The following significant occurrences unfolded in the year 20 BBY, which corresponds to 3257 LY in accordance with the Lothal Calendar and the year 7957 as per the C.R.C. calendar system.
- The clash known as the Battle of Sullust takes place. In the midst of this conflict, Anakin Skywalker's flagship, the Resolute, meets its end. Furthermore, Count Dooku, acting under the directives of his superior Darth Sidious, orchestrates a betrayal against his assassin, Asajj Ventress, by commanding TJ-912's Recusant-class light destroyer to target the Providence-class Dreadnought Ventress occupies. Dooku believes Ventress to be deceased, but she manages to survive and seeks retribution. [6]
- The Ones are eliminated on the planet Mortis. The Son uses the Dagger of Mortis to fatally wound the Daughter. [7] Subsequently, The Father sacrifices himself, enabling Anakin Skywalker to vanquish the Son. [8]
- The Confederacy of Independent Systems initiates efforts to annex the Qiilura system. [9]
- During a Republic mercy mission, droids C-3PO and R2-D2 play a pivotal role in restoring harmony between the Aleena and their subterranean counterparts on the planet Aleen, by resealing the Great Seal. [9]
- The Nightbrother Savage Opress discovers his estranged sibling, the rogue Sith Lord Maul. [10] Maul subsequently resurfaces on the galactic stage with the intention of exacting revenge upon Obi-Wan Kenobi. [11]
- The eight hundred and forty-seventh iteration of the Festival of Light is observed on Naboo. This celebration is disrupted by an attempt to kidnap Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. [12]
- Sheev Palpatine formally incorporates Gallius Rax into the Contingency and the Galactic Empire. [13]
- Battle of Sullust [14]
- Mission to Serenno [14]
- Devaron massacre [15]
- Showdown at Toydaria [16]
- Mission to Mortis [14]
- Capture of Even Piell [14]
- Battle of Lola Sayu [14]
- Funeral of Even Piell [14]
- Second Battle of Felucia [17]
- Battle on Wasskah [17]
- Battle of Mon Cala [14]
- Skirmish on Naboo [18]
- Annexation of the Qiilura system [9]
- Mission to Aleen [9]
- Battle of Patitite Pattuna [19]
- Rescue of Adi Gallia [19]
- Battle of Umbara [14]
- Battle of Horain [14]
- Destruction of the Ledeve Jedi Temple [14]
- Conquest of Kiros [20]
- Battle on Kiros [20]
- Royal Slave Auction [14]
- Mission to Zygerria [14]
- Battle of Kadavo [14]
- Confederate–Republic peace conference [14]
- Battle on Carlac [14]
- Funeral of Obi-Wan Kenobi [1]
- Riot at the Republic Judiciary Central Detention Center [1]
- Showdown on Orondia [21]
- Tournament on Serenno [22]
- Festival of Light [12]
- Plan to kidnap Chancellor Palpatine [12]
- Battle of Dathomir [23]
- Safe cargo objective [24]
- Mission to Lotho Minor [10]
- Massacre on Raydonia [11]
- Skirmish above Raydonia [11]
- Onderonian Civil War [14]
- Funeral of Steela Gerrera [25]
- The Gathering [26]
- Raid on the Crucible [27]
- Attack on Obi-Wan Kenobi's fleet [28]
- Rescue on Florrum [28]
- Invasion of Florrum [29]
- Battle over an unidentified astronomical object [30]
- Mission to steal a Separatist encryption module [31]
- Escape from Abafar [32]
- Carida incident [33]
- Harp Allor was born on Chandrila. [34]
- Caluan Ematt was born on Champat. [14]
- Zare Leonis was born on Uquine. [14]
- Seyn Marana came into existence. [35]
- Berisse Sai was born on Lothal. [36]
- Ratch perished above Sullust. [6]
- Feral met his end during the Selection on Dathomir. [15]
- The following individuals died during the Devaron massacre: [15] Trauma[15], Halsey[15], and Knox[15].
- King Katuunko was killed during the Showdown at Toydaria. [16]
- The following deaths occurred during the mission to Mortis: [7] The Daughter[7], The Father[8], The Son[8], and Ahsoka Tano (later resurrected)[7].
- The following individuals perished during the Battle of Lola Sayu: [37] Osi Sobeck[37], Even Piell[37], Charger[38], Longshot[38], and OOM-10[37].
- TZ-33 was destroyed during the Second Battle of Felucia. [17]
- The following individuals died on Wasskah: [17] Morgo[17], Vadoo[17], Katt Mol[17], Lika[17], Dar[17], Kalifa[17], Clutch[39], Goron[39], Lagon[39], Gilas[39], Ratter[39], Lo-Taren[39], and Sochek[39].
- King Yos Kolina died prior to the Battle of Mon Cala. [40]
- Commander Riff Tamson was killed during the Battle of Mon Cala. [41]
- The following individuals were killed during the Skirmish on Naboo: [18] General Roos Tarpals[18] and Rish Loo[18].
- Hay-Zu died on Patitite Pattuna. [19]
- The following individuals were killed during the Battle of Umbara: [42] Oz[43], Ringo[43], Hardcase[44], TM-171[44], Waxer[42], and Pong Krell[42].
- An Mikkian Jedi died on Ledeve. [14]
- A Padawan was killed on Ledeve. [14]
- A T-series tactical droid was destroyed on Kiros. [20]
- Queen Miraj Scintel was killed during the mission to Zygerria. [45]
- Keeper Agruss died during the Battle of Kadavo. [45]
- Tryla was killed on Carlac. [46]
- Battle droid 513 was destroyed during the Battle on Carlac. [46]
- Bulduga died prior to the Tournament on Serenno. [22]
- The following individuals were killed during the Tournament on Serenno: [22] Kiera Swan[22], Sixtat[22], Jakoli[22], Mantu[22], Sinrich[22], and Onca[22].
- The following individuals were killed during the Battle of Dathomir: [23] Daka[23], Ilyana[47], Karis[23], Luce[23], Naa'leth[23], Talia[48], Selena[49], and Nali[49].
- Oked died on Tatooine. [24]
- Rigosso was killed during the safe cargo objective on Quarzite. [24]
- Morley was killed during the mission to Lotho Minor. [10]
- The following individuals were killed during the Onderonian Civil War: [25] Steela Gerrera[25], King Sanjay Rash[25], and Hutch[25].
- The following individuals were killed during the Mission to Aut-O's flagship: [30] Aut-O[30] and M5-BZ (later repaired)[30].
- The following individuals were killed during the Carida incident: [33] M5-BZ[33] and an Unidentified super tactical droid[33].