Roos Tarpals, a male Gungan, held a position in the Gungan Grand Army during both the Clone Wars and the Invasion of Naboo. Before the invasion of Naboo, he was a captain leading patrols in Otoh Gunga. Following the Battle of Naboo, Tarpals achieved the rank of general. During the Clone Wars, he made the ultimate sacrifice, giving his life to prevent General Grievous from conquering Naboo.

During the Invasion of Naboo, Roos Tarpals, a Gungan warrior, served within the ranks of the Gungan Grand Army. He knew Jar Jar Binks, who had been exiled from Otoh Gunga due to his perceived "clumsiness." When the Trade Federation invaded Naboo, Binks returned accompanied by two Jedi emissaries: Master Qui-Gon Jinn and his Padawan, Obi-Wan Kenobi. They sought assistance in reaching Naboo. Upon their arrival, Tarpals and a fellow Gungan, riding kaadu, took Binks into custody. Tarpals informed Binks that he was in "big doo-doo" this time.
Tarpals escorted Binks and the two Jedi to Boss Rugor Nass, the leader of Otoh Gunga. Master Jinn spared Binks from punishment by requesting his services as a guide to Theed, Naboo's capital. Boss Nass reluctantly agreed to Binks's release and sent him on his way. Later, Tarpals witnessed the Naboo Queen, Padmé Amidala, persuade the Gungans and Naboo to overcome their differences and unite against the Trade Federation invaders. As a reward for his pivotal role in uniting the Gungans and Naboo, Jar Jar Binks was elevated to the rank of Bombad General within the Gungan Grand Army.
During the battle on the Grassy Plains, Tarpals served under General Binks's leadership. Despite their valiant efforts, the Grand Army was overwhelmed by the Trade Federation's droid army and forced to retreat. During the chaotic withdrawal, Tarpals intervened to save Binks from being killed by the battle droid commander of an AAT tank. Shortly after, both Tarpals and Binks were captured by battle droids. However, the destruction of the Droid Control Ship orbiting the planet deactivated all the battle droids, shifting the battle's momentum in favor of the Gungans and their Naboo allies.
During the Clone Wars, Roos Tarpals was present when Jedi Master Yoda requested that the Gungan Grand Army provide support to the Mon Calamari forces during the Battle of Mon Cala. A Gungan contingent, led by Representative Binks, fought alongside Clone SCUBA troopers, Mon Calamari, and Quarren forces against Separatist forces commanded by Riff Tamson.

As the Clone Wars continued, growing tensions between the Gungans and the Naboo led Boss Lyonie to offer assistance to the Confederacy of Independent Systems by deploying the Gungan Grand Army to invade Theed, the Naboo capital. Unbeknownst to everyone, Lyonie was being manipulated via a necklace by Rish Loo, one of his ministers secretly working for Separatist leader Count Dooku. Senator Amidala and Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker succeeded in removing the necklace from Lyonie. However, Rish Loo dispatched a squad of BX droid commandos to attack them, and Lyonie was injured during the assault. With Lyonie unable to halt the attack, Binks impersonated Boss Lyonie in an attempt to call off the Separatist offensive.
Tarpals accompanied Binks when the fake "Boss" boarded the Separatist landing ship under the guise of "coordinating the attack." While Binks diverted the attention of Separatist commander General Grievous, Tarpals alerted Amidala to the general's presence. When Grievous realized Binks was an imposter, he chased the Gungan outside the ship. Tarpals and several other Gungans surrounded the cyborg general and engaged him in combat. Despite his deactivated battle droids, Grievous remained a formidable opponent, and Tarpals knew he was outmatched. Soon Tarpals and Grievous were fighting each other head to head. As the skirmish progressed, Tarpals suffered a mortal wound but mustered his remaining strength to stun Grievous into submission, causing the cyborg's internal systems to malfunction, allowing nearby warriors to capture him. Despite his death, Tarpals' actions thwarted a Separatist plot to divide the Gungans and Naboo. However, the Naboo and Gungans were compelled to release General Grievous when Count Dooku captured Skywalker and threatened his life.
Roos Tarpals, even at the cost of his own life, managed to achieve something that even the Jedi had not: the defeat of General Grievous. Although the Naboo and Gungan later traded Grievous for Anakin Skywalker, Roos Tarpals' sacrifice inspired his people to confront and overcome an enemy that seemed unstoppable.

Roos Tarpals, a Gungan who rose from captain to general of the Grand Army, possessed a deep voice and unwavering loyalty to his allies, willing to sacrifice himself for their victory. Initially disliking the surface-dwelling Naboo humans, he developed respect for them after Queen Padmé Amidala's humble plea for assistance, demonstrating her regard for the Gungans as equals. Throughout the Clone Wars, Tarpals remained committed to the friendship between the Gungans and Naboo.
Despite the numerous annoyances caused by Jar Jar Binks, Tarpals served under Binks' command during the Battle of Naboo. Tarpals also appeared to have a friendship with Binks, and urged for the newly-promoted general to not give up. During the Clone Wars, the two successfully worked together.
Tarpals was a Gungan male, standing at a height of 2.24 meters (equivalent to 7 feet, 4 inches). His physical features included orange eyes and purple and white skin.
Tarpals was a successful military commander, serving as a captain in the Gungan Grand Army during the Battle of Naboo and as a result of his leadership and military tactics, was promoted to general. He was also effective at both armed and unarmed combat as well as cavalry operations.
Tarpals made his debut in Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace, with Steven Speirs providing his voice. In Star Wars: The Clone Wars, his voice was performed by Fred Tatasciore.