In the year 5 ABY, a brief battle unfolded on the fringes of the unexplored Wild Space. This conflict involved units from the New Republic Defense Fleet clashing with the Star Destroyer called Scythe. The New Republic's pilots, specifically Lieutenant Norra Wexley alongside Captain Wedge Antilles, had journeyed to Han Solo's final reported position, in an attempt to locate the former New Republic general. Their search, however, was interrupted by an assault from TIE fighters and the Star Destroyer Scythe, commanded by Commander Valent. Despite facing superior numbers, Wexley and Antilles were shortly saved by New Republic backup, headed by Commodore Kyrsta Agate. Agate's arrival was prompted by intelligence from the enigmatic source known as the Operator, who was, in reality, the Imperial Fleet Admiral Gallius Rax. Following the New Republic Starfleet's decision not to pursue Solo's whereabouts, Wexley left the Starfleet and assembled a team with the goal of finding the rebel hero.