The Father was a Force wielder of immense power who made his home in the realm known as Mortis. His offspring, the Daughter and the Son, embodied the light side and dark side of the Force, respectively. The Father maintained equilibrium between them until his declining health prompted a search for someone to take his place.
During the period of the Clone Wars, the Father led Anakin Skywalker to Mortis to evaluate the Jedi Knight's capabilities, ultimately determining that he was indeed the Chosen One destined to bring balance to the Force. However, Skywalker refused the Father's offer to remain on Mortis. Furthermore, the schemes of the Son led to the demise of himself and his family. As he neared death, the Father foresaw that Skywalker would one day fulfill his destiny.
The Father was a male being, a member of a mysterious family of Force wielders known as the Ones. He fathered the Daughter and the Son, who were the living representations of the light and dark side aspects of the Force, respectively. The Father's goal was to serve as a balancing influence between his two children and to safeguard the galaxy from the vast power they possessed.
Because of his children's Force abilities, the Father brought both the Daughter and the Son to the Wild Space planet of Mortis, a world existing on a spiritual plane within the distant Chrelythiumn system. Mortis was considered the origin of the Force and acted as a channel for all things connected to it. For countless ages, the Father watched over the Force's balance in the galaxy. While the Daughter remained devoted to the light side, the Son, drawn to the dark side, aimed to seize his Father's authority.

During the era of the Clone Wars, the Ones received word that the Chosen One had been discovered. This prophesied individual was revealed to be Anakin Skywalker, a Jedi General and the master of Padawan Ahsoka Tano. The Father employed an ancient Jedi distress signal to entice Skywalker, along with his fellow Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi and Ahsoka, to the Chrelythiumn system. Anakin and his Jedi companions journeyed there, finding themselves on the world of Mortis.
Upon their arrival, the Father dispatched the Daughter to welcome the visitors and escort them to him. En route, they were ambushed by the Son, who dislodged a boulder onto their path. While the Daughter and the Jedi visitors were unharmed, the travelers became separated by the obstacle. By nightfall, Skywalker had reached the Mortis monastery, which served as the home of the Father and Daughter. The Father greeted Skywalker and led him to a bed. After the Son appeared to Anakin in the guise of his deceased mother, Shmi Skywalker Lars, the young Jedi Knight angrily confronted the Father, who denied being a Sith.
The Father then introduced himself and his children as Force wielders. After recounting his family's history, the Father informed Anakin that he and his friends were free to depart Mortis after undergoing a trial. This trial was designed to ascertain whether Skywalker was truly the Chosen One and to compel him to confront his inner guilt. The following morning, the test unfolded in the courtyard of the Mortis monastery. The Son and Daughter had transformed into their animal forms and abducted both Tano and Kenobi. As part of the test, Anakin was compelled to choose whom he would rescue.
Anakin succeeded in the test by harnessing the planet's Force-amplifying properties to force the Son and the Daughter to release their captives and revert to their humanoid forms. The Father congratulated Anakin on passing the test but informed him that he still had to learn about the true nature within himself. The Father then requested Anakin to assume his role as the balancing force between his two children. He also cautioned the Jedi Knight that if he chose to leave, he would endanger the galaxy with his selfishness. Reluctant to abandon his Jedi comrades, a conflicted Anakin decided to depart with Kenobi and Ahsoka on their ship.

Before Anakin and his Jedi companions could leave Mortis on their vessel, they were confronted by the Son, who abducted Ahsoka Tano and took her to his cathedral. Kenobi suggested that they seek guidance from the Father, but Anakin was determined to rescue his Padawan and headed to the Son's cathedral. Later, the Father confronted the Son at the Mortis monastery, urging him to relinquish the dark side. The Son lost his temper and struck the Father with Force lightning just as Kenobi entered the monastery.
The Son's attack rendered the Father unconscious. In his absence, the Daughter persuaded Kenobi to retrieve the Dagger of Mortis from the altar in order to prevent the Son from escaping offworld to unleash chaos upon the galaxy. Anakin, Kenobi, and the Daughter confronted the Son and a dark side-corrupted Ahsoka at the Son's cathedral. The Father eventually recovered from his unconsciousness and attempted to halt the conflict between his children. However, the Father proved no match for the Son due to his weakened state.
During the struggle, the Son attempted to kill the Father with the Dagger of Mortis. However, the Daughter intercepted the blade and was mortally wounded. Grief-stricken by the death of his sister, the Son fled the scene. As the Daughter died, the balance of the Force on Mortis was disrupted, and the planet descended into darkness. In her dying moments, the Daughter used her remaining Force powers to cleanse Ahsoka of her dark side influences and to revive her from the dead. Fearing that the imbalance on Mortis would cause the Sith and dark side to gain the upper hand in the galaxy, the grieving Father implored the Jedi to leave before the Son could use their ship to escape offworld. As the Jedi departed, the Father mourned his Daughter's death.

After mourning the Daughter, the Father interred her in a crypt with the Dagger of Mortis. He was soon joined by Anakin, who had come to seek his assistance in stopping the Son. Skywalker feared that the Son could not be contained on Mortis indefinitely. While the Father was determined to eliminate his Son before he could endanger the galaxy, he refused to accept Skywalker's help because he feared that the Son could use the young Jedi Knight's powers to tilt the balance of the Force and wreak havoc in the galaxy. The Father added that their fates were now in the hands of the Force and implored him to search himself for the answers needed to stop the Son.
Despite the Father's warning, Anakin was seduced by the Son in the Well of the Dark Side. The Son convinced him that he could embrace the dark side in order to avert terrible visions of the future including the Great Jedi Purge and the rise of the Galactic Empire. Under the Son's influence, Skywalker trapped Master Kenobi in the Well and then attempted to reach his starship. Kenobi however managed to contact Ahsoka and convince her to disable the ship's power systems, sabotaging the Son's plans.
The Father then confronted Anakin outside his starship. After Skywalker voiced his fear that he would bring great suffering in the future, the Father used his Force powers to erase Anakin's recent memory and to drive the dark side from him. The Father and the three Jedi visitors then confronted the Son at the Mortis monastery. The Father implored his Son to give up his plans but he refused. A skirmish soon broke out and the Son's powers proved too powerful for even the combined might of the Father and the Jedi.
To strip the Son of his Force powers, the Father sacrificed his own life by stabbing himself with the Dagger of Mortis. Overcome with remorse, the Son regained his senses and reconciled with the Father shortly before he was impaled by Anakin's lightsaber. With his dying breath, Father proclaimed that Anakin was the Chosen One for restoring balance to Mortis. The Father also prophesied that Anakin would bring back balance to the Force in the wider galaxy but warned the Jedi to beware of his inner self lest he bring doom to the galaxy. The Father's body then vanished, leading to the disappearance of Mortis.

Following the Father's death, Anakin and his Jedi comrades found themselves transferred back to the physical realm. Ultimately, the Son's prophecy that Anakin would fall to the dark side came to fruition at the end of the Clone Wars. Under the influence of Darth Sidious, Skywalker became Darth Vader. As the Emperor's enforcer, Vader brought much doom and misery to the galaxy. However, the Father's prophecy that Anakin would restore balance to the Force in the galaxy also came to fruition when he sacrificed his own life to save his son Luke Skywalker during the Battle of Endor.
During the Galactic Civil War, the Emperor's adviser Veris Hydan and Spectre Ezra Bridger discovered a painting depicting the Father with his two children. Their painting was actually a doorway to an alternate dimension known as the World Between Worlds. In the World Between Worlds, Ezra heard the Father's voice along with those of many other important figures in the galaxy.
Shortly after Ezra left the dimension and closed the portal, the temple started to break apart. As this happened, the painted image of the Father came to life and raised its hands and brought them together, as the painted images of Loth-wolves ran towards it. This caused the temple to fully collapse, leaving nothing behind.

Years later while on the Extragalactic planet of Peridea, former Jedi Master and mercenary, Baylan Skoll, searched for a mysterious power he claimed was "calling to him". He was last seen at the site of an enormous trio of statues carved in a cliff wall. Baylan gazed from the statue of the Father who's outstretched arm pointed to a distant mountain with a pulsing beacon of light which was the apparent source, strongly implying that the power Baylan desired was somehow related to the Mortis Gods.
The Father appeared as a wizened and ancient humanoid, characterized by a long, flowing beard and smooth, gray skin. As a Force wielder, he stood at a towering height of 2.48 meters (8 feet, 2 inches). He had white hair and blue eyes with black sclera. He held immense affection for his children, the Daughter and the Son. Recognizing the potential danger of their Force powers, the Father kept them isolated from the galaxy on the planet Mortis, which existed on a spiritual plane. The Father was a wise Force-wielder who sought to maintain balance in the Force. He also rightfully regarded Anakin Skywalker as the Chosen One and sought to guide the young Jedi Knight on that path, so Skywalker could maintain the balance after the Father died.
The Father attempted to persuade his wayward Son to renounce the dark side and refrain from returning to the galaxy to unleash chaos. As such, the Father attempted to reason with his Son but failed. The Father sought to keep Anakin from straying onto the path of the dark side. On one occasion, he purged Anakin's memories in order to prevent the Son from using Skywalker to wreak havoc on the galaxy. The Father was also willing to sacrifice his own life in order to stop his own Son.

The Father was a Force-wielder who dwelled in the spirit plane and appeared to have lived for eons. While the Father appeared in the form of a wizened and ancient humanoid, he was capable of accomplishing great feats through the Force, including stripping his children of their animal forms. Despite his power, he dared not expose himself to the wider galaxy, for fear that the Sith or another faction would make him their servant. His Force abilities include the ability to deflect a lightsaber blade with his hand. The Father could also teleport instantly as shown when he was testing Anakin. The Father was capable of purging Anakin's memories by touching his head with one finger. The Father was also able to fly by sporting wings from his back. His Force push was powerful enough to send The Son and The Daughter flying out of a window. The Father was able to absorb The Son's Force lightning. While he was capable of fighting with his Force powers, he was no match for the dark side powers of his son. Due to his age, he was becoming weaker and could not hold off The Son's assault. Although he was immortal, the Dagger of Mortis could be used to kill him. The Father used this dagger to kill himself. In doing so, The Son also lost his immortality and Anakin was able to kill him. The Father was also very persuasive, and tried convince Anakin to succeed him as the leader of Mortis, keeping balance over his children, who embodied the light side and the dark side of the Force.
The Father made his debut in 2011, in the episode "Overlords" from the third season of The Clone Wars. Lloyd Sherr provided his voice, and he also appeared in the episodes "Altar of Mortis" and "Ghosts of Mortis."