Victory and Death

"Victory and Death" marks the concluding episode, the twelfth, of the seventh season of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, and serves as the series' ultimate finale. Its debut occurred on May 4, 2020 via the Disney+ streaming service.

Official description

Following the implementation of Order 66, survival hinges on the collaboration between Ahsoka and Rex.

Plot summary


Ahsoka, Rex and the droids on the med bay prepare for the clones' assault.

Ahsoka Tano and Rex find themselves cornered within the Tribunal's medical bay, as clone troopers commence breaching the entrance. Rex inquires about their escape strategy, to which Ahsoka responds with a plan. Upon his request for clarification, drawing his weapons, Ahsoka instructs him to set them to stun to avoid fatalities among the troopers, prompting his sarcastic remark about conveying the same to them. Readying themselves, Ahsoka advises waiting for the breach to finalize. Once the cuts converge, Ahsoka employs the Force to push the door open, then deflects incoming blaster fire as Rex stuns his former comrades. Ahsoka directs R7-A7 to locate an exit route, and the droid seals off numerous blast doors, isolating the majority of troopers. Given the destruction of the escape pods, Ahsoka proposes using a shuttle for their escape. Rex questions Ahsoka about hearing of Maul's escape, but Ahsoka clarifies that she intentionally released him. Rex asks incredulously "Why?" and she replies, "As a diversion." As Ahsoka and the droids rush down the corridor, she urges Rex to follow, leading him to mutter, "That's one word for it."


Maul advances towards the hyperdrive chamber, utilizing a clone trooper's wrist comm to monitor their communications. A clone reports to Jesse via radio that Tano has escaped. Jesse inquires about Rex's whereabouts, learning he remains missing in action. He questions whether Rex aided Tano's escape, but they lack confirmation. Rounding a corner, two clone troopers aim their weapons at Maul, who telekinetically lifts them, choking them.

Maul destroys the Tribunal's hyperdrive.

Maul enters the hyperdrive chamber, swiftly and brutally eliminating the clone troopers within using the Force. He dismantles the control console, then telekinetically extracts the hyperdrive engines from their mountings. On the bridge, an officer reports hyperdrive failure and receives orders to disengage them, but is unable to comply. Additional troopers enter the hyperdrive chamber, only to be crushed as Maul collapses the hyperdrive engines upon them. The vessel, expelling smoke and experiencing explosions, exits lightspeed and veers towards a moon.


Ahsoka and Rex gain entry to hangar control, stunning the officers present. Rex observes that the clones anticipated their moves, sealing the hangar bay doors and locking down all systems — he comments that if they weren't trying to kill them, he'd be proud. Ahsoka tasks R7 with unlocking the bay doors, Cheep with preparing the shuttle, and G-G with investigating the hyperdrive malfunction. Over the comlink, Maul overhears the clones informing Jesse of Tano and Rex's likely destination: the hangar. Jesse instructs them to gather there but await his signal before engaging.

CT-5597 leads the remaining troopers into stopping Ahsoka and Rex from escaping.

In the control room, G-G informs Rex of the hyperdrive's complete destruction, leading him to realize the ship is trapped in the moon's gravity well. Ahsoka instructs R7 to open the doors, as Jesse's troops converge on the location, followed by Maul, and the disintegrating vessel begins its descent into the atmosphere. A bay door opens, revealing a Nu-class attack/transport shuttle, alongside two platoons of clone troopers, who gather information below the observation windows. Rex suggests fighting their way to the shuttle, but Ahsoka counters that their numbers are too great, and she is unwilling to harm them. Rex retorts that the clones are indifferent and prepared to die to capture Ahsoka and Rex. He pauses, and Ahsoka removes his helmet, revealing tears. Ahsoka acknowledges his dedication as a soldier, but notes the troopers in the hangar share that dedication, and while they may be willing to die, she refuses to be the cause of their deaths. Rex questions if they intend to surrender, and Ahsoka denies it, prompting him to admit he sees no alternative. Ahsoka, observing the clones in the hangar, notices something and informs Rex she has a plan. Returning Rex's helmet, she kneels and asks the droids for their support, promising to explain the plan en route. Ahsoka leads the charge as they exit the control room.

Rex and Ahsoka attempt their plan to get to the shuttle.

A trooper alerts Jesse to Maul's approach. Rex enters the hangar, holding Ahsoka at gunpoint and ordering them to cease fire. Rex asserts he has the situation under control, but Jesse insists on obedience to orders, threatening consequences for non-compliance. Rex argues that Order 66 mandated the execution of Jedi, but Ahsoka is no longer a Jedi. As the droids sneak past, Jesse points out that Rex himself stated Tano was to be executed by order of Darth Sidious. Rex attempts to appeal to their shared camaraderie with Jesse, warning that failure to act correctly would constitute treason. Jesse dismisses this, accusing Rex of treason against the Grand Army of the Republic, declaring his demotion and execution for aiding the traitor Ahsoka Tano. Turning to Ahsoka, Rex admits that he never much liked being a commander anyways. As Jesse orders his troops to take aim, the droids complete their task, causing the hangar elevators to plummet, incapacitating most of the troopers. Ahsoka advances and telekinetically shoves Jesse into the pit, before Rex throws her lightsabers back to her. As Ahsoka and Rex fend off the remaining clones, Maul enters the hangar and sprints towards the shuttle. Ahsoka pursues Maul, but he forces her into the pit, though G-G catches her with a grappling cable. Jesse and his troops regain consciousness and open fire on Ahsoka and the droids.

Ahsoka tries to stop Maul's escape.

Maul departs in the shuttle, but Ahsoka ascends and uses the Force to restrain it within the hangar. Rex attempts to repel the remaining clones, but R7 is shot and Rex is wounded in the shoulder. Forced to choose between stopping Maul and saving Rex, Ahsoka reluctantly releases the shuttle, allowing Maul to enter hyperspace. As the clones surround them, Ahsoka activates her lightsabers, cutting a hole in the floor leading to the starship bay. Jesse commands his troops to fire upon them, but G-G and Cheep raise the elevators again, and are executed by the clones. The cruiser fully enters the atmosphere and the officer in charge orders the ship's retrorockets fired in order to try and control their descent, but a technician reports that they've lost lateral control and will break apart just as the bridge explodes, killing all the officers. Now completely out of control, the stricken Venator careens on a doomed crash course with the moon's surface.

Discovering a functional Y-wing bomber, Ahsoka throws Rex onto the ship and attempts to leap on herself but the ship and Ahsoka fall out of the bay. Rex gains control of the ship and sees Ahsoka falling alongside him. She bounces off the falling wreckage and manages to grab on to the opened gunner's seat, pulling herself in. As the stricken capital ship sinks below the clouds, Ahsoka stares into the sky.

Ahsoka stands before the graves of her fallen troops.

At a later time, the Venator lies crashed upon the moon, having gouged a path across its surface. Rex loads a shovel and other provisions into the Y-wing, which is also accompanied by the salvaged remains of R7. He observes Ahsoka in the distance, cloaked and standing before the helmet-marked graves of numerous clone troopers, including Jesse. She raises one of her lightsabers, preparing to abandon it to perpetuate the illusion of her death in the crash. Despite her reluctance, she ultimately releases her former Jedi weapon, gazing at the graves and wreckage with profound sorrow.


The Tribunal wreckage remains at the crash site, gradually becoming covered in snow over time.

Darth Vader finds Ahsoka's lightsaber.

Approximately two years into the Imperial Era, Imperial stormtroopers, snowtroopers, and probe droids scour the wreckage, as a Lambda-class T-4a shuttle approaches the crash site. The Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Vader, emerges from the shuttle and traverses the icy terrain. Kneeling, he reaches through the snow, discovering and activating the lightsaber Ahsoka Tano left behind. A convor cries overhead, and Vader looks up to see it circling in the sky. Vader observes the bird briefly, then retrieves the saber, turns, and departs, his reflection visible in the visor of a damaged helmet belonging to a clone trooper of Tano's specialized division of the 501st Legion until his reflection fades from view. The Clone Wars have concluded...


Rex's kama vanishes on two occasions: initially in the scene where Ahsoka exits the medical bay, and subsequently in a wide shot featuring him and Ahsoka during the hangar firefight.

The episode commences precisely where the preceding one concluded: with the clones endeavoring to breach the sealed medical bay door. While the conclusion of "Shattered" depicted multiple clones being shot or stunned before the door was sealed, this episode opens with a clear corridor devoid of corpses or debris. Given that the events immediately follow the conclusion of the previous episode, there would have been no time to clear the hallway — and the clones' behavior means it makes no sense for them to have done so to such a degree.

The Tales of the Jedi episode Practice Makes Perfect revisits Ahsoka and Rex's attempt to mislead the clone troopers in the hangar bay and explains Ahsoka's ability to defend against so many clone enemies at once.

In the Ahsoka novel, a clone is interred in Rex's armor, and a fabricated grave marker is inscribed with claims that Ahsoka and Rex killed each other. However, in this episode, Rex departs with his armor, and no inscribed grave markers are created. Furthermore, the novel asserts that Ahsoka ignites her lightsabers one final time before abandoning both, and that they are green; the episode portrays Ahsoka only hesitating to drop one of her blue lightsabers. The novel also indicates that the grave site is on Mandalore, when in the episode the graves are on an unidentified moon. Finally, the novel has Ahsoka alone when she abandons her weapons, with Rex having already left. The episode has him still there, as it is indicated they must leave the moon together since they only have one starship.


