The Mandalorian Civil War began in the capital of Sundari when the Shadow Collective removed Duchess Satine Kryze and her New Mandalorian regime from power. To decide who would control Mandalore, Maul challenged Pre Vizsla, the head of Death Watch, to a duel for leadership. Vizsla was defeated and killed by Maul in combat, but not all Death Watch members were willing to accept this sudden change in command. The Duchess' sister and a Vizsla loyalist, Bo-Katan Kryze, transformed her forces into the Mandalore resistance and initiated a revolt against Maul's reign, which sparked the conflict. The Battle of Mandalore saw the participation of both Obi-Wan Kenobi and Darth Sidious, the latter of whom battled Maul and his brother, Savage Opress. Darth Sidious killed Savage during the fight, and Maul was taken prisoner by the Sith Lord and confined in the Spire located on Stygeon Prime.
Prime Minister Almec attempted to discredit former Duchess Satine Kryze by falsely accusing her of abandoning her pacifistic beliefs to murder Viszla, thereby concealing Maul's actions. However, Satine Kryze's execution at the hands of Maul served as a catalyst for rebellion among many Mandalorians, who united to liberate Mandalore from the outsider who had seized its throne. While the civil war raged on Mandalore, Maul was freed by his Mandalorian super commandos, but his mother, the powerful Nightsister Talzin, was soon killed during the Second Battle of Dathomir. Maul's return to Mandalore was met with a siege by the Galactic Republic and the Mandalore resistance. Maul was captured, and Kryze assumed control of the planet. However, her rule was short-lived as she refused to submit to the Galactic Empire, leading to an occupation of Mandalore carried out by the clone forces that were still present on the planet.