Gungan City, alternatively referred to as Otoh Gunga, was a city of the Gungan people. It was situated under the waters of Lake Paonga on the planet of Naboo. The Gungans initially constructed it to isolate themselves from the Naboo who lived on the surface. During the Trade Federation's invasion of Naboo, the swamps were attacked by their armies, which caused the Gungans to abandon the city.

A significant city for the Gungan civilization, Otoh Gunga existed inside Lake Paonga's waters on Naboo. The city's buildings, resembling bubbles, were actually hydrostatic force fields. These fields provided breathable air for the inhabitants and included specialized portals for entry and exit. Otoh Gunga had a hub-and-spoke design because the Gungans cultivated their city's construction materials from Naboo's native plasma and bubble wort extract. The bubbles, which housed approximately one million Gungan residents, were secured to the lakebed via massive stone columns. The architectural style of the structures drew inspiration from fish, fish eggs, aquatic plants and air bubbles.
The High Council, which governed the Gungans from the High Board Room, was notably located in the city. It also featured numerous "invertebrate eateries" and the City Bigspace, an attraction built by Boss Rugor Nass. The Ancient Quarter is the name of the city's oldest district.
The Gungans originally constructed the city to remain separate from their Naboo neighbors who resided on the surface. When the Trade Federation invaded Naboo, their armies launched an assault on the swamps, which forced the Gungans to abandon Otoh Gunga.

Eirtaé, a former handmaiden, relocated to Otoh Gunga in 28 BBY after completing her final term as Queen Padmé Amidala's service as monarch, hoping to observe how their technology influenced their artistic expression.
Jar Jar Binks, a Gungan, was banished from Otoh Gunga in 32 BBY by Boss Nass after crashing the Gungan leader's personal heyblibber submarine. Shortly after, during the Trade Federation's Invasion of Naboo, the Gungan's were forced to abandon Otoh Gunga because their armies attacked the swamps. Qui-Gon Jinn, a Jedi Master, and Obi-Wan Kenobi, his Padawan, were dispatched to the planet by the Galactic Republic. There, they encountered Binks, who had been exiled, but nonetheless guided them to Otoh Gunga at their request. Subsequently, the Jedi were given a bongo submarine and used it to travel to Theed, the capital city.
Following the Invasions of Naboo during the Galactic Civil War, Yendor, a starfighter pilot for the New Republic, invited his Corona Squadron colleagues to dine in Otoh Gunga. The city's inhabitants were known for creating a dessert so large that it required at least four hominids to finish. It was said that this dessert would put someone into a complete sugar coma. However, Thane Kyrell, one of the pilots, chose not to join his comrades because he was still grieving the death of Ciena Ree, his former classmate from the Imperial Academy, who he thought had died during the Battle of Endor.
Otoh Gunga made its debut in the 1999 movie Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace. Early storyboards for the film indicated that Otoh Gunga and its Gungan population were originally intended to be destroyed before the Battle of Naboo. However, the story was altered because genocide was deemed too dark for the film.