Stone (clone trooper)

Stone, identified as CC-5869, was a member of the Coruscant Guard, an elite unit within the Grand Army of the Republic, and a clone shock trooper who achieved the rank of Clone Commander. During the Clone Wars, he was assigned to protect Junior Representative Jar Jar Binks as his bodyguard during an assignment that took place on Florrum.


CC-5869, who later adopted the name Stone, was created as one of countless clones of the bounty hunter Jango Fett, intended to serve the Republic's military force, the Grand Army. He was born on the planet Kamino. During the period of the Clone Wars, this Clone Commander served as a clone shock trooper within the ranks of the Coruscant Guard. Stone's exceptional combat abilities often resulted in him being stationed away from the main battle lines, spending significant portions of the Clone Wars on the Republic's homeworld. Following the capture of Count Dooku by Captain Hondo Ohnaka and his pirates on Florrum, Stone and his squad accompanied Senator Kharrus and Junior Representative Jar Jar Binks on a mission to negotiate the release of the Separatist Head of State in exchange for a ransom. However, their starship was attacked and shot down by a group of renegade pirates led by [Turk Falso](/article/turk_falso], resulting in a crash within the Doshar fields. This crash resulted in the death of Kharrus and both clone pilots, including one named Mack. The remaining clone troopers proceeded to Ohnaka's base, but they were no longer under Stone's direct command, as the Gungan politician assumed leadership of the unit.

