The 332nd Division of the Grand Army of the Republic saw action near the end of the Clone Wars, a conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Separatist Alliance. This division was formed from the 501st Legion when the legion's commanding officer, the Jedi General Anakin Skywalker, found it necessary to split his forces. This split allowed one group to participate in the Battle of Coruscant, while the other commenced the Siege of Mandalore.
To command this new division, Clone Captain Rex received a promotion to Clone Commander. Ahsoka Tano, a former Jedi Padawan, joined the unit as an advisor. The 332nd Company, which already existed, became a part of the newly formed division.

During the Clone Wars, the 332nd Division was a unit composed of clone troopers, originating within the 501st Legion of the Grand Army of the Republic. Even though Jedi General Anakin Skywalker established it as a detached force from the 501st, the 332nd remained under the 501st's overall structure. Clone Commander Rex, promoted to lead this military formation, headed the division, with former Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano acting as an advisor to the subunit. Clone Captain Vaughn and Clone Lieutenant Jesse served as officers in the division. Jesse also held the rank of Advanced Recon Commando. The 332nd Company, which was previously part of the 501st, was one of the division's subunits.
The 332nd Division's members wore phase II clone trooper armor, featuring either the standard blue markings of the 501st or no markings at all. Furthermore, the 332nd Company's blue-painted armor was enhanced with red-orange markings that resembled Ahsoka Tano's facial features and skin tone. These new helmet markings symbolized the clones' bond with the 501st's former Jedi officer. While the body armor remained consistent, the helmet design created a unique appearance for that particular company. The division also included several All Terrain Tactical Enforcers and troopers who used JT-12 jetpacks as clone jetpack troopers.
Clone trooper pilots also formed part of the 332nd Division, with armor color schemes that included green or gray and dark red markings. These pilots operated gunships and starfighters, supported by clone trooper flight crew. This military unit cooperated with the Supreme Chancellor's clone shock troopers, who accompanied the division on the Venator-class Star Destroyer Tribunal, traveling from Mandalore to Coruscant.
Ahsoka Tano, a former Jedi Padawan, returned to serve the Galactic Republic after her trial, despite leaving the Jedi Order. She and members of the Mandalore resistance proposed a joint operation to remove the Shadow Collective and defeat the rogue Sith Lord Maul from Mandalore. After the meeting, Tano met with her former master, Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, and as they walked towards a hangar, she noted that clone troopers shouldn't be saluting her and calling her Commander. Skywalker explained that it was a sign of respect and loyalty, as the clone troopers recognized her contributions during the Clone Wars.

Upon reaching the hangar, they found Clone Captain Rex standing with the 332nd Company, who he called to attention. Tano was surprised to see that they had customized their helmets to resemble her face. Skywalker explained that they had done so as soon as they learned of her return. Captain Rex added that, while the paint job was basic, it was effective and that they were happy to have her back.
When Kenobi arrived with news of the Battle of Coruscant and the imminent departure of their forces, Tano argued that the Jedi were once again abandoning those in need. Skywalker suggested dividing the 501st Legion to create a new division for Tano to lead as a solution. However, Kenobi pointed out that Tano was no longer a Jedi Commander in the Grand Army of the Republic and could not officially command a large Republic force. Skywalker then proposed promoting Captain Rex to Clone Commander so that he could independently lead Republic Military forces, including the 332nd Company, with Tano as an [advisor](/article/advisor], which Kenobi approved.

In preparation for the siege, three Venator-class Star Destroyers arrived over Mandalore and deployed a large number of LAAT/i gunships and LAAT carriers, accompanied by a significant force of Kom'rk-class fighter/transports. Almec, the Prime Minister of Mandalore and a puppet of Maul, contacted Republic leadership to protest the invasion and the violation of a long-standing peace, while his Mandalorian super commandos prepared for battle. As Sundari's defenses were activated, Maul's forces took their positions. As the Mandalorian-Republic attack force approached the capital city, a barrage of missiles downed several gunships and transports.
Shadow Collective commandos then attacked the joint force, boarding transports and killing the passengers. Mandalore resistance troopers and clone troopers from numerous gunships fought back, while anti-aircraft fire rained down on the attack group. Tano defended the force, jumping between transports and defeating the commandos. She then jumped onto a critically damaged gunship that was descending rapidly. After rescuing the pilot, Tano clung to the gunship until it neared the Sundari shipping docks and leapt to the surface. As she engaged Mandalorian super commandos, the rest of the joint force began to arrive, with Mandalore resistance fighters and the division's troopers joining the battle, despite the loss of several gunships and a carrier. Soon after, gunships landed at the docks, deploying standard clone troopers, and the Republic quickly secured the area.

The Mandalorian-Republic joint force advanced into the city, with the Republic division and Mandalore resistance engaging the Shadow Collective's forces on walkways and in buildings. Despite the Shadow Collective's defenses, the joint attack force provided stronger resistance than expected and began to reach the Sundari Royal Palace. Captain Vaughn and his troopers engaged Gar Saxon, a Commander and leader within the Shadow Collective, forcing him and his commandos into the Undercity.
The skirmish continued as they pursued Saxon into the Undercity's tunnel system. Tano, Bo-Katan Kryze Lady, Commander Rex, and their forces observed from a staging area as the battle spread throughout the city. Gunships flew support missions as the 332nd's clone troopers and the Mandalore resistance fighters battled Shadow Collective forces. After Saxon retreated, Captain Vaughn contacted Commander Rex to report that he and his troops had located and fought Saxon in the Undercity. Tano advised Commander Rex to secure the docks and block escape routes, while Kryze and her forces stormed the Sundari Royal Palace and captured Almec.

While Kryze assaulted the palace, Tano and several clone troopers arrived at an access point and linked up with Captain Vaughn and the surviving clones, who were securing an access point in the Undercity. After Vaughn provided a status update, Tano led Vaughn and the other clones into the tunnel system to find the Shadow Collective's forces. Rook Kast, the Shadow Collective leader, and a large group of commandos began flanking them from adjacent tunnels, waiting for the opportune moment to strike. Kast then launched a missile at the Republic unit, killing a trooper and disorienting the others, including Tano. Despite Tano's warning not to advance, Vaughn led a charge, followed by the remaining clone troopers. As Tano tried to locate her unit, the Mandalorian commandos attacked and killed the clones.
Eventually, Tano reached a central point in the tunnel system and found several dead clones, with Vaughn critically wounded on the floor from a chest wound. As Tano took Vaughn's hand, Vaughn apologized for failing his commander and died. Tano was then surrounded by the Mandalorian commandos and confronted by Maul, who had expected Kenobi instead.

After Tano and Maul separated, a group of standard division clone troopers moved through the Undercity to reinforce C-deck. However, Maul ambushed the contingent, inflicting heavy casualties. Clone Lieutenant and Advanced Recon Commando Jesse was accompanying the contingent and was kidnapped by Maul during the attack. Reinforcements, including Tano and Rex, eventually arrived. After a clone trooper updated Tano and Rex on the contingent's mission, Tano advised Rex to confirm that C-deck had been properly reinforced. As Rex departed, Tano approached clone trooper Sterling, who had been wounded in the chest by a blaster. Sterling described the events of the encounter, including how Maul had taken Jesse alive after determining his age and looking into his mind.

Following the Siege of Mandalore, the division was en route back to Coruscant aboard the Venator-class Star Destroyer Tribunal when Order 66 was executed. All clone troopers on board turned against Ahsoka Tano. After Tano abducted Commander Rex and surgically removed his inhibitor chip, the division turned on Rex and came under Jesse's command. They intercepted Tano and Rex in the hangar, preventing their escape. Jesse and his men accused Rex of treason and opened fire. A skirmish ensued, with Tano and Rex narrowly escaping the ruthless division before the ship crashed on a moon, killing all who remained on board.

Tano and Rex landed on the moon and recovered the bodies of Jesse and as many of their former comrades as possible. They honored the fallen soldiers by burying them and placing their helmets on wooden posts as grave markers. Before leaving, Tano mourned the loss of life at the graves and abandoned her remaining lightsaber at the crash site.
Elsewhere, the newly established Galactic Empire seized control of Mandalore, initiating a planetary occupation with the clone troopers still present on the planet.

The 332nd Division made its debut in the seventh season Star Wars: The Clone Wars episode "Old Friends Not Forgotten" in 2020, directed by Saul Ruiz, although it was not named at that time. Its name was first revealed in The Star Wars Book, published by Dorling Kindersley in the same year. Hasbro Inc. released a Star Wars: The Vintage Collection phase II clone trooper figure pack, which included a 501st soldier and a member of the 332nd Company, with the product description mentioning the 332nd Division. While the description implies that every member of the 332nd Division modified their helmets to honor Ahsoka Tano, the episodes show that only the 332nd Company specifically repainted their helmets, while other members of the division retained standard 501st helmet colors or had no armor coloring at all.