Ryloth, located in the Outer Rim Territories, within the Ryloth system, served as the original homeworld for the Twi'lek species. This planet boasted a diverse landscape, encompassing jungles, mesas, valleys, and even volcanoes. Its atmosphere was suitable for both Twi'leks and humans. A perilous forest, teeming with dangerous creatures, stretched across the equator. Due to the hazardous nature of the terrain, Twi'leks sought refuge and safety in underground caves.

This world, characterized by its hot and humid climate, was positioned in the far reaches of the Outer Rim Territories, specifically at grid coordinate R-17 on the Standard Galactic Grid. Situated in proximity to the Corellian Run Super-hyperroute, and considerably distant from Tatooine and Geonosis, Ryloth bordered Wild Space. As the second planet in the [Ryloth system](/article/ryloth_system], which consists of three worlds, Ryloth resided within the Gaulus sector. It was orbited by a trio of moons, whose gravitational influence greatly impacted the planet. The Rylothians observed the Longest Night holiday when all three moons reached their lowest point in the sky.
Ryloth's geological makeup was extraordinarily varied, showcasing numerous mountain ranges, icy plains, rich temperate forests, and deserts, including the Jixuan desert, all populated by native wildlife. A specific region, away from the Jixuan desert, served as a breeding area for the gutkurr species. Much of the wildlife on Ryloth was incredibly dangerous, forcing the Twi'lek inhabitants to reside within secure cave systems or in easily defended locations.
Ryloth held significance as the original homeworld of the important Twi'lek civilization. For countless centuries, the Hutts and their criminal networks took advantage of the planet and its people, utilizing it as a vital hub for the spice trade. Twi'lek residents were forced into slave labor to produce these illicit goods. Ryloth was among the many worlds that fell under the control of the Zygerrian Slave Empire until the Jedi Knights destroyed the regime. Over the ages, Ryloth's clans were frequently at war. Overall, Ryloth's history was marked by civil conflict, uprisings, and widespread chaos. During the High Republic Era, Ryloth was governed by the Clan Assembly.
On one occasion, a clan stole a small gem, important to another clan's religious beliefs, intending to incite a war. Jedi Masters Creighton Sun and Char-Ryl-Roy were sent on a mission to bring peace. They soon found the truth, locating the heirloom on their first day. However, Roy dropped the heirloom off a cliff. The Jedi spent the rest of the mission trying to find it again. Sun became so frustrated that he wondered if they should just let the clans fight. Sun later credited Roy, who initially agreed before giving Sun more credit, with establishing peace. Despite the difficulties, they later laughed about the mission. The Twi'lek Drave belonged to a clan on Ryloth that benefited from the actions of Supreme Chancellor Kyong Greylark.

Prior to the Clone Wars, Count Dooku secretly supported coups on Ryloth to incite unrest in the Outer Systems during the Separatist Crisis. After the mission to Thule, Jedi Tualon Yaluna went on a mission to Ryloth to find someone, trying Glabos while there.
The Separatist Alliance launched a full-scale invasion of Ryloth under Techno Union Emir Wat Tambor, setting up a space blockade commanded by Neimoidian Captain Mar Tuuk of the Separatist fleet. A Republic fleet under Admiral Dao attempted to assist Jedi General Ima-Gun Di and the clone troopers of the Outer Rim garrison, who were supported by Twi'lek freedom fighters led by General Cham Syndulla. As the Republic tried to break the Separatist fleet, the Venator-class Star Destroyers' fuel, power, and ammunition ran low. Di contacted the Jedi Temple on Coruscant for aid. While he was speaking with the Jedi, the Republic ship's deflector shields were taken down, and the fleet was destroyed.
The remaining clones made a final stand so that the Twi'lek freedom fighters could escape. The entire garrison was destroyed, and General Di and Clone Captain Keeli died. However, blockade runners secretly delivered supplies. This occurred after a debate on Toydaria between Senator Bail Organa of Alderaan, Representative Binks of Naboo, and Senator Lott Dod of the Trade Federation, who was ordered by Count Dooku to disrupt negotiations with Toydarian King Katuunko.
When the Republic returned, Generals Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Mace Windu worked with Syndulla to retake the planet. However, the Republic occupied Ryloth, though there was no resistance. Despite a Republic defeat after the Second Battle of Geonosis, the Republic remained in control. Clone Captain "Howzer," a veteran of the Battle of Ryloth, defended the Twi'lek people for months.

After the Clone Wars ended in 19 BBY, Ryloth became a protectorate of the Galactic Empire. Imperial forces built a doonium refinery and demanded that all Twi'leks surrender their weapons. The Bad Batch sold weapons to Twi'lek insurgents led by Syndulla and Gobi Glie on Ryloth's third moon. When Vice Admiral Edmon Rampart arrested Syndulla and his wife, Clone Force 99 returned to free them at the request of Hera Syndulla. Ryloth was considered free, but this was untrue. Many settlements did not know about the Empire until they were raided and enslaved. The former Twi'lek Resistance became the Free Ryloth Movement and started a new rebellion.
By 14 BBY, Moff Delian Mors oversaw the planet from a moon. That year, Darth Sidious and Lord Vader were trapped on the planet after the Perilous was destroyed in an attempt to assassinate the Empire's leaders, planned by the Free Ryloth Movement. The attempt failed. The Partisans carried out a raid in Lessu.
By 3 BBY, Imperial TIE bombers were used to bomb Ryloth from a Quasar Fire-class cruiser carrier. Cham wanted to destroy the carrier. However, his daughter Hera Syndulla, leader of the Spectres, disagreed. She convinced him and his companions, Numa and Glie, to steal the ship for the Phoenix Cell. During the mission, the rebels destroyed an Arquitens-class command cruiser, boosting morale.

In 2 BBY, Grand Admiral Thrawn was sent to deal with the Free Ryloth movement. By studying Twi'lek culture, Thrawn captured Tann Province, including the Syndulla residence. Cham Syndulla fled. After Hera and Ezra Bridger were captured, Thrawn relinquished command to Captain Slavin to observe the rebels. Cham's forces and the Spectres escaped, but Hera destroyed the family residence. Thrawn saw how far they would go. He also took the Syndulla family's Kalikori, which Hera and Bridger failed to retrieve.
Before the Auction for Han Solo, the Black Sun and Gyuti had a fiasco on Ryloth. Doctor Chelli Lona Aphra noted that Gyuti was alive, suggesting the syndicate had recovered.
In 5 ABY, the Empire left Ryloth. Yendor became the planet's ambassador to the New Republic.
After the Galactic Concordance, Ryloth remained independent. Six years before the destruction of the Hosnian system, Rinnrivin Di's cartel threatened Ryloth's economy. Rinnrivin's cartel heavily impacted Ryloth's shipping due to poor enforcement of regulations and infighting in the Galactic Senate. Emissary Yendor went to the Galactic Senate on Hosnian Prime.
Leia Organa and Ransolm Casterfo traveled to Bastatha and Ryloth to investigate Rinnrivin's syndicate. They discovered that someone was funding Rinnrivin's cartel through the Amaxine warriors to destabilize the New Republic. While visiting the Ryloth archives, Leia learned that Rinnrivin had quickly become a powerful crime lord. Organa and her allies defeated Di and the Amaxine warriors, but she formed the Resistance because she believed there was more going on.

After the rise of the First Order, many Twi'leks joined Organa's Resistance, fearing an occupation. However, the Ryloth government did not support Organa.
After the Resistance's losses in the Battle of Oetchi and the Battle of Crait, Organa realized Yendor could help. When the Millennium Falcon approached the planet, Lessu command contacted the freighter. The Ryloth Defense Authority took over. Yendor, a member of the RDA, allowed the Falcon to land at a base in a cave. Yendor intended to speak to Lessu about aiding the Resistance. He knew that Chancellor Drelomon and General Ishel would not want it, and he feared the First Order would attack.
The Resistance set up in the RDA base. Yendor and Organa learned that the First Order had arrived in Lessu and given the Ryloth shipping guild five days to tithe before blockading the shipping lanes. Organa had reinforcements arrive. Commander Poe Dameron, Black Squadron, Inferno Squad, and other allies arrived. The Resistance sent teams to Bracca and Corellia. Someone betrayed the Resistance, and the First Order attacked the base.
During the assault, Hahnee Brethen and a member of Phantom Squadron were killed. Organa fought alongside Padawan Rey and told Yendor about his daughter's death. He planned to die directing a cannon, but she offered him an X-wing starfighter. The Resistance evacuated Ryloth. Afterwards, the Resistance gathered at a location supplied by the Collective, and Dameron believed the events on Ryloth showed that nowhere was safe.
Ryloth first appeared in the opening newsreel of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars episode "Jedi Crash," and properly appeared in "Storm Over Ryloth." The planet originated in Star Wars Legends and was first mentioned in The Star Wars Sourcebook.
The StarWars.com article "Star Wars Inside Intel: Twi'lek Culture" used an image that had previously been used to depict Radnor in Star Wars: Build the Millennium Falcon.