bo-Katan worried that Maul would seize control of Death Watch, but Vizsla assured her that he planned to kill Maul and Opress, along with Satine Kryze.

Taking Mandalore

Vizsla's scouts provided Maul with targets for the Shadow Collective in Sundari. Maul revealed his strategy: as the unified criminal army sowed chaos across Mandalore, undermining Duchess Satine Kryze's government's ability to protect the people, Death Watch would swoop in and capture the gangsters, becoming heroes in the eyes of the Mandalorians. The Shadow Collective swiftly traveled to Mandalore, where Maul and Opress led attacks on the Mandalorian police. As planned, Vizsla, Bo-Katan, and another warrior led rescue missions for the Mandalorian people. Kryze lost control as the people turned to Vizsla, who declared that Mandalore needed action, not pacifism, to repel the criminal army he had secretly unleashed. Kryze was captured, and Vizsla declared himself Mand'alor, taking over Mandalore.

Maul beheads Pre Vizsla.

Vizsla then betrayed Maul and Opress, imprisoning them. However, they quickly escaped using the Force. Maul confronted Vizsla in the palace, challenging him to a duel for leadership of Death Watch and control of Mandalore. Maul defeated Vizsla in the throne room, seizing the Darksaber and beheading Vizsla in front of the Death Watch members. Bo-Katan Kryze and her Nite Owls refused to accept Maul as their ruler, denouncing him as an outsider and the other Death Watch members as traitors. The Mandalorians clashed, and Bo-Katan and her Nite Owls fled the palace. Death Watch then fractured into factions loyal to Maul and his puppet ruler, Prime Minister Almec, who became the Mandalorian super commandos, painting their armor red to resemble Maul's appearance, and the Mandalore resistance led by Bo-Katan Kryze.

Under Maul's leadership

Resistance against Maul

Bo-Katan Kryze returned to rescue her sister, Satine Kryze, with the assistance of Korkie Kryze and his classmates Lagos, Soniee, and Amis. However, they were soon pursued by super commandos after one spotted them and although Kryze managed to get a message across to the Jedi Council, she was recaptured. Subsequently, Kenobi returned to Mandalore to rescue Kryze. Upon arrival, Kenobi took out a commando and took his armor before infiltrating the prison where Kryze was held. After freeing Kryze, however, Kenobi's plan was discovered by the guards who pursued him and Kryze. Kenobi and Kryze managed to make it back to the former's ship, but Maul and Opress soon arrived and two of the commandos shot down the ship before it could get away.

Kenobi watches both sides fight on the landing pad.

Kenobi and Kryze were captured and Maul took Kenobi to his throne room. There, Maul murdered Kryze before Kenobi and she died in his arms. Kenobi was then taken back to the prison by several commandos but as they got to the entrance, Bo-Katan Kryze and her men attacked the commandos and liberated Kenobi. Bo-Katan took Kenobi to a landing pad where one of her Kom'rk-class fighter/transports was located as a battle of the new civil war ensued. As the fighting continued, Bo-Katan requested to Kenobi that he petition the Republic to invade Mandalore, which she believed would allow them to overthrow Maul and free Mandalore from his rule. Kenobi then escaped the battle on Bo-Katan's starfighter and fled Mandalore.

Meanwhile, Maul's former master and Dooku's master Darth Sidious arrived at Sundari to deal with him. Two commandos approached Sidious only to be Force choked to death. Sidious arrived at Maul's throne room and confronted him and Opress. Maul attempted to feign loyalty to Sidious but Sidious saw through his deception and threw him and Opress against the palace windows, declaring Maul a rival. A lightsaber duel subsequently broke out between Sidious against the rival Sith brothers. Although Maul and Opress put up a fight, Sidious defeated the pair, killing Opress and capturing Maul, whom Sidious tortured into submission using Force lightning.

Freeing Maul

Sidious imprisoned Maul in the Spire on Stygeon Prime where he intended to use Maul to locate his mother, the powerful Nightsisters Mother Talzin, who had previously restored Maul's strength and sanity after Opress recovered him. Sidious visited Maul and spoke with him before leaving Dooku to interrogate him about his criminal connections and Shadow Collective bases. However, Prime Minister Almec devised a plan to break Maul out in return for Maul freeing him when Death Watch took over Mandalore. Two Mandalorian super commandos, Gar Saxon and Rook Kast, broke into the Spire and disabled droid reinforcements going towards Maul's cell. They then freed Maul from his cell and took him to the side of the Spire where they blew a hole in the wall. Kast shot a cable making a zipline for Maul to use and they fled out of the Spire just as their Kom'rk-class fighter arrived. Maul and the other two boarded the ship where they were taken the Shadow Collective base on Zanbar.

Clash at Zanbar

Grievous's forces clash with Death Watch on Zanbar.

Maul thanked Almec when he arrived at Zanbar and rallied his troops for war. Separatist forces then arrived at Zanbar after tracking Maul's ship there as part of their campaign against the Shadow Collective. Maul ordered the defenses to release the might of the Shadow Collective. Despite the ineffectiveness of the turrets, Death Watch put up a sturdy fight. General Grievous came down with his MagnaGuards and fought Maul and his men. Whilst Maul dropped the MagnaGuards, Grievous was challenged by a Mandalorian who he slew without hesitation. Maul then sparred with Grievous until the fight became hopeless for him and he withdrew his remaining forces. Both sides took heavy losses with Grievous's droids being all but exhausted.

Battle over Ord Mantell

Maul rallied the Shadow Collective and took them to Ord Mantell. Separatist spies however informed Grievous of their presence there and he took his fleet to attack the enemy. Maul prepared his forces for the attack and Mother Talzin sent numerous Nightbrothers to assist them. When Grievous's forces arrived, they began to bombard the surface with laser fire. Maul set his armies loose and Saxon rallied the Death Watch soldiers. Grievous landed his droid army and they clash with Maul's soon after landing. At the same time, Dooku landed with two MagnaGuards intending to find Mother Talzin inside the city. The starships of the Shadow Collective began their attack on Grievous's fleet, taking them by surprise shortly after their guns recharged.

Maul tackles Grievous on his ship.

As the ground conflict spiraled into a more desperate situation, Ziton Moj and the Pyke Fife began expressing doubts regarding Maul's strategy. Saxon instructed them to ensure the plan's success, after which Fife was set upon by a combat droid. Above them, Maul directed his Kom'rk-class fighter to deliver his soldiers onto Grievous's flagship. Upon arrival, they proceeded to assault the bridge, where Maul engaged Grievous in combat. Concurrently, back on the ground, Saxon, Moj, Fife, and the remaining Shadow Collective fighters were captured by the droid forces. However, the droids ceased functioning when Maul and his squad deactivated the command center on Grievous's vessel. Immediately, Saxon and his comrades began dismantling the inert droids. Subsequently, they apprehended Dooku, who had nearly annihilated the Nightbrother reinforcements. By Maul's capture of Grievous aboard his ship, the Shadow Collective secured a hard-won triumph.

Republic Offensive

Maul transported his two captives to Vizsla Keep 09, where he attempted to sway Dooku to his cause. However, the Republic, now eager to intervene in Maul's conflict with the Separatists, launched an attack on Vizsla Keep 09 led by Kenobi. Grievous managed to break free from his confinement and initiated the deployment of additional Death Watch warriors. Kenobi's forces landed at the base, with Kenobi and Jedi Master Tiplee advancing forward. Nevertheless, Maul successfully persuaded Dooku to align with him against the Jedi, and as Jedi Masters Mace Windu and Aayla Secura arrived, they launched a joint assault. Dooku swiftly eliminated Tiplee, while Saxon and Kast inflicted injuries upon the other Jedi using their jetpack missiles. Maul and Dooku then executed a rapid escape, leaving the remaining Death Watch warriors to be taken as prisoners.

Shadow Collective's Demise

Ziton Moj and Fife withdraw their syndicates from the Shadow Collective.

Following the loss of three of their strongholds, Moj and Fife began to express concerns about the Shadow Collective's chances of survival. Maul assured them that they would be handsomely compensated upon the assassination of Maul's master, Sidious. Maul, accompanied by Dooku and his remaining soldiers, journeyed to Dathomir. There, Maul convened with Mother Talzin, who commenced the process of draining Dooku of his power. However, their activities were disrupted by the arrival of Grievous and Sidious, who had once again located Maul and his followers. Simultaneously, the Black Sun and the Pykes were under siege in their respective territories. Moj and Fife immediately contacted Kast and Death Watch, but she was unable to provide reinforcements due to their own ongoing conflict. As a result, both the Pyke Syndicate and Black Sun abandoned the Shadow Collective.

Returning to Dathomir, Talzin assumed control of Dooku and pitted him in a spar against Sidious, while Maul confronted Grievous. Sidious, however, overpowered Dooku and compelled Talzin to reveal herself. Maul used a Force push to remove Grievous from the area and assisted Talzin in her battle against Sidious and Dooku, who had regained control of himself. Grievous reappeared, and Talzin instructed Maul to flee as his forces arrived to rescue him. Grievous then killed Talzin in Maul's presence, and Saxon and Kast were compelled to pull him aboard their ship. Shortly thereafter, Separatist forces landed on Dathomir and massacred Maul's people.

A Child's Rescue

Death Watch rescued a young Din Djarin.

Sometime between 20 BBY and 19 BBY, Separatist forces attacked a village on the planet Aq Vetina, resulting in the slaughter of its inhabitants. Death Watch eventually arrived and repelled the super battle droids. As a B2 super battle droid prepared to eliminate a young Din Djarin, he was saved by a Death Watch warrior. Djarin grasped his hand, and the warrior flew away with Djarin amidst the ongoing conflict. Djarin was raised as a foundling within the Fighting Corps and swore allegiance to the Mandalorian creed upon reaching adulthood, becoming a member of the Children of the Watch and eventually joining the Tribe.

Mandalore Under Siege

Eventually, the Pyke Syndicate and Black Sun rejoined the Shadow Collective, and, by the time of the escape from Oba Diah, Crimson Dawn had also become part of the syndicate. Maul ultimately returned to Mandalore, where he maintained the support of Prime Minister Almec and his Mandalorian super commandos, including Gar Saxon and Rook Kast. The Mandalore resistance, led by Bo-Katan Kryze, had been providing the Republic with intelligence regarding their movements and actions, including Almec's continued connections to the criminal underworld.

Rook Kast leads Maul's super commandos during the siege.

During the closing stages of the Clone Wars, Bo-Katan Kryze followed Ahsoka Tano to Coruscant after she, Ursa Wren, and the Nite Owls tracked Tano to the Pyke stronghold of Oba Diah, and Tano agreed to assist Kryze in liberating her people and Mandalore. Kryze and Tano eventually established contact with Jedi Generals Kenobi and Skywalker, and with Kenobi's consent, Skywalker divided the 501st Legion, promoting Clone Captain Rex to Commander and placing him in command of the newly formed 332nd Division of clone troopers, while Ahsoka Tano, who had since departed the Grand Army of the Republic after leaving the Jedi Order, was officially enlisted as an advisor. The Galactic Republic and Mandalore resistance then initiated a joint operation, the Siege of Mandalore, as the Republic and the Jedi sought to apprehend Maul, a Sith Lord and crime boss.

During the siege, Tano engaged Maul in a lightsaber duel and successfully captured him. Furthermore, the Republic clone troopers and Bo-Katan Kryze's Mandalore resistance ultimately defeated Maul's Mandalorian super commandos, arresting the survivors, including Gar Saxon and Rook Kast. Following the siege, Tano and Rex departed Mandalore with a captured Maul and a portion of the Republic forces, while the remaining Republic forces remained behind as part of an occupation of Mandalore. Bo-Katan Kryze was appointed Regent of Mandalore by the Jedi. The Republic's successor state, the Galactic Empire, subsequently inherited the occupation of Mandalore.


Gar Saxon leads his Mandalorian Super Commandos.

During the Imperial Era, certain Mandalorian warrior factions, such as the Protectors, regarded the Death Watch as traitors due to their actions during the Clone Wars and considered House Vizsla and its clans as adversaries.

When Bo-Katan Kryze refused to submit to Emperor Palpatine and cooperate with the Empire's occupation, she was betrayed by Clan Saxon. Gar Saxon was appointed the Imperial Viceroy and Governor of Mandalore by the Emperor, serving as an Emperor's Hand, and his rule was enforced by the Imperial Super Commandos, Mandalorian warriors loyal to Saxon and the Empire. However, Saxon faced opposition from the Mandalorian warrior Sabine Wren, a member of the galaxy-wide early rebellion against the Galactic Empire. Wren acquired the Darksaber during an encounter with Maul on Dathomir and received training in lightsaber combat from surviving Jedi Kanan Jarrus and Ezra Bridger. Upon Sabine Wren's return to her family on Krownest with the Darksaber, her mother Countess Ursa Wren informed Gar Saxon of her return along with fellow rebels Jarrus and Bridger, though Ursa requested that Saxon spare her daughter. Saxon subsequently arrived with his Imperial Super Commandos, but he declared Clan Wren traitors and ordered their immediate termination for harboring rebels. However, he was defeated in single combat by Sabine Wren and subsequently killed by Ursa Wren initiating a civil war between Clan Wren and Clan Saxon.

Following Gar Saxon's death, his brother Tiber Saxon assumed leadership of Clan Saxon and became the new Imperial Governor of Mandalore. On Mandalore, Clan Wren was joined by Bo-Katan Kryze and the rest of Clan Kryze and the Nite Owls, and together, they defeated Clan Saxon and the occupying Imperial forces reinforcing them, killing Tiber Saxon and destroying the Arc Pulse Generator. They subsequently rallied a number of the Mandalorian warrior clans and united under Bo-Katan Kryze's rule as Mand'alor. Sabine Wren gave Kryze the Darksaber, which she accepted, and the Mandalorian resistance was established.

During the Galactic Civil War, remnants of Death Watch could be found on the remote and seedy world of Ankhural, where Umbaran spies would offer their services to them.

During the era of the New Republic, Mandalorian warriors bearing the symbol of Death Watch on their pauldrons were part of the Children of the Watch, and fought a lake monster that attacked a Mandalorian covert on a desert astronomical object.


Prime Minister Almec was put in charge of Mandalore once the Death Watch had successfully taken over the planet.

Death Watch was a militia whose members were committed to restoring Mandalore to its former warrior traditions. Its soldiers were intensely devoted to the cause, with some willing to follow their leader to the bitter end, even if that leader was an outsider like Maul. While Death Watch warriors were highly skilled, their numbers were insufficient to conquer Mandalore on their own. Pre Vizsla attempted to address this by forging an alliance between Death Watch and Dooku and the Separatists, enabling the warriors to utilize Separatist equipment such as the Armored Assault Tank Mk I. The group emphasized military precision and organization. However, following the collapse of their alliance with Dooku and their reduction to nomadic bandits, they succumbed to spreading wanton cruelty as their once formidable military structure deteriorated.

When the former Sith Maul began to exert influence over Death Watch, he directed them to ally with crime syndicates to augment their numbers. Vizsla was displeased with this arrangement, and upon discovering that Maul was attempting to establish a criminal empire, he became enraged and eager to eliminate Maul as quickly as possible. After seizing control of Mandalore, Death Watch became its military force, and Maul reinstated Prime Minister Almec to govern the planet. As the controllers of Mandalore, the super commandos once again operated with military precision.


Death Watch easily gain the support of the Mandalorian people.

Operating under the symbol of the extinct shriek-hawk, Death Watch's primary objective was to seize control of and govern Mandalore. To achieve this, they allied themselves with Dooku and the Separatists. Their strategy when allied with Dooku involved spreading terror in the hope of attracting the Republic's attention and prompting them to take action. This would provide the Separatists with a pretext to assist Death Watch in conquering Mandalore. Vizsla orchestrated an attack on a Republic cruiser and a bombing at Sundari's Memorial Shrine. Furthermore, he organized at least two attempts to assassinate Duchess Satine Kryze, both of which failed. When the Republic reneged on any potential intervention in Mandalore, Dooku's plan to seize it with Vizsla crumbled, and Death Watch was exiled to Carlac.

Under Maul's influence, Death Watch continued its crusade to conquer Mandalore, but instead expanded its ranks by allying with the criminal underworld. Maul's intention was to establish himself as a powerful figure within the criminal underworld. Vizsla devised a plan to seize Mandalore by gaining the support of the people. This was accomplished by staging attacks by the syndicates to weaken the control of the existing Mandalorian government. Death Watch gained the people's support by suppressing these false attacks. The alliance of syndicates played its part, and Death Watch seized Mandalore with minimal resistance. Once in control of Mandalore, Death Watch's sole objective was to maintain power and preserve peace on the planet now that it was under their control.

Specialist Groups

Death Watch Commandos

Soldier Types

Death Watch Units


Death Watch possessed their own version of Mandalorian armor crafted from beskar mined from the mines of Concordia. Their rank insignia was displayed on the left shoulder armor plate. The majority of Death Watch's forces wore Mandalorian vambraces and carried a GALAAR-15 blaster carbine, WESTAR-35 blaster pistols, or another blaster rifle model. Members utilized Z-6 and JT-12 jetpack models to enhance maneuverability in combat and enable flight.

Behind the Curtains

In the French translation of The Mandalorian, the group Children of the Watch is rendered as Les Héritiers de la Death Watch (The Heirs of the Death Watch). Coupled with the fact that Din Djarin was raised as a foundling as a Child of the Watch after being rescued from the Separatist attack on Aq Vetina by Death Watch members, and the fact that the Children of the Watch adhered to the Way of the Mandalore and other customs abandoned by the New Mandalorians, this implies that the Children of the Watch may be a splinter group of Death Watch.

