Ciena Ree, referred to as LP888 within the Imperial Navy, originated from the planet Jelucan as a human female First Waver villager. She later became a combatant for the Galactic Empire throughout the Galactic Civil War. Growing up, she formed a close bond with Thane Kyrell, an aristocrat belonging to the second-wave. Their shared enthusiasm for flying fostered a strong connection, motivating them to achieve excellence. Recognized as the most exceptional students in Jelucan's preparatory academy programs, they both earned selection to attend the distinguished Royal Imperial Academy on Coruscant. During their time as cadets at the academy, the friendship between them evolved into romantic feelings.
The destruction of Alderaan had a profound and indirect impact on the relationship between Ree and Kyrell. While Ree chose to remain dedicated to the Galactic Empire, driven by her principles of honor and commitment to her oath, Kyrell grew increasingly disillusioned with the Empire's escalating brutality and ultimately defected to the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Despite their opposing allegiances, their affection for each other persisted. Even after attaining the rank of Captain within the Imperial Navy, Ree also experienced growing disillusionment with the Empire, particularly following the conviction of her mother, Verine Ree, for a crime that Ree suspected was actually committed by an Imperial governor.
After the Battle of Endor, Ree sustained severe injuries but survived. Following her recovery, she assumed command as Captain of the _Imperial_-class Star Destroyer Inflictor. During the Battle of Jakku, Ree and Kyrell found themselves on opposing sides of the conflict. Kyrell participated in a New Republic boarding mission aimed at seizing control of the Inflictor. When Ree attempted to crash the Inflictor onto the surface of Jakku to prevent the Republic from capturing her Star Destroyer, Kyrell fought his way to the command bridge and forcibly rescued her. They both survived the battle, and Ree was subsequently taken as a prisoner by the New Republic.

Ciena Ree was born on the planet Jelucan around 19 BBY, and she spent her early years as a villager residing in the valleys of Jelucan, situated in the Outer Rim Territories. She was the offspring of Paron and Verine Ree, both of whom were First Wavers, signifying their lineage as descendants of Jelucan's original settlers. These valley-dwelling First Wavers had faced exile due to their unwavering loyalty to their king. The First-wavers had less money than the Second-wave, who were a subsequent group of settlers that arrived 350 years after the initial wave of settlement. The more prosperous Second-wavers held the First Wavers in disdain, viewing them as unrefined and unsophisticated. Ciena's upbringing instilled in her a strong sense of honor and commitment to her word, values that would significantly influence the choices she made later in life.
Ree had a twin sister named Wynnet, but died a few hours after birth. Even though she had no memories of her, she felt she lived for both of them. She would wear a leather bracelet in honor of her sister, and when she saw something of significance would say "Look through my eyes" as a reminder that she was seeing it for both of them.
At the age of eight, in 11 BBY, Ciena accompanied her parents, Paron and Verine, on their first trip to the city of Valentia. Coincidentally, their visit to Valentia coincided with an appearance by Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin, a high-ranking official within the Imperial hierarchy. Ciena's attention was captured by the Imperial TIE fighters and Star Destroyers that were on display. Driven by curiosity, she ventured to examine a parked Lambda-class shuttle positioned behind Tarkin's platform. Shortly after, she was confronted by a group of six older Second-wave boys who subjected her to bullying because of her First-waver status.
A boy from the second-wave named Thane Kyrell, who was the same age, intervened to defend her and engaged the bullies in a fight. The altercation was interrupted by Grand Moff Tarkin, accompanied by his entourage of Imperial officers and stormtroopers. While the bullies fled, Ciena and Thane remained. As Tarkin approached them, Ciena apologized for involving Thane in the conflict. Tarkin advised the young boy against fighting against overwhelming odds, but Thane retorted that he was counting on the Grand Moff to intervene. Ciena also apologized for trespassing in the hangar bay, but Tarkin instead commended the children for their courage and intelligence.

To assess their knowledge, Tarkin questioned Ciena and Thane about the starship, which they correctly identified as a Lambda-class shuttle. Pleased, Tarkin provided them with a tour of the shuttle. After allowing them to interact with the instruments in the cockpit, Tarkin used the opportunity to encourage the children to serve the Emperor and consider joining the Imperial Military when they reached adulthood. Following their encounter with Tarkin, the two children resolved to pursue careers in the Imperial Navy. When Ciena revealed that she lacked access to a flight simulator, Thane extended an invitation for her to try out his. This led to the establishment of a lasting friendship between them.

Over the next five years, Ciena and Thane continued to train using the Kyrell family's flight simulator to help them join the Imperial Academy. By the time Ciena reached the age of thirteen, her mother, Verine, had taken on a supervisory role at a mines, which meant she had to work for extended periods. When their neighbor, the Nierre family's patriarch, faced accusations of abusing his position as an Imperial communications monitor, the Rees joined their neighbors in upholding an ancient tradition of supporting them during their time of tribulation. As a gesture of solidarity, they contributed a flag. Despite the severity of the charges, the Ree family maintained that no one should conceal secrets from the Empire and that the Nierres' accusers lacked honor.
Her father, Paron, was not in favor of her friendship with Thane because of the distrust between the first- and second-wavers. Paron advised his daughter to try to become a better pilot than Kyrell and to strive for the Imperial Academy. Despite her father's objections, Ciena continued her friendship with Thane. The two continued practicing on the Kyrells' flight simulator and studying together. On one occasion, Thane took Ciena on a ride in his older brother Dalven Kyrell's V-171 airspeeder. In addition, the two children kept their gifts in a cave, which they nicknamed "the Fortress." While discussing politics at the Imperial Senate, Ciena told Thane that the phrase "Look through my eyes" was a reference to her late twin, Wynnet, and that she wore a leather bracelet in her honor.
By the time Ciena and Thane reached the age of fourteen, they were studying for exams that would qualify them for the Imperial Academy's preparatory courses. Because their homeworld of Jelucan had been a Separatist world, the Empire restricted recruitment from that planet. The two teenagers studied under the tutelage of the Kyrell's CZ-1 tutor droid. While CZ-1 complemented her knowledge of history, he told her that her calculus needed more work. With Thane's help and encouragement, the two managed to pass these exams and enter the Academy's preparatory program. By the age of fifteen, the two teenagers had to participate in frequent outdoor obstacle courses at the Jelucan preparatory academy that tested their physical fitness for the Academy. Ciena comforted Thane when he disclosed that he was regularly beaten up by his father Oris Kyrell and dressed his wounds with a first aid kit.
At sixteen, Ciena and Thane attended a sorting ceremony at the Jelucan academy where cadets were told which Imperial Academy they would be assigned to. Ciena and Thane, as the academy's most accomplished students, were assigned to the Royal Imperial Academy on Coruscant, which was considered the most prestigious Imperial Academy. The two were happy that they would be able to study at the same Academy. Unlike Thane's parents who had a difficult relationship with their son, Ciena's parents accompanied her to the spaceport. Their journey to Coruscant was the first time that they traveled offworld and experienced hyperspace travel.

The Royal Imperial Academy on Coruscant marked Ciena Ree's initial introduction to the cityscape and civilization of the Core Worlds. Her roommates included two other female cadets: Kendy Idele, who was short and dark-skinned, and Jude Edivon, who was pale and tall. She became friends with both cadets, especially Jude, who was known as a science geek. During the induction ceremony, Ree listened to a speech by Commandant Deenlark urging the cadets to set aside ties to their homeworlds and families and to prioritize the Empire. Despite Deenlark's speech, she tried to continue her friendship with Thane. She was happy to learn that they would be able to take some of their classes together. Leaving Jelucan behind them, Ciena and Thane promised to become Imperial officers.
Over the next three years, Ciena and Thane endured the Academy's difficult curriculum: studying science, mathematics, piloting, and physical training. As cadets, they also underwent a battery of difficult tests. Due to the Academy's punishing curriculum, the classes shrunk to half of their original size each year of the program. Despite these challenges, Ciena and Thane managed to stay at the top of their class of eight thousand. During the course of their studies, the two maintained a friendly rivalry. They also developed romantic feelings for each other. However, they were careful to keep this to themselves due to the Academy's prohibition on romantic or sexual relationships between cadets.
As an Imperial cadet, Ciena along with with Jude and Kendy took part in shooting practices using mock laser rifles. As their training progressed, Ciena and her fellow cadets took part in flying lessons using speeder bikes. One exercise called Small Craft Flight involved the cadets flying their speeder bikes through a series of Reitgen Hoops near the Academy. During the exercise, Ciena and Thane's speeder bikes became conjoined. With much difficulty, the two cadets managed to win the race and land their bikes back safely at the landing pad. Since this was the first time that the exercise had produced two winners, the flight commander awarded split the prize and awarded them 25 points. However, the commander was also displeased that they had found a loophole in their instructions. As a result, the Academy's Office of Student Outcomes decided to turn the two Jelucan cadets against each other.

Six months later, Ciena and her fellow cadets had to repair the laser cannons on their TIE fighters using salvageable parts. Ciena was present at a demonstration when Commander Harn inspected Thane's salvaged laser cannon. However, the gun was unable to fire because it had been sabotaged. After Harn checked the door panel, the inbuilt computer reported that Cadet Ree had been the last person to visit the repair bay between Kyrell's visit and Harn's inspection. Ree was summoned to Commandant Deenlark's office where she protested her innocence. Her friend Jude came to her defense and pointed out that Ciena had been with her and Kendy during the time when Ree allegedly tempered with Kyrell's laser cannon.
Based on this information, Jude speculated that someone not only sabotaged Kyrell's ship but also the repair bay computer in order to frame Cadet Ree. Using her datapad to access the computer system's data levels, she pointed the finger at Thane himself. Cadet Kyrell was promptly summoned to the Commandant's office where the two cadets received a dressing down from Deenlark. With his specialists unable to ascertain which layer of data was the falsified one, he decided to punish them both by failing their laser cannon assignment and downgrading their course rankings. Due to the lack of evidence incriminating either party, Deenlark decided not to expel the two cadets but to give them another chance.
Once they were alone, Ciena and Thane confided that neither of them had sabotaged the laser cannon. While Ciena suspected Ved Foslo, Thane disagreed since Foslo was a skilled mechanic and had little motive to cheat since his rankings were high. Both resolved to uncover the true culprit and to clear their names. With the help of Jude, the cadets looked at the computer data in further detail. Jude found some evidence pointing to the involvement of the Office of Student Outcomes, a department of the Royal Academy tasked with challenging students. When Thane proposed confronting the Student Outcome people, Ciena argued against it since it would jeopardize their relationship with the Academy. A heated argument between Ciena and Thane ensued with the latter calling the former a coward and Ree likening Thane to his hated father. After Thane stormed off in anger, Jude comforted a distraught Ciena.
The laser cannon incident drove a wedge between the two close friends. For the next two and a half years at the Royal Academy, Ciena and Thane cooled down their friendship. While they remained respectful, they did not confide in each other anymore. In class, Ciena and Thane competed for the top rankings. As their training progressed, Ciena was assigned to the command track while Thane was assigned to the elite flight track, causing them to see each other less in class. A few months before their graduation, Ciena encountered Thane outside the uniform dispensary. Ciena had just learned that her family's pet muunyak had died. Thane comforted her and the two began to repair their strained relationship.
A few weeks before their graduation ceremony, Ciena and Thane were among a handful of cadets invited to a ball at the Imperial Palace, which hitherto had been the Jedi Temple until the Great Jedi Purge. During the ball, Thane raised the the laser cannon incident. Before an argument could break out, their fellow Cadet Ved Foslo drunkenly revealed that the laser cannon incident had been staged by the Royal Academy in order to encourage cadets to focus their loyalty on the Empire rather than their own homeworlds. When Ved mockingly pointed out that Ciena and Thane had exceeded the Academy's expectations by hating each other, the two decided to mend their relationship for good.

Upon graduating, Ciena Ree achieved a promotion to lieutenant and received an assignment to the Devastator, which served as the personal flagship of Darth Vader. Thane Kyrell, her friend, was assigned to a secret battle station. While aboard the Devastator, she was present during the battle over Tatooine where Princess Leia Organa was captured. During that pursuit, she operated the tractor beam at the auxiliary bridge that dragged the Tantive IV into the Star Destroyer's docking bay. Later, Ree was present when Imperial gunners shot an escape pod carrying four rebels trying to escape the rebel ship. However, she relented under orders from her captain when a second escape pod carrying no lifeforms detached from the ship. Ciena and her superior officer believed that it was empty and had short-circuited. Unknown to them, the pod was carrying the droids C-3PO and R2-D2, who were carrying the Death Star plans.
Following the capture of Princess Leia, Ciena handed the auxiliary bridge's hard data files to the ship's Imperial Security Bureau internal affairs officer Captain Ronnadam, a coarse man she disliked. While the Devastator was traveling to the Death Star, she chatted with a former classmate Nash Windrider, a young Alderaanian officer who believed that Leia had been misled by her courtiers. After delivering the files to Ronnadam, Ree met Grand Moff Tarkin, who recognized her as the Jelucan girl he had encountered during his visit to the planet years ago. When Ciena informed Tarkin about her and Kyrell's achievements at the Academy, Tarkin joked about recruiting from Jelucan more often.

After arriving at the Death Star, Ciena witnessed the destruction of Alderaan. Her friends Thane, Jude, and Nash were also present during the planet's destruction. Seeing that Windrider was visibly distressed, Ree escorted him to a lift that led back to the Devastator's docking bay. Despite her horrified reaction to Alderaan's destruction, she was able to justify it to herself, with encouragement from her best friend, Jude, by saying that it would help prevent a war that would cost even more lives.
Shortly afterwards, Ciena had to return the Devastator and said a quick farewell to Jude before leaving. This transfer inadvertently saved her life as she was not on the Death Star during the Battle of Yavin. Meanwhile, Thane departed on a scouting mission to investigate the rebel base on Dantooine. During the Rebel Alliance's attack on the Death Star, she monitored the battle's progress using the computers aboard the Star Destroyer's command bridge. After losing contact with the Death Star, the Imperials quickly learned that the battle station had been destroyed.
Following the Battle of Yavin, Ciena analysed the data they had received from the Death Star and found the report that Jude had written warning her superiors about the weakness of the Death Star exhaust port. After sending this information to Imperial command, she and fellow Lieutenant Berisse Sai were sent to the Yavin system to rescue Darth Vader, and secretly to confirm what had occurred. Upon arriving, she was horrified to see the debris from the destruction of the Death Star, and heartbroken at the realization that Jude, along with her fellow classmates on the Death Star, were dead. She greeted Darth Vader when he boarded, and was visibly shaken by him.

After the heartbreaking loss of her friend Jude, Ciena's path crossed with Nash. He had made the decision to dedicate himself completely to the Empire, a choice fueled by the destruction of Alderaan. Nash shared with her that Thane Kyrell was among a scouting party that had been dispatched to Dantooine, confirming his survival of the Death Star's devastating attack. One week later, Ciena encountered Thane, her close friend, within the hangar of the massive Devastator. Kyrell's ship, after experiencing some delays in order confirmation, had finally been instructed to link up with the Devastator. Just before his departure for a new assignment on the spice mining planet of Kerev Doi, the pair embraced. Ciena confided in Thane about the tragic death of Jude and Nash's internal struggle to process the obliteration of Alderaan. Before their separation, they vowed to stay in contact with each other.
While Thane was stationed on Kerev Doi, Ciena received a promotion to the rank of Lieutenant Commander, a consequence of the significant personnel losses suffered by the Empire on the Death Star. During her time away, Thane witnessed the deplorable treatment of Bodach'i slaves on Kerev Doi. Disgusted and disillusioned by the Empire's ruthlessness, Thane made the difficult choice to desert the Imperial Navy. Before his departure from the planet, Thane engaged in an uncomfortable hologram conversation with Ciena, where he bid her farewell. Although Ciena sensed that Thane was troubled, she reaffirmed her affection for him. A few nights later, she shared her feelings for Thane with Berisse, confiding in her about her emotional turmoil.
In the following days, Ciena was informed by Nash that Thane had abandoned his assigned post. Under the orders of ISB officer Ronnadam, she journeyed back to Jelucan, locating him in a local cantina. There, she attempted to persuade him to return to his duties. However, Kyrell firmly refused, expressing his disgust with the Empire's horrific actions against Alderaan and the Bodach'i. With heavy hearts, Ree and Kyrell shared an intimate moment for the first time before Ree's departure the next day. Despite her awareness of the Empire's cruelty, Ree felt unable to abandon her commitment, believing it would be a dishonorable act to break her oath. One week after her encounter with Thane, she fabricated a report, falsely claiming that Thane had committed suicide out of grief for his fallen comrades who had perished on the Death Star. Ciena also used this opportunity to visit her mother, who offered her comfort. Upon her return to the Devastator, she submitted her report regarding Kyrell's death to Captain Ronnadam, who, preoccupied with other pressing matters, did not investigate her account.
Seven months following the Battle of Yavin, Ciena participated in an operation aimed at evacuating the Imperial garrison stationed on the planet Ivarujar, where a volcano had engulfed the capital city. As the commander of a troop transport, Ree successfully evacuated numerous stormtroopers. Before heading back to the Devastator, she instructed her crew to evacuate several Ivarujarian civilians. Despite the shuttle being filled to its maximum capacity, Ree skillfully piloted the ship, narrowly avoiding a destructive cyclonic firestorm. Despite her crucial role in saving the lives of forty civilians, Ree received a reprimand from Captain Ronnadam for failing to seek authorization from her superiors. As a consequence, she was assigned to five weeks of double duty shifts. This experience reinforced Ree's understanding that the Empire did not tolerate personnel who deviated from the established chain of command.

Two years after the Battle of Yavin, Ciena received notification from Admiral Ozzel that she was being transferred to the Super Star Destroyer Executor under the direct orders of Darth Vader, ostensibly due to her exceptional abilities. However, Ree privately suspected that Vader's true motivation was related to her having witnessed him in a vulnerable state after the Battle of Yavin, and he intended to send her a silent warning never to disclose that information. Later, Lieutenant Nash Windrider informed her that an Imperial probe droid had detected the rebel base located on the icy planet of Hoth. Ciena became an active participant in the Imperial fleet's involvement in the Battle of Hoth.
Following the Imperial assault on Echo Base, Ciena joined the Imperial fleet's pursuit of the notorious rebel vessel known as the Millennium Falcon. While on duty aboard the bridge of the Executor, she provided supplementary navigational support to the four TIE fighter pilots who were chasing the Falcon into the treacherous asteroid field. One of the TIE pilots she coordinated with was Penrie, a graduate of the esteemed Imperial Academy on Lothal. Ree was deeply saddened by the deaths of the four pilots. After her shift concluded, Ciena reviewed the battle footage from Hoth in an effort to analyze and understand the rebel tactics. She was stunned when she recognized Kyrell's flying style from the battle footage, realizing that he had chosen to join the Rebellion.
Ree was present during an Imperial operation designed to trap several rebel fugitives within Cloud City. During the mission, Ciena and Nash received instructions from Admiral Piett to disable the hyperdrive on the Millennium Falcon. However, R2-D2 managed to repair the hyperdrive, enabling the Falcon to escape, much to the dismay of Ree, Piett, and Windrider. Anticipating severe punishment from Vader for this critical failure, she was surprised when Vader silently departed from the bridge. Aware of Vader's volatile temperament, Ree and Windrider were astonished that they had avoided any repercussions for this significant blunder.
Following the events that transpired in Cloud City, Ree, Nash, and Berisse convened for dinner in the quadrant cafeteria. While enjoying nutritive beverages, the Imperial officers engaged in a discussion about the motivations of their enemies for joining the Rebellion. Her comrades commented that the rebels were nothing more than outcasts and criminals who deserved to be eliminated. The conversation then shifted to Thane's alleged "suicide." The officers expressed their bewilderment as to why such a promising elite TIE pilot would choose to end his own life. Ciena recalled that Thane had been a solitary figure during his childhood on Jelucan, with their friendship being the exception. Windrider speculated that the years of abuse inflicted by Thane's father, Oris Kyrell, had finally pushed Thane to his breaking point. Before retiring for the night, Nash offered to spend more time with Ree in an attempt to compensate for the loss of Thane. Knowing that Thane was still alive, Ciena politely declined Nash's offer.
Ree's unwavering loyalty to the Empire began to erode as she personally witnessed the injustices perpetrated by the Empire. Following the events in Cloud City, she received a hologram message from her father, Paron, informing her that her mother, Verine, had been accused of embezzling funds from a local mine on Jelucan, where she worked as a supervisor. Knowing her mother's character, Ciena firmly believed that Verine was innocent and had been falsely accused. Having accumulated seven weeks of leave, Ree obtained permission from a reluctant Captain Ronnadam to visit her family on Jelucan in order to provide support to her mother during the trial. Her friend Thane also learned of Verine's predicament and traveled to Jelucan to offer his support to his lover.

Upon returning to her homeworld, Ciena was dismayed to find that Jelucan was plagued by smog emanating from Imperial factories. She also observed that the valley folk and second-wavers wore similar attire, making it challenging to distinguish between the two groups. Upon arriving at her family home, she offered comfort to her father. Both of them firmly believed in Verine's innocence and expressed hope that the true culprit would be identified. While having dinner, Ciena was surprised that none of their neighbors were adhering to the ancient valley tradition of planting flags and sending relatives to provide moral support during their time of need. Paron explained that few people now followed the old customs. Despite Verine's difficult situation, Paron continued to assert that the Empire was a force for good and that questioning the charges against his wife would be tantamount to dishonor. Due to her experiences with the Empire, Ciena found this argument less convincing but refrained from voicing her opinion.
Late that night, Thane arrived and thoughtfully offered to keep a vigil in Verine's honor so that Ciena could rest after her long journey. As a gesture of solidarity with the Rees, he planted a plain red flag outside the Ree household, in accordance with the traditions of the valley people. Since he was their guest, Ciena and her father extended guest right to him, offering him their hospitality and protection. The following day, Ciena and Thane took a flight in his older brother Dalven's V-171. After their flight, Thane revealed that he had indeed joined the Rebellion. After a brief disagreement about politics, the two decided to set aside their differences and engaged in an intimate encounter in the Fortress, their former childhood haunt.
After their intimate encounter, Ciena and Thane discussed their reasons for aligning themselves with the Empire and the Rebellion, respectively. Thane also confided that he had come to share her belief in the Force. Despite their differing ideologies, the two vowed to maintain their love for each other. The following day, Ciena assisted Thane in returning to his rented ridgecrawler so that he could rejoin the Rebel Alliance. Later that morning, Ciena and Paron attended Verine's trial, which was conducted by a military tribunal. Due to the fabricated evidence and the absence of a defense counsel, her mother was found guilty of embezzlement and sentenced to six years of hard labor. While it was evident that a superior Imperial officer was responsible for the embezzlement, Verine was punished because no one dared to challenge the Empire. Although Ciena was deeply distressed, she outwardly accepted the court's verdict when she reported back to Captain Ronnadam.

While en route to the uninhabited Hudalla system aboard the Executor, Commander Ciena utilized the opportunity to hone her skills with her flamethrower. Distraught by her mother's predicament, Ciena had declined an invitation from Berisse to join Nash and the other officers at a cantina. Despite their friendship, Ciena refrained from discussing her mother's situation with Berisse, fearing that Berisse might report it to Captain Ronnadam. After completing her flamethrower practice, Ciena was informed by Berisse that they had arrived in the Hudalla system. Ciena observed a substantial Imperial fleet already assembling in that system. Their arrival coincided with a rebel reconnaissance mission led by Corona Squadron, which included Thane as a member. The rebels had been dispatched to investigate the unusual level of Imperial activity in that system.
Shortly thereafter, Ree and Nash received orders from Admiral Piett to participate in a TIE fighter operation against Corona Squadron. Piett also issued Ciena specific instructions to ensure that at least one of the rebels managed to escape into hyperspace. The TIE fighters ambushed the five Corona Squadron starfighters. During the ensuing dogfight, Ciena and Nash discovered that one of the rebel pilots was Thane. Unaware that Ciena had secretly faked his death, Windrider expressed his anger that Thane had deserted the Empire and joined the Rebellion. Capitalizing on Piett's secret orders, Ciena ensured that Kyrell successfully escaped the dogfight in his T-65B X-wing starfighter. Ciena used her TIE fighter to prevent Nash from closing in on Thane.
Despite obstructing Nash, Ciena was somewhat relieved to discover that Nash was not angry with her but rather with Thane for feigning his death. While Ciena knew the truth, she kept it to herself. She also found comfort in the knowledge that Thane had escaped. Following the dogfight, the Executor traveled to the Endor system, where the Empire was constructing the second Death Star. Ree was subsequently horrified upon learning of the existence of the second Death Star, realizing that the station's purpose was to crush innocent worlds, a goal that even Jude could not have justified.

Ciena, along with her fellow Imperial officers Berisse and Nash Windrider, attended an assembly on the second Death Star to welcome the Emperor. En route to the hangar bay, Ciena and her comrades struggled to justify the existence of the new battle station. While Berisse and Nash viewed it as a means to crush the Rebellion and restore order to the galaxy, Ciena remained uncertain. When Ciena mentioned Alderaan, Nash responded that it was the only way for the Empire to demonstrate its true power. Nash then reassured Ciena by urging her to trust in the Empire, her oath, and her own integrity. Upon seeing the Emperor for the first time, Ciena was taken aback to witness Darth Vader bowing before him and was even more shocked by the Emperor's disfigured appearance. This terrifying visage of the Emperor, coupled with her mother's wrongful conviction and Nash and Berisse's willingness to condone genocide as a military tactic, caused Ciena to question her allegiance to the Empire.
Two days later, Ciena participated in the Battle of Endor, piloting a TIE/IN interceptor and leading a squadron against the Rebels. During the battle, she played a role in defending the Imperial fleet orbiting the second Death Star. Despite her best efforts, Ciena was unable to prevent an A-wing starfighter from crashing into the bridge of the Super Star Destroyer Executor. Ciena watched helplessly as the Executor collided with the Death Star and exploded, resulting in the deaths of all those on board, including her friend Berisse. While adhering to orders to regroup, Ciena went against her training and provided assistance to several fellow TIE fighters retreating from the battle.
Despite her valiant efforts, Ciena was unable to evade the blast radius of the second Death Star's destruction and was caught in the shock wave, causing her to crash. She sustained severe injuries, necessitating the use of a life-support unit attached to her midsection. The implant functioned as her liver while bacta was utilized to cultivate a new one for her. She was devastated to learn that her leather bracelet had been destroyed by the medical droids, eliminating what she believed to be her last memento of her deceased sister, Wynnet. By this point, Ree had completely lost faith in the Empire, realizing that Kyrell had been right all along. However, she refused to defect from the Empire or join the New Republic, feeling bound by her oath. Additionally, she feared Imperial retaliation against her mother, who was still serving her prison sentence. The only minor consolation that Ree experienced was that her friend Nash had survived the battle.

Ciena Ree spent the subsequent months on medical leave at the space station Wrath. Instead of seeking relaxation by reading holonovels and watching classic spice-world dramas, Ciena dedicated the majority of her waking hours to assisting the Empire in tracking down missing and deceased personnel. Her responsibilities included verifying the status of Imperial officers, identifying the locations of survivors, and informing family members of the deaths of their loved ones. She also dedicated at least two hours each day to undergoing bacta therapy for her damaged liver. Ree was disheartened by the internal conflicts that plagued the Empire following the deaths of the Emperor and Darth Vader. She also viewed the New Republic, the government established by the Rebellion, as an illegitimate regime. Meanwhile, Thane believed that Ciena had perished aboard the Executor during the Battle of Endor and wore a traditional Jelucan mourning band in her honor.
Following her recovery, Ree was promoted by Grand Moff Randd to the rank of Captain and given command of the Star Destroyer Inflictor. At just twenty-five years old, Ree was among the youngest captains in the Galactic Empire, although she acknowledged that this was only possible due to the chaos within the Imperial hierarchy caused by the Battle of Endor. After assuming her first command, Ciena reunited with her longtime friend Nash Windrider, who had been appointed the flight commander aboard the Inflictor. Windrider informed her that the Empire was assembling all of its forces for a final showdown against the New Republic on the desert planet of Jakku. Despite her disillusionment, Ree resolved to continue serving the Empire, motivated by her concern for her mother and her apprehension regarding the Rebellion's treatment of prisoners.

During the Battle of Jakku, Ree disagreed with the Imperial mass battle tactics. When the Inflictor sustained damage from enemy fire and experienced decompression in the aft starboard section, Ree sealed off the affected areas to preserve the ship. This decision was made with a heavy heart, as it condemned the crew members trapped in those areas to death by suffocation. Before she could contact Grand Moff Randd to propose a change in tactics, the Inflictor was boarded by several Republic soldiers intent on capturing the Star Destroyer to bolster the growing New Republic Defense Fleet. The leader of the rebel strike team was Thane, who possessed extensive knowledge of Star Destroyer schematics due to his time at the Royal Imperial Academy.
Recognizing their objective, Captain Ree attempted to initiate the ship's self-destruction sequence and ordered her crew to abandon ship. However, Kyrell successfully disabled the ship's computer systems. With time running out, Ree decided to crash the Star Destroyer into Jakku's surface in an attempt to prevent the Rebellion from acquiring it. After bidding farewell to Nash, she also resolved to remain on the ship, seeing it as an opportunity to escape the clutches of the Empire she despised while preserving her honor. However, Kyrell recognized Ree's voice on the intercom and fought his way to the bridge. Thane managed to decipher the password Ree had used to seal the door, "Look through my eyes," leading to a confrontation between the two lovers. Ree refused to abandon ship, but Kyrell refused to leave her behind, resulting in a physical altercation between the two. Kyrell managed to stun her and carried her to an escape pod, rescuing her from the doomed ship.

Upon landing on Jakku, the two were apprehended by New Republic soldiers, who promptly arrested the unconscious Ciena as a prisoner of war. Following her capture, Ree succumbed to a state of depression, lamenting the fact that she had been denied the chance to end her own life and escape the Empire. Despite her apprehension that she would be subjected to torture by the Republic, she was relieved that they provided her with medical treatment and informed her of her legal rights. While acknowledging the fairness of the New Republic, she continued to refuse to recognize the legitimacy of the new government. After a week of resistance, she finally permitted Thane to visit her. Ciena anticipated that the New Republic would subject her to a trial, as they did with other Imperial war criminals, but Thane assured her that even if she did not provide any intelligence in exchange for leniency, the New Republic would not have the resources to prosecute every Imperial, and that she might have a place in the New Republic. Regardless, he promised to wait for her so that they could be together.
Ree was presumed dead by her remaining comrades in the Galactic Empire and became a symbol of an exemplary Imperial officer who refused to succumb to the defeatist attitudes that plagued the Imperial forces following the Empire's defeat at the Battle of Endor. Nash Windrider, who harbored romantic feelings for Ree, nominated her to be among the select few recipients of the Distinguished Medal of Imperial Honor in recognition of her bravery and unwavering resolve to remain with the ship during its descent into the atmosphere, ensuring that the New Republic hijackers would not gain access to Imperial technology.

Hailing from the valley on Jelucan, Ciena navigated life guided by its deeply ingrained traditions. Central to her beliefs was the paramount importance of honor, viewing oaths as inviolable and eternally binding. This conviction underpinned her unwavering commitment to Imperial service, even when confronted with actions she personally opposed. Her sense of honor also bound her to Thane, the object of her affection. Ciena grappled with the internal conflict of upholding these oaths, a struggle that reached its peak during her final months of service, leading to a suicide attempt. Rooted in her upbringing, Ciena also maintained a belief in the Force, a concept rejected by Second Wavers like Thane.
Largely influenced by a combination of Imperial propaganda and her commitment to upholding vows, Ciena was largely convinced that the Rebels were aimless terrorists and blamed them for the death of her friend Jude Edivon. Despite her patriotism, Ciena still loved Thane despite knowing that he had joined the Rebel Alliance. She could not bring herself to kill him and hoped to avoid having to meet him in combat. While her faith in the Empire was shaken by atrocities like the destruction of Alderaan and the wrongful conviction of her mother, Verine Ree, Ciena believed that she had little choice but to continue serving the Empire. Due to her strong moral compass, Ree was unwilling to let innocents and weak die. On one occasion, she rescued civilians on Ivarujar despite receiving no orders to do so. Later, she ignored Imperial military protocol during the Battle of Endor by covering retreating fellow TIE fighters.

Among her peers and colleagues, Ree was known as a diligent officer who volunteered for extra shifts and helped train newer officers about Star Destroyer protocols. Due to her leadership skills and selfless service, Ciena rose though the ranks of the Imperial Navy. Eventually, she was made captain of the Imperial-class Star Destroyer Inflictor during the pivotal Battle of Jakku. Despite no longer believing in the Empire, Ciena believed that she was still responsible for the lives of her crew and soldiers. In addition, she did not want to endanger her mother, who was still serving an Imperial prison sentence. When New Republic forces tried to hijack the Inflictor, she was prepared to lay down her life in order to destroy the ship in an effort to deny it to the enemy. By dying, Ree believed that she would finally be free from her vow. However, she was forcibly rescued by Thane and taken into Republic custody.
Following her capture, Ciena descended into a state of depression since she had been denied her chance to die. While she was grateful for the humane treatment and medical attention she had received at the hands of the New Republic, Ciena still refused to abandon the Empire or recognize the new government's authority. Though Ciena was still bitter towards Thane for saving her, she still relented to his visit. Unwilling to break her vow, Ree refused to consider any idea of receiving any leniency from the New Republic. However, she still reluctantly agreed to continue her friendship with Thane.

As an Imperial Navy officer, Ciena Ree was knowledgeable of Imperial military technology and hierarchy. From a young age, She had a love for flying and starships and could easily recognize most Imperial military ships. Due to several years of practicing behind a flight simulator, Ree could operate several different types of vehicles including speeder bikes, TIE fighters, shuttles, and Star Destroyers. As an Imperial officer, she was skilled in hand-to-hand combat and knew how to operate a flame thrower.
Ciena Ree first appeared in in the 2015 young adult novel Lost Stars, which was written by Claudia Gray as part of the Journey to Star Wars: The Force Awakens multimedia project. Ree was first pictured on May 18, 2016 in The Star Wars Show, a weekly Star Wars talk show by Lucasfilm, which revealed her official appearance. The artwork was drawn by Aurore Folny and was commissioned for Fantasy Flight Games' Star Wars: Armada. It was chosen by Lucasfilm as the definitive, official look for the character.