
The Force wielder known as the Daughter was a female being native to the world of Mortis, a place of ethereal nature. She, like the Father and Son, her family, was a being uniquely connected to the Force. She was the embodiment of the light side, in contrast to her brother who represented the dark side of the Force. Their patriarch maintained the equilibrium between them. As the Father approached his end, the family brought Anakin Skywalker, the Chosen One and Jedi Knight, to Mortis, testing his worthiness to take the Father's place. The Daughter, loyal to her Father, accepted his will, but the Son aimed to flee to the galaxy with Skywalker's assistance.

The siblings clashed in the Son's cathedral, only for the Father to intervene. However, the Son, empowered by the dark side due to the Clone Wars, overpowered him. To shield their Father from the Dagger of Mortis, which the Son intended to use, the Daughter gave her life. Though fatally injured, she used her remaining power to aid Skywalker in saving his Padawan, Ahsoka Tano. She was then interred with the Dagger that caused her demise. The Son later visited his sister's grave to retrieve the weapon before his own death.



The Daughter and the Son represented the light and dark sides of the Force respectively.

The Daughter, a female member of the enigmatic Force wielder species known as the Ones, was part of a family consisting of the Father, the family's patriarch, and the Son, her brother. She was the embodiment of the light side of the Force, representing qualities such as compassion, serenity, love, and selflessness, while her brother was the embodiment of the dark side of the Force. The Father's role was to maintain balance between the two siblings, preventing their inherent conflict from endangering the galaxy.

The Father brought the Daughter and her brother to Mortis, a world located in Wild Space, due to their Force abilities. By isolating themselves from the material world, the Father could maintain control over the Daughter and the Son, ensuring their balance. After the Daughter and her family made Mortis their home, knowledge of their existence dwindled over time.

Mortis served as both a refuge and a prison for the family. The realm was thought to be the origin of the Force itself, acting as a conduit for all things connected through it, and allowing the Father to oversee the Force's balance throughout the galaxy. The Daughter remained faithful to her father and the light side, while her brother struggled with the dark side and his desire to seize the Father's power.

The Clone Wars

The Chosen One

The Daughter and the Son are both tamed by the Chosen One, Anakin Skywalker.

During the Clone Wars, the Ones learned of the Chosen One, a Jedi of legend foretold in prophecy. As the Father aged and found it increasingly difficult to balance his children, he decided to bring the Chosen One to Mortis to take over his role. This Chosen One was Anakin Skywalker, a promising Jedi Knight within the Jedi Order and a respected Jedi General in the Grand Army of the Republic. Both the Daughter and the Son were informed of this plan. The Son sought to corrupt the Chosen One, while the Daughter followed her Father's instructions to bring him to their monastery.

Using a distress signal encoded with an ancient Jedi code, the Father lured Skywalker, along with his Jedi companions Master Obi-Wan Kenobi and Skywalker's Padawan Ahsoka Tano, to Mortis. Upon the shuttle's arrival, the Daughter approached the three Jedi. She inquired if Anakin was "the One" and offered to lead them to the Father. Anakin and his companions reluctantly accepted the Daughter's offer. However, as they walked along a cliff, a rockslide, orchestrated by the Son, separated the Daughter and Skywalker from Kenobi and Ahsoka. The Daughter advised Anakin to wait, but he disobeyed and followed her, leaving Kenobi and Ahsoka to return to the ship and seek assistance.

Later that night, the Daughter and the Son transformed into a griffin and gargoyle, respectively, and abducted Kenobi and Ahsoka. The next morning, the Father led Skywalker to an arena where the Daughter and the Son landed with their Jedi captives. To test Skywalker's worthiness as the Chosen One, the Father commanded him to choose which captive to save from his children. However, Skywalker used his Force abilities to compel the Daughter and the Son to release his comrades and revert to their humanoid forms. The Father recognized Skywalker as the Chosen One and offered him the chance to take his place. However, Skywalker, not fully understanding the situation, declined the offer and chose to return to the galaxy with his fellow Jedi.


The Daughter duels the Son using the light side of the Force.

Before Skywalker and his Jedi companions could leave Mortis, the Son kidnapped Ahsoka and took her to his cathedral. Later, at her father's monastery, the Daughter and Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi witnessed the Son succumbing to the dark side and attacking the Father with Force lightning, severely injuring him. Hearing the commotion, the Daughter rushed to her wounded Father's side. Kenobi urged her to help the Jedi stop the Son before he could escape Mortis, but the Daughter refused to harm her brother, stating that it was not in his nature to be "dark."

When Kenobi suggested that she and Anakin combine their Force abilities to stop the Son, the Daughter instead led him to a cavern containing the Dagger of Mortis, a powerful weapon capable of killing the Ones. She told Kenobi that this was the only weapon that could stop her brother. The Daughter and Kenobi journeyed to the Son's cathedral to confront him. They found the Son in his inner sanctum, but he remained unfazed and directed their attention to Anakin fighting against Ahsoka, who had been corrupted by the Son. While Kenobi and Skywalker battled the corrupted Ahsoka, the Daughter and the Son engaged in a fierce duel, with the Daughter using her telekinetic abilities against her brother's Force lightning, even briefly clashing in their animal forms.

The Daughter is killed by her brother, sacrificing her life to save their Father.

The Daughter and her brother's fight was interrupted by the Father, who used his Force powers to separate them and throw them among the Jedi. However, the Son continued his attack on the Father. During the battle, the corrupted Ahsoka obtained the Dagger of Mortis and gave it to the Son, who attempted to kill the Father. Having used her, the Son then "killed" Ahsoka by draining her life force. With the Jedi distracted, the Son attempted to stab his Father with the Dagger. However, the Daughter intervened and took the full force of the blade, mortally wounding herself. Horrified at killing his own sister, the Son fled.


The Daughter's remaining life force is drained into the recently deceased Ahsoka Tano.

In her final moments, the Daughter allowed the Father to transfer her remaining powers into Ahsoka, healing her and restoring her to life and the light side. She died content, knowing she had saved an innocent life. The Daughter's death disrupted the balance of the Force on Mortis and weakened the light in the wider galaxy, causing the planet to descend into darkness. Following her death, the Father and the Jedi resolved to prevent the Son from accessing the Jedi's shuttle and returning to the galaxy. The Father, distraught that he had never intended for her to die, buried the Daughter in a crypt with the Dagger of Mortis.

Later, the Son manipulated Anakin Skywalker by showing him a Force vision of the future at the Well of the Dark Side. Believing the Jedi to be a threat to peace and that the Son could help him change the future, Skywalker agreed to help the Son return to the galaxy. Meanwhile, the Son visited his sister's tomb and took the Dagger of Mortis, intending to kill the Father. However, the Father stopped them and erased Anakin's memories of the future. Shortly after, both the Son and the Father were killed by Skywalker in a final confrontation at the Mortis monastery. The deaths of the Ones restored balance to the Force and destroyed the planet Mortis, while the Jedi returned to the galaxy.

The Daughter alongside the Father and Son in a portrait at Lothal's Jedi Temple.

In 0 BBY, forces of the Galactic Empire conducted an excavation of the Jedi temple on Lothal, led by Minister Veris Hydan under the orders of Darth Sidious, the Galactic Emperor and Dark Lord of the Sith. A mural depicting the Daughter, the Father, and the Son was discovered on the temple wall. Later, Jedi Padawan Ezra Bridger and Sabine Wren, a Mandalorian warrior and agent of the Rebel Alliance, infiltrated the dig site. Wren and Bridger studied the mural, seeking a way to open the temple. Bridger placed his hand on the Daughter's hand in the mural, using the Force to activate it. The mural lit up, the Daughter's head turned to face her Father, and the words "We are the ones that guard the power. We are the middle, the beginning, and the end" emanated from the painting in the Daughter's voice. The Father's depiction then moved, opening a gateway for Ezra. As Imperial forces approached, Sabine urged Bridger to jump through the portal, allowing him to escape.

The gateway led to the World Between Worlds, a mystical plane outside time and space with gateways to various points in time. In this realm, Bridger heard echoes of voices from across time, including the Daughter's. Eventually, Ezra returned to Lothal and used the Force on the Son's hand to close the gateway, preventing the Empire from gaining control of the World Between Worlds. The portraits of the Son and the Daughter then sank with dejected expressions as the temple was destroyed.

The convor Morai shared a spiritual connection with the Daughter and a strong bond with Ahsoka Tano. Maps drawn by Gammit Chond, an Ithorian artist, depicted information and illustrations of the Daughter and her family. The map relating to Mortis contained information about the Mission to Mortis where the Daughter died and was stored in the Shadow Stacks in the Graf Archive on the moon Orchis 2 until a lucky student found it. A journal, also speculated to be written by Chond, containing information and illustrations of the Daughter, the Mortis Gods, and the Force-wielders was also stored in the Graf Archive but had faded into obscurity until rediscovered by a team led by archive droid TR-33NA.

Personality and traits

The Daughter emanated a glowing aura in both human and griffin forms.

The Daughter, a female Force wielder, stood at 2.13 meters (7 feet) tall in her humanoid form and 2.58 meters in her Griffin form. She had pale skin, green hair, and green eyes.

She was a selfless, compassionate, and humble Force-wielder who aligned with the light side of the Force. She loved her Father and her brother, the Son, and shared the Father's goal of maintaining the balance of the Force on Mortis and throughout the galaxy. She strongly opposed the dark side but still loved her brother despite his obsession with it, pleading for the Father not to hold it against him. The Daughter and her brother were kept in balance by the Father. Her selfless devotion to her family and righteousness led her to sacrifice her life to save the Father and use her remaining energy to revive the Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano.

Powers and abilities

The Daughter in griffin form.

As a member of the Force wielder species, the Daughter possessed a strong connection to the Force and could shift between a statuesque humanoid woman and a large, flight-capable griffin. She could absorb, deflect, and redirect force lightning. She demonstrated powerful telekinesis, lifting and slamming the Son to the ground and holding him in place. She could also unleash powerful Force pushes, as demonstrated when she forced the Son out of his Gargoyle form. The Daughter could fly and seemed to have a spiritual connection with the bird, Morai. In her sacrifice, she used the Force to enhance her speed, reaching the Son before he could strike their father. At the end of her life, the Daughter transferred her life force into Ahsoka Tano, using Anakin Skywalker as a conduit, resurrecting the Jedi apprentice. The Dagger of Mortis was a weapon capable of harming her, causing her mortality and death when the Son accidentally stabbed her with it.

Behind the scenes

The Daughter and the Mortis storyline were conceived by George Lucas, the creator of Star Wars. She first appeared in "Overlords," the fifteenth episode of the third season of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated series. The episode was directed by Steward Lee, written by Christian Taylor, and premiered on January 28, 2011. Adrienne Wilkinson voiced the Daughter, having previously voiced Maris Brood in the Star Wars Legends video game Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. Sam Witwer, the Son's voice actor, had voiced Galen Marek in the same game.

