Librarian droids in the Lost Library of Nelgenam.
Droids designed for library work, which are also referenced as archive droids or archival droids, were a specific class of droid employed within libraries. A librarian droid was responsible for the upkeep of the Ha Zurh Library and Records Office located in Tipoca City. Even centuries after its decline, the Lost Library of Nelgenam housed several library droids. When the cartographer Emil Graf made an attempt to get inside the library, two library droids confronted him and tried to kill him.
TR-33NA, an SP-4 analysis droid, fulfilled this role at the Graf Archive which was located on Orchis 2. At one juncture, an archival droid assisted Leia Organa, the previous crown princess of Alderaan and the then-current head of the Resistance, in the creation of her biography.