The year 5 ABY saw many significant occurrences. It is also referred to as 3282 LY using the Lothal Calendar and 7982 according to the C.R.C. calendar. This year was eventful.
- Shara Bey together with Kes Dameron chose to retire from the Alliance to Restore the Republic a mere six months following the Battle of Endor . [11]
- The New Republic successfully liberated the planet Kashyyyk . [2]
- The Ryloth Insurgency concluded. [2]
- Gallius Rax effectively became the Emperor , yet he declined the official title. Instead, he proclaimed himself Counselor to the Empire , aligning with his plan to control the Galactic Empire from behind the scenes. [2]
- The New Republic successfully thwarted the Galactic Empire's attempts to reclaim Naboo , following three consecutive sieges . [1]
- A final battle occurred between the New Republic and the Galactic Empire on and above Jakku , a desert planet. [5]
- The Galactic Empire, after being defeated by the New Republic, signed the Galactic Concordance on Chandrila . [4] [5]
- The Galactic Civil War ended. [5]
- The Confederacy of Corporate Systems and the New Separatist Union were established. [4]
- The New Republic was officially established. [13]
- The New Republic officially took the place of the Galactic Empire [6]
- A provisional government replaced Imperial rule on Coruscant , with Grand Vizier Mas Amedda serving as the symbolic leader. [4]
- Leia Organa ceased her Jedi training under Luke Skywalker on Ajan Kloss . [7]
- Boba Fett , formerly a bounty hunter , led a Tusken Raider tribe to victory against a Pyke Syndicate repulsor train. [14] [15]
- Coronet City revolution [2]
- Attack on the Hyborean Moon [2]
- Battle of Nag Ubdur [2]
- Siege of Arkanis [2]
- Skirmish near Wild Space [2]
- Defense of Kuat [2]
- Skirmish on Takodana [16]
- Liberation of Kashyyyk [2]
- Mission to Chinook Station [16]
- Attack on Chandrila [2]
- Capture of Mercurial Swift [4]
- Skirmish in Freetown [4]
- Destruction of an abandoned weapons depot [16]
- Invasions of Naboo [1]
- Attack on a New Republic outpost [4]
- Mission to Nakadia [4]
- Battle of Fondor Shipyards [17]
- Battle of Jakku [1]
- Skirmish in the Dune Sea [14] [15]
- Raid on a Pyke repulsortrain [14] [15]
- Perwin Gedde [2]
- During the Coronet City revolution [2] Mursey[2] Shreen[2]
- During the Attack on the Hyborean Moon [2] Qarwell Krass[2] Romwell Krass Senior[2] Yileen Krass[2]
- On Tatooine [2] Bivvam Gorge[2] A Red Key Raider[2]
- On Nag Ubdur [2] Lug[2]
- On Ryloth [2] Chorn[2]
- During the Skirmish near Wild Space [2] Valent[2] About 14,000 Imperial crew aboard the Star Destroyer Scythe[2]
- During the Liberation of Kashyyyk [2] Lozen Tolruck[2] Urian Orlan[2] Harrgun[2] Yoff[2]
- On Chandrila [2] Hostis Ij[4] Auxi Kray Korbin[4] Adea Rite[2] Jylia Shale[2] Windom Traducier[2]
- On Christophsis [4] Jumon[4] Mabo[4] Madrammagath[4] Uggorda[4]
- On Devaron [4] Remi[4]
- Aboard the Ravager [4] Ferric Obdur[4]
- On Jakku [4] Kolob[4] Effney[4] RK-242[4] Mister Bones
- During the Battle of Jakku [4] [20] Kyrsta Agate[4] Odavia Anaru[21] Jom Barell[4] Groff[4] Arliz Hadrassian's brother[20] Mister Bones[4] Gallius Rax[4] Yupe Tashu[4] Garrick Versio[16] Brentin Lore Wexley[4] Palal Seedia[22] Vitale[22] Denish Wraive[22]
- On Coruscant Soran Keize[22]