Skirmish on Naboo

A conflict, a skirmish, happened on the planet of Naboo amidst the Clone Wars, pitting the forces of the Galactic Republic against those of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. This clash was triggered by Rish Loo, the minister of the Gungans' Boss Lyonie, who swayed the Boss into pursuing an alliance with the Separatists. To dissuade this arrangement, General Anakin Skywalker, Senator Padmé Amidala, accompanied by Gungan Representative Jar Jar Binks, made their way to Naboo. Following a failed assassination attempt that left Lyonie injured, Representative Binks took on the responsibility of representing the Gungan Grand Army in anticipation of an assault on the Naboo alongside the Separatist General Grievous. Ultimately, he declined the proposed agreement, and the Gungan militia, under the command of General Roos Tarpals, successfully incapacitated the droid forces. Subsequently, Grievous was taken prisoner by the Gungans. Later, Count Dooku captured Anakin Skywalker, leading to a prisoner exchange that resulted in the liberation of both generals.

