"Jedi Crash" marks the thirteenth installment of Season One within the Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated television program. As the series' thirteenth episode, it initiates a narrative arc that spans two episodes.
The combined fleet of Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka's moves to reinforce the embattled fleet commanded by Jedi Knight Aayla Secura, which is taking intense fire from a trio of Munificent-class star frigates. The Separatist droid commander, identified as a tactical droid, exploits a vulnerability as the frigates deploy rocket droids targeting Secura's vessel. Anakin and Ahsoka arrive just as this is happening, deploying three gunships from their vessel. The rocket droids redirect to engage the new threat. Anakin heroically intercepts one of the droids, using it as a vehicle to board Secura's crippled destroyer, the Liberty, along with his Padawan and accompanying troops after their gunship crashes. They meet up with Aayla, before trying to reach a cruiser located in the lower docking bay.

However, the Separatist Tactical Droid issues an order to obliterate the remnants of Aayla's Fleet, and the subsequent concentrated laser barrage triggers a massive explosion directed at the escaping group of clones and Jedi. Anakin employs a Force-Push to shield the others, then attempts to use The Force to telekinetically reinforce a bulkhead he sealed to contain the explosion. His efforts are insufficient to withstand the full force of the blast, which throws him against the bulkhead behind him, causing significant injuries. Ahsoka successfully pulls him to safety, and they board the cruiser. However, before they can dock at the Resolute for Anakin to receive medical care, fire from droid fighters damages the ship, accidentally activating the hyperdrive. The cruiser abruptly detaches from the Resolute and jumps into hyperspace; Yularen commands his forces to conclude the battle before pursuing the cruiser.
While in hyperspace, the cruiser is on a trajectory to collide with a nearby star. Aayla, risking Anakin's life, commands a shutdown of all power systems, including life support, to reset the navicomputer, which pulls them out of hyperspace. However, the loss of gravity complicates the process of restoring power. Aayla uses the Force to activate the power switch, enabling them to orbit the star, but their velocity leads to a crash landing on the nearby planet of Maridun. Following the crash, they establish a temporary camp using salvaged components from their wrecked vessel. Aayla emphasizes the urgency of finding assistance for Anakin; Ahsoka suggests that she and Rex remain behind, but Aayla insists on the necessity of working together. Bly discovers a tablet bearing a carving of a tree, hinting at the presence of sentient life on the planet. Rex pledges to watch over Anakin, while the others embark on a search for aid. Along the way, Aayla notices Ahsoka's confusion regarding the Jedi code's emphasis on detachment while also promoting compassion. Aayla shares that she was very close to her master but eventually learned to let him go.
Aayla's team locates a massive tree matching the tablet's depiction. However, enormous seedpods begin falling from the trees, though none strike or injure them. Aayla spots a trail formed by dragged seedpods, which they decide to follow.
Meanwhile, back at the camp, an unseen presence observes Rex and Anakin. Hearing noises in the undergrowth, Rex investigates. As Anakin regains consciousness, he senses danger and attempts to rise but collapses. He manages to warn Rex of a presence behind him. Rex turns to face a mastiff phalone that attacks him. He successfully repels it with his blaster.
In a clearing, two more of the creatures assault the group, resulting in the deaths of Cameron, Lucky, and Flash before retreating. Aayla, Ahsoka, and Bly soon stumble upon a village inhabited by Lurmen who have sought refuge on the planet, far from the conflict. The village elder, Tee Watt Kaa, refuses to offer assistance, fearing that any involvement will disrupt their hard-won peace. However, at Ahsoka's urging, he consents to allow his son, Wag Too, to help them transport Anakin back to the village for medical attention. He stipulates that only one Jedi may accompany him, and that Bly should follow. Ahsoka and Bly depart with Wag Too, while Aayla stays behind as collateral.
Within a dwelling, Aayla and the elder discuss the war. Aayla asserts that they did not initiate the war and only aspire to restore peace to the galaxy; the elder counters that he perceives no distinction as to who started it. He believes that only through mutual disarmament can peace be achieved.
At the camp, Anakin senses more creatures nearby and prepares to defend himself. Two emerge from the foliage, poised to attack. As they charge, Rex shoots one, but the other lunges between them. Fortunately, the others arrive in time; Wag Too employs rope to restrain the creature, instructing Ahsoka not to kill it, but merely to incapacitate it. They pull on the rope, causing the creature to fall to its side. They then transport Anakin back to the village, where Wag Too applies healing oil to Anakin.
Outside the village, Ahsoka admits to Aayla that she was correct; had she remained with Anakin, they would not have discovered the village in time to save him. However, their primary concern remains escaping the planet, and they hope that Yularen will locate them soon.
During Anakin's treatment aboard the Consular-class frigate, the sound of his breathing through the oxygen mask is reminiscent of the breathing of his future self.
In the opening scene, as Aayla Secura's ship is forced into the atmosphere, Anakin and Ahsoka (along with several clones) are shown in Republic gunships with open doors. Given the absence of oxygen above the atmosphere, the doors should be closed unless the openings are equipped with shields to prevent depressurization.
When the Consular-class cruiser dispatched by Anakin docks with Aayla's Jedi Cruiser, it is piloted by two clone pilots. However, upon Commander Bly's arrival on the bridge, one of the pilots has disappeared, enabling him to serve as co-pilot.
The frigate carrying the escaping Jedi jumps to hyperspace within the atmosphere. However, various written sources indicate that initiating a hyperspace jump within a planet's gravitational field is impossible; indeed, the primary function of a gravity well projector on Interdictor vessels is to replicate a planet's gravity to prevent such jumps.
On Decoded, Commander Bly is incorrectly identified as Captain Rex (leading to the statement: "Wag Too, Ahsoka, and Rex have been running for 17 hours!").
In earlier versions of "Jedi Crash" and its sequel episode, the Amani were originally intended to be featured instead of the Lurmen.