Unidentified moon (Tribunal)

An unidentified moon characterized by both arctic conditions and rocky terrain was discovered residing within the galaxy. Shortly after the implementation of Order 66 during 19 BBY, the Tribunal, a Venator-class Star Destroyer carrying the former Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano, was forced out of hyperspace above this moon. This occurred because Maul, the former Sith apprentice who was previously a prisoner aboard the vessel, sabotaged its hyperdrive. The Star Destroyer then became trapped within the gravitational field of the moon, causing it to be set on a crash trajectory. Tano and Clone Commander Rex were successful in their escape before the starship crashed, but the clone troopers who remained on board all died.

Approximately around 17 BBY, during the reign of the Galactic Empire, Imperial forces under the command of the Sith Lord Darth Vader arrived at the crash site of the Tribunal. It was there that Vader located the lightsaber that had been left behind by his former apprentice.


The moon as it appeared from space.

This unnamed moon, characterized by its arctic and rocky nature, was situated in the galaxy somewhere between the Outer Rim planet Mandalore and Coruscant in the Core Worlds, in proximity to a large astronomical object that was blue and white in appearance. When viewed from space, it had a brown color with some green areas, and was surrounded by white clouds. Its atmosphere was Type I, making it breathable for both humans and Togrutas. The climate was extremely cold, and the desolate area where the Tribunal, a Venator-class Star Destroyer, had crashed at the conclusion of the Clone Wars, a three-year war between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, became covered in snow by the time that the Galactic Empire discovered the crash site several years later.


Order 66

The Tribunal careens towards the moon.

In 19 BBY, the Tribunal, a Star Destroyer of the Venator-class, was traveling from Mandalore to Coruscant through hyperspace. The ship was under the command of Ahsoka Tano, a former Padawan of the Jedi Order. She had taken Maul, a rogue Sith Lord and former apprentice to Darth Sidious, the Dark Lord of the Sith, into custody during the Siege of Mandalore. Tano and Rex, a Clone Commander, planned to deliver Maul to the Jedi High Council. However, during their journey, Sidious initiated Order 66, a secret directive that forced the clone troopers of the Grand Army of the Republic to betray and kill their Jedi commanders. This was achieved via inhibitor chips that had been implanted in the brains of the clones. After receiving the order, the troopers aboard the Tribunal attacked Tano. Tano managed to escape the bridge and reluctantly freed Maul from the Mandalorian vault where he was being held as a prisoner in order to create a distraction for the clones. Maul then proceeded to destroy the hyperdrive of the starship, causing severe damage and pulling it out of hyperspace. The ship was then caught in the gravitational pull of the moon, leading to a collision course.

Meanwhile, Tano acted on information that Rex had given her, capturing him so she could remove his inhibitor chip and restore his free will. As the Tribunal began to fall, Tano and Rex reached the hangar control room and discovered the dire situation. While they were attempting to reach a Nu-class shuttle in order to escape, Maul hijacked the craft for his own use. Tano tried to stop him, but ultimately decided to let him leave so that she could protect Rex from the clone reinforcements that had arrived.

Ahsoka Tano falls through the moon's atmosphere

As the Tribunal entered the moon's atmosphere and began to break apart, Tano and Rex found a functional Y-wing in the repair bay that they could use to escape. Using the Force, Tano threw Rex towards the starfighter while simultaneously holding off the attacking clones. The ship was thrown out of control and began to plummet towards the moon as the bridge exploded. Rex entered the Y-wing and called for Tano to join him, but the Y-wing was knocked free of the Tribunal just as Tano jumped for it, sending her falling through the atmosphere. After some difficulty, Rex regained control of the starfighter and flew back to get her, and Tano was able to reach him by running across the falling debris. When the Tribunal crashed, everyone who was still on board died, and a large scar was created on the moon's surface.

The crash site

Following the crash, Tano and Rex landed near the wreckage and salvaged what they could, including the remains of Tano's astromech droid, R7-A7, which had been destroyed by blaster fire during the firefight in the hangar. They then buried the bodies of all the clone troopers they could find in a makeshift graveyard to honor their fallen comrades, marking each grave with the clone's helmet on a stick. Feeling hopeless, Tano left her lightsabers at the crash site in order to fake her own death. After leaving the moon, Tano and Rex eventually separated in order to go into hiding. The repaired R7 was left with the Martez sisters, two smugglers who were friends of Tano and who later worked with Rex in opposition to the newly formed Galactic Empire.

The snow-covered wreckage of the Tribunal

Around 17 BBY, during the Imperial Era, Imperial forces discovered the crash site, which was by that point covered in snow. Stormtroopers and snowtroopers used Viper probe droids to inspect the wreckage of the destroyed cruiser. The grave markers that Tano and Rex had erected had all fallen over, and the graves themselves were hidden by the snow. The Sith Lord Darth Vader, who had been Tano's Master before she left the Jedi Order and he fell to the dark side, visited the crash site and found one of her abandoned lightsabers. After igniting the weapon, Vader saw Morai, a convor and mystical creature that watched over Tano and stayed in places that were important to her, flying above him. He watched the bird for a moment before leaving with the lightsaber, reclaiming the blade that he had once given back to her as Anakin Skywalker. Although he assumed that Tano might be dead because he did not sense her presence at the crash site, the visit to the moon ultimately showed the Sith Lord that his former apprentice had survived.

Rex included a photo of the moon in his book, The Secrets of the Clone Troopers, which was published after the Galactic Civil War between the Empire, the Republic's successor state, and the Alliance to Restore the Republic ended in 5 ABY with the Galactic Concordance. In that section, he wrote about the end of the Clone Wars and his escape with Tano to the moon.

Behind the scenes

Molly Denmark's concept art of the Tribunal hurtling into the moon.

This moon was first seen in "Victory and Death," which was the final episode of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated TV show. It was released on May 4, 2020 on Disney+ as part of the show's seventh season. Molly Denmark created two pieces of concept art that featured the moon. According to Rex's entry in the Databank on StarWars.com, the moon was small, while Tano's entry says that it was large. This article does not take a position on which claim is correct.

A Star Wars: Card Trader release from September 23, 2022, titled "Darth Vader finds Ahsoka Tano's Lightsaber - Chrome Legacy - 2021 - Base," said that the moon was unidentified in-universe. The digital card also stated that Vader took both of Tano's lightsabers from the moon. However, "Victory and Death" shows that Vader only found and left with one of them. This article assumes that the episode is correct.

