Ahsoka is a young-adult novel published by Disney–Lucasfilm Press and made available on October 11, 2016. E. K. Johnston is the author of this novel, which focuses on the character Ahsoka Tano during the period between her departure from the Jedi Order and her involvement as an operative within the rebellion. The audiobook edition of the title features narration by Ashley Eckstein, who also provided the voice for Tano in both Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Star Wars Rebels. A paperback version of the book was subsequently released on October 3, 2017.
This coming October 11, 2016, Disney Lucasfilm Press will release a young adult novel starring Ahsoka Tano, the fan-favorite character from Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Star Wars Rebels. For a long time, fans have been curious about what happened to Ahsoka after she left the Jedi Order near the Clone Wars' end, and before she reappeared in Rebels as the mysterious Rebel agent Fulcrum. Finally, her story is beginning to be told. Ahsoka is unsure if she can ever again be part of something bigger after her experiences with the Jedi and the destruction of Order 66. However, her desire to combat the Empire's evils and protect those in need will lead her directly to Bail Organa and the Rebel Alliance....
Ahsoka Tano, the former Padawan, spearheaded the Grand Army of the Republic's offensive against Darth Maul's forces during the Siege of Mandalore. She successfully traps Maul within a ray shield following a lightsaber duel. One year after the Galactic Empire was established, Ahsoka is in hiding on Thabeska. She adopts the name "Ashla" and finds work with the Fardi clan, a prominent local family involved in smuggling, and finds refuge with them. On the first Empire Day, the Fardi nieces visit her to tell her that Imperial officers are in town and want to meet all the new people. Ahsoka, wanting to avoid the Empire's attention, tells the girls she will be at the Fardi house later and prepares to leave the planet. She gathers her few belongings and heads for the spaceport, setting her blaster to explode to distract the stormtroopers on duty away from the ships. Ahsoka takes one of the Fardis' freighters, feeling guilty for the theft.
Ahsoka escapes to Raada, a distant farming settlement located on an Outer Rim moon. Ahsoka poses as a mechanic and becomes friends with Kaeden Larte, a local farmer girl. Ahsoka settles into the abandoned home of Cietra, who moved away after getting married. Her first task with Kaeden is to repair a damaged thresher. After talking with Kaeden, she agrees to work for Kaeden in exchange for ration packs. While adjusting to her new life on Raada, Ahsoka thinks about R2-D2 and having to conceal her Force powers. Kaeden discusses the Togruta newcomer with her fourteen-year-old sister Miara Larte, the farmer Tibbola, and their crew leader Vartan. They decide to invite Ahsoka to Selda's cantina at Vartan's suggestion.
Despite some reluctance, Ahsoka meets Kaeden at Selda's and becomes friends with her farming crew, including Vartan, the Sullustan woman Malat, and the twins Hoban and Neera. Ahsoka discovers that Kaeden and Miara lost their parents in an accident and were taken in by Vartan. When Kaeden inquires about her past, Ahsoka claims she is an orphan. Selda, the manager, takes an interest in Ahsoka and asks if she is a refugee from the Core Worlds. Ahsoka remains reserved about her past. Meanwhile, Jenneth Pilar, an Imperial bureaucrat, contemplates exploiting Raada's resources.
After returning home, Ahsoka begins repairing Tibbola's thresher. She reflects on her experiences during the Great Jedi Purge, which happened at the same time as her duel with Maul. When the clone troopers, except for her friend Rex, turned against her, Ahsoka and Rex were forced to hide. Maul escaped during the chaos. After faking their deaths and digging a false grave, with Ahsoka leaving her lightsabers there to sell the deception, they agreed to separate and head to the Outer Rim. Ahsoka also wonders about what happened to her former master Anakin Skywalker.
As time goes by, Ahsoka becomes the village's mechanic and forms a bond with Kaeden and Miara. She also explores the nearby hills and caves, identifying them as a potential hiding place if trouble arises. While meditating in the caves, Ahsoka senses the arrival of an Imperial Star Destroyer, indicating that the Empire has arrived on Raada. After initially panicking that the Empire has found her, Ahsoka decides to remain calm. Later at Selda's canteen, she and the local farming crew discuss the new Imperial presence, believing they have come to exploit the moon's agriculture. Ahsoka learns to play crokin and sees an Imperial officer and stormtroopers visiting the canteen.
The next day, when stormtroopers visit her home, Ahsoka uses a Jedi mind trick to persuade them not to reassign her and that her work is important to food production. Later, she goes to the local spaceport and manages to retrieve her starship after some haggling with an Imperial officer. After hiding her ship, she meets her farming friends at the canteen. Ahsoka learns that Malat's husband and Malat are moving to Sullust to work. Ahsoka claims that her ship was stolen. She also learns from Kaeden that the Imperials have added two hours to every shift. She and the farmers then witness Tibbola, who has a bad temper, getting into a fight with an Imperial officer. Ahsoka and the others watch in horror as the officer executes Tibbola.
After the Imperials leave, Ahsoka advises Kaeden and the other farmers to resist the Empire by slowing crop production. Two weeks later, the slow crop production causes the Empire to increase the work shifts without increasing food rations or breaks. Ahsoka spends her days smuggling food, medical supplies, and water recyclers to the caves. She learns from Vartan that the new Imperial crops leach the soils, devastating Raada. Ahsoka tells the farmers about her plans to smuggle supplies into the caves and start a resistance movement. Meanwhile, Jenneth Pilar thinks about his assignment to Raada, considering the moon a backwater. Kaeden, Hoban, and Miara discuss whether to support "Ashla's" plans.
Later, Ahsoka reflects on why she left the Fardi family. She saved several of the younger Fardis, including four-year-old Hedala Fardi, from falling to their deaths using her Force powers. She later discovered that Hedala herself was Force-sensitive. She decided to flee Thabeska to avoid drawing the Empire's attention. While "Ashla" is away, Kaeden and Miara talk about the Togruta offworlder's plans to start up a resistance movement. Miara is making explosives. Later, "Ashla" returns with supplies. For the next two days, Miara assembles explosives while Ahsoka and Kaeden set up a door for their cave. Four days later, Vartan tells Ahsoka that eight crews (about forty farmers) are prepared to support her plan.
Later, Ahsoka leads a team consisting of Miara, Neera, and Kolvin, who is a Rodian, in planting corrosive charges on the Imperial walkers at the local spaceport. When Ahsoka discovers that Miara has real explosives in her bag, she confronts the younger girl and asks if she is planning her own operations without her. Miara admits to Ahsoka that Vartan has sent Kaeden and Hoban on an unauthorised mission to target the administrative building. Ahsoka orders them to return home. When Miara refuses to abandon her older sister, Ahsoka changes her mind and tells Miara and Neera to bring the charges.
As they approach the Imperial administrative building, the first of Kaeden's bombs explode. From Neera, she learns that Hoban split the group into three for each of the doors of the Imperial building. The insurgents are also armed with blasters. Ahsoka and Neera head to the Imperial tanks to disable them. She soon finds Kaeden and her unit, who are pinned down by Imperial fire. Hoban is killed throwing himself at Imperial blasters. They are soon surrounded by stormtroopers, whose lieutenant orders his men to execute the prisoners. However, Ahsoka uses her Force powers to crush the Imperials' blasters. Ahsoka and the Raadans take the opportunity to flee. Kaeden angrily confronts Ahsoka about her secret.
Following the attack, Jenneth Pilar, the Imperial bureaucrat, thinks about the loss of the Imperial walkers. Interested in the Jedi's presence, he uses his datapad. Back at the cave, the Raadian insurgents sedate Neera, who is grief-stricken. Ahsoka reveals her true identity to Kaeden and Miara. Kaeden is angry that she did not reveal her true identity earlier since she could have saved Hoban. While resting, Ahsoka is haunted by the face of Hedala Fardi. Ahsoka later learns from Miara that Kaeden has run off into town. She tells Miara to stay behind while she follows Kaeden. Meanwhile, Kaeden is arrested by stormtroopers outside Vartan's house.
In Imperial captivity, Kaeden is interrogated and tortured by Imperial interrogators. With Kaeden facing the death penalty, the Imperial commander offers to give her a merciful death if she reveals where her friends are hiding and the identity of the Jedi. Kaeden remains defiant despite sustaining a broken arm. Ahsoka manages to infiltrate the Imperial prison and rescue her. Using her Force powers, Ahsoka manages to carry Kaeden out of a high window. After escaping, Kaeden advises Ahsoka to take her ship and flee offworld since the Imperial commander wants to kill her. Ahsoka promises to return to Raada.
In a flashback, Anakin Skywalker reflects on his past while on a battlefield on Christophsis during the Clone Wars, watching a shuttle fly in that, unbeknownst to him, is carrying Ahsoka Tano into his life. Elsewhere, Bail Organa, a Senator from the Alderaan sector, studies a report about the recent events on Raada. He is interested in the reported Jedi activity. His adopted daughter Leia Organa is in the same room, mesmerized by the fish in his aquarium. After deleting the report for security reasons, Bail contacts Raymus Antilles, a Captain, to get back R2-D2 for a sensitive mission. He then spends time with Leia, hoping that she won't show any hint of her father's talents. Elsewhere, the Inquisitor known as the Sixth Brother is on Thabeska searching for a reported Force-sensitive when he is recalled to deal with the Jedi presence on Raada.
After traveling through seven Outer Rim worlds, Ahsoka decides to return to the Fardis. Her secondary motivation is to check on the Force-sensitive Hedala. Upon returning to Thabeska, she is greeted by the elder Fardi, who tells her that there is always room for a good mechanic at his home. Upon entering the Fardi home, Hedala tells Ahsoka that she sensed there was a shadow while she was away. Ahsoka spends time with Makala Fardi and Chenna Fardi, the older Fardi sisters, who ask about her travels. Ahsoka tells them that she had found it difficult to go into hiding because as a Togruta she sticks out.
Five days later, Ahsoka asks Hedala about the shadow. The little girl likens it to a dark sun with burning rays and recalls that it disappeared one day. Ahsoka advises Hedala to stay out of the shadow's way and to remain hidden. Ahsoka believes that the shadow is a dark side creature, recalling rumors of a dark lord serving the Emperor. Ahsoka decides to remain in the Fardi household until it is safe for her to leave. A week later, Fardi hires Ahsoka as a pilot. She finds herself traveling to other cities on Thabeska and making offworld trips. During that time, Ahsoka also sees more of the Empire's oppression.
During an offworld cargo trip, Ahsoka picks up several human passengers from an escape pod. The woman tells them that their shuttle was attacked by pirates who took several prisoners, and that they barely managed to escape. The woman tells Ahsoka that her business was underbid by a well-known firm for a large Imperial project. While they were reworking the numbers to see if they could match the lower bid, they were attacked. Ahsoka agrees to help get back the woman's people and travels to the coordinates. For once, Ahsoka feels good being a hero again.
Meanwhile, the Sixth Brother arrives on Raada only to learn that Ahsoka has fled offworld. He decides to leave Raada and get the Jedi's attention. On Alderaan, Senator Organa hires Chardri Tage and Tamsin, who are pilots, to find Ahsoka and then rendezvous with him. Later, Ahsoka returns to the Fardi household on Thabeska. The Fardis have been visited by several stormtroopers. The Fardi elder vouches for Ahsoka and claims that she is his mechanic. Hedala reassures Ahsoka that she did not sense any shadows today. When the Imperials search her room, they find scrap metal but deem it harmless.
Following the Imperial search, Fardi apologizes to "Ashla" for the Empire pinning their activities on her. He tells Ahsoka that he is aware that she has been using his ships for mercy missions. Fardi advises Ahsoka to leave to avoid further trouble from the Imperials. She also tells Fardi that his niece Hedala is special and to keep an eye on her. Before leaving, Ahsoka bids farewell to Hedala. After departing the Fardi household on her ship, Ahsoka travels to a remote world. She lands her ship, but is soon followed by a starship belonging to an agent of Black Sun.
On Tatooine, Obi-Wan Kenobi, who is a fugitive, meditates in the Force. He is haunted by memories of the past, including Anakin's betrayal, until the Force spirit of Qui-Gon Jinn advises him to let go of his attachments. After traveling offworld to investigate sightings of the Jedi fugitive, the Sixth Brother returns to Raada. He decides to hunt down her friend Kaeden to lure Ahsoka out of hiding. Meanwhile, Kaeden and her sister Miara are hiding in the caves in the hills of Raada. They sense an approaching figure and decide to retreat deeper into the caves. Elsewhere, Jenneth Pilar, the Imperial bureaucrat, makes preparations to pack since the harvest is approaching.
Meanwhile, Ahsoka rejects the Black Sun agent's attempt to recruit her and flees on her freighter. The Black Sun agent pursues her in her ship. A third, larger ship arrives and attacks the Black Sun vessel. Ahsoka then tries to flee into hyperspace, but is caught in the tractor beam of the third vessel. Back on Raada, Kaeden, Miara, and the others hide from the Sixth Brother. The Inquisitor manages to force Kaeden out of hiding by threatening to kill her companions. Miara attempts to follow her sister, but Neera stuns her with Kaeden's consent. When she surrenders, he reneges on his promise and kills many of her fellow farmers with his double-bladed spinning lightsaber. Kolvin and Neera are killed, but her sister Miara survives. The Sixth Brother then takes Kaeden prisoner.
Ahsoka's freighter is pulled into the hold of Chardri Tage's ship. Tage and Tamsin greet her, but Ahsoka knocks them out, believing them to be hostile. She soon encounters R2-D2 aboard Tage's ship, and convinces her old friend to release the tractor beam on her ship to escape. She also gets Artoo to transmit the coordinates of the ship he is traveling in. After receiving Tage's report, Senator Organa travels to the coordinates in his CR90 corvette Tantive IV. He rendezvouses with Tage's ship and picks up Artoo, reuniting him with C-3PO. Upon studying the security footage from Tage's ship, he discovers a single frame of footage showing Ahsoka's montrals visible above a crate, and jubilantly identifies her as the Jedi he is after. Entering his office, Bail then discovers that Ahsoka has smuggled herself aboard the Tantive IV, as he turns on the light to discover her sitting at his desk, wearing a spacesuit.
She tells Organa, who is amused, that Artoo opened the hatch for her as soon as he got on board the Tantive IV. Ahsoka had hidden her ship on one of the asteroids in the system. Ahsoka tells Organa that she did not come with Chardri Tage because she does not trust someone who employs a tractor beam before a hello. Bail informs Ahsoka that he is forming a rebellion, and is recruiting people to fight against the Empire. Ahsoka is haunted by memories of the Clone Wars, but Bail reassures her that she can join forces with him. Bail agrees to help her protect Force-sensitive children before assigning her a new mission.
Senator Organa briefs Ahsoka about the Sixth Brother on Raada. After meditating in the Force and recalling her experiences as a Youngling forging her lightsaber on Ilum, Ahsoka tells Organa about her plan. In an interlude chapter, kyber crystals are shown growing on the ice planet of Ilum. It is revealed that dark side crystals are made by using the Force to bleed them red. The Galactic Empire sends ships to plunder Ilum for its kyber crystals. However, other crystals grow in the wilderness untouched by the Empire.
Following the briefing, Ahsoka travels to Raada on her freighter, turning down Organa's offer to provide backup. When Ahsoka tells Organa that she is not a Jedi anymore, he tells her that she sounds and acts like one. On the way to Raada, Ahsoka visits Ilum and discovers that the Empire has carved up great chunks of the planet for some unknown purpose. Returning to Raada, she lands her ship on the opposite side of the moon from the main town. Ahsoka heads back to the caves and encounters a distraught Miara. Miara tells her that the others were killed and that Kaeden was taken prisoner by a "gray creature". Miara agrees to help Ahsoka rescue her sister by acting as her lookout.
Ahsoka discovers that the Empire's over-harvesting has ruined Raada's fields. Ahsoka sends Miara to Selda with news of the impending rescue while she heads towards the Imperial compound. In the main street, Ahsoka encounters the Sixth Brother. Following a verbal exchange, Ahsoka engages in a lightsaber duel with the Inquisitor. During the fight, the Inquisitor tries to intimidate Ahsoka by activating the spinning mode of his lightsaber. However, Ahsoka cracks the cylindrical hilt with the touch of her hand, causing it to explode. The Sixth Brother is killed in the explosion. She retrieves the kyber crystals from her fallen foe. After meditating with the Force, she succeeds in turning them back to their natural color: the brightest white. These crystals are used to forge her new white lightsabers.
Ahsoka then fights her way into the Imperial compound and manages to rescue Kaeden, who is injured, from her cell. While still inside the compound, Kaeden confesses her feelings for her. She and Kaeden head to Selda's cantina, where they reunite with Miara and Selda. Ahsoka tells her friends of her plan to evacuate the town. As they evacuate the population, Organa's A-wings assault the Imperial compound, shooting down several Imperial fighters. Two A-wings are shot down, with one pilot managing to eject and the other killed when his craft crashes into the Imperial compound.
Bail sent three ships, including the Tantive IV, and they begin evacuating the village. Three Imperial tanks bombard the evacuees. Armed with her twin lightsabers, Ahsoka slices through one of the tanks, causing it to explode and overturn a nearby tank. Ahsoka heads towards the third tank but is too late to stop it from wounding Vartan. She uses the Force to rip the tank's turret apart. Ahsoka picks up the wounded Vartan and carries him aboard the Tantive IV. Onboard, Ahsoka reunites with Kaeden and promises to meet again.
After Raada's evacuation, Ahsoka sneaks onto the Tantive III to speak with Organa. Before entering his office, she overhears him talking to Leia, his daughter, telling her to tell her mother he'll see them both soon. Organa won't be surprised by a Jedi break-in twice and invites Ahsoka inside. She asks the Senator if he's showing his vulnerabilities to put her at ease, and he tells her that the whole galaxy knows he's a family man and that the Empire is counting on it as they think it means Organa will be more amenable to certain suggestions. Ahsoka asks Organa if he worries about his daughter, and he replies that Leia is already a lot like her mother. Ahsoka thinks that Organa might be trying to test her somehow, but as she doesn't know the answer she lets it pass.
The two discuss the recent events on Raada, including Captain Antilles' report that they only sustained fifteen casualties, including one A-wing pilot and fourteen evacuees. Vartan survived his injuries due to treatment from Antilles' medical staff. Senator Organa offers to settle the Raadan refugees, who number a few hundred, on Alderaan. Ahsoka tells Organa that the refugees want to help the rebellion, so Organa agrees to send them to a different planet, where they can grow food for the rebels. Ahsoka shows Organa her newly acquired lightsabers and explains how she healed their kyber crystals. She points out that what happened on Raada and with Tamsin and Tage shows that the rebels need better channels of communication, and offers to help with that. Senator Organa inducts Ahsoka into the Rebellion, and she tells him to call her Fulcrum.
Elsewhere, the Grand Inquisitor surveys the charred fields of Raada. After inspecting Ahsoka's work, he sets a course back to base and tells his crew to inform Darth Vader that they have found evidence of another survivor.

Ahsoka was revealed to the public on March 31, 2016. It's a young adult book taking place between the "The Wrong Jedi" story arc (where Ahsoka Tano departs from the Jedi Order) and her return in Star Wars Rebels. Dave Filoni, the series' producer, mentioned that there's a significant amount of her backstory yet to be explored, some of which won't be shown on screen. He stated that a novel presents an avenue for fans to delve deeper into her character. E. K. Johnston, the author, expressed that writing for Ahsoka and expanding her narrative was both an incredible opportunity and a dream come true.
The cover's artwork was unveiled on July 15, 2016, during the "Ahsoka's Untold Tales" panel at Celebration Europe.
During the book's creation, Johnston received instructions to avoid writing action sequences related to the Siege of Mandalore. This was because Lucasfilm Ltd. was secretly developing a revival of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, which was officially announced on July 19, 2018.
A concise yet favorable review from Kirkus Reviews was published on August 2, 2016. This review revealed that Ahsoka, while in hiding, adopts the name "Ashla" and briefly works as a mechanic on the farming moon called Raada. For the Japanese version released in 2023, the novel was divided into two separate books.
In Chapter 9 of Ahsoka, there's an editing mistake where Vartan refers to Ahsoka Tano by her real name, "Ahsoka," instead of "Ashla," the name he knows her by. This error was fixed in the UK Paperback edition.
The interlude found between chapters 15 and 16 of Ahsoka, which is set during the opening scenes of the Clone Wars film, describes Anakin "surveying the battlefield below him for the hundredth time since the shooting had stopped" before hearing a noise above. The following sentence describes a "Republic messenger ship" breaking through the Separatist blockade. He then instructs "his clone commandos to hold their positions" before leaving "off to meet Obi-Wan." If this scene is intended to depict the arrival of Tano's shuttle in the film, the ship should arrive immediately after the droids' retreat, and Anakin and Obi-Wan should depart together. Because the novel doesn't explicitly state that the sound Skywalker heard was the shuttle, this article assumes Skywalker's reflection takes place in a previously unestablished moment between the shuttle's arrival and his approach with Kenobi to it.
The four-part finale of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, which was released as part of the show's seventh and final season in 2020, contradicts almost every detail provided in the novel regarding the Siege of Mandalore, as well as Ahsoka and Rex's survival and escape from Order 66.
In the book, Anakin and Ahsoka's last conversation, where he returns her lightsabers, is described as him warning her that Maul is "crafty" and "has no mercy." However, the episode "Old Friends Not Forgotten" simply shows Anakin wishing Ahsoka good luck and discussing how her lightsabers now have blue blades. The new color of the weapons is another inconsistency, as the novel originally described her first lightsabers as having their original green and green-yellow blades. Later editions, however, were updated to describe the sabers as blue.

"The Phantom Apprentice" shows a different version of Maul's capture than the one depicted in the novel's prologue. In the book, Ahsoka's final battle with Maul occurs in a plaza, where she lures him to a location where her allies trap him in a ray shield. Their final conversation involves taunts about him being "half a Sith" and her not being a proper Jedi. In the episode, the final duel happens on the support beams of Sundari's bio-dome, their conversation revolves around his earlier offer for her to join him in defeating Darth Sidious, and she defeats him by knocking him off a beam and catching him with the Force. Rex then arrives with backup in several gunships, two Nite Owl warriors restrain Maul with wrist-cables, and Rex stuns him. The novel also mentions that Maul addresses Ahsoka as "Lady Tano," a title he used in "Twilight of the Apprentice," and that he learned it from the clone troopers, who used it as a sign of respect since she was no longer part of the Republic Military. However, in the episodes, the clones call Ahsoka "Commander" in reference to her former rank of Jedi Commander until Order 66 is issued, and "Lady Tano" is not used by anyone.
The novel implies that Order 66 occurs on Mandalore soon after Maul's capture and the end of the Siege, and that he escapes in the confusion. "Shattered" instead depicts Order 66 occurring on a starship, with Ahsoka releasing Maul to distract the clones. "Victory and Death" then retcons the flashback scene where Ahsoka is shown abandoning her lightsabers at a false grave created for Rex with the body of another clone to fake their deaths. In the episode, Ahsoka and Rex escape from the Venator-class Star Destroyer before it crash-lands on a moon, killing everyone else aboard. Ahsoka does leave her lightsaber at a grave site, but the ones she and Rex dug to bury everyone whose body they could find. This change means that Rex leaves with his armor, instead of dressing another clone's body in it as was done in the novel. Additionally, Ahsoka is only seen leaving behind one of her lightsabers, with the fate of her shoto lightsaber not being shown on-screen. Finally, Ahsoka and Rex are implied to leave the moon together as they only have one starship, in contrast to the novel's description of them leaving separately because they acquired two ships.
Another retcon involves a weapons belt Ahsoka possesses in the novel, which states that she wore it during the Siege of Mandalore and used it to carry her lightsabers. The TV series gives her a Mandalorian-designed combat outfit that lacks a separate belt and has built-in catches on her hips for Ahsoka to carry her weapons.
"Resolve" premiered as the sixth episode of the animated anthology Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi on October 26, 2022. On that day, Dave Filoni, the creator of Ahsoka, mentioned in an interview with Nerdist that "Resolve" was based on the same outline he had written for the novel Ahsoka, making them essentially the same story. Johnston later stated in an interview that she believed the Tales of the Jedi version and the Ahsoka version were compatible, as their core elements were the same and each represented a different creator's interpretation. She expressed excitement that aspects of her story had been animated, noting the differences in what's effective in prose versus on screen. As of the airdate, Lucasfilm has not addressed any contradictions or retcons.
The episode starts with Ahsoka Tano attending Padmé Amidala's funeral on Naboo, where she is noticed by Senator Bail Organa. He provides her with a comlink and asks that she contact him if she ever needs help. Later in the episode, Tano is living and working undercover in a farming village some time later. She reveals that she is a Jedi when she saves a young woman she works with from being crushed by falling bales. The worker's brother reports Tano to the Empire in the hopes of being rewarded, but the Eleventh Brother arrives, burns down the village, and kills everyone except for the brother and an old man. When Tano and her co-worker return from an errand, Tano confronts the Inquisitor, disarms him with the Force, and decapitates him with his own lightsaber. With nowhere else to go, the three survivors are picked up by Organa in the Tantive IV after Tano contacts him. She then accepts his offer to rejoin the fight.
In both the novel and the episode, Tano instinctively uses the Force to prevent someone from being crushed by falling objects. Under the name "Ashla", she works in a remote farming community during the early Imperial Era, which is threatened by an Inquisitor after she is discovered to be a Force user. She also befriends a woman around her age who discovers her secret, and agrees to join Bail Organa's rebel movement after arranging for the evacuation of the community's survivors. Several events and characters from the novel are absent from the episode.
However, following the release of Tales of the Jedi, canonical sources have attempted to distinguish the events of Ahsoka from those of "Resolve." The canon 2023 reference book Star Wars The Dark Side Pocket Expert mentioned the Sixth Brother. While the book lists Tales of the Jedi in appearances for other characters, the Pocket Expert stated the Sixth Brother had only appeared in comics and novels up to that point, leaving out any listing for Tales of the Jedi. The 2023 novel Inquisitor: Rise of the Red Blade would also feature the Sixth Brother, but he is described to appear as he does in Ahsoka, instead of being described like the "Resolve" Inquisitor. The issue was seemingly cleared for good when the 2024 reference book Star Wars Encyclopedia: The Comprehensive Guide to the Star Wars Galaxy gave the Sixth Brother and the Inquisitor seen in "Resolve" their own, separate entries. Although the "Resolve" Inquisitor was mistakenly labeled "First Brother," a name meant for the Inquisitor Marrok, the encyclopedia still formally separated the "Resolve" individual from the Sixth Brother. Therefore, the events of "Resolve" and Ahsoka depict separate, if similar, events with different Inquisitors.
The biggest difference between the novel and the episode is the timing of Tano's contact with Organa, and her subsequent agreement to join the rebellion after defeating the Inquisitor. "Resolve" depicts Organa encountering Tano at Amidala's funeral, which occurs days after the rise of the Empire. This contrasts sharply with the novel, where Tano and Organa are unaware that the other is alive until shortly before their first in-person meeting in the book, over a year after the Empire's formation. Therefore, the two must have assumed the other had perished since their last meeting.
- ISBN 9781484705667 ; October 11 , 2016 ; Disney–Lucasfilm Press ; US hardcover [4]
- ISBN 9781484705674 ; October 11, 2016; Disney–Lucasfilm Press; US eBook [5]
- ISBN 9781484782316 ; October 3 , 2017 ; Disney–Lucasfilm Press; US paperback [2]