Qui-Gon Jinn, a male human strong in the Force (Force-sensitive), was a respected, though unconventional, Jedi Master during the final years of the Republic Era. As a revered and sagacious member of the Jedi Order, he was offered a position on the Jedi Council, which he declined in favor of forging his own path. Jinn, guided by a philosophy emphasizing the Living Force, sought to act in accordance with the will of the Force, even when it clashed with the desires of the High Council. Upon discovering Anakin Skywalker, Jinn, believing he had found the Chosen One, brought him to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. His dying wish was that Skywalker be trained as a Jedi and ultimately bring balance to the Force.
Born on Coruscant, a Core World and the capital of the Galactic Republic, around 80 BBY, Jinn learned the ways of the Force as the Padawan of Jedi Master Dooku, eventually achieving the rank of Jedi Knight circa 58 BBY. In 44 BBY, he took on his own apprentice, Obi-Wan Kenobi, who more closely followed the tenets of the Jedi Code than his master. Despite a sometimes challenging relationship, the two Jedi overcame initial difficulties during a mission to Pijal, culminating in Jinn's refusal of a Jedi Council seat to continue mentoring his apprentice. In 32 BBY, when the Trade Federation established a blockade of the Mid Rim planet Naboo, Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum dispatched Jinn and Kenobi to resolve the situation. Under the influence of the enigmatic Sith Lord Darth Sidious, the Federation launched a full-scale invasion of Naboo, compelling the Jedi to rescue Queen Padmé Amidala after the fall of Theed.
During their voyage to the galactic capital, the group was forced to land on Tatooine, an Outer Rim planet, where Jinn encountered a young slave named Anakin Skywalker. Through scientific analysis of the boy's potential, he discovered that Skywalker possessed a higher midi-chlorians count in his blood than any Force-sensitive individual in galactic history, including Grand Master Yoda. The revelation of his miraculous birth—a child born of a mother without a father—solidified Jinn's belief that Skywalker was the Chosen One destined to restore balance to the Force. Before leaving the desert world with Skywalker, Jinn was confronted by Darth Maul, Sidious' Sith apprentice. Their brief duel convinced Jinn that the Sith had resurfaced after a millennium of silence.
At the Temple, Jinn insisted that Skywalker was the Chosen One and should therefore be initiated into the Jedi Order. However, after examining Skywalker themselves, the High Council deemed him too old, emotional, and dangerously prone to fear and anger. Jinn viewed their decision as a temporary setback, but the urgent need to address the situation on Queen Amidala's homeworld forced him to postpone his plans for Skywalker. During the Battle of Naboo, Jinn and Kenobi jointly confronted Darth Maul. Although they initially managed to repel the Sith Lord's attacks, the master and apprentice were eventually separated during the lightsaber duel, resulting in Jinn suffering a fatal wound. Kenobi rushed to his master's aid, battling and ultimately defeating the Dathomirian Sith, but was unable to save Jinn. With his final breath, Jinn extracted a promise from Kenobi to take Skywalker as his apprentice. Having secured Kenobi's commitment, Jinn became one with the Force, passing away with the conviction that he had found the prophesied Chosen One.

Born around 80 BBY on Coruscant, the galactic capital, Qui-Gon Jinn was a male human. As a young boy, he was brought to the Jedi Temple for training by the Jedi Order and assigned to the Heliost Clan, where he learned lightsaber combat under Jedi Master Tera Sinube.
At the age of twelve, Jinn became the Padawan of Jedi Master Dooku, who taught him the ways of the Force. On his last night in the younglings' crèche, he spent time with his friends, imagining the adventures he would have as a Padawan and practicing with his lightsaber in the sparring room until Master Yaddle told him to go to bed.
When the future Jedi Master Eno Cordova joined the Jedi Order, he became close friends with Jinn, who helped Cordova learn about and adjust to life on Coruscant.
Approximately 68 BBY, when Jinn presented himself to Dooku in his quarters, Dooku noticed that Jinn was afraid. After a pause, and with encouragement from Dooku, Jinn admitted that he was. When asked why, Jinn explained that he was not afraid of Dooku, but of failing to become a Jedi, of not being worthy. Dooku summarized this as Jinn being afraid of himself and a future that wasn't what he wanted. Jinn confirmed this, fearing that Dooku would reject him for his cowardice. Instead, Dooku said it was wise, surprising Jinn. Smiling, Dooku explained that most Padawans would deny their fear or lack Jinn's self-awareness. Dooku praised Jinn for his honesty, insight, and intelligence.
To deepen Jinn's understanding of the Jedi Temple, Dooku showed him around, including the Padawans' sparring dojo, a dojo for Jedi Knights, and the Great Assembly Room. Jinn also saw the meditation chambers, which he found less exciting but still interesting. However, he spent considerable time in the arboretum, exploring the trees, ferns, and flowers from numerous worlds. Their final stop was the Jedi Archives, where they examined holocrons from different eras, not to study them, but for Jinn to learn his way around. While there, an ancient holocron with a different shape caught Jinn's attention. He questioned Dooku about it and was surprised by Dooku's reaction, as if he considered it an enemy. Dooku said it was a holocron of Jedi prophecies, explaining that the mystics sought excessive knowledge of the future, which led them down dangerous paths, as the dark side often tempted them. Dooku concluded that this was why the Jedi no longer studied prophecy and then left, prompting Jinn to follow. Jinn asked if simply wanting to know the future could lead to the dark side. Dooku replied that it required more than that. This was Qui-Gon's first encounter with the holocron of prophecies, but not his last.
Four months into his apprenticeship, the Council sent him and Dooku to Shurrupak to participate in a battle, Qui-Gon's first. As their shuttle approached the planet under heavy fire, Jinn reassured himself that he was ready, looking to Dooku as an example of a fearless Jedi. Upon arriving at Primus Base, Qui-Gon met Rael Averross, Dooku's first Padawan and a renowned lightsaber duelist. After a warm greeting, Dooku introduced Rael to Jinn. While Dooku conferred with the generals, Rael placed a hand on Jinn's shoulder. Instead of comforting Jinn about the battle, Rael commented on Dooku's reserved nature and offered to help Qui-Gon. As Dooku's former Padawan, Rael offered to answer any questions Jinn might be uncomfortable asking Dooku and to be his sparring partner. With his first battle looming, Qui-Gon accepted his offer. As they went to speak to the generals, Qui-Gon felt that Rael Averross was the link between the Padawan he was and the Jedi Knight he wished to become, making his journey seem easier with a friend to guide him.
Some time after the battle, Qui-Gon was doing homework in Dooku's quarters while Dooku was in a conference with an official from Badtibira. Rael Averross made a surprise visit, greeting Jinn warmly and asking what he was doing there. Rael explained that he had just returned from Shurrupak and asked why Jinn was in Dooku's quarters, as Dooku would not return for several hours. Jinn explained that Dooku allowed him to do his homework in his quarters as long as he didn't disturb him. In this case, Jinn was reporting on different schools of theosophy from a century ago. Upon Rael's questioning grimace, Jinn admitted that he had chosen the topic despite knowing it wouldn't be interesting because he thought it would be easy, but it wasn't.
When Jinn confirmed that it was too late to change his topic, Rael grinned and offered to show him some history worth studying, motioning for Qui-Gon to follow him. They went to the Jedi Archives and studied the holocron that had always interested Jinn: the one containing the ancient prophecies. Qui-Gon found them fascinating and kept reading. He asked Rael if the ancient mystics had these visions in trances, which Rael confirmed. After contemplating the prophecies, Jinn remarked that Dooku had told him to ignore the holocron and didn't believe in the prophecies. This confused Rael, who said that Dooku had introduced him to it and used to keep it in his quarters. Qui-Gon said he didn't know when or why that had changed and that Dooku hadn't explained it. A surprised Rael said he would ask Dooku about it and remarked that Dooku had changed a lot. Qui-Gon protested, surprising Rael, and then said not until he had finished his report. Rael laughed so loudly that he received a stern look from Jocasta Nu.
Jinn and Dooku joined a Numidian Prime strike team tasked with tracking down the notorious Falleen bounty hunter Shenda Mol. They eventually located her hideout on Numidian Prime. While searching for the hideout, Mol captured Jinn. Before Mol could kill Jinn, Dooku used Force lightning to save his apprentice, causing Jinn some concern.
Jinn later confided in Rael Averross about Dooku's actions, though Averross did not seem overly concerned about his former master's conduct. In 60 BBY, Jinn underwent trials on Felucia, where he fell in love with someone, starting a romantic and physical relationship. As the Jedi Code forbade such relationships, Jinn's commitment to the Jedi was tested, but he remained loyal to the Jedi Order. He did, however, keep a Mustafar fire diamond given to him on Felucia as a memento.
During his apprenticeship, Jinn met and befriended the Wookiee Brennonn. They shared many adventures, with Brennonn saving Jinn on two occasions. During the second adventure, events led Jinn to feel that they had saved each other. He also became acquainted with the Wookiee Balfus.

While Dooku's Padawan, Jinn and Dooku were sent to rescue the son of Republic Senator Dagonet, who was held captive by residents of the Senator's home planet. Their investigation revealed that Dagonet was allowing his people to starve due to his greed and corruption. The kidnappers, protesting his inhumane policies, had abducted Dagonet's son and ensured his safety. Dagonet arrived to rescue his son, leading to a brief shootout between the Senator's forces and the Jedi-backed kidnappers. During a lull in the fighting, Dagonet threatened to burn down the entire village and others as an example. An enraged Dooku began Force-choking Dagonet with the intent to kill him, but Qui-Gon released Dagonet's son and defused the situation without further violence. Afterward, Dooku commended Qui-Gon's actions, praising him as wiser.
At one point, council member Jor Aerith invited both him and Dooku to represent the Jedi at the annual Coruscant Dragonfire Air Rally to impress the Candovant ambassador who had invited her. Dooku agreed to attend and taught Qui-Gon some Candovant customs. While there, they encountered Ramil, whom Qui-Gon learned was Dooku's brother, much to his shock. Qui-Gon and Dooku learned that Ramil was participating in the race. Ramil performed well in the race, but his Airspeeder was sabotaged and crashed. Qui-Gon and Dooku discreetly investigated and discovered that the Investigator was trying to cover up the incident. Following the man, they found he was working for a Jenet crime boss named Cenevax. Ignoring a message from Aerith asking them to return to the races, they confronted and captured the criminal. While questioning her, they realized she was privy to Council communications, as Cenevax knew they had been recalled and were disobeying orders. With this information, Dooku deduced that she had a spy on the Council, shocking Qui-Gon.
Dooku and Qui-Gon escorted Cenevax to the Council Chamber, where Dooku accused Jedi Master Braylon of being the spy. Further investigation revealed that Cenevax had been blackmailing her with the fact that Arath Tarrex, Dooku's old classmate, was her son. Qui-Gon and Dooku confronted and exposed Tarrex, who was taken into custody for his actions and for selling out his mother's influence to criminals. As the Temple guards escorted Tarrex, Dooku encouraged Qui-Gon to ensure that the guards treated him well, which Qui-Gon did. Following this, Braylon was removed from the council, and Dooku joined the Council.
Jinn became a Jedi Knight around 58 BBY.

Jinn became a Jedi Master who developed an independent attitude towards the Jedi Order. He was seen as a maverick who would disobey the Jedi Code if he believed it was the right thing to do. In 44 BBY, Jinn took on Obi-Wan Kenobi as his Padawan. Kenobi believed that Jinn could have been a member of the Jedi High Council if he had followed the Code, though Jinn had rejected an offer to join. On one occasion, Kenobi watched as Jinn disagreed with the council. At another point, the master and apprentice sparred, with Jinn complimenting Kenobi's skill. On another occasion, they visited a plain and observed its native creatures, giving Jinn the chance to teach Kenobi about the Force in all the life around them.
Jinn could sense Kenobi's discontent, which was useful on missions but also annoyed Kenobi. Once, Jinn and Kenobi traveled to Lah'mu to visit a fortress. Jinn also maintained contact with Dooku after taking on Kenobi and spoke highly of his Padawan. Although Dooku left the Jedi Order after the invasion of Serenno in 42 BBY, secretly becoming a Sith apprentice to Darth Sidious later, he was still allowed to visit the Jedi Temple. Dooku's departure shocked Jinn, who felt lost for a time as he grappled with doubt and fear. However, Jinn trusted in the Jedi teachings and himself, allowing him to recover and replace his shaken feelings with resolve. At some point, Jinn met the Togorian Jedi Jak'zin, who had also admired Dooku.
Jinn taught Kenobi as best he could, though Kenobi didn't always agree with his teaching methods. Despite Kenobi's clear skill in lightsaber techniques, Jinn had him practice only basic methods, which impacted his apprentice's confidence and their relationship. Jinn did this to avoid rushing his apprentice and allow Kenobi to develop his own style from mastery of the fundamental cadences, but his lack of clarity on his teaching philosophy hurt Kenobi.
At some point, Obi-Wan conceived of a new weapon powered by kyber crystals, consisting of two short-bladed sabers attached to a thin chain. After hearing this idea, Qui-Gon told his padawan that lightsabers were about how the Jedi wished to be seen, and that was not intended to be a display of power. That lesson resonated with his young Padawan, who would carry it for years to come.

Between approximately 41 BBY and 39 BBY, a civil war erupted on Mandalore, with martial traditionalists fighting against the reformist New Mandalorians. The leader of the New Mandalorian movement, Duchess Satine Kryze, became a target for the traditionalists, who hired bounty hunters to eliminate her. Jinn and Kenobi were sent on an extended mission to Mandalore to protect Kryze.
Jinn and Kenobi spent a year on Mandalore with Kryze, constantly on the run from bounty hunters. They remained unsure of the future, but continued to survive, living hand to mouth. During the mission, Kenobi developed romantic feelings for Kryze. Jinn became aware of the romance between his apprentice and the noble. Eventually, the civil war ended with the New Mandalorians in power and Kryze as the ruler of Mandalore. Although Kenobi would have left the Jedi to be with her had she asked, Kryze never did, so he and Jinn left the planet.

Around 41 BBY, Qui-Gon Jinn informed Obi-Wan Kenobi that he would be leading him on a training exercise, keeping secret their destination: the Wookiee celebration of Life Day on the planet Kashyyyk, specifically the village of Brennonn, an old friend who had accepted Jinn's invitation. Upon their arrival, Jinn cautioned his Padawan to be patient, after Kenobi voiced his confusion, and to concentrate on the present reality rather than his expectations. Despite Kenobi's difficulty focusing amidst the festivities, Jinn continued their visit, teaching him about Wookiee culture before inquiring about his impressions. Pleased with Kenobi's observation that the Wookiees seemed to be celebrating the Force, Jinn unveiled the unusual training he had in mind: focusing on the energy of Kashyyyk, which he explained was the Force itself. When Kenobi sensed something unusual, Jinn announced their intention to speak with the Wookiees.
Their conversation was abruptly interrupted by Brennonn, who recognized Jinn and embraced him warmly, expressing how much she had missed him. Jinn reciprocated her feelings and began to introduce Kenobi, only for Brennonn to hug him as well. After Jinn explained his history with Brennonn to Kenobi and thanked her for their hospitality, she revealed that Balfus was missing. As Jinn inquired about her efforts to find the missing Wookiee, both he and Kenobi felt a disturbance in the Force: Trandoshan hunters launched an attack on the village, using nets from the trees to abduct Wookiees. Jinn and Kenobi engaged the Trandoshans, defeating many. However, Jinn was eventually captured when he demanded the hunters to surrender. He was then taken away in a MSP80 Pteropter hover pod along with the captured Wookiees.
Despite Jinn's instruction to Kenobi, as he was being taken, to take responsibility for rescuing the Wookiees, the Jedi Master attempted to negotiate their release with the Trandoshan leader, Korgan. Korgan, however, also sought to capture Kenobi, prompting Jinn to warn him that his greed would lead to his downfall. Jinn remained captive in his cage until Kenobi arrived. Kenobi feigned surrender, but when Korgan was distracted, he used the Force to open Jinn's cage. Jinn then Force-pulled his lightsaber and activated it. With Jinn freed, numerous Wookiees arrived to aid the two Jedi, overwhelming the Trandoshans, who surrendered and released their Wookiee prisoners. Upon their return to the village, the Life Day celebration resumed.

Back in 40 BBY, Jinn and Kenobi embarked on a mission to Teth with the goal of thwarting Wanbo the Hutt. They successfully escaped Teth, but encountered challenges, including a significant misunderstanding between the master and his apprentice. Upon their return to Coruscant, the Jedi High Council invited Jinn to join their ranks, as Master Poli Dapatian was retiring at the end of the month. Jinn was surprised by the offer, given his past disagreements with the Council, and while initially pleased, he considered his Padawan, whom he would have to assign to a new master if he accepted. Although this would resolve their growing issues, Jinn felt guilty at the prospect and informed the Council that he would meditate on their proposal.
Concurrently, a political conflict arose on the Inner Rim planet Pijal. A performance group known as the Opposition, which had started staging political pranks to protest the signing of a treaty that would end the absolute monarchy on Pijal, allow the world to join the Republic, and grant more power to Czerka Corporation, was suspected of escalating to violent attacks as the treaty signing approached. Jinn's old friend Rael Averross requested the assistance of Jinn and his Padawan to resolve the conflict and ensure the treaty's signing. The Council sent Jinn and Kenobi to Pijal to provide aid. As the mission commenced, Kenobi learned of the Jedi Council's offer to Jinn during a meeting with Supreme Chancellor Kirames Kaj. Jinn felt deeply ashamed that Kenobi had not heard the news from him first. Before their departure, Jinn sought out Kenobi at the Padawan's dojo to apologize for not being the one to share the news and to express his reservations about the position, but Kenobi responded sarcastically. Jinn stated that they would continue the discussion when Kenobi was in a more reasonable state of mind, and when Kenobi made another cutting remark, Jinn sadly commented that the Force always worked things out for the best. As they journeyed to Pijal, the tension between them intensified.
Jinn and Kenobi received a briefing on the situation, learning that Averross was serving as an advisor to Crown Princess Fanry, who was only fourteen, and that he needed to protect her from the Opposition as she awaited her ascension to Pijal's throne. Jinn and Averross quickly renewed their acquaintance, although Jinn questioned some of Averross's choices during his service, as Averross also held a loose interpretation of the Jedi Code. During an investigation on Pijal's moon, they encountered two jewel thieves, Pax Maripher and Rahara Wick. While Maripher was hostile towards Jinn, Wick was more cooperative. Aboard their ship, the Meryx, Jinn enlisted the two to help them locate the terrorists threatening the treaty. Shortly after returning, Jinn had a vision of the event, which depicted a bloody battle. He shared this with Averross, but the older Jedi did not share his level of concern.
As their investigation progressed, Jinn eventually met with the Opposition's leader, Halin Azucca, and discovered that her group was being framed. While they had peacefully protested the treaty, the violent terrorist acts that had drawn the Republic's attention were not committed by Azucca's followers. Upon learning about the complications surrounding the treaty, including the lack of Pijali representation and the substantial influence of the Czerka Corporation, Qui-Gon decided to oppose the treaty himself and refused to act as a Republic representative.
Eventually, the Jedi uncovered that Fanry was deceiving them and had been forming a military group called the blackguards, framing the Opposition to restore the absolute monarchy. At the coronation, she rejected the treaty and the Republic's influence, proving that the Jedi had underestimated her. Prepared to remove Czerka's influence from the system by force, she prepared to attack their ships. Jinn tried to persuade her to stop and prevent the innocent casualties among the Czerka slaves onboard the ships, but when she refused, Jinn took action, and with the help of Kenobi and their new allies Maripher and Wick, they successfully rescued the slaves. Following the mission, Jinn chose to continue training Kenobi and declined the offer to join the Jedi Council.

Around 40 BBY, Jinn and Kenobi were stationed near a planet that was used as a base by the Flesh Mongers pirate group, piloting a pair of Delta-7 Aethersprite-class light interceptors. They received a message from Jedi Master Yoda on the planet's surface, requesting assistance. Upon landing, Jinn and Kenobi discovered that Yoda had eliminated the entire pirate gang to rescue a young Force-sensitive child, known as Lo, whom the pirates intended to sell due to his Force abilities.
Yoda requested Jinn and Kenobi to escort the infant to the Jedi Temple, assuring Lo that he was safe in Jinn's care. Jinn expressed his willingness to help, given their close relationship. As they spoke, Kenobi was particularly impressed by Yoda's ability to defeat an entire room of pirates. Jinn then asked Yoda if everything was alright, to which the revered master replied that he sensed a disturbance in the Force that he felt compelled to investigate. Jinn admitted that he could not sense the disturbance himself but offered to accompany Yoda if he wished. As Yoda entered his starship, he explained that he believed it was a personal calling and embarked on a mission to a planet in the Vagadarr system, where he became involved in a tribal war between the planet's native inhabitants.
At some point in his life, Jinn began to uncover the secrets of manifesting his consciousness after death. He journeyed to a planet strong with the Force, a world rumored to be the birthplace of life and the origin of midi-chlorians. There, he learned from five Force Priestesses who had maintained their consciousness after death. He discovered that upon death, a living being's life passed through the Living Force and into the Cosmic Force, merging with the Force.
Because the Living Force and Cosmic Force coexisted, it became possible to retain consciousness and physically manifest after death. Jinn was deemed worthy of the knowledge of eternal life and secretly commenced his training to fully unlock its mysteries. He also learned from a Shaman of the Whills that achieving eternal consciousness required complete selflessness.

Jinn began to struggle with how the Jedi should interact with the Force. Although Yoda sensed this internal conflict, Jinn continued his Jedi duties for some time. In 37 BBY, Jinn and Kenobi were dispatched to the planet Bri'n to negotiate between the Priestess Th'er of Wood and the Metal Clan. Kenobi remained in their Eta-class shuttle while Jinn met with the Priestess's rivals. When the Metal Clan attempted to assassinate Jinn and the Priestess to justify cutting down the world's trees, he defended Th'er and escaped with her. Deflecting numerous blaster bolts with his lightsaber, the Jedi contacted Kenobi to start their shuttle and informed him of the failed negotiations. After being surrounded by the Metal Clan, Th'er declared that Jinn was a warrior capable of defeating all who opposed her, but Jinn instead used Force jump to escape with her aboard their shuttle, ordering Kenobi to take them to Coruscant to protect the Priestess.
Th'er, however, was disgusted by Coruscant, viewing it as a city of metal, and demanded that Jinn act as a warrior, ordering him to kill every member of the Metal Clan. Although Jinn explained that this was not the way of the Jedi Order, Th'er felt that Jinn was a coward who did not live up to the legends of the Jedi as great soldiers. Distressed by being called a warrior, he returned to the Jedi Temple without reporting to the Jedi High Council. Yoda, aware of Jinn's internal conflict, sought him out on one of the Temple's balconies under the guise of asking him to report to the Council. Realizing that Kenobi had already filed his report, Jinn saw through Yoda's pretense, leading to a discussion about the proper role of the Jedi.
Despite their differing opinions, they agreed that Jinn should seek answers. Needing a world full of life to find a deep connection with the Force, Jinn—traveling off Coruscant in his Delta-7 Jedi Interceptor with his astromech droid—trusted the Force to guide him, which led him to emerge from hyperspace above a charted but unnamed world. After landing and admiring the planet's beauty, Jinn quickly sensed the presence of the dark side and noticed a spreading darkness corrupting the planet. Unsure whether the Force wanted him to stop it or learn from it, Jinn continued until he found a temple and sat on its throne. Wondering if he would find light in the dark monument, Jinn entered a frightening Force vision.

In his vision, Jinn—his skin and Jedi robes marked—was surrounded by red humanoid beings emerging from dark tendrils. As one of these beings attacked him, Jinn ignited his lightsaber and cut them down, only to see the red coloration vanish from those he had killed. Jinn realized he had murdered Jedi, and the same darkness that had been on their bodies began to consume him; by choosing violence, the dark side had gained power over him. As the darkness enveloped his face, Jinn awoke from his vision horrified, only to see the light side had entered the monument. He realized the Force had taught him that balance could be achieved without conflict, as unchecked violence would transform the Jedi into what they sought to oppose. In fact, he observed that some of the planet's dark corruption had transformed into flowers, coexisting in harmony with the light.
Leaving the planet—albeit with new questions about the nature of the Force—and returning to Coruscant, Jinn found Th'er in one of the city's parks, where he offered to help her find off-world allies to fight against the Metal Clan. Applying his new lessons, he taught her that she would need to find balance with these potential allies, which she agreed to. That night, he met with Yoda again on a temple balcony, leading to another discussion about the Force. Speaking with the Grand Master, Jinn defended finding balance in the Force, believing the Jedi could not be too rigid nor give in to the dark side.

In 34 BBY, Jinn—along with Jedi Masters Mace Windu, Plo Koon, and Depa Billaba—was dispatched to the planet Oosalon by Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum in response to the actions of the warlord Guattako, who was supported by the Hutt Clan and had kidnapped children to serve as soldiers. Given that the planet had approximately 80,000 kilometers of tunnels, making it impossible for the Jedi to locate Guattako's army's base, they devised a plan in which Windu would be intentionally captured, allowing him to send a signal through the Force to guide his fellow Jedi to Guattako. Although Jinn and his fellow Jedi—accompanied by at least two soldiers—were unable to navigate the tunnels in time to assist Windu, the Jedi Master had nonetheless defeated Guattako's army, and the warlord was killed by one of the children he had kidnapped. Consequently, Guattako's revolution was thwarted, the children were returned to their homes, and the remaining members of the terrorist army were captured.
A decade before the outbreak of the Clone Wars, the Trade Federation blockaded Naboo and planned to invade it in retaliation for the Galactic Republic's taxation of trade routes in outlying star systems. Unbeknownst to the Republic, Darth Sidious—secretly Naboo's Senator Palpatine—controlled the Federation and orchestrated the conflict to secure his election as Supreme Chancellor. Prior to the blockade, Jinn sensed that something was amiss and took Kenobi to the Jedi Archives to review Senate documents, a practice they often followed when Jinn suspected irregularities in the Senate. While examining bills related to recent tax reforms, Obi-Wan grew restless, and Jinn, sensing his apprentice's discomfort, inquired about his thoughts. Kenobi expressed that people had too much free time and that he did not understand why they spent so much time discussing taxation. Qui-Gon looked up from the file he was reading and cautioned Kenobi, explaining that it was a matter of perspective and that the most important thing to those who submitted the bills was control. Jinn noted that there was a significant amount of control at stake among the planets and corporations involved in the tax dispute.
Obi-Wan questioned why they were personally reviewing the bills, and Jinn replied that they were monitoring the situation so they could act when necessary. Obi-Wan jokingly asked if they would act with or without orders, which made Jinn smile, though the Jedi Master informed his apprentice that they would likely be following orders. Kenobi quipped that, because they would be under the Council's direction, they would be less likely to be involved in local labor disputes. Annoyed by Kenobi's comment, Jinn retorted that they would also be less likely to initiate romances with the local nobility. The reference to Duchess Satine made Kenobi realize he should not treat such matters lightly, and he changed the subject as they continued to read the taxation bills. Jinn's precautions proved valuable when Chancellor Finis Valorum dispatched Jinn and Kenobi to Naboo, tasking them with resolving the situation through diplomatic means.

Upon their arrival at the Trade Federation command ship Saak'ak, Jinn and Kenobi were escorted to a conference room, where they were informed that Viceroy Nute Gunray would greet them. As the Jedi waited, the Federation leaders contacted Darth Sidious, informing him that the Chancellor's ambassadors were Jedi Knights. Sidious ordered their execution, while Jinn could sense the fear of the Neimoidians, realizing that this was more than a typical trade dispute. These suspicions were confirmed when the Federation flooded the conference room with poison gas to kill the Jedi. However, the two were able to hold their breath long enough for the Federation to open the doors, inadvertently giving the Jedi a chance to escape. They fought off the battle droids waiting outside the door and fled through the corridors, making their way into the ventilation system.
Traveling through the ventilation shafts, the Jedi reached the hangar, where they witnessed the Federation Army preparing to invade the planet. After Kenobi joked that Jinn had predicted the negotiations would be brief, the Jedi stowed away aboard separate ships, which descended to the planet's surface, where they planned to warn the Naboo of the impending invasion.

Once on the surface, Jinn ventured through a forest to meet with Kenobi and encountered a Gungan named Jar Jar Binks, who attached himself to Jinn amidst the chaos of the Federation invasion. This encounter nearly resulted in their deaths when they fell to the ground just in time to avoid being run over by a Federation troop carrier. Binks swore a life debt to Jinn for saving him, as Jinn attempted to get rid of the Gungan. He eventually met with Kenobi and planned to find shelter, which Binks offered to provide in the Gungan city beneath the ocean. The Gungan briefly changed his mind, revealing that he had been exiled and would be punished for returning; however, Jinn and Kenobi convinced him to take them there to avoid the approaching Federation forces.
Binks led the two Jedi into the Gungan city, where they were immediately apprehended and brought before the Gungan leaders. Jinn attempted to persuade the Gungan leader, Boss Nass, that the Federation posed a threat to them as well as to Naboo. However, Gungan prejudices against the Naboo were too strong for the Boss to care about what happened on the surface. The Jedi Master used the Force to telepathically persuade Nass to give them a bongo aquatic transport that the Jedi could use to reach Theed, the capital of Naboo. Nass was also persuaded to allow Binks to travel with them, as Jinn, invoking the life debt custom, believed the Gungan could guide them through the planet's core and to the capital.
After navigating through the core and evading several large sea creatures, they arrived in Theed and rescued Queen Padmé Amidala, who had been taken into Federation custody. Together, along with several of the queen's guards and handmaidens, they made their way to a hangar to take the queen's starship off of Naboo. They boarded the ship after fighting through numerous battle droids and took the vessel into orbit, where they encountered the Federation blockade. They managed to escape, but the ship sustained damage and needed repairs. Jinn suggested that they land on Tatooine, a desert planet ruled by the Hutts and where the Federation had no presence. Although the queen's head of security, Panaka, objected due to the dangers posed by the Hutts, the decision was made to seek refuge on Tatooine.

Landing on Tatooine, the team realized a new hyperdrive generator was essential to reach their ultimate destination: Coruscant, the capital city of the Republic. Jinn made the choice to go into the local town to locate a store that would sell a generator. He took Amidala—disguised as a royal servant—and Binks along for the trip. As they explored the town, those remaining on the Royal Starship were left to wait for Jinn's return, occupying their time with worry or reading. Eventually, Jinn, Amidala, and Binks came across a shop run by a Toydarian scrap dealer, Watto. Watto possessed the necessary components but refused to accept Republic credits as payment. Jinn attempted to use his telepathic abilities to convince Watto that credits were acceptable, but the Toydarian's mind was immune to Jedi influence. Jinn departed without the needed parts but encountered Anakin Skywalker, a young boy enslaved by Watto.
Skywalker followed Jinn and his companions, warning them of an approaching sandstorm and the need for shelter. The boy, recognizing that the group wouldn't reach their ship in time, led them to his residence, where he introduced them to his mother, Shmi, another of Watto's slaves. They shared a meal together, during which Skywalker correctly identified Jinn as a Jedi, having observed his lightsaber. Jinn explained that they were on a vital mission for the Republic and were stranded on Tatooine until their ship could be repaired. Seeing an opportunity to aid their escape, Skywalker offered to participate in the Boonta Eve Classic podrace, promising to use any winnings to repair their ship. Jinn accepted the proposition, although Amidala expressed reservations about entrusting their fate to someone they barely knew.
The following day, Jinn discussed with Watto the possibility of Skywalker entering the race using a pod that Skywalker had secretly constructed. Jinn successfully convinced Watto that the pod belonged to the Jedi. They agreed that Watto would cover Skywalker's entry fee and retain all winnings from a potential victory, except for the amount Jinn required to repair his ship. If Skywalker were to lose, Watto would keep the queen's ship. Watto consented to these terms, and Skywalker began preparing his podracer for the race.
While watching Skywalker work on his pod, Jinn shared with Shmi his sense of the boy's potential as a Jedi. Jinn inquired about Skywalker's father and was surprised to learn that Shmi had conceived her son without one. Later that night, Jinn tested the boy's midi-chlorian count and transmitted the sample to Kenobi on the queen's ship. Kenobi informed his master that Skywalker's midi-chlorian count exceeded 20,000—higher than any known Jedi. Based on the supposed virgin birth and the midi-chlorian count, Jinn concluded that Skywalker was the Chosen One of Jedi prophecy, destined to bring balance to the Force and defeat the Sith.
Believing Skywalker to be the Chosen One, Jinn decided to bring him to the Jedi temple on Coruscant for Jedi training. Jinn approached Watto with a new proposition: if the boy won the race, Watto would grant freedom to both Skywalker and his mother. Watto dismissed the idea of freeing two slaves but agreed to release one if Skywalker emerged victorious. However, he left the decision to chance by tossing a small multi-colored cube; if it landed on blue, Skywalker would be the slave to be freed. Jinn used the Force to influence the cube to land on blue, and Watto conceded to free Skywalker if he won the race—though he believed that the Dug racer Sebulba was sure to win.

The race commenced later that day, and Skywalker achieved victory. Watto, having lost everything betting on Sebulba, freed the boy as agreed. Jinn took the necessary profits to repair the ship, gave the remaining money to Skywalker and his mother, and informed them that Skywalker was now free and could accompany him to Coruscant to become a Jedi. Skywalker hesitated to leave his mother, but he had always dreamed of becoming a Jedi and decided to go. After a tearful farewell with his mother, Jinn and Skywalker departed for the queen's ship to head to Coruscant.
Shortly before reaching the ship, Darth Maul, a Sith Lord and Darth Sidious' apprentice, ambushed Jinn. The two fought across the desert while Skywalker rushed back to the ship for assistance. The ship then traveled to Jinn's location, where he was able to board and escape Tatooine, leaving Darth Maul behind. Once aboard, he introduced Skywalker to Kenobi.
With its hyperdrive repaired, the ship finally arrived on Coruscant, where Chancellor Valorum and Senator Palpatine greeted the crew. Upon arrival, Jinn appeared before the Jedi Council and shared his belief that Darth Maul was a Sith Lord. The Council was skeptical, as the Order believed they had destroyed the Sith a millennium prior, but they committed to investigating Darth Maul's identity. Jinn also revealed his discovery of Skywalker on Tatooine and his conviction that the boy was the Chosen One, requesting that he be trained as a Jedi. At Jinn's urging, the Council agreed to test Skywalker to determine his suitability for training. Kenobi doubted Skywalker would pass the test due to his age, as Jedi typically began training in infancy, and worried that Jinn would disregard the Council's decision. Despite his Padawan's concerns, Jinn was determined to see Skywalker become a Jedi Knight. After the meeting, he along with Yaddle met up with Dooku who offered him advice. Unbeknownst to both of them, this would be the last time they see each other.
The Council evaluated Skywalker and concurred with Jinn that he possessed great power in the Force but declined to accept him for training. They believed he was too old to begin training and was dangerously filled with fear and anger despite his power. Nevertheless, Jinn insisted that Skywalker receive training, offering to take the boy as his Padawan learner. Meanwhile, Kenobi could undergo his Jedi Trials and become a Jedi Knight, as the Jedi Code prohibited a Jedi from having two Padawans. The Council postponed the discussion and ordered Jinn and Kenobi to return to Naboo, as Queen Amidala was preparing to address the invasion without the Senate's assistance. Jinn took Skywalker with him and began providing him with introductory lessons about the Force.
Upon reaching Naboo, the Jedi traveled with Amidala to locate the Gungans hiding in a sacred area within the forests. There, the Naboo and Gungans allied to oppose the Federation. The queen's handmaiden Padmé revealed herself to be the true Amidala, having acted as a servant while one of her handmaidens, Sabé, impersonated the queen as a safety measure. Jinn, however, had seen through the Queen's disguise from the beginning but had played along for his own reasons, which she appreciated as it helped safeguard her life. Together with the Jedi and the Gungans, Amidala devised a plan of attack, in which the Gungans would draw the Federation army away from Theed as a distraction, allowing Amidala, her forces, and the Jedi to infiltrate the city with minimal resistance. Jinn clarified that while he would protect the queen, he could not fight a war on her behalf.

As the Gungan army diverted the majority of the Federation forces away from the city, Jinn infiltrated Theed with the others and fought their way to the palace. Inside the hangar, they were confronted once again by Darth Maul, whom the two Jedi prepared to engage while the Naboo fought their way to the throne room to capture Viceroy Gunray. Jinn and Kenobi fought Maul in the hangar, with the Sith Lord dominating the duel. However, Maul retreated to lead the Jedi out of the hangar and through a palace generator complex. Maul separated the two Jedi by knocking Kenobi down several levels and then trapping him behind shielding, leaving Jinn to confront the Sith Lord in single combat without his apprentice. As they moved through the area, the two combatants were evenly matched. Ultimately, Maul struck Jinn with a physical blow from his lightsaber hilt and then capitalized on Jinn's imbalance to fatally stab the Jedi Master through the torso as Kenobi watched in horror from behind the shielding.
When Kenobi finally reached Maul, he engaged the Sith Lord in a fierce battle, fueled by grief for his master and friend. Maul managed to disarm Kenobi, knocking him partly down a reactor shaft and kicking his lightsaber into it. Kenobi then used the Force to retrieve his master's lightsaber, leap out of the pit, and slice the blade through Maul's torso in one swift motion, cutting him in half and sending him plummeting down the shaft. However, it was too late to save Qui-Gon through medical intervention; no amount of bacta could heal the maverick Jedi's mortal wound. The Padawan rushed to his dying master, cradling him in his arms, and Jinn made his apprentice promise to train Skywalker as a Jedi. With his final breath, Jinn reiterated that Skywalker was the Chosen One and would bring balance to the Force.

Following the battle, in which the Naboo successfully captured the Viceroy and ended the Federation occupation, Kenobi was promoted to the rank of Jedi Knight and insisted on taking Skywalker as his apprentice. Despite Yoda's disagreement, the Council approved Kenobi's request, fulfilling Jinn's dying wish: Skywalker would undergo Jedi training. Subsequently, Jinn was honored with a Jedi funeral on Naboo, where his body was cremated on a funeral pyre. Many delegates, including Queen Amidala, the Jedi Council, and Chancellor Palpatine, attended the funeral; notably absent were his former master Dooku and Jedi Master Yaddle, who, suspicious of Dooku's intended absence, followed Dooku in his confrontation with Darth Sidious in Coruscant. At the funeral, Kenobi informed Skywalker that the Council would allow him to be trained and that Kenobi would be his master. Together, they mourned the death of their fallen friend, as Kenobi vowed that Skywalker would become a Jedi. Amongst the Jedi, Jinn was remembered as a great member of their Order despite his past of disagreeing with the council.
Even though he had always wanted Jinn available as guidance for when he eventually trained a Padawan, and he had wanted time between his apprenticeship and eventual mentorship to decide what kind of Jedi he should be without Jinn by his side, Kenobi upheld his vow to his master dutifully over the years. At one point, when Skywalker was considering leaving the Jedi Order at the age of twelve, Kenobi was intent on following suit. However, he was still going to complete the boy's training even outside the Order. Skywalker, however, chose to remain a Jedi in the aftermath of a mission to the planet Carnelion IV. Even though Kenobi could become easily annoyed by Skywalker—leaving him to question if he had ever annoyed Jinn in similar ways, although he doubted he ever had—he nevertheless befriended and grew close to his Padawan, with the Jedi duo coming to act like brothers.
Although Skywalker remained thankful of Kenobi's teachings, he, at times, pondered how his life as a Jedi would have changed if Jinn had survived; even though he knew the Jedi Order disapproved of attachments, he thought these questions were alright because he believed nothing—not even interpersonal relationships—could ever be fully untethered. As Kenobi later recognized, Skywalker developed a habit of growing very connected to and not wanting to lose anyone he was close with after leaving his mother. Desperate for new connections, he had found one with Jinn, only for the Jedi Master to be taken away from him shortly after they met.
Dooku, still a Sith in secret, eventually learned of Jinn's death at the hands of Maul. Later, on the planet Sullust, Dooku unexpectedly reunited with the Jedi Knight Jak'zin, who noted he had met Jinn before being interrupted by a representative of the SoroSuub Corporation. Later, Dooku, appearing as if he could be compassionate ally, discussed Jinn with the Jedi Knight. Dooku claimed he wondered if his former apprentice would still be alive if he had not left the order, reflecting that the company of Kenobi was not enough to save the late master. The Sith used his speculations to trick Jak'zin into letting him in on the Jedi's mission on Sullust.
Amidala, meanwhile, came to believe that her relationship with Jinn had been an odd one, given that he had seen through her disguise, yet she hoped she would have been able to consider him a friend and ally if he had survived. In the years following the Naboo Crisis, she remained saddened by his death, and she made sure to light a candle of incense for the fallen Jedi during the yearly memorial for all who had died for Naboo. In fact, many others did the same; though few on Naboo had met the Jedi Master, it was believed everyone on the world knew his name, with Naboo like [Tonra](/article/tonra]—who had actually been present for many of the so-called "stories" about what had happened—hearing tales of what he did for their planet. For years after the invasion, the handmaiden Saché continued to incorrectly believe Jinn had been fooled by the decoy act like most had been.

Nevertheless, events like Jinn's time on Tatooine were not part of public record, so they were not spread amongst the Naboo. However, Tonra and Sabé discussed such events during a mission to the desert world. Ultimately, the people of Naboo honored Jinn as a hero who had given everything to save them. One of the ways they honored him was by building a shrine to his memory, a shrine which was known to gain some popularity over the next ten years and was visited by Anakin Skywalker shortly before his secret wedding to Padmé Amidala. Several years after the invasion, when Amidala was asked if she would become Naboo's Galactic Senator after her term as queen ended, she looked to the Handmaiden Saché; the Handmaiden remembered when Jinn asked them to go to Coruscant, given that Amidala had have to give a similar wordless signal to her allies.
Having met Jedi, Amidala was unique amongst her colleagues in the Senate, but she nevertheless found the manners of the Jedi Order unsettling. She considered that her reaction to their ways may have ended up different if Jinn had survived. While speaking with Senator Bail Prestor Organa after he too had realized Amidala used decoys, albeit only after seeing Padmé in a guard's uniform while Sabé was acting as the Senator at a gala, she told him about Jinn, feeling a great sadness wash over herself while she explained his fate. Organa responded that he was sorry for her loss, further stating that he realized Jinn's death was an example of the dangerous life that followed her. Having been told Jinn was the only other person who had managed to deduce she used decoys in the midst of the maneuver, Organa admitted he was happy to have found himself in what he deemed to be excellent company.
For a mission to the planet Bromlarch, Amidala and several other senators partnered with Jedi Master Depa Billaba, whom the former queen recognized due to her being present at Jinn's funeral. While she found it odd to interact with a Jedi Knight once more, Amidala also noticed Billaba carried herself very differently from how Jinn had. While she understood all Jedi in their Order would be different, she could not let go of the strange feeling it gave her, as if Billaba looked through her, while Jinn had taken the time to look at her. Soon afterward, Amidala met the liaison Ninui; given that it was the first time the liaison was meeting a Jedi, Amidala noted how she had met Kenobi and Jinn, explaining that the Jedi were people like them, albeit people whose teachings could be confusing to non-Force-sensitives, and Ninui noted she wished to hear the complete story of how she met them.
Though his training had been incomplete, Jinn utilized what he learned from the Force Priestesses to become one with the Force and retain his identity after his death. However, he hadn't fully learned the mystery, so he could not physically manifest himself, only speak as a disembodied voice.

One time that Jinn communicated through the Force was approximately ten years after the events on Naboo. Skywalker had returned to Tatooine to find his mother, about whom he had been having recurring nightmares, and discovered she had been kidnapped by Tusken Raiders. He found her in a Tusken camp, but she died only moments later. In his anger, Skywalker slaughtered all the Tuskens in the camp. Feeling the great pain and distress, Jinn called out to Skywalker through the Force, which Yoda could hear—but not comprehend—through his own meditations. In Jinn's own words, he begged Anakin to listen to his better nature and refuse to give in to his hatred. However, Jinn's pleas were for naught, as Skywalker didn't heed his words in his uncontrolled rage, telling himself that he was only imagining Jinn's presence in that moment.
In the meantime, Dooku, who had remained a Sith and became the Head of State of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, captured Kenobi on the planet Geonosis. While interrogating Kenobi, Dooku—who was also secretly a Sith Lord—expressed his belief that Jinn would have joined his cause if he had been alive. Shortly after that, a conflict known as the Clone Wars began between the Galactic Republic and Dooku's Confederacy. Shortly after the conflict's beginning, Skywalker prepared himself to partake in a secret wedding with Senator Amidala. As part of his preparation, he visited Jinn's shrine on Naboo in partial repentance for having refused to heed Jinn's words during his rage against the sand people, additionally having realized it meant there was a chance his old mentor could somehow see him and offer advice. Although he had told himself he had only imagined Jinn's presence, he knew he was lying to himself. While at the shrine, Skywalker attempted to reach out to the Force in an attempt to connect with Jinn in a similar manner to that previous instance. The attempt seemingly yielded nothing in his senses, which he theorized was Jinn's way of telling him that things could always be made right.
After feeling a sudden sense of calm despite the brewing Clone Wars, he then expressed his thanks despite not knowing if Qui-Gon was responsible for his personal interpretations. During the Clone Wars, Skywalker was promoted to the rank of Jedi Knight and was assigned a Padawan of his own, the Togruta Ahsoka Tano, to whom he recited Jinn's teachings on at least one occasion. Additionally, Jinn's teachings were indirectly passed down to Tano during her apprenticeship, as she was learning from Skywalker, who had learned from Kenobi, who had learned from Jinn. Despite the fact that he was dead, the Confederacy put out a citizen's alert on Jinn and offered a 50,000 credit reward, charging him with conspiracy against the Trade Federation.
The Jedi made an effort to capture Dooku during the war, feeling his arrest could help bring an end to the fighting. During one attempt to capture him in 21 BBY, Skywalker and Kenobi boarded the count's Munificent-class star frigate, yet the Sith Lord managed to escape through a secret hatch. Skywalker pursued, making Dooku shoot Force lightning at the Jedi Knight; according to what Dooku said in a recording he intended to send to Darth Sidious, he knew such an attack would not defeat Skywalker, believing that—because his Padawan Jinn had trained Kenobi, who had trained Skywalker—his personal power had partly been passed down to his foe. He only intended to block the Jedi's sight to enable his escape. Later in the same recording, Dooku—recalling how he, Skywalker, and Kenobi had been captured by the Ohnaka Gang of pirates—again mentioned Jinn, feeling that Skywalker was a fool who did not compare to the apprentices he had trained. Ultimately, Dooku did not send the message to Sidious.

Due to the fact that his instruction was not complete, Jinn's essence lacked the ability to materialize in a tangible form. However, he did appear in a vision on one specific occasion. Kenobi, Skywalker, and Tano had been enticed to the world of Mortis by a trio of beings referred to as the Father, Son, and Daughter. These individuals, along with Jinn, held the conviction that Skywalker was the Chosen One. Jinn's vision initially manifested to Kenobi, serving as a warning that these beings sought Skywalker and his potential as the Chosen One, with the intention of exploiting it for their personal agendas. When Kenobi inquired about Jinn's ability to appear, the apparition explained that the planet served as an amplifier, a channel through which the Force flowed. Their conversation revolved around Skywalker and his power, providing Kenobi with an opportunity to inform Jinn that the deceased Jedi Master's predictions regarding Skywalker had proven accurate: he possessed greater strength than any other Jedi, yet he struggled to attain equilibrium. Jinn cautioned that if Skywalker was indeed the Chosen One, he would uncover this truth on Mortis. Conversely, if he was not, the planet would pose a grave threat to someone of such immense power if he could not achieve inner harmony.
Skywalker himself later had an encounter with Jinn's vision. The spectral figure of the departed Jedi conveyed his continued belief that the young man would ultimately restore balance to the Force after confronting his inner struggles. Following the three Jedi's escape from Mortis, where the Father declared his belief that Skywalker was the Chosen One, Kenobi, despite the fact that it was actually Jinn who had appeared to them, concluded and informed the Jedi Council that the apparition of his former mentor was merely an illusion. He believed it was an illusion conjured from their memories by the beings residing on Mortis. However, Skywalker remained unconvinced, despite the Jedi teachings asserting the impossibility of retaining one's identity after death. The report concerning Mortis did not alter these established Jedi beliefs or teachings.
The Clone Wars also brought about the resurgence of Darth Maul, Jinn's murderer. Presumed to have been slain by Kenobi on Naboo, Maul had survived, replacing the lower portion of his body with cybernetic enhancements. Driven by a desire for vengeance against Kenobi for his disfigurement, Maul engaged him in combat on multiple occasions. Before the first of these confrontations, Maul reminisced about his act of killing Jinn before being defeated himself, thereby confirming to Kenobi that his old adversary had indeed returned. During the duel itself, Maul taunted Kenobi by recounting the murder of Jinn, causing the Jedi Master to momentarily succumb to anger and strike out against his mentor's killer. Although Maul was apprehended during the Siege of Mandalore, which transpired near the conclusion of the Clone Wars, he managed to escape and survive the conflict.

It was only in the twilight of the Clone Wars that Yoda became aware of Jinn's continued consciousness after death. Recognizing Yoda's destined role in restoring equilibrium to the Force and his responsibility to complete the training that Jinn himself had been unable to finish, the late Jedi Master communicated with Yoda through the Force. He directed him to Dagobah, the initial step in Yoda's trials, to ascertain his readiness to acquire the hidden truths. Jinn shared with Yoda the details of his training and the manner in which the Living Force connected to the Cosmic Force, enabling his return after death. Initially, Yoda's primary concern was the truth of the Clone Wars, inquiring about Jinn's knowledge of Darth Sidious' identity, but Jinn could only guide Yoda through his trials. The Living Force manifested as a luminous swarm of fireflies, guiding Yoda. Subsequently, they led Yoda to the planet of the Force Priestesses, where he could proceed with his trial.
Yoda successfully completed the trials and was deemed worthy of learning the secret of eternal consciousness, as Yoda would one day train the individual who would assist Skywalker in bringing balance to the Force. The Force Priestesses declared that Jinn would oversee Yoda's training. Following the conclusion of the Clone Wars and the downfall of the Jedi Order, Yoda chose to seek exile on Dagobah, but not before informing Kenobi that Jinn had returned from the netherworld of the Force and could guide his former Padawan in learning the secret. However, Obi-Wan was unable to establish contact with Qui-Gon until 9 BBY, despite occasionally hearing his voice in his mind. On one occasion during meditation, he experienced a brief phasing out of reality. During this period, he sensed Jinn communicating with him through the Force, with his former Jedi Master urging him to release his attachments.

The conclusion of the Clone Wars also witnessed the fall of Anakin Skywalker, who was seduced by Sidious to the dark side of the Force, transforming into the Sith Lord Darth Vader. This downfall confirmed the Council's anxieties regarding Skywalker's training, yet he remained the Chosen One. During Obi-Wan Kenobi's self-imposed exile on Tatooine, where he watched over Anakin's son, Luke Skywalker, he frequently reflected on his failure to properly train Skywalker. On one occasion, he visited Shmi Skywalker's grave and offered an apology for failing to fulfill Jinn's promise. Kenobi also retained possession of his master's lightsaber throughout his exile.
Shortly after Anakin's descent into darkness, Qui-Gon began to exert himself in an effort to fully manifest in the realm of the living, rather than remaining merely a voice. Qui-Gon dedicated himself to this endeavor to ensure that Obi-Wan would not have to endure his subsequent years on Tatooine in solitude. In total, it took Qui-Gon nearly a decade for his efforts to bear fruit. While it would be some time before Kenobi saw his former master again, he frequently spoke to Jinn but began to fear his master would never appear. In reality, Jinn was always with Kenobi, even if Kenobi was not emotionally ready to see him due to his guilt over Skywalker's fall.
One morning in 16 BBY, when Skywalker was three years old, Jinn spoke to Kenobi after he awoke from a nightmare, cautioning him to reach the boy to safeguard him. Consequently, Kenobi hastened to the Lars Homestead, where Luke was being raised by his aunt and uncle, Beru and Owen Lars. Upon arriving, Kenobi assisted in defending against a band of marauders, yet Owen demanded that he never return following the skirmish.
In 9 BBY, Jedi Master Eno Cordova recounted his friendship and introduction to Jinn to Jedi Knight Cal Kestis.

In 9 BBY, after Kenobi had another duel with Vader and came to terms with Skywalker's fall, Qui-Gon appeared to Obi-Wan as the latter was riding towards Beggar's Canyon, remarking to his former Padawan that it had taken him long enough. Obi-Wan expressed astonishment at his appearance, confessing that he had begun to believe that Qui-Gon would never arrive. Qui-Gon then clarified that he had always been present, but that Obi-Wan had not been prepared to perceive him until that moment. Qui-Gon then requested that Obi-Wan continue to follow him, with Qui-Gon disappearing from view as he proceeded further into the canyon, Obi-Wan following shortly. In the years after the Clone Wars, Kenobi and Yoda completed their training to retain their consciousness after death. During his time on Tatooine, Kenobi continued to speak with Jinn, telling him about the hardships of living in exile and Skywalker's possible destiny of the Chosen One.
After Anakin's fall to the dark side, Jinn persisted in his training to manifest himself, becoming increasingly discernible to Kenobi during his visitations. The two never engaged in discussions regarding Jinn's supposed errors whenever he ventured into the mortal realm; Kenobi did not hold his former master accountable for Skywalker's downfall, while Jinn suspected that his old Padawan did. During an encounter with the Wookiee bounty hunter Krrsantan, Kenobi invoked his Master to grant him the strength to overcome the adversary. Kenobi ultimately vanquished a resurgent Maul in a duel on Tatooine in 2 BBY, employing Jinn's Ataru stance to defend himself against Maul. In 0 BBY, Jinn's voice was perceived by Padawan Ezra Bridger during his mission to a location that existed between time and space.
After Kenobi introduced Skywalker to the life of a Jedi, as the droids R2-D2 and C-3PO had arrived on Tatooine with secret plans that needed to be delivered to the Rebel Alliance, Skywalker rushed off to the Lars Homestead, having realized the Galactic Empire's stormtroopers would track the droids to his aunt and uncle. Jinn was compelled to appear after hearing Kenobi call his name, assuming the exact same appearance that he had possessed in life and materializing a few centimeters from his former Padawan. Kenobi sought his guidance, fearing that the Empire would capture Luke upon his return to the Lars Homestead. Already aware of the circumstances Kenobi was referring to, Jinn informed him that he had foreseen Luke's destiny extending beyond the immediate situation, outlining potential solutions that would unfold, while the surrounding environment became clearer to him. He noticed the corpses of Jawas, experiencing the lingering memory of their deaths, but found some solace upon observing R2-D2 and C-3PO; he believed it was the work of the Force, returning them to the place where Anakin's journey had commenced.

The news that Luke would survive relieved Kenobi, yet Jinn knew his former apprentice had no idea how the young man's journey would unfold. When Kenobi confided in him that he found it difficult to give up his exile, Jinn understood it was a symptom of him adapting to the new life, informing him that he would quickly feel like a Jedi Knight when the time came. He also congratulated his former student on remaining steadfast in his devotion to the light side. He also apologized to Kenobi, believing he had failed his Padawan long ago when he made him train Anakin. Kenobi disagreed, arguing that Anakin was the main person at fault for his fall, but Jinn resolved to wait to discuss this matter, knowing that the two of them would be together in the Force soon; in the near future, Kenobi would sacrifice himself to save Luke and be struck down by Darth Vader, and Jinn knew this was coming.
Jinn and Kenobi then both felt Luke's horror at seeing his aunt and uncle, Beru and Owen Lars, dead outside their home. Even so, Kenobi sensed Luke's reaction at a greater remove, while Jinn, due to him being of the Force, could see their burned corpses in front of him, as clearly as he could see Kenobi. Thinking his former Padawan needed guidance, he then told Kenobi that he had made the right choice in choosing not to tell Luke everything about Anakin; he knew Luke could have gone down his father's path if Kenobi had revealed everything, or he could have thought Owen was right about Kenobi being insane, which would have resulted in him being killed with his aunt and uncle. After telling Kenobi to wait to reveal the truth until Luke was ready, Jinn's appearance was very nearly corporeal, the clearest Kenobi had ever seen his master's spirit. Jinn illuminated him in some of the ways he had managed it, all the while, considering that Kenobi did not have long to live. Sensing that Luke would soon return, he bade farewell, telling Kenobi that they would meet again soon. His former student did not understand the true meaning of the statement, and Jinn disappeared, returning to the Force.

On the DS-1 Death Star Mobile Battle Station, Kenobi was indeed killed by Darth Vader to protect Luke. After his death, Kenobi found himself overwhelmed by visions of the past, present, and future; among the people he saw was Jinn, including when he was slain by Maul and when his voice told him to protect Luke in 16 BBY. While worried about not completing Luke's training as he lived through his past, relived the present, and saw glimpses of the future, Kenobi again heard that Luke had called out to him on the Death Star; hearing Jinn's voice, louder than it had been for years, telling him to go with Luke, Kenobi ensured his spirit would remain with the Jedi trainee. Thus, after his death, Kenobi first appeared as a disembodied voice, telling Luke to flee the Death Star with his friends, and then later to guide Luke through the Battle of Yavin, helping the young Force-sensitive to destroy the Death Star.
Yoda, meanwhile, had hidden himself on Dagobah, staying away from the Empire, but also growing lonely over the years. Fortunately, he knew how to call out to Jinn for company. One of the few personal items Yoda brought with him was Jinn's cloak, which he made into his blanket. Around the time of Kenobi's death, Yoda was preparing to move to the lowlands of Dagobah for the dry season, and he found himself questioning how long ago Jinn had died when he counted his personal items for the journey. He also realized that, while people strong in the Force could sometimes leave an imprint of themselves in what they owned, too many years had gone by for any trace of the Jedi Master to remain in the cloak, if he had ever felt such a trace at all. As he always did, he gathered his cane, several seeds, a pot made by Kenobi, and Jinn's cloak before making his way down to his lowland hut.
As he journeyed, he felt Kenobi and Vader's duel in the Force, taking his focus away as an old Imperial probe droid finally located him. After throwing Kenobi's pot into the droid to destroy it, he sensed Kenobi's death, distracting him as two other probes appeared. One fired and hit Yoda's carrying bag, which he rushed to to protect Jinn's cloak from burning. After taking out the droids, he saw that the cloak was only slightly singed and that his seeds were fine. Afterward, Jinn, currently in the netherworld of the Force, laughed at Yoda, which the Jedi Master sensed. Once Yoda moved back into his lowland hut, he trimmed the cloak, which also meant it better compensated for his shrinking size. Several days after his move, Yoda, missing the friends he had lost, called out to Jinn to appear from the netherworld several times, only to be unable to sense him.
Jinn was in fact preoccupied, so Kenobi instead appeared. During his visit, Kenobi quipped that Yoda's encounter with the probe droids could not have been too dangerous, given that he had saved Jinn's cloak, annoying Yoda. Afterward, Kenobi asked him to train Luke, which Yoda reluctantly agreed to.

In the aftermath of the Battle of Yavin, Vader was shot down over the planet Vrogas Vas. During a confrontation with Rebel Alliance forces on the planet, Vader found an ancient Jedi Temple, where he heard disembodied voices of people from his past, including Jinn. A few years later, Kenobi appeared as a physical spirit to tell Luke to train with Yoda on Dagobah. He continued to manifest himself to help guide Luke through his training.

It was on Dagobah that Yoda fulfilled the destiny first spoken of by the Force Priestesses, training Luke to become a Jedi Knight. When Skywalker left his training early to save his friends, Kenobi questioned if the boy was the last hope of the Jedi, hearing Jinn, along with any Jedi whose actions had led to current circumstances, in his voice. Jinn himself later appeared as a vision to Luke in the Living Sea of Gazian, as the imprint of long-past Jedi Master Elzar Mann imparted wisdom upon Skywalker. After Skywalker returned to Dagobah, Yoda died shortly after and passed on into the Force, where he retained his identity. Through the training Yoda gave Luke, the boy confronted and redeemed his father from the dark side, and Anakin killed Darth Sidious. Through this act and his own death, Anakin helped defeat the Galactic Empire, brought balance to the Force, and was able to return as a spirit as well. By killing Sidious and sacrificing himself, Jinn's strongly-held belief was finally proven right; Anakin Skywalker was the Chosen One.
In the years following Anakin's redemption and fulfillment of the prophecy, Luke embarked on a quest to rediscover the Jedi Order's forgotten history in hopes to re-establish it. In his search for Jedi knowledge, Luke learned about the life of Jinn, his relationship with Obi-Wan Kenobi, his encounter with the Force Priestesses, and the role he played in his father's training. While Jinn was not related to the Skywalkers by blood, his close connection to the family was noted by Luke in his book The Secrets of the Jedi, which chronicled the Jedi Order's history.
In 35 ABY, during the Battle of Exegol, Rey heard Jinn's voice among the voices of many Jedi of the past who aided her with destroying the resurrected Darth Sidious for good. "Every Jedi who ever lived lives in you," he told her, adding that they stood behind her.
Qui-Gon Jinn, a human male of 1.93 meters in height, possessed fair skin, azure eyes, and lengthy, brown hair, complemented by a brown beard. Despite attaining the rank of Jedi Master, Jinn frequently found himself at odds with the established structures and regulations of the Jedi Order. Jinn was renowned for his inclination to adhere to the underlying essence of the Jedi Code rather than its literal interpretation, and he demonstrated a willingness to challenge the Jedi Council. While all Jedi acknowledged the permissibility of affection, provided it remained devoid of possessiveness, Jinn exhibited less concern regarding the potential perils of profound connections compared to his contemporaries. Although he recognized that the Force often presented more inquiries than resolutions, he nonetheless placed his faith in its guidance. During his time as a Padawan, his dedication to the Order was put to the test by a romantic entanglement on Felucia, but he ultimately chose to return to the Jedi. Despite retaining a Mustafar fire diamond, a gift from Felucia, as a cherished possession for two decades, specifically keeping it in a pouch on his belt to ensure it was with him every day, he would ultimately give up the stone to Pax Maripher and Rahara Wick, reflecting to himself that it was the memories, not physical mementos, that mattered.

While other Jedi shifted their focus towards meditation during the Clone Wars in an attempt to decipher the future, Jinn remained rooted in the present moment. He maintained that an excessive preoccupation with the future should not detract from one's concentration on the present, and he advocated for trusting one's instincts. Jinn prioritized obedience to the will of the Force over aspiring to climb the ranks of the Jedi hierarchy, which explained his indifference towards joining the Council, even when his own apprentice, Obi-Wan Kenobi, assured him that he could secure a position. Jinn further asserted that each Jedi must interpret the Jedi Code for themselves, arguing that otherwise, the Code would become a restrictive prison. Although he remained unperturbed by accusations of cowardice, Jinn developed a distaste for the prevalent perception of the Jedi as warriors and political servants, even among the inhabitants of Coruscant. While Yoda simply believed that those lacking Force sensitivity would struggle to comprehend those who possessed it, Jinn grappled with profound turmoil due to his concerns, recognizing that the Order's actions reflected its true nature.
Rather than dwelling on preconceived expectations, Jinn opted to focus on the reality of unfolding events. Jinn made a concerted effort to genuinely observe and comprehend the individuals with whom he collaborated. In the case of Queen Padmé Amidala, she remarked that he had, at times, scrutinized her too intently; Jinn had discerned that she had exchanged places with one of her Handmaidens, making him one of the select few who had ever unraveled the deception. Maintaining the secrecy of his knowledge, he would address his inquiries to the imposter queen, leading those around them, such as fellow Handmaiden Saché, to believe that he had been deceived. Ultimately, Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi conveyed to Amidala that the Jedi were sentient beings like herself, even if she did not understand their teachings.
While the Jedi Council would disagree with his assessment, Jinn believed that the Jedi's presence on Coruscant contributed to the perception of the Order as warriors and political servants; their Coruscant temple enabled them to become and be seen as a force that served the Republic, even possibly making themselves believe it. Jinn frequently engaged in debates with Jedi Master Mace Windu, although neither party derived pleasure from these disagreements. In essence, Jinn could be characterized as a nonconformist when compared to his Jedi peers. Although this viewpoint was uncommon, he was not the sole "maverick" Jedi during the late Republic Era, as Master Tu-Anh was also active in the Order. During the Clone Wars, Kenobi drew a comparison between the two while observing Tu-Anh's lifeless body. Nonetheless, such a defiant stance towards the council was rare in Jinn's time. Had Jinn been alive during the High Republic Era, Kenobi once reasoned, he would likely have become a Wayseeker, a Jedi who operated without direct council oversight to follow the will of the Force as they felt it.
While the other Jedi of his era placed little value on prophecies, arguing that gazing into the future could be perilous and uncertain, Jinn held the prophecies of ancient Jedi mystics in high regard. Although he had in his younger years, Jinn did not view prophecies to be literal. Nonetheless, he did not dismiss them as insignificant, and he believed that understanding the beliefs of the ancient mystics helped connect the Jedi Order to its history. Still, he did also know that trying to learn the future could be considered a form of control, which could lead to the dark side. Ultimately, he told Obi-Wan Kenobi that explaining his view of the prophecies was "complex."

To Jinn, the Jedi's ultimate aim was achieving equilibrium. He once considered whether the Force desired him to gain wisdom from the dark side, but he concluded that its inherently corrupting nature made it incapable of fostering balance. Similarly to his argument that the Jedi Code should be a dynamic agreement rather than a restrictive confinement, he also posited that excessive rigidity in the Jedi Order's beliefs would hinder their ability to attain balance. Therefore, he advocated for a middle ground: the Jedi should neither succumb to the dark side nor become excessively inflexible. Jinn applied his understanding of balance to assist Th'er, the Priestess of Wood, guiding her toward finding common ground with those who had faced similar challenges, enabling her to enrich her people while preserving their cultural heritage.
In a parallel manner, Jinn held Wookiee culture in high regard. He perceived their connection to their home planet as a form of equilibrium, further suggesting that their Life Day celebrations were an homage to the Force. He also valued the wisdom possessed by Wookiees, recognizing its potential to educate both himself and his Padawan, Kenobi. His comprehension of Wookiee culture also proved useful in practical situations; he recognized the unusual nature of a Wookiee being separated from their family on Life Day, which led him to suspect foul play in Balfus's disappearance. Even after his passing and assimilation into the Force, he maintained his respect for balance, considering it crucial.
Most other Jedi seemed unconcerned with the issues Jinn raised concerning their conduct. According to Snoke, during his persistent attempts to lure Ben Solo to the dark side, the Jedi believed their regulations strengthened them, and they continued to adhere to a seemingly endless array of rules and codes. Much like Jinn had likened excessive rigidity to a tree branch that snaps in the wind due to its refusal to adapt, Snoke informed Solo that the Jedi Order's inflexibility contributed to its downfall at the conclusion of the Clone Wars. Subsequent to his death, Jinn learned of Owen and Beru Lars's decision to raise Luke Skywalker despite the inherent risks; he regarded them as embodiments of pure heroism, and he was deeply saddened and horrified by their deaths.

Even in life, Jinn realized that the Force extended beyond an individual Jedi's connection to it, even believing it transcended the concepts of life and death. As a component of the Living Force following his demise, Jinn gained insight into how every facet of every environment contributed to the great song of the Whills; he realized that nothing was devoid of life, as the Force permeated everything, even understanding that the Tatooine desert was not truly barren, considering all its constituent elements.
Although his identity persisted after death, he no longer possessed an "individual existence;" having ceased to exist as "Qui-Gon Jinn" and instead existing as an integral part of the Force, he was unconcerned with linear time, individuality, awareness, and consciousness, even existing beyond what he considered the "crude" language of living humans. Despite considering his existence as part of the Force to be superior, he nevertheless held fond, albeit distant, memories of the vibrancy of his mortal life. He could detach himself from his unity with the Force to communicate with the living, but this action caused him pain, distinguishing his individual self from the Force. Despite providing a vantage point for the complex physical universe, Jinn only endured the pain of re-entering individual existence because he knew he could quickly return to the Force and because he understood he might be needed. He also found that using his old Padawan's name was worth separating from being one with the Force.
Existing as a fragment of the Force, he understood that his past existence was best encapsulated by his name, as it represented who he was during his temporal life. He guided Yoda through Dagobah to uncover the secret of eternal consciousness; however, Yoda was curious to know if Jinn, existing outside of normal time, could reveal Darth Sidious's true identity. While Jinn implied that he knew the answer, he clarified that he could only lead Yoda toward greater understanding, not provide him with direct answers. Jinn's training to preserve his identity after death led him to new philosophies unknown to the Jedi Order at the time. Jinn learned that there were two sides to the Force, a Living Force channeled by the energies of all living beings, and the Cosmic Force into which it fed. It was this symbiotic relationship that allowed the Force to bind the galaxy together and speak to living beings through the midi-chlorians.

Having learned to manifest himself in the physical universe instead of existing solely as a voice, he could draw upon the memories of his life, using them to materialize into a form resembling his former body. He could feel everything, from his flesh to his robes, coalescing around him; when Obi-Wan Kenobi summoned him after Luke Skywalker rushed to investigate the fate of his aunt and uncle, Jinn found that removing his hood came naturally. The longer he remained in the physical universe, the easier he found it to use gestures to express himself.
Jinn believed that the most profound form of mastery involved learning to relinquish control, such as when Jedi like himself detached from the mortal universe. Whenever he appeared as a spirit, he was also not limited to human sight and its limitations, being able to perceive the past and future of the people and events around him. Appearing as a spirit required balance and devotion to the Force, with Jinn explaining he needed to both claim and detach himself from the mortal universe. It took nearly a decade of training to be able to enter such a state. The longer he remained in the mortal realm, the more corporeal he became. He was even able to smell the cremation of the Jawas.
Finding human lives incredibly brief and death an inevitable—but almost a neutral—event, Jinn had come to believe that it was one's journey through the Force that mattered. Believing that truths always eventually came out, he was able to know what living people would call the future, as he no longer existed in linear time. When he appeared on Tatooine to speak with Kenobi, he felt the deaths of nearby Jawas, specifically feeling the memory of their helplessness and fear wash over his consciousness. Finding their deaths meaningless, Jinn was comforted by the sight of C-3PO and R2-D2, knowing it proved time to be a circle; the Force had ensured they were present once more on the desert world, making the beginning of a journey its end as well.
Jinn understood that he could never have understood the process of appearing as a spirit when he was alive. Whenever Jinn intended to return to the Force, his awareness spread out, again allowing him to sense how every aspect of a planet fit together to form the system of life. Upon letting go, he again would release his name and form to become one with the energy field that was the Force.

Dooku served as Jinn's mentor and confidant. Jinn further characterized him as a teacher and guide capable of navigating him through any challenge. Consequently, Jinn was deeply affected by Dooku's decision to abandon the Jedi Order, with Dooku's choice also creating fear and doubt inside his former disciple. In that mindset, he found himself lost and made several mistakes. Over time, however, those concerns Jinn faced would give way to resolve he described as confidence and understanding. While he suspected resenting Dooku would be a normal reaction, he also decided it was the easy, lazy, and passive path; instead, Jinn turned inward and towards his studies, concluding in the end that everyone made mistakes, yet it was how one decided to respond to those errors that mattered the most. His experience after Dooku's decision and his time healing gave him wisdom he imparted to Lizel Liit.
In secret, Dooku succumbed to the dark side, becoming the Sith Lord Darth Tyranus, yet Jinn remained a vulnerable point for Dooku. On Geonosis, Dooku asserted to Kenobi that he wished Jinn were still alive so the late Jedi Master could have helped him with the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Kenobi rejected the idea that Jinn would have joined Dooku. Still, Dooku told Kenobi that Jinn knew about the corruption in the Galactic Senate and might have joined the Separatist cause—especially if he had learned that the Republic was under Darth Sidious's control, although, in truth, the CIS was just as much under Sith control as their rival state. Shortly into the war, Kenobi invoked Jinn's memory in debate with Dooku concerning a mission to the neutral planet Cato Neimoidia, which created a minor but present shift in the Sith Lord's demeanor. Trying to hide his reaction, Dooku only responded by noting Jinn had been an honorable figure, ultimately agreeing that the CIS would let Kenobi carry out the mission when Kenobi declared that he carried on Jinn's teachings and, thus, could be trusted as well.
During his tenure with the Jedi Order, Jinn accepted Obi-Wan Kenobi as his Padawan learner. Although they collaborated effectively, they held divergent perspectives on the Jedi; the rule-abiding Kenobi was more inclined to follow the Jedi Council's directives, diligently completing mission reports, while Jinn was more inclined to defer such tasks, partly because he knew Kenobi would handle them, and defy the Council. Kenobi and Jinn's contrasting natures initially caused friction in their relationship, but both grew close over time. Though he still did not entirely agree with it, Kenobi came to understand it was normal for Jinn to disagree with the Council, viewing his Master's actions as a viable alternative to their orders, as it avoided giving into absolutes. Even so, he always preferred to have advanced warning when they were to go on unapproved missions, at least because it allowed him to pack.
Under the tutelage of a Jedi Master who adopted a more "relaxed" approach rather than a strict interpretation of the Jedi Code, Kenobi recognized that his lessons were often unconventional, but he did not display annoyance with that, even if Jinn's attempts at moving him away from a standard Jedi viewpoint—asking Kenobi to embody the spirit of the Jedi Code instead of a literal reading—instead resulted in Kenobi trying even harder to embody the traditional Jedi spirit. Jinn nevertheless defended his unconventional choices, believing that Jedi could not learn new lessons if they only stuck with their specific teachings. Beyond thinking Kenobi was always well learned in his answers to questions, Jinn also truly trusted his Padawan; when he and many Wookiees were captured on Life Day, he trusted in Kenobi to rescue them. He also felt sustained by Kenobi's strength.

Jinn also tasked Kenobi with reading political bills with him whenever he got a feeling that something was wrong. While Kenobi was annoyed by how time consuming the process was, he respected that, and was further annoyed by how, his mentor's feelings on such matters were often correct. Beyond Jinn often being correct, the other reason he went along with it was because his only attempt at "mutinying" against such work it did not go over well. Like most Jedi, Kenobi also did not share his master's fascination with prophecies. Despite their differences, which could make them argue even when they agreed on matters, Jinn remained proud of Kenobi's accomplishments, believing his Padawan to be wiser than himself and foreseeing that his apprentice would become an great Jedi Knight. Kenobi was also thankful for his teachings and, even despite his misgivings, would not give up their friendly arguments for anything.
Beyond being able to sense whenever his apprentice held discontentment, Qui-Gon Jinn had an empathetic nature and tended to take unfortunate life forms under his protection. It was this tendency and his defiance towards the Jedi Council, which often frustrated and baffled his Padawan. When Jinn saved the Gungan exile Jar Jar Binks, who in turn swore a life-debt to him, his compassionate nature was such that Jinn took the hapless Gungan under his wing, much to Kenobi's dismay. His empathy toward all life forms, including the most pitiful and unfortunate, was Jinn's greatest strength. Additionally, he remained understanding and patient with Queen Padmé Amidala. During the short time they knew each other, he never asked for her to do more than she was willing to, and she was left in nearly overwhelming sadness anytime she thought of the Jedi Master after his death.
Kenobi had sleepless nights during his training, partly because he feared Jinn would somehow end up removed from the Jedi Order before his apprenticeship was over. Kenobi had tried to embody a traditional Jedi spirit to keep his master in line with traditional teachings, a reverse of the typical master—apprentice relationship. Despite that, some of Jinn's defiance was passed down to his Padawan, resulting in Kenobi pushing for Anakin to become his apprentice.
Even after his death, Jinn continued to aid his former Padawan; he provided guidance during the Imperial Era, alerting him whenever he needed to safeguard Luke Skywalker. When he was called upon during his former student's exile, he did not only see Kenobi as he existed in old age, seeing every other aspect of the man's past and present at once and believing they all made him who he was. In fact, he completed his training to appear as a ghost for Kenobi, as he wanted him to have company throughout his exile. Finding that saying Kenobi's name made the effort to enter the physical universe worth it, he elected to also say "Ben," which served as Kenobi's alias. He also knew that Kenobi would quickly adopt the persona of a Jedi Knight once more, as soon as danger came, and looked forward to watching Kenobi do so.
Jinn also took to calling him "my Padawan" once more, as he knew Kenobi still had much to learn, as he had learned that death was merely the start of gaining wisdom. Even so, he believed Kenobi already personified the ways of the Jedi, seeing that he had the patience to remain on Tatooine as Luke Skywalker grew up. Although Kenobi did not see himself in a kind light, Jinn also knew Kenobi was special for not giving into the dark side during that time; he was in awe of Kenobi's steadfast devotion to the light, as he remained a Jedi despite losing everyone he loved. Beyond his mentor, Kenobi had lost Anakin, Satine Kryze, Padmé Amidala, Ahsoka Tano, and Clone Commander Cody. He also respected Kenobi's courage in wanting to continue to live despite all he had lost; he was moved by this, but he anticipated the upcoming reunion they would have after Kenobi's death.
He felt that respecting Kenobi's steadfast devotion to the Jedi was something he owed his Padawan because, upon reflection, Jinn also believed he had failed his student, thinking that Kenobi had not been ready to teach Anakin. He thought his mistakes were obvious and wretched, thinking that Kenobi never discussed them with him to spare his mentor needing to hear of them. In reality, even though he did feel Anakin had been thrust upon him and did regret not having more time to figure out his place in the Jedi Order, Kenobi never mentioned the supposed mistakes to his former master because he did not blame him for Anakin's fall. Jinn wanted to discuss these matters with Kenobi once they were both beyond the world of the living, and he agreed with his apprentice's decision to not tell Luke the full story about his father, thinking that the boy needed to learn when he was steady and strong in the Force.
Kenobi felt sustained by his mentor's wisdom, looking forward to learning how to appear as a spirit and never hesitating to call upon Jinn. Whenever Jinn departed from the mortal world to return to the Force, he found that Kenobi became another part of the overall music of life. He intended to show Kenobi the beauty in letting go to be a part of the Force. By the time after his death, Kenobi had come to disagree with the way Jinn had taken Skywalker off Tatooine; the Jedi Master had told the boy he was not on planet to free him from slavery, instead suggesting he leave his mother for a prophecy he had never heard of.

In contrast to Kenobi, Jinn embraced the prophecy of the Chosen One, firmly believing that this prophesied individual would restore equilibrium to the Force. As foretold, Jinn encountered a male born without a father, Anakin Skywalker, and swiftly concluded that he was the Chosen One. While he acknowledged the uncertainty surrounding Skywalker's future, he did not fixate on the danger that the Council perceived in Skywalker's potential. He was willing to train him even if the council forbade it. Even in his dying deaths, Jinn remained steadfast in his belief.
Even as a spirit, Jinn continued to believe in Skywalker, quickly asking Kenobi whether he had trained him when they reunited on Mortis. Although he briefly entertained the thought that Skywalker was not the Chosen One, warning Kenobi that the planet was nevertheless dangerous for Skywalker even if he was not, he later affirmed his faith in the young Jedi and his destiny while speaking to him. Skywalker and Kenobi later came to believe their discussions with Jinn's spirit on Mortis were deceptions, but it had truly been their old mentor.
After Skywalker fell to the dark side, Jinn saw it as a fate worse than death. He blamed himself for the creation of Darth Vader, believing that he had placed the responsibility for training him on Kenobi before his student was ready. He concluded that training the boy may have been impossible for even the best of the Jedi, yet Kenobi disagreed; although Kenobi too had once blamed himself for Skywalker's fall, Vader rebutted that idea during their duel on a barren moon, declaring that he himself had destroyed Skywalker, not his masters. As such, Kenobi argued to Jinn that Skywalker—even if himself and Jinn had some blame for his fate—had all the wisdom needed to take the path of the light side, yet he chose otherwise. Despite agreeing with Kenobi's response, he did not feel his mistakes were absolved.

Recognized by his peers as an exceptional Jedi, Qui-Gon Jinn possessed both sensitivity to and an affinity for the Force. He employed telekinesis and mind tricks on multiple occasions, utilizing them to advance his objectives during the Trade Federation's occupation of Naboo and in his attempts to liberate Skywalker from slavery. He also demonstrated proficiency in Force jump, enabling him to leap great distances. While Jinn felt uneasy about being perceived as a warrior, considering such a label inconsistent with the Jedi ideal, he was nonetheless skilled with a lightsaber. He effectively wielded his blade to defeat battle droids on Naboo and to hold his own in his initial duel against Darth Maul. During their second encounter, the Sith Lord outmatched the Jedi Master, inflicting a fatal wound after a protracted battle. Although Jinn succumbed to Maul's attack, his influence persisted in his former apprentice Kenobi as well as his apprentice, Anakin Skywalker. When Kenobi and Skywalker confronted Dooku on his ship during the Clone Wars, the Sith Lord noted that he had to be wary of their knowledge and skill since they had been taught by Jinn, who at one point had been his Padawan.
The ability to manifest consciousness after death was, for a time, a skill that other Jedi didn't know. Jinn kept his training with the Force Priestesses a secret, and the Jedi Order continued to believe that death was permanent and one couldn't retain their identity. It was not until towards the Clone Wars that Jinn revealed himself to Yoda, despite his training being incomplete at the time, and Jinn told the Jedi Master that he too could learn to return from death through the Cosmic Force. In this state, Jinn's connection to the Force was not hampered by a physical body; he was of the Force, so could see possibilities and what was occurring in multiple locations at once. As such, he could sense events before they happened. Jinn passed his teachings on to Yoda and Kenobi, who used it and the new philosophies they learned to help guide Luke Skywalker towards his destiny. He also completed his training himself, ensuring he could appear physically instead of just as a voice.

Like his fellow Jedi, Qui-Gon Jinn donned the standard Jedi attire of his time, including an optional hooded robe that could easily be removed. During his sojourn on Tatooine, he wore a poncho. Jinn also utilized a Hush-98 comlink for long distance communication and to transmit a blood sample for midi-chlorian analysis, owned an imagecaster to display holograms, and used an A99 aquata rebreather when swimming underwater.
Jinn piloted a blue Delta-7 Aethersprite-class light interceptor, which could be attached to a hyperspace transport ring for lightspeed travel. Furthermore, his starfighter travels were aided by an astromech droid that had a round dome. For their mission to Bri'n, Kenobi and Jinn used a Eta-class shuttle. During the Invasion of Naboo, Kenobi, Jar Jar Binks, and him were given a Gungan bongo submarine to travel through Naboo's planet core.

The Jedi Master wielded a green lightsaber, that he carried throughout most of his life. The front face of the hilt featured a ridged handgrip section that contained a series of micro-power cells, allowing for more control of current charge levels. The lightsaber had a red button that served as an activation switch. With a hilt length of 28.5 centimeters and a width of 3.8 centimeters, and made of alloy metal, Jinn's lightsaber was less ornate than the lightsaber belonging to his master, Dooku. Following his death, Jinn's lightsaber fell into the possession of Kenobi, his apprentice.

Qui-Gon Jinn was brought to life by Liam Neeson in the 1999 prequel trilogy film, Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace. The actor reprised his role in three episodes of Star Wars: The Clone Wars; "Overlords," "Ghosts of Mortis," and "Voices." Audio of him could briefly be heard in Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones. Neeson was also set to lend his voice to Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith, and Neeson had hinted at his involvement in early 2005. The scene ultimately appeared in the film's novelization.
Neeson reprised his role again in 2019 in a brief audio cameo in Star Wars: Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker, the final film of the Skywalker saga. He once again reprised the role in 2022 in "Part VI" of the series Star Wars: Obi-Wan Kenobi as a Force ghost. He spoke to director Deborah Chow and she told him that Ewan McGregor would reprise his role as Obi-Wan Kenobi in a series. She explained that when Kenobi was going through a journey, he reached out for help but Jinn was not there. Kenobi would finally see Jinn at the end of his journey. Neeson then said he was definitely onboard with the series. Neeson returned to the role once more lending his voice to the animated Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi, while a younger Jinn was voiced by Neeson's son, Micheál Richardson. In 2024, Neeson said he was too old to return to Qui-Gon Jinn in a live-action capacity.
Compared to the final screenplay, early drafts of The Phantom Menace did not have Qui-Gon Jinn joining Obi-Wan Kenobi until much later in the film, leaving Kenobi as the sole Jedi participant through many of the film's early events, such as the failed negotiations aboard the Trade Federation flagship. Additionally, the final screenplay described Qui-Gon Jinn as being in his 60s, far older than actor Liam Neeson was at the time.