
title: Overlords

The fifteenth episode of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated television show's third season is called "Overlords". It was originally broadcast on January 28, 2011.

Official description

"Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Ahsoka are lured by a strange power to a remote planet. There, they encounter a family of incredibly powerful Force users who want to know if Anakin is truly the Chosen One. The Father, as he is known, has spent eons maintaining equilibrium between his Daughter, who is deeply connected to the light side of the Force, and his Son, who is aligned with the dark side. The Father reveals that his time is short, and he wants Anakin to succeed him as the lynchpin of this balance. Anakin is tested and proves he can control both offspring, just like the Father. However, Skywalker declines the Father's offer to take his place."

Plot summary

Without any warning, the Jedi intercept a transmission containing a Jedi distress signal that's been outdated for 2000 years. Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, and Ahsoka Tano are dispatched to the Chrelythiumn system, the location where the signal originated, to investigate the situation. Their mission is to meet up with a star cruiser under the command of Rex. However, despite being at the designated coordinates, they are unable to establish contact. Suddenly, communication and power are lost, and an overwhelming force pulls the Jedi's shuttle into a massive crystal structure.

The next thing the three Jedi know, they find themselves awake inside their shuttle's cockpit, which has come to rest on an unfamiliar world. As they examine the landscape, which seems to defy natural laws and is filled with the Force, Anakin hears a disembodied female voice that Obi-Wan and Ahsoka cannot perceive. The speaker soon identifies herself as "Daughter," repeatedly questioning Anakin about whether he is "the one" and offering to take them to her "Father." With limited options, the Jedi accept Daughter's invitation.

As they proceed along a cliffside path, a rockfall suddenly separates Anakin and Daughter from Ahsoka and Obi-Wan. Daughter attributes this to her brother's actions and asks Anakin to wait. However, Anakin chooses to follow her, instructing Obi-Wan and his Padawan to return to the ship and attempt to contact for assistance. The two Jedi arrive at the landing site as night falls, only to find the shuttle missing. They are then confronted by Son, who inquires whether Anakin is truly the Chosen One. With a storm approaching, Son departs, and the Jedi are forced to seek shelter to avoid being struck by lightning. From their shelter, Anakin notices the light emanating from a monastery located on a mountain peak.

Once the storm subsides, Anakin quickly ascends to the monastery and enters a large hall where he encounters an old man in meditation. The old man informs Anakin that he will be tested to determine if he is worthy of fulfilling his destiny and invites him to stay for the night. Meanwhile, to his astonishment, Obi-Wan is visited by the Force spirit of his deceased master, Qui-Gon Jinn. Qui-Gon explains the planet's unique properties as a conduit for the Force and the intentions of its inhabitants regarding Anakin. He warns that the planet could corrupt Anakin if he fails to achieve inner balance. Simultaneously, Anakin is visited in his quarters by an apparition of his mother, Shmi. Overcome with pain, Anakin confides in her about his past failures and the guilt he carries. The apparition reveals that Anakin is conflicted because he has defined his guilt over the massacre of the Sand People and his secret marriage to Padmé. When he confronts her, she briefly takes on a monstrous appearance before vanishing. Ahsoka also experiences a vision, this time from her future self, who cautions her to distance herself from Anakin to prevent his inclination towards the dark side from corrupting her.

Anakin confronts his host in anger, demanding answers and suspecting him of being a Sith Lord. The old man introduces himself and his children as Force Wielders, beings of such immense power in the Force that they could no longer reside in the material world. As a result, they retreated to this planet to contain their powers by achieving inner balance and severing all external influences. He assures Anakin that he and his companions are free to leave once Anakin has undergone a test, allowing the old man to assess whether he is truly the Chosen One and for Anakin to confront his own guilt.

The following morning, Anakin faces his trial, which presents him with an impossible choice: Son and Daughter have kidnapped Ahsoka and Obi-Wan as they searched for him, and Anakin must choose which one to save. Anakin uses the planet's Force-amplifying abilities to compel Son and Daughter to release their captives simultaneously and revert to their human forms. The old man informs Anakin that while he has passed the test, he still needs to understand his true nature and asks Anakin to take his place as the balancing force between his children. Otherwise, he risks endangering the galaxy with his selfishness if he departs. Anakin chooses to leave, although he appears strangely hesitant ... and the Imperial March theme is heard as his ship departs the planet.


