During the Akiva rebellion, New Republic pilot [Norra Wexley](/article/norra_wexley], a starfighter ace, assembled a squad aimed at sparking a widespread revolt against Imperial dominance on Akiva. This squad included her adolescent son Temmin Wexley, the B1-series battle droid Mister Bones, the Zabrak bounty hunter Jas Emari, Sinjir Rath Velus, a former Imperial loyalty officer, and Jom Barell, a soldier from New Republic Special Forces. This team pursued numerous Imperial war criminals before assisting Han Solo in his mission to free rebel captives and the Wookiees on Kashyyyk. Subsequently, Norra's group disbanded, only to reunite after the Liberation Day attack on Chandrila with the goal of tracking down Grand Admiral Rae Sloane. Despite their periods of separation, Norra and her companions all played roles in the New Republic's triumph in the Galactic Civil War, especially when Norra and her spouse Brentin Lore Wexley aided Sloane in the hunt for Counselor to the Empire Gallius Rax.
Following the Battle of Endor, starfighter pilot Norra Wexley of the New Republic established a group to liberate the planet of Akiva from Imperial control. This initial group consisted of Norra, her teenage son Temmin Wexley, the B1-series battle droid Mister Bones, the Zabrak bounty hunter Jas Emari, and the former Imperial loyalty officer Sinjir Rath Velus. After the Akiva rebellion, they were joined by Sergeant Jom Barell, a soldier from New Republic Special Forces. This team became known as Imperial hunters, dedicated to pursuing Imperial war criminals.
During the final months of the Galactic Civil War, Norra and her team apprehended numerous Imperial fugitives, including Commandant Stradd, Prefect Kosh, Moffs Keong and Nyall, Vice General Adambo, Venn Eowelt, a former Imperial Security Bureau minister, and Vice Admiral Perwin Gedde. At the request of Princess Leia Organa, they embarked on a mission to locate Leia's husband Han Solo. After reuniting with Han, they freed Chewbacca and several rebel prisoners from the Ashmead's Lock [prison](/article/prison] on Kashyyyk. While Norra, Temmin, and Bones returned to Chandrila with the prisoners, including Norra's husband Brentin Lore Wexley, Jas, Sinjir, and Jom remained on Kashyyyk to liberate the Wookiees from Imperial oppression. Norra, Temmin, and Bones later became entangled in Gallius Rax's attack against Chandrila, the New Republic's capital.
Norra and her team, excluding Jom, then dedicated several months to hunting Grand Admiral Rae Sloane, who was widely suspected of orchestrating the Chandrila attack. After capturing Mercurial Swift, a bounty hunter, Norra's team discovered that Sloane had journeyed to Jakku, a world in the Inner Rim. Norra, Jas, and Mister Bones infiltrated Jakku, which was under Imperial occupation, to continue their pursuit of Sloane, while Temmin and Sinjir went back to Chandrila to alert the New Republic. Norra subsequently allied with Sloane and Brentin to prevent Rax from detonating Jakku and the Imperial and New Republic forces during the Battle of Jakku.
Temmin served with Phantom Squadron during the Battle of Jakku. Mister Bones was destroyed in the battle while defending Temmin. Jas was captured by Mercurial Swift but managed to persuade his crew, Dengar, Embo, and Jeeta, to switch sides in exchange for full pardons and financial compensation from the New Republic. Despite his expulsion from the New Republic military, Jom participated in the New Republic assault on Jakku and died protecting his U-wing gunship from a missile strike. Meanwhile, Sinjir thwarted an assassination attempt by Tolwar Wartol on Chancellor Mon Mothma and became her adviser. He participated in the peace talks with Grand Vizier Mas Amedda, which resulted in the Galactic Concordance that brought the Galactic Civil War to an end.
Following the Battle of Jakku, Norra and her surviving team members reunited at a cantina on Chandrila before embarking on their new paths. Norra became an instructor at the New Republic's new flight academy on Hosnian Prime, where Temmin became a student. Jas continued to lead her bounty hunter crew, while Sinjir returned to his role as an adviser to Chancellor Mothma.