Wag Too, a healer from the Lurmen species, was the son of Tee Watt Kaa, the leader of the Lurmen village located on Maridun. He lived during the era of the Clone Wars.
During the Clone Wars conflict, Wag Too resided with his fellow Lurmen in their village situated on Maridun. Their lives were disrupted by the arrival of Jedi Knight Aayla Secura, her Padawan Ahsoka Tano, and Commander Bly, who had crash-landed nearby. Initially, his father, Tee Watt Kaa, was unwilling to offer assistance to the Jedi. However, Tano informed them that her master, Anakin Skywalker, was in critical condition, close to dying. Consequently, Wag Too accompanied Tano and Bly to the crash site, while Secura remained with his father. Upon reaching the site, Wag Too, along with Tano, Bly, and Captain Rex, worked together to subdue a mastiff phalone. Following this, Wag Too provided medical attention to Skywalker. After constructing a stretcher, Wag Too and the others returned to the village, where he utilized oil extracted from a seed pod to facilitate Skywalker's recovery.
Subsequently, Wag Too aided the Jedi and the clones in concealing themselves when a Separatist landing ship landed in the village. Wag Too and the Jedi then observed as battle droids commanded by General Lok Durd searched the village for weapons or Republic contraband. After the Jedi and Durd departed, Wag Too engaged in a conversation with his father, expressing his dissatisfaction with his father's decision to allow the Separatists to harass them, despite the illusion of temporary peace.
Wag Too then dispatched one of his companions to monitor the Jedi's movements. Upon receiving news of the Separatists' impending return, Wag Too advocated for self-defense. Nevertheless, he respected his father's wishes. During the attack, Wag Too and the other villagers initially stood by, but when the battle droids began to overwhelm the Jedi and clones, they intervened, despite Tee Watt Kaa's objections, assisting Tano in defeating the droids by knocking them over. Following Durd's capture, Wag Too expressed his gratitude to the Jedi before their departure.
Wag Too, a male Lurmen, stood at a height of 1.03 meters, equivalent to 3 feet and 5 inches. He had brown hair and brown eyes. As a young Lurmen healer and the son of the village's leader, Tee Wat Kaa, he was entrusted by his father with the responsibility of aiding Anakin Skywalker's recovery from his injuries. The arrival of the Separatists on Maridun caused him to grow impatient with his father's peaceful approach, leading him to resolve to fight back against Lok Durd's droids when they launched an assault on the Lurmen colony. He used his speed and agility to help the Jedi and clones defeat the droids.
Wag Too utilized Ascension cables during the Defense of Maridun.