Gran were a sentient species of humanoid form, with their homeworld being the planet Kinyen. Nevertheless, they established settlements on numerous other planets, including Malastare, Hok, and Varkana. These beings are recognized by their three eyes and snouts resembling those of goats. In addition, Gran possessed small, antennae-like protrusions on their heads and robust, thick hands. These hands could feature either six sizable digits or five digits that resembled suction cups. Notable individuals of this species encompass Mawhonic, a pilot who participated in Podraces, as well as Ask Aak, Philo, and Kharrus, who served as senators in the Galactic Republic. Furthermore, the criminal Ree-Yees, an associate of Jabba the Hutt, was also a member of this species.

The Gran were a sentient humanoid species easily distinguished by their goat-like facial features and characteristic three eyes. Their heads were adorned with a quartet of antennae-like appendages, comprising two short, straight ones and another pair that were longer and curved. Gran exhibited two distinct physical builds: one characterized by a heavy bottom and a rotund midsection, while the other was leaner, with body proportions akin to those of a human. The former type also possessed hands featuring six slender digits. The latter type displayed either smaller, human-like hands or larger hands with thick digits culminating in flat, suction-cup-like structures. Possessing two stomachs, Gran were capable of living for several centuries.
Originating from the planet Kinyen, the Gran were a colonial species known for their widespread migration and adaptation across numerous worlds. Their most significant colony was Malastare, where they exerted dominance over the Dug species. The Kinyen Gran were celebrated for their tranquil agricultural activities and the breeding of Houjix, whereas the Gran of Malastare and Hok were notorious for engaging in more avaricious and perilous pursuits, such as underworld dealings and podracing. By 32 BBY, the Gran had become integrated into the broader galactic community.

Within the senate, Kinyen had Gran representation, with Philo and Kharrus both serving as senators at different times during the Clone Wars. Despite the Dug controlling Malastare's natural fuel resources, the Gran were granted ownership of the planet by the Republic and subsequently represented the world in the Galactic Senate, with Ask Aak holding the position of senator shortly before the Clone Wars. On their native world, the Gran primarily worked as farmers, earning a living by selling their foodstuffs to various locations throughout the galaxy. Other Gran, predominantly those born off Malastare, were more ambitious or aggressive and pursued diverse occupations across the galaxy, including roles as bounty hunters, mechanics, and professional podracer pilots.
During the era of the Old Republic-era, the Gran initiated a campaign of expansion, leading to the arrival and colonization of Gran colonists on the planet of Malastare. There, they encountered significant opposition from the indigenous Dugs, resulting in the intense Dug-Gran conflict. Ultimately, the Gran faction wielded greater influence within the Galactic Republic and assumed effective control of Malastare under the auspices of the Gran Protectorate Act.
Several Gran held prominent positions in the political landscape of the Galactic Republic, including the Malastare politicians Ainlee Teem, Aks Moe, and Ask Aak. Senator Kharrus of Kinyen specialized in diplomatic affairs, including ransom missions. Philo, another Gran senator from Kinyen, collaborated with like-minded senators such as Padmé Amidala and Bail Organa to oppose certain legislation. In 32 BBY, Teem made an unsuccessful bid for the position of Supreme Chancellor, ultimately losing to Sheev Palpatine. When a crisis on Naboo was brought before the senate, Moe sided with Lott Dod, the Trade Federation representative, in advocating for a survey to validate the claims made by the Naboo queen. During the Clone Wars, Kharrus led a ransom mission to Florrum, only to be killed when his shuttle was shot down by pirates. Philo was murdered by the bounty hunter Cad Bane when Bane took members of the senate hostage in an attempt to free the imprisoned Hutt Ziro.

Mawhonic, a famed Podracer from Hok, participated in the Boonta Eve Classic Podrace of 32 BBY. Piloting a green Podracer maintained by a Gran pit crew, Mawhonic, despite a promising start, crashed during the race's first lap due to the aggressive and combative racing tactics employed by the Dug pilot Sebulba.
A Gran senator, Maklooq, met her demise when a speeder crashed onto her and her partner in a park on Coruscant during a fight involving Darth Vader and two members of the Inquisitorius.
Several Gran were known associates of the crime lord Jabba the Hutt. Following the kidnapping of Jabba's son Rotta during the Clone Wars, Jabba enlisted a Gran bounty hunter to retrieve the Huttlet. Along with other bounty hunters, this Gran reached the planet Teth but was decapitated by the kidnappers, who returned the head to Jabba. By 4 ABY, Ree-Yees, a Gran, had become a member of Jabba's court and was killed on board the Khetanna, Jabba's sail barge, when it was destroyed by the Jedi Luke Skywalker.