
Soniee, a female human Mandalorian, held the rank of cadet within the Royal Academy of Government throughout the Clone Wars. She was a student of politics, with the goal of becoming a future leader on her home planet, Mandalore. While at the academy, Soniee was friends with Amis, Lagos, and Korkie Kryze, who was the nephew of Duchess Satine Kryze of the New Mandalorians. Soniee's peers took advantage of her intelligence and technological capabilities when they uncovered Prime Minister Almec's conspiracy to involve Mandalore in the black market trading system. Although they were effective as a team, Soniee and her friends were not successful in their efforts to save the Duchess following the Death Watch takeover of Mandalore.


Soniee enrolled in the Royal Academy of Government as a young woman on her home planet of Mandalore. During her time as a cadet, she studied politics in conjunction with her friends Amis, Lagos, and Korkie Kryze. While they were training, Ahsoka Tano, a Padawan from the Jedi Order who also served as a commander in the Galactic Republic military forces during the Clone Wars, gave a lecture at the academy.

During the Clone Wars, Soniee was a cadet of the Royal Academy of Government on Mandalore.

Inspired by Tano's opinions on the relationship between politics and corruption, Soniee and her friends tried to figure out what was causing the food shortage in Sundari, Mandalore's capital city. As a result, they found out about a conspiracy that involved corrupt actions at the highest levels of the New Mandalorian government. Soniee eventually helped her friends and Tano reveal Prime Minister Almec's illegal connection with black marketeers, which resulted in Duchess Satine Kryze—Korkie's aunt and the head of the New Mandalorians—ordering the minister's incarceration.

After Duchess Satine lost power, Soniee worked with her former classmates to try and save the former leader of Mandalore from Maul's Shadow Collective. However, the plan was unsuccessful because the Mandalorian super commandos took the Duchess back. After the failed jailbreak, Maul executed Satine and Sundari became the site of a new civil war.

Personality and traits

Soniee took up arms to rescue Duchess Satine.

Soniee was a female human. She had brown [hair](/article/hair], green eyes, and light skin as a teenager.

Soniee was intelligent and technologically adept from an early age. She was also one of the most talented young people on Mandalore, having been accepted into the prestigious Royal Academy of Government, which was in charge of training the next generation of political leaders on Mandalore. Her technological expertise was extremely helpful to her colleagues, who used Soniee's computer abilities to break into secure warehouses.

Soniee, who had grown up under the pacifist ideology of the New Mandalorians under Duchess Satine, eventually took up arms to try and save the Duchess from Death Watch custody following their takeover of Mandalore.

Skills and abilities

Soniee was a dedicated student of governmental studies at the Royal Academy of Government. She also possessed computer hacking, data-slicing, investigative abilities, and was a skilled speeder pilot.


She carried a WESTAR-35 blaster pistol when she attempted to save the Duchess.

Behind the scenes

Soniee made her debut in "The Academy," which was the sixth episode of Star Wars: The Clone Wars' Season Three. Ashley Moynihan, who also voiced Teckla Minnau in "Pursuit of Peace," played her. Soniee made another appearance in the fifth season episode "The Lawless," though she had no lines.

