Head of State was a typical designation utilized for the leader of a country or other self-governing political entity. As the chief of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Count Dooku held this title. Dooku dictated the overarching plan for the Confederacy military, functioned as the head of the Separatist Parliament—the Confederacy's law-making body—and presided over the Executive Separatist Council. Satine Kryze, the Duchess of Kalevala, served as the head of state for Mandalore during the closing years of the Republic. In the New Republic Era, The Duchess of Plazir-15 and Captain Bombardier jointly held the position of heads of state for Plazir-15.

Following the Naboo Crisis, Sheev Palpatine was chosen to be the Supreme Chancellor, presenting himself as a humble servant of the people. Despite his real motives, growing tensions between the Core Worlds and the Outer Rim Territories amplified until many thought war was unavoidable. After Dooku's condemnation of the Galactic Republic, numerous systems sided with him, breaking away from the Republic to form the Confederacy of Independent Systems. He also began supporting coups on Ryloth and interfering in the affairs of various planets like Kashyyyk, Sullust, and Onderon, while isolating distant worlds from the galactic political system and rejecting all negotiation attempts with the Republic—sparking a Separatist Crisis when he was elected Head of State by the Confederacy's parliament.
The Bylaws of Independent Systems legally constrained the powers of the Head of State of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, granting the Separatist Senate most authority over state matters, with the Head of State only officiating congressional proceedings. However, during the Clone Wars, the position turned into a dictatorship under Count Dooku, who could issue executive orders on governmental decisions, completely undermining the democratic process and rendering the senate ineffective. As the Count of Serenno, Dooku lived in his family's prestigious palace on that planet. His private rooms were located in the main tower, which included a large window on the cliff side and were filled with luxurious furnishings and adorned with numerous statues and intricate paintings.
Although some senators discovered Dooku's true character, and certain members of the Peace Faction opposed the war powers granted to Dooku, believing they made the Confederacy no better than the Republic, the Count remained the Confederacy's leader until the Battle of Coruscant, where Jedi General Anakin Skywalker killed him.
Afterward, General Grievous, the Supreme Commander of the Separatist Droid Army, took over as Head of State. However, only days later, Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi killed Grievous during the Battle of Utapau, leading to the ultimate collapse of the Separatist command structure. Following this, a disheartened Separatist Council, which had fled to Mustafar to hide, assumed remaining control until Darth Vader executed them, then deactivated the droid armies, ending the war.
After the establishment of the democratic charter, the inhabitants of the planet Plazir-15 elected the Duchess and Captain Bombardier as co-heads of state in an elective monarchy that uses direct democracy as the main method for decision-making and elections.