Jas Emari

Jas Emari, a Zabrak woman, earned her living as a bounty hunter during the time of the Galactic Civil War. At the Battle of Endor, she was present and made a pivotal choice: to switch her allegiance, ceasing her work for the Galactic Empire. She was the niece of Sugi, a bounty hunter active during the Clone Wars. Jas found herself on Akiva when the Imperial Future Council convened on that world. Following this, she collaborated with others to eliminate numerous Imperial targets, amassing a substantial reward. During the Rebellion on Akiva, Jas became part of an unconventional rebel group that included Norra Wexley, her son Temmin Wexley, the B1-series battle droid Mister Bones, and Sinjir Rath Velus, a former Imperial loyalty officer.

Following the events that transpired on Akiva, she allied herself with Norra's team, pursuing Imperial escapees on behalf of the New Republic. Burdened by her aunt's outstanding debts, Jas feigned a betrayal of her comrades during a mission to capture Vice Admiral Perwin Gedde on Vorlag. After a fierce disagreement with her team members, Jas developed romantic feelings for Jom Barell, a soldier in the New Republic Special Forces and a member of Norra's group. Later, Emari accompanied Norra's team on a quest to locate the rebel Han Solo and to rescue the Wookiee Chewbacca. Jas and her allies participated in the liberation of Kashyyyk, the Wookiee's home planet.

Later on, Jas joined Norra's team in their pursuit of Grand Admiral Rae Sloane, who was believed to be the architect of the attack on Chandrila. The trail led Jas and Norra to Jakku, a desert planet in the Inner Rim. There, Jas found herself hunted by Mercurial Swift, a bounty hunter seeking to collect a bounty on her head out of spite. While evading Swift, Jas aided Norra and Mister Bones in their search. Despite being captured by Swift, Jas successfully turned the tables on him by enlisting his crew, Dengar, Embo, and Jeeta, to her cause. Jas and the bounty hunters received recognition from the New Republic for their contributions to the Battle of Jakku.


Early life

Emari worked with her aunt Sugi on many occasions.

Growing up on Iridonia, Jas experienced a challenging youth. Following advice from her aunt Sugi about escaping, she chose to leave the planet and follow in her aunt's footsteps as a bounty hunter. She often described her life as chaotic, frequently commenting that another outlandish event was just a typical day for her. Unlike Sugi, who often helped those in need and collaborated with team members, Jas preferred to work independently.

While living with her Aunt Sugi, Emari became acquainted with the bounty hunters Embo and Dengar. She considered Embo and his Anooba pet, Marrok, as friends. However, Emari and her fellow bounty hunters did not get along with Dengar because of his grumpy personality. Despite this, Emari respected them because they worked for her Aunt Sugi.

Battle of Endor

During the Battle of Endor, Jas was present on Endor as the Rebel Alliance attempted to destroy the shield generator protecting the second Death star. From a high tree, she observed the battle between the Ewoks, rebels, and Empire. Hired by the Empire to target Princess Leia Organa, she decided against taking the shot when the battle shifted in favor of the rebels, realizing she needed to change sides in the war to survive. Descending from the tree, she retrieved her speeder, cleverly hidden nearby, and departed the battle scene. While retrieving her speeder, she briefly made eye contact with Sinjir Rath Velus, who was covered in blood and dressed as a rebel, before leaving.

New Republic

Bounty on Akiva

After the Battle of Endor, she accepted jobs that aided the New Republic, the Rebel Alliance's new government, or opposed the Empire. One such job was to assassinate Arsin Crassus, an Imperial enslaver and financier expected to arrive on Akiva, a remote world in the Outer Rim, at Satrap Isstra Dirus's palace. Jas positioned herself atop a rusted tower overlooking Akiva's old capitol building in Myrra, the capital city.

However, upon Crassus's arrival in his yacht, the Golden Harp, she noticed several other Imperial ships landing simultaneously, carrying Grand Moff Valco Pandion, Yupe Tashu, General Jylia Shale, and Admiral [Rae Sloane](/article/rae_sloane]. These Imperials had gathered on Akiva for an emergency summit organized by Admiral Sloane to discuss the Empire's future. Realizing these individuals were worth more together, she decided to alter her plan. Before she could act, Morna Kee, an Imperial officer piloting Sloane's Lambda-class shuttle, shot her down.

Jas survived the fall, crashing into Temmin Wexley's junk shop. There, Surat Nuat, a Sullustan crime lord and head of a gang, captured her. Surat recognized Jas as a bounty hunter. Attempting to talk her way out, Jas offered to hunt Temmin, who had angered Surat by stealing a valuable cargo shipment. When Jas admitted to targeting an Imperial official, Surat revealed his allegiance to the Empire, denounced the New Republic, and ordered his henchmen to imprison her.

Surat took Jas Emari to The Alcazar, a cantina and gambling den serving as his base. He intended to sell Jas as a slave or trade her to the Empire. Among the patrons at The Alcazar was Sinjir, a former Imperial loyalty officer whom she had encountered on Endor. Recognizing the Zabrak, Sinjir attempted to buy her, claiming to work for the Empire. However, Surat refused to sell Jas to the Empire and ordered his men to kill Sinjir. After a brief gunfight, Sinjir was knocked out by the bartender and imprisoned alongside Jas.

Unlikely allies

Jas found herself locked in a cage next to Sinjir. Following a tense exchange, Jas and Sinjir agreed to set aside their differences and collaborate to rescue Temmin, another of Surat's captives. Jas managed to free herself and Sinjir from their cages using a lockpick hidden in a fake horn on her head. The two unlikely allies then saved Temmin from having his tongue removed by Surat's henchmen. After a firefight with Surat's henchmen and several Imperial stormtroopers, Jas and her fellow captives escaped with the assistance of Norra Wexley, Temmin's mother and a New Republic starfighter pilot, on a bala-bala speeder. With insufficient space on Norra's speeder, Jas used a chain to wakesurf behind it, using a dead Gran gangster's body as a makeshift board.

Sinjir Rath Velus, the man who Jas was imprisoned with

Jas joined her new allies at the home of Esmelle, Temmin's aunt and Norra's older sister. After settling in, she and Sinjir discussed their plan to disrupt the Imperial emergency summit and capture their targets, using household items and cutlery as improvised props for their "map." When Jas shared her plan with Norra, Norra stated that she only wanted to take her son Temmin offworld. After Temmin expressed interest in helping the bounty hunters and Jas brought up the capture of Wedge Antilles, a New Republic pilot, Norra reluctantly agreed to assist Jas and Sinjir in exchange for safe passage off Akiva.

Shortly afterward, Mister Bones, Temmin's modified B1-series battle droid, who had survived the skirmish at The Alcazar, joined Jas, Sinjir, and the Wexleys. When Norra attacked Sinjir upon learning of his Imperial past, Jas restrained Wexley with her blaster and convinced them to set aside their differences. Norra agreed and devised a plan to ignite a rebellion on Akiva, capture the Imperial Future Council, and free Antilles. This marked her first experience working as part of a team and trusting others with her mission.

While Sinjir, Temmin, and Mister Bones infiltrated an Imperial communications station and broadcast New Republic propaganda, Jas and Norra returned to Temmin's junk shop. There, Jas eliminated several unidentified hostiles lying in wait for the Wexleys. Norra then stole a TIE fighter and used it to destroy several other TIE fighters and Imperial shuttles, hindering the Imperial delegates' escape from Akiva. Norra's fighter was shot down, but she managed to eject. The rebels' propaganda broadcast sparked an uprising in Myrra, and a large crowd gathered outside the Satrap's Palace.

Fighting the Empire

Norra Wexley, Jas' new ally

After her first joint operation with the Wexleys and Sinjir, Jas reunited with Temmin, Mister Bones, and Sinjir at Pok's Place, a cantina. Believing Norra had died in the attack on the Satrap's Palace after witnessing her TIE fighter crash into it, Jas was surprised when Norra herself appeared. Implementing the next phase of their plan, the rebels decided to use Myrra's underground catacombs to infiltrate the Satrap's Palace and capture the Imperials. Temmin volunteered to guide them but needed to return to his junk shop to retrieve maps. While the others waited, Jas stood guard outside.

Unbeknownst to Jas and the others, Temmin secretly contacted Surat from his private "hidey-hole-nook-and-cubby," offering to sell Jas and Sinjir in exchange for securing safe passage off Akiva for himself, his mother Norra, and Mister Bones. Surat accepted the deal but double-crossed Temmin by negotiating another deal with Admiral Sloane to capture Norra. Together with her companions, they journeyed through the underground passages beneath Myrra. While navigating a Clone Wars-era battlefield, Sinjir voiced his suspicions about Temmin's nervousness to Jas. Though Emari initially believed Sinjir was attracted to her, Sinjir clarified that he did not have such feelings for her gender.

While traversing an abandoned Separatist factory, they were ambushed by several Uugteen primitives. Jas and her companions escaped after Temmin detonated a box of detonators. Guided by Temmin, Jas and her group made their way through the Old Banking Clan building and reached the entrance to the Satrap's Palace. Jas devised a plan to ambush stormtroopers and palace guards to gain entrance. However, Admiral Sloane and her stormtroopers captured them. Inside the palace, Jas learned of Temmin's secret deal with Surat. When Surat revealed his arrangement with Sloane, Temmin protested but could not prevent the Imperials from taking his mother and disintegrating Mister Bones.

Before leaving Temmin, she remarked that he would make a good bounty hunter. Sinjir added that he would make a better Imperial. With a crowd besieging the Satrap's Palace, Jas and her fellow captives were taken aboard Crassus's yacht Golden Harp. Their fellow passengers included high-ranking Imperial officials and stormtroopers. However, Temmin infiltrated the Golden Harp and reached Jas's cell through a maintenance hatch. While Sinjir argued with Grand Moff Pandion, Temmin freed Jas and Norra. Jas then held Pandion at gunpoint. Before a firefight could erupt, Sloane crash-landed the yacht in the hangar bay of her Imperial Star Destroyer Vigilance.

Jas and her rebel companions survived the crash, but Crassus and most of the Imperial stormtroopers were killed. Jas managed to stun and capture General Shale, Adviser Tashu, and Sloane's aide Adea Rite, but Pandion and Sloane escaped aboard another shuttle. Jas, Sinjir, and Temmin then rescued Wedge and evacuated their Imperial captives aboard a shuttle before the Vigilance was destroyed by a New Republic fleet that had emerged from hyperspace. Meanwhile, Norra attempted to pursue Sloane's shuttle in a stolen TIE fighter but narrowly escaped death when the Admiral detached the main compartment of her shuttle with the recalcitrant Pandion, causing an explosion.

Juggling debts and hunting

After Akiva joined the New Republic, Jas teamed up with Norra, Temmin, Sinjir, Mister Bones, and Jom Barell, a soldier from the New Republic Special Forces, to track down remaining Imperial targets throughout the galaxy. Working with Norra's team, Emari successfully captured six Imperial fugitives including Commandant Stradd, Prefect Kosh, Moffs Keong and Nyall, Vice General Adambo and the former Imperial Security Bureau minister Venn Eowelt. By 5 ABY, Jas was heavily in debt to various underworld figures. These debts were largely due to her aunt Sugi, who was known for abandoning "dishonorable" jobs, "burning" clients, and taking on low-paying work to protect underdogs, slaves, and outcasts. One of her creditors even placed a bounty on her head.

During a mission to collect a New Republic bounty on Vice Admiral Perwin Gedde, Jas decided to earn money by pretending to betray Norra and her team to Slussen Canker, a Vorlaggn crime lord who was sheltering Gedde at his palace on Vorlag. Jas confided in Temmin, Norra's son, but kept the information from Norra, the team's leader. Putting her plan into action, Jas accompanied Norra's team on their undercover mission.

After capturing Gedde, Jas and the others were captured by Slussen and his guards. However, Jas then seized the opportunity to switch sides, claiming she was collecting a bounty on Norra and her team. In exchange for capturing the intruders, Slussen paid Jas a fifteen percent finder's fee. Slussen ordered Jas and her crew to be locked in cages. Despite her apparent betrayal, Emari arranged for the key to the cages to be tied to the neck of a hroth-beast. This allowed Norra and her team to escape.

Meanwhile, Jas tied up the drugged Gedde in his room. Shortly after, Norra and her team, who had escaped through the lava tube, joined her. Jas and her team then escaped with Gedde aboard her gunship Halo, piloted by Temmin. After escaping Imperial fighters and reaching space, the other crew confronted Jas about her "triple-cross" on Vorlag. Jom, the New Republic soldier, was particularly angry and argued intensely with Emari. At some point, the argument escalated, and the two locked themselves in Jas's bunkroom and began fighting. Their teammates tried to break down the door but stopped when they realized the sounds were no longer of blows. In fact, Jas and Jom had reconciled and were making love.

Rest and recreation

After returning to Chandrila, the New Republic capital, Norra prepared to hand Perwin over to the New Republic authorities. However, they soon discovered that Gedde had died in transit. Examining the body, Jas deduced that Gedde had been poisoned with kytrogorgia and that someone had mixed the poison with his spice. Later, Jas found Sinjir, her friend, at a bar near Junari Point close to Hanna City. Sinjir had been meeting with his lover Conder Kyl and had been accosted by two patrons, "Mister Browscar" and "Miss Scowlface," who disliked former Imperials. Sinjir, after becoming drunk, had returned and beaten up Browscar and Scowlface.

When Jas found him, Sinjir confronted her about her betrayal on Vorlag. Jas apologized for withholding her "triple-cross" plan from the other team members except Temmin. Following a heated conversation, Emari explained that she was heavily in debt. When Jas questioned Sinjir about Browscar and Scowlface, Sinjir simply replied that he had not killed them. Later, Jas and Sinjir met with the rest of Norra's team at the Halo. During the meeting, Jas theorized that Mercurial Swift, the bounty hunter, had killed Gedde under orders from the Empire to prevent him from divulging secrets to the New Republic.

When Jas remarked that Gedde's death deprived them of credits, Jom responded that they were not doing it for credits and accused her of not supporting the New Republic's cause. Jas then accused Jom of hypocrisy for not bringing Slussen Canker, a known enslaver, to justice. When Jom responded that they had orders from the Republic to capture Gedde, Jas likened him to an Imperial. Before the argument could escalate, Norra intervened to brief her team that Princess Leia Organa had requested their help in finding her husband Han Solo, who had disappeared while searching for his Wookiee co-pilot Chewbacca.

When Jas upstaged Norra by revealing that she already knew about her contact with Leia, Norra accused her of bugging her chambers. However, Jas countered that she had been paying attention to current events. Jas agreed to participate in Norra's new mission and offered to gather information from her underworld contacts, speculating that Solo would have been clumsy enough to attract attention from those circles. Following the meeting, Sinjir confronted Emari about whether she was joining the mission for financial gain. Jas confirmed that this was the case because Princess Leia was relatively wealthy.

Trip to Nar Shaddaa

Putting their plans into action, Jas and Jom traveled to Nar Shaddaa, a haven for criminals. After landing in a black market, Emari paid a Weequay to hide her ship Halo and keep it off syndicate registers. Jas wanted to avoid attracting the attention of Black Sun and the Crymorah Syndicate, to whom she owed debts. Jas questioned Nyarla the Hutt about Solo, Chewbacca, and Imperial prisons in Wild Space. Unable to get help from Nyarla, Jas and Jom prepared to leave. However, a gang of Nikto led by Rynscar, an Underboss, ambushed them and stunned Jom.

The Underboss demanded that Jas pay her aunt's debts. Unable to pay, she threatened to hand Emari over to Gyuti, the Boss of Black Sun. When Jom tried to intervene, Emari slammed her foot on his back and warned him not to get them killed. Jas then asked Rynscar if the Hutts had betrayed her. Rynscar responded that the Hutts were in disarray and that Nyarla had returned to Black Sun. Emari managed to convince Rynscar to let her pay twice the amount she owed Black Sun, offering to turn herself in if she failed.

Rynscar reluctantly agreed. In return, Jas asked for information about Han Solo. Using Rynscar's information, Jas contacted Sinjir and told him about Irudiru, a planet in Wild Space. As a result, Sinjir was able to question Tashu about Golas Aram, a prison architect. After returning to the Halo, Barell accused her of selling out the team. Emari responded that she was only buying them more time. The two then kissed before returning to Chandrila.

After returning to Chandrila, Jas and the team met with Norra at the Skygarden above Hanna City. Norra and the team watched as Norra resigned her commission in the New Republic Starfleet to find Han Solo. Jas and Sinjir later decided to accompany Norra and her son on their mission to find Han Solo. Jas agreed to come for a token fee of ten credits. However, Jom decided not to come because he did not want to leave on an unsanctioned mission.

Joining forces with Han Solo

Jas and the rest of Norra's team traveled to Irudiru. After landing, they ventured to Golas Aram's compound but found it well defended by ghosted lasers, land mines, turret-droids, and carnivorous thirstgrass. Jas also deployed a listening bug built by her friend Temmin. During their scouting mission, they were attacked by a herd of morak beasts but were rescued by Han Solo, who used a grenade to blind the creatures.

Han Solo, the scoundrel Jas would eventually join forces with.

Later on, Jas and her squad encountered Han at a tavern situated in the nearby settlement of Kai Pompos. Norra explained the reason for their presence to Han, and Jas commented that he was the one they sought, while making it clear she wasn't a bounty hunter. Sinjir challenged her statement, reminding everyone that she was, in fact, a bounty hunter, which prompted her to tell him to be quiet. In response, Han revealed that his journey to Irudiru was motivated by the desire to free his Wookiee companion, Chewbacca, who was being held at Ashmead's Lock prison on Kashyyyk. Han's intent was to question Golan, the designer of the prison for the Empire. Having located Han, Norra's crew decided to provide assistance to Solo in his mission to invade Aram's complex and rescue Chewbacca.

Working in unison, Jas utilized her slugthrower to discern the electronic signatures of the pulse mines surrounding Aram's compound, which she then used to detonate one of the mines, effectively disabling them. Following Temmin and Mister Bones' deactivation of the conduit from the wind farm that supplied power to the electric fence and turrets, Jas and Sinjir successfully infiltrated Aram's compound. Soon after, they faced an assault from a group of commando droids, but they were able to eliminate them with the assistance of Jom Barell, who had experienced a change of heart and chose to support Norra's team. Although Aram managed to escape initially, Norra swiftly apprehended him before he could leave the planet. After Sinjir completed his interrogation of Aram, Jas engaged in conversation with Barell, while Solo and Norra went to Kai Pompos to gather supplies.

Ashmead's Lock

Jas, her team, along with Han Solo, embarked on a journey to Kashyyyk aboard the Halo and Solo's freighter, the Millennium Falcon. They successfully navigated through the Imperial blockade by masquerading as a repair crew dispatched to service Ashmead's Lock prison. Upon entering the atmosphere, Jas trailed the Falcon in the Halo. After locating Ashmead's Lock, Jas cautioned that they might be walking into a trap, but Han dismissed her concerns. Emari's fears were confirmed when the rebels were confronted by SOL-GDA, the prison's automated computer system.

When the rebels failed to provide the correct pass-code, SOL-GDA deployed droids with the intention of incorporating them into the prison's system. Jas remained with Solo, utilizing her slugthrower to destroy several droids. Jas and Han successfully reached the control room but were unable to disable the computer system. The two were then attacked by a swarm of droids but were rescued by Temmin and Mister Bones. Proceeding deeper into the prison, Jas, Han, and Temmin discovered that the prison's power source was derived from prisoners held in stasis pods.

After Temmin noticed the cable connecting the stasis pods to the power generator, Jas and Han managed to destroy the cable using their firearms. This action deactivated SOL-GDA and allowed Jas and her companions to liberate a hundred prisoners at Ashmead's Lock, including Chewbacca and Temmin's father, Brentin Lore Wexley. While Norra, Temmin, Bones, and the prisoners chose to return to Chandrila on the Millennium Falcon, Jas made the decision to remain behind and assist Han and Chewie in liberating Kashyyyk from Imperial control.

Jas managed to persuade Sinjir and Jom to stay by reminding them of their failure to free Slussen Canker's slaves. When Sinjir pointed out that she would not receive payment for this, Jas responded that her motivation was not monetary and that she had felt a sense of satisfaction from liberating Akiva. Jom praised her for her noble intentions. After parting ways with Norra and her team, Jas piloted her friends, Han, and Chewie on the Halo away from Black Forest to a concealed location within a wroshyr tree. There, Han outlined his strategy to liberate the Wookiees of Kashyyyk by locating Grand Moff Lozen Tolruck and disabling the control module that regulated the Wookiees' inhibitor chips.

Liberating Kashyyyk

A month later, Jas assisted Han Solo and Chewbacca by enlisting several Wookiee refugees and smugglers to participate in the liberation of Kashyyyk. Among those she recruited were Greybok, a former Wookiee slave, Hatchet, a Weequay, and Palabar, a Quarren. While Sinjir embarked on a mission to rescue Jom Barell from Grand Moff Lozen Tolruck's island fortress, Jas landed her gunship Halo in the deserted city of Awrathakka, situated near the Imperial slave labor camp known as Camp Sardo.

Kashyyyk, the planet Jas would help liberate.

Jas, Han, Chewie, and their rebel recruits then ascended a wroshyr tree that overlooked Camp Sardo's deflector shield generator. Despite facing attacks from Imperial forest troopers and a Low-altitude Imperial transport, Jas managed to destroy the shield generator with a single shot from her slugthrower. This coincided with Sinjir's successful plan to disable the Wookiees' inhibitor chips at Tolruck's fortress. As the Wookiees launched an assault on Imperial forces, Jas, along with Greybok, Hatchet, and Palabar, flew the Halo and bombarded the Imperial walkers and troops. After Grand Moff Tolruck ordered the orbiting Star Destroyers to bombard Kashyyyk's surface, Jas reunited with her companions Sinjir and Jom.

Han Solo prepares the Wookiees for battle.

After evacuating the Wookiees to safety beneath Awarathakka, Jas assisted Han and Chewbacca in their efforts to eliminate the orbiting Star Destroyers. Emari's gunship Halo accompanied Han and Chewie's transport, which was loaded with webweaver spiders, to the Star Destroyer Dominion. After Han and Chewie landed in the Dominion's hangar, Jas opened fire on the Imperial troops aboard. She then landed her gunship and joined the mission to seize control of the Star Destroyer. Jas and her comrades were captured by stormtroopers and brought before Vice Admiral Domm Korgale. However, Han and Chewie's team managed to hijack the Dominion and used it to destroy the Star Destroyer Vitiator. Shortly thereafter, New Republic forces under the command of Princess Leia, Captain Antilles, and Admiral Ackbar arrived and accepted the surrender of the remaining Imperial forces on Kashyyyk.

Hunting Rae Sloane

Trapping Mercurial Swift

Following the liberation of Kashyyyk, Jas reunited with Sinjir and informed him of her intention to leave Norra's team. Seeking to settle her debts, Jas aimed to find employment collecting New Republic bounties. Jas then provided Sinjir with a ride back to Chandrila, which was still recovering from the recent attack on Chandrila. As a result of the aftermath of the attack on Chandrila, the New Republic Security Bureau had ceased hiring bounty hunters. Unable to secure work, Jas joined forces with Norra, Temmin, Mister Bones, and Sinjir on a mission to track down Grand Admiral Rae Sloane, whom Norra believed was responsible for the attack on Chandrila. Princess Leia, their new acquaintance, funded their mission.

After several months of searching, Norra's team decided to set a trap for Mercurial Swift, who was known to have collaborated with Sloane in the past. Jas and her fellow hunters planned to interrogate Swift regarding Sloane's whereabouts. With the assistance of the wilder girl Vazeen Mordraw, the hunters orchestrated a trap for Swift on the planet Taris by fabricating a false bounty on Mordaw. Swift ventured into Mordraw's hideout, located inside a wrecked freighter in Taris' ruined Talinn district. Norra and Sinjir ambushed Swift, who attempted to flee. However, Jas intercepted his escape route and stunned him with her blaster.

Later that night, Jas and her companions interrogated Swift. Upon regaining consciousness, Swift recognized them and quipped that Dengar had been correct about the day when bounties would be placed on bounty hunters. Jas responded that Boss Gyuti had already placed a bounty on her head. When Norra and Sinjir questioned Swift about his connection to Sloane, the bounty hunter initially remained defiant. However, Sinjir managed to coerce Swift into cooperation by threatening to send the droid Mister Bones to harm his mother, Tabba Teldar. Cornered, Swift revealed that Sloane had hired him to search the Emperor's wrecked yacht Imperialis for information about an Imperial officer named Gallius Rax. He also informed Norra's team that Sloane had traveled to the planet Jakku in the Western Reaches. Following the interrogation, Jas suggested killing Swift since he still posed a threat. However, Norra instead knocked him unconscious with one of his stun batons. The decision to spare Swift would have consequences for Jas, as Swift, seeking revenge, decided to collect Boss Gyuti's bounty on her.

Journey to Jakku

During the journey to Jakku, Jas searched Norra's freighter Moth for her ammo belt. Jas eventually located the ammo belt in the kitchen and confronted Sinjir, demanding to know why her ammunition was in that location. Sinjir responded that he was a man burdened by inner conflict and that he passed the time drinking Kowakian rum. During their conversation, Sinjir confided that he was a man without purpose. When Sinjir asked her why she had not harmed Swift, Jas responded that words could be violent. When Jas expressed concern that Norra was becoming like her, Sinjir reassured her that she was the one advising caution.

The planet Jakku was where the Gallius Rax assembled to execute the final part of the Contingency.

Jas also shared her concerns regarding the emotional distress that Norra was experiencing in relation to her husband and her son. Sinjir then reassured Jas that she was a good person because she cared about others. Jas complimented Sinjir for his sarcasm and his ability to make sense. When Jas remarked that she hoped that Jakku would not hold any more surprises for them, Sinjir responded that the galaxy was full of surprises. Sinjir's words proved prophetic when the Moth exited hyperspace and came under attack from an Imperial fleet. Jas and her companions soon discovered that the Imperials, under the command of Gallius Rax, had relocated to Jakku for a final showdown with the New Republic.

When Norra entered an escape pod to continue her pursuit of Sloane, Jas attempted to stop her. Jas tried to physically restrain Norra, but the other woman resisted. Ultimately, Jas agreed to accompany Norra down to Jakku to hunt for Sloane. Meanwhile, Temmin and Sinjir piloted the Moth back to Chandrila to warn the New Republic that the Empire had fled to Jakku. Under Temmin's instructions, Mister Bones followed Norra and Jas down to Jakku to protect them. After landing their escape pod in the deserts of Jakku, the two salvaged the pod for weapons and equipment before embarking on a trek through the desert. That night, they were ambushed by two aliens. The aliens were subsequently killed by a stormtrooper patrol, who took the two women captive.

Escaping captivity

Rae Sloane, the Grand Admiral whom Jas and Norra hunted.

After the Imperial authorities on Jakku discovered that Jas had a bounty on her head, they arranged for her to be transported to Niima the Hutt's palace on a shuttle. Niima's slaves discovered the lock pick concealed within her false horn. Consequently, Jas was compelled to fashion weapons out of her three cranial horns. After several attempts, Jas managed to break off the horns by slamming her skull against the stone wall of her cell. While in captivity, Emari caught a glimpse of the fugitive Rae Sloane accompanying Niima on an expedition to a mysterious valley. After learning that Jas had been captured, Mercurial Swift and his new bounty hunting crew, consisting of Dengar, Embo, and Jeeta, traveled to Niima's temple to collect Emari. Emari was acquainted with both Embo and Dengar, having collaborated with them on previous hunting missions. She held respect for Embo, who had a good rapport with her aunt Sugi, but shared a difficult relationship with Dengar, who was unpopular among many in their profession.

Utilizing her broken horns as improvised weapons, Jas attacked Swift, leaving a scar on his face. She then used her rope to pull two of Niima's slaves into Swift, causing him to fall. After kneeing one of the slave's heads into Swift's nose, she killed the last guard by breaking his neck. Jas then used her horns to saw through the rope. Jas then escaped her cell and navigated through a series of tunnels. Jas was pursued by several of Niima's slaves but managed to fend them off. She then reached a hangar pad where she found Swift's Corellian shuttle being guarded by her old friend Embo.

Following a brief reunion, Jas managed to convince Embo not to hand her over to Swift. She also persuaded him to allow her to escape on Swift's shuttle. Jas managed to flee aboard the shuttle shortly after Dengar entered the hangar pad. While traveling over the deserts of Jakku, Jas sighted Norra and Mister Bones traveling on a speeder bike. She landed her stolen shuttle on a nearby dune. After sharing some refreshments, the two women updated each other about their previous misadventures. Jas recounted her escape from Niima's temple, while Norra recounted her escape from Imperial captivity with Mister Bone's help. Jas also informed Norra that she had spotted Sloane traveling with Niima's caravan. While her stolen ship possessed Imperial clearance codes, the two women decided to resume their hunt for Sloane with the assistance of Mister Bones.

Continuing the hunt

While traveling over the deserts of Jakku, Jas devised a plan which involved Norra piloting the shuttle while she landed on the sand and grabbed Sloane. They soon discovered that Niima's caravan had been attacked by turbolaser emplacements originating from beyond the Plaintive Hand plateau. These turbolasers were part of the Jakku Observatory, which was central to the late Emperor's Contingency plan. As they approached the eastern pillars of the Plaintive Hand plateau, Norra spotted Sloane and her husband Brentin hiding together. Before they could execute their plan, Jas was forced to pull their shuttle away due to the approach of three Imperial shuttles.

These shuttles were carrying Sloane's rival Gallius Rax, who had proclaimed himself Counselor to the Empire, and a contingent of stormtroopers. Rax took Sloane and Brentin into custody and "invited" them to witness the demise of the Old Empire. The following day, Jas and Norra returned to the site of Niima's caravan. While most of her slaves had perished during the Imperial turbolaser attack, the two women encountered a wounded Niima. Speaking through a translator device, Niima recognized Jas as the Zabrak captive in her dungeon. While Niima initially wanted to kill her, she decided to assist Jas and Norra. In exchange for bringing her back to her temple, she offered to provide them with clearance codes to the main Imperial base, where Sloane and Brentin had been taken.

After rescuing Niima and bringing her home, the grateful Hutt crime lady furnished them with an old Imperial shuttle, old Imperial uniforms, and the clearance codes which they needed to reach the main Imperial base. While preparing for their mission, Jas told Norra that she was assisting her out of her own free will and respect. Before they could depart, Mercurial Swift and his crew returned and demanded that Niima hand over Jas. Jas decided to remain behind and distract the bounty hunters while Norra and Mister Bones departed for the main Imperial base. After Dengar threatened Niima, Jas allowed herself to be captured in order to prevent further bloodshed.

Turning the tables on Swift

Swift and his crew took Niima into custody. They departed Niima's temple in Swift's reclaimed Corellian shuttle. Swift wanted to leave immediately for Nar Shaddaa to deliver Emari to Boss Gyuti. However, they were forced to delay their departure due to the Battle of Jakku. Swift reluctantly ordered the ship's pilot Jeeta to head towards a canyon. While in captivity, Jas managed to sow discord between Swift and his crew. Knowing that Embo and Dengar had debts to pay, Jas told them that they could secure money and full pardons from the New Republic if they helped to hunt down Rae Sloane. She also appealed to the two hunters' previous partnership and friendship with her Aunt Sugi.

The Battle of Jakku was a climatic battle that Jas participated in.

Swift attempted to reassert his authority, but Dengar pointed out that he and the other crew did not like him. Dengar struck Swift with his blaster. Enraged, Swift grabbed Jas by the neck and moved towards the ramp. However, Emari headbutted him with her new, growing horns. She then broke free of the bounty hunter and threw him out of the shuttle's door. Dengar and Embo complimented Jas. When Jeeta asked what was going on, Dengar vouched that she was not loyal to Swift. Jas then decided to hire the three bounty hunters as her new crew, an offer which they graciously accepted.

Jas and her crew managed to pick up Norra and her late husband Brentin outside the Jakku Observatory. By that stage, Norra had joined forces with Brentin and Sloane to stop Gallius Rax's plot to detonate the planet Jakku and the surrounding Imperial and New Republic fleets. The Battle of Jakku was a pivotal New Republic victory that ended the Galactic Civil War in the New Republic's favor and led to the signing of the Galactic Concordance. Meanwhile, Mister Bones perished during the battle while trying to protect Temmin from marauding Imperial forces.

A new order

Following the Battle of Jakku, Jas Emari managed to secure full pardons for Dengar, Embo, and Jeeta with the help of her friend Sinjir Rath Velus, who had become a high-ranking adviser to Chancellor Mon Mothma. Jas also secured enough money to hire the three bounty hunters permanently as her crew. After learning that her former lover Jom Barell had perished in combat during the Battle of Jakku, Jas spent a week mourning her friend's passing.

A few weeks later, Jas met up with the rest of Norra's team to celebrate their friendship and to honor the memory of fallen comrades like Jom, Brentin, and Mister Bones. During the dinner, Jas joked about Temmin's new nickname "Snap" and his decision to fashion a beard. During the dinner, Jas talked about her plans to pay her way out of her debts with the help of her new bounty hunting crew. Following the dinner, Jas complimented Sinjir for finding a romantic partner in the form of the slicer Conder Kyl. Jas also confided that she would continue her aunt Sugi's legacy by taking ethical jobs as long as there were credits.

Jas also indicated she was prepared to terminate her partnership with Dengar, Embo, and Jeeta should they turn on her. When Sinjir asked about her relationship with Jom, Jas confided that she had no plans of settling down with the late Jom since she did not love him as much as he loved her. Jas described her life as one dominated by paying her debts and collecting the debts that others owed her. Sinjir joked that her cynical outlook gave him life. Before leaving, Sinjir kissed her on the head and the two embraced before parting company.

Personality and traits

Jas Emari was a fiercely independent individual who left her difficult family life to become a bounty hunter at the advice of her aunt Sugi. She thought that her life was wild and full of unpredictable events. As a bounty hunter, she preferred to operate independently. Jas was willing to work for various governments, including the Galactic Empire and the New Republic. However, Jas harbored a deep hatred for slavers like Arsin Crassus and decided to take out a New Republic bounty on him. She seized the opportunity to collect bounties on several high-ranking Imperial officials on Akiva, including Admiral Rae Sloane.

While Jas was a loner, she was still capable of collaborating with others if they shared mutual interests. Emari formed a partnership with the former Imperial loyalty officer Sinjir Rath Velus after being assured that he had genuinely abandoned the Empire. While Jas was typically motivated by financial considerations, she nevertheless agreed to assist Norra in inspiring a rebellion on Akiva since it aligned with her objective of collecting a bounty on Imperial officials. Following the Battle of Endor, Jas held an optimistic view of the aspirations and promises of the New Republic, considering it to be a more equitable government than the Empire.

Though Jas loved her aunt Sugi, she was still annoyed with Sugi for saddling her with massive debts. Unlike her more "soft-hearted" aunt Sugi, she was prepared to be merciless and to disregard ethics in order to generate revenue. Emari's primary objective in life was to settle her aunt's debts. This motivated Jas to feign a "triple-cross" of Norra's team on Vorlag in order to receive double payment for collecting a New Republic bounty on Perwin Gedde and another bounty on Norra and her team. Despite her occasional ruthlessness and disloyalty, Jas remained loyal enough to Norra and her team not to betray them to the Empire or other adversaries.

Despite her obsession with paying off her debts, Jas, at times, could exhibit genuine kindness, as demonstrated when she assisted in the Liberation of Kashyyyk and in the Battle of Jakku. She successfully persuaded her companions Sinjir and Jom Barell to aid Han Solo and Chewbacca's campaign to liberate Kashyyyk by presenting it as an opportunity to atone for their failure to liberate Slussen Canker's slaves. Jas' loyalty to Norra later prompted her to join Norra's quest to track down Grand Admiral Rae Sloane, the alleged mastermind behind the attack on Chandrila.

Despite being described as a "tough" individual, Jas could be reasonable. She served as a restraining influence on Norra during her pursuit of justice and vengeance. Despite Jom's feelings for her, Jas did not reciprocate his love to the same extent. Nevertheless, she was deeply saddened to learn of his death. Jas utilized her persuasive skills to convince Dengar, Embo, and Jeeta to turn against Mercurial Swift and join her crew in exchange for receiving money and full pardons from the New Republic. Jas regarded Norra, Temmin, Sinjir, Mister Bones, and Conder as long-time friends.

Emari also held respect for the older bounty hunters Embo and Dengar. She considered Embo and his late pet Anooba Marrok as friends. While she did not get along with Dengar, the two maintained a level of mutual respect due to Dengar's partnership with Aunt Sugi. Emari used their partnership with Aunt Sugi to convince Embo and Dengar not to hand her over to Black Sun Boss Gyuti.

Skills and abilities

Jas inherited the gunship, Halo from her aunt Sugi.

As a bounty hunter, Jas was a skilled sniper who wielded a self-made long-range slugthrower rifle that was based on an old Czerka slugthrower. Emari was also proficient in hand-to-hand combat when the situation demanded it. She was also an adept planner who could create improvised maps and plans using everyday objects. In her profession as a bounty hunter, Jas had to kill numerous individuals.

Jas was also a skilled pilot who owned the gunship Halo. She utilized the Halo to travel to various worlds, including Irudiru and Kashyyyk. During the Liberation of Kashyyyk, Jas employed her gunship to bombard Imperial forces, assisting the Wookiees and their rebel allies in gaining the upper hand. Jas was also skilled in unarmed combat due to her work as a bounty hunter. As a Zabrak, Jas possessed the ability to regenerate her cranial horns. She also knew how to improvise by using her cranial horns as makeshift daggers.

Behind the scenes

Jas Emari made her debut appearance in Chuck Wendig's 2015 novel Aftermath, the inaugural book in The Aftermath Trilogy. A contradiction exists between Jas' description in the books, particularly the arc on Akiva in the first book of the trilogy, where she is depicted as having moonlight-blue skin, and the artwork in Star Wars: Women of the Galaxy and No Disintegrations, where she is portrayed as having fair skin.

