The Inflictor, an Imperial-class Star Destroyer, participated in the Battle of Jakku. This battle occurred between the Galactic Empire and the New Republic a single year after the [Battle of Endor](/article/battle_of_endor]. New Republic soldiers boarded the Star Destroyer during the conflict, aiming to seize control. After the commandos successfully deactivated the ship's self-destruction mechanism, Captain Ciena Ree, its commanding officer, intentionally destroyed the Inflictor by crashing it onto the planet's surface. The wreckage remained there for many years. Eventually, individuals took up residence in the Inflictor's conning towers, aggressively defending their territory. The remains of the ship were visible from Niima Outpost.
Classified as an Imperial-class Star Destroyer, the Inflictor had a known roster of four commanding officers. These officers included Captain Ciena Ree, Imperial Security Bureau Commander Brisney, ship systems officer Commander Erisher, and Flight Commander Nash Windrider. The Star Destroyer possessed a minimum of seven rear engines, which supplied power to the ship's various systems, including its hyperdrive. Captain Ree stated that the ship was capable of entering hyperspace if engine two maintained functionality above 85 percent. To prevent decompression, the Captain had the ability to remotely seal off decks from the command bridge. The Inflictor also included several escape pods. Access to the command bridge required the spoken password "look through my eyes," a reference to Captain Ree's deceased twin sister Wynnet Ree.
The Inflictor served in the period following the Battle of Endor, an event which led to the breakup of the Galactic Empire and the transformation of the Rebel Alliance into the New Republic. Shortly before the Battle of Jakku in 5 ABY, Grand Moff Randd appointed Ciena Ree, a newly commissioned Captain, as the commanding officer of the Inflictor. The Star Destroyer was a part of the Imperial fleet that gathered above Jakku for a major confrontation with the New Republic. Randd's intention was for the Empire to achieve a decisive victory over the New Republic.

During the Battle of Jakku, the Inflictor, along with hundreds of other Imperial warships, participated in a coordinated and synchronized operation controlled by a central command. However, the New Republic Defense Fleet countered the Imperial strategy by dividing their forces and launching attacks from multiple directions. The Inflictor quickly sustained engine damage because of the flawed Imperial tactics. An explosion caused by enemy fire resulted in decompression in the aft starboard section, exposing the area to the vacuum of space. Captain Ree was compelled to remotely seal off the affected decks to protect the remainder of the Inflictor.
Captain Ree attempted to contact Grand Moff Randd, hoping to persuade him to divide the fleet, enabling Imperial ships to engage the New Republic star cruisers from multiple angles and provide relief to the struggling TIE fighters above Jakku. Before Ensign Perin could establish the connection, the Inflictor was breached by four New Republic boarding vessels. The New Republic boarders, led by Ree's former lover Thane Kyrell, sought to capture the ship and disabled the self-destruct system. The crew of the Star Destroyer mounted a strong defense against the rebel boarders.

Captain Ree attempted to activate the self-destruct mechanism, but discovered that it had been disabled. Consequently, Ree ordered her crew to evacuate the ship and instructed all TIE fighters to rendezvous with the nearest Imperial vessel. When Commander Windrider questioned her intentions, Ree revealed her plan to crash the Inflictor onto the surface of Jakku, preventing the New Republic from acquiring the Star Destroyer. Despite Windrider's objections, Ciena remained firm in her decision. Windrider reluctantly complied and evacuated the ship.
As Captain Ree piloted the Inflictor toward Jakku's surface, Kyrell managed to gain access to the command bridge. He attempted to save his lover, but Ree was determined to end her life in order to free herself from her commitment to the Empire. Following a brief struggle, Thane managed to stun her and carried her into an escape pod. The Inflictor crashed into Jakku's Starship Graveyard, where it remained for the next twenty-nine years.
Ree was captured by the New Republic after the Battle of Jakku. However, Windrider believed that she had died aboard the Inflictor, sacrificing herself to prevent the New Republic from gaining control of the Star Destroyer. He and several other high-ranking Imperial commanders and officials nominated her for the Distinguished Medal of Imperial Honor.
By 34 ABY, squatters had established residence in the wrecked Star Destroyer's conning tower.
During the uprising against the First Order in 35 ABY, a Resurgent-class Star Destroyer crashed close to the ruins of the Inflictor.
The Inflictor made its initial appearance in the second teaser trailer for Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens at Celebration Anaheim in April 2015. The Star Destroyer's backstory was later expanded upon in Claudia Gray's young adult novel Lost Stars, which was released as part of the Journey to Star Wars: The Force Awakens multimedia series in September 2015. The Inflictor made its first on-screen appearance in The Force Awakens movie, which premiered on December 18, 2015.