Florrum, characterized by its sulfurous desert landscapes, existed as a planet within the Florrum system. This system was situated in the Sertar sector of the Outer Rim Territories, a region of the galaxy. During the era of the Clone Wars, the planet served as the base of operations for a pirate gang under the leadership of Hondo Ohnaka. Briefly, Florrum was under the control of the Confederacy of Independent Systems; however, General [Grievous]' forces were ultimately driven back by a combined effort from Ohnaka's crew and the Jedi.
Located in the Outer Rim Territories at grid square R-5 of the Standard Galactic Grid, Florrum presented as a hot and arid desert planet. The terrain was dominated by desolate, rocky deserts and expansive dustbowls. The landscape also featured notable geological formations, including canyons and sulfuric geysers, with the latter often found within acid flats. Its location was approximately six parsecs from the planet Vanqor.
Florrum functioned as the headquarters for a Weequay pirate group, the gang commanded by Hondo Ohnaka. Following their successful capture of Count Dooku on Vanqor, they brought the Sith Lord back to Florrum. Later, Ohnaka also managed to capture the Jedi Knights Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker when they arrived to ensure Dooku's ransom was paid. With assistance from Representative Binks, Commander Stone, along with several clone troopers, the Jedi Knights soon escaped. The Republic initially left the planet undisturbed; however, later in the conflict, Dooku dispatched Separatist forces, led by General [Grievous], with orders to destroy Hondo's base.