Moth (freighter)

The Moth, a MK-4 freighter, was the property of Owerto Naiucho, who utilized it for the purpose of smuggling illicit goods. Post-Battle of Endor, he journeyed to the planet of Akiva aboard this vessel. Following Owerto's demise, the Moth became the possession of New Republic starfighter pilot Norra Wexley. She, along with her group of Imperial hunters which included her son Temmin Wexley, employed the Moth to pursue Imperial fugitives during the concluding phases of the Galactic Civil War.


An [MK-4 freighter](/article/mk-4_freighter], the Moth possessed the capability to traverse through hyperspace. Furthermore, it exhibited the capacity to outpace both TIE fighters and larger capital ships. A bay door was situated outside the cargo compartment of the Moth. Operation of the Moth necessitated a pilot in conjunction with a navigator, or alternatively an astromech droid. As a freighter, the Moth featured a substantial cargo bay suitable for accommodating cargo. During a dogfight with TIE fighters and a collision with a waterfall on the planet Akiva, the freighter's turret was destroyed.

The Moth incorporated oxygen cyclers responsible for circulating air throughout the vessel. Additionally, the ship was outfitted with a tractor beam projector designed for attracting scrap into its cargo bay. The Moth also possessed weapons systems for aerial combat. The Moth included a minimum of two escape pods and was equipped with forward-facing shields. The freighter demonstrated sufficient maneuverability, allowing the pilot to alter the ship's course by executing a corkscrew spin.



Following the Battle of Endor, Owerto embarked on a journey to Akiva, carrying both his typical cargo of prohibited items and Norra Wexley, who was returning to her home to see her son, Temmin. They encountered a minor Imperial blockade, but Owerto expressed confidence in his ability to navigate through it. The Vigilance, one of the Star Destroyers, deployed TIE fighters with the objective of intercepting the Moth. As the freighter approached the planet's surface, one of the TIEs achieved a fortunate hit, rendering the Moth's turret inoperable. Norra skillfully navigated the ship through the canyons of her home planet, resulting in the pursuing TIEs colliding with a waterfall. While the waterfall detached the remnants of the ship's turret, the remainder of the vessel remained undamaged.

After an involuntary reunion with her son Temmin, Norra escorted him back to the Moth, only to discover that Owerto had been killed by wandering stormtroopers. Still harboring resentment towards his mother for her decision to leave him and join the Rebel Alliance, and disinclined to abandon his B1-series battle droid Mister Bones and his junk shop, Temmin informed Norra that he had conceived a plan. Although he successfully escaped the Moth, he and Norra attracted the attention of stormtroopers. Following a reconciliation with her son, Norra, Temmin, and Mister Bones united with the bounty hunter Jas Emari and the former Imperial loyalty officer Sinjir Rath Velus to instigate a rebellion on Akiva against the Empire.

Norra's Imperial hunters

In the aftermath of the rebellion on Akiva, Norra and her team transitioned into New Republic operatives tasked with pursuing Imperial fugitives. In 5 ABY, Norra and Captain Wedge Antilles utilized the Moth to journey to the periphery of Wild Space at the request of Princess Leia Organa to locate the final coordinates of her husband Han Solo and his vessel, the Millennium Falcon. They were attacked by Commander Valent's Star Destroyer Scythe but were rescued by New Republic ships led by Commodore Kyrsta Agate. Following the Attack on Chandrila, Norra, accompanied by Temmin, Mister Bones, Sinjir, and Jas Emari, traveled aboard the Moth during their pursuit of Grand Admiral Rae Sloane, the alleged instigator of the assassination attempt targeting the New Republic leadership.

For several months, Norra's team traversed various locations aboard the Moth, including Kashyyyk, Ord Mantell, Corellia, and Jindau Station. Norra and her team ultimately succeeded in capturing Mercurial Swift, a bounty hunter with connections to Sloane, on the planet Taris. While Temmin and Mister Bones operated the Moth, Norra, Sinjir, and Jas interrogated Swift, discovering that Sloane had traveled to the Inner Rim planet of Jakku.

Under Norra's direction, Temmin inputted the coordinates for Jakku. Upon exiting hyperspace, they encountered a substantial Imperial fleet positioned above Jakku. This fleet comprised Imperial forces that Counselor to the Empire Gallius Rax had assembled on Jakku. Temmin piloted the Moth as it faced attacks from TIE fighters. Before departing in an escape pod with Jas Emari to locate Sloane, Norra instructed her son to steer the ship clear and informed him that she had programmed the Moth to initiate a hyperspace jump within two minutes. Temmin dispatched Mister Bones in a second escape pod to safeguard his mother. The Moth successfully escaped into hyperspace before it could be struck by Imperial torpedoes.

