Lok Durd was a male Neimoidian who specialized in arms development. During the Clone Wars, he achieved the rank of general within the Separatist Droid Army. His image was used on the anti-Trade Federation propaganda poster known as Taxation Without Federation. Republic forces defeated him, leading to his capture and placement in Republic custody. Along with Nuvo Vindi, Durd figured into Lieutenant Commander Orson Krennic's initial strategy for a prisoner swap with the Confederacy of Independent Systems. The goal was to secure the release of Galen Erso, Lyra Erso, and their infant daughter Jyn Erso from their imprisonment on Vallt. Despite this, Durd successfully broke free from custody and proceeded to create widespread disturbance beyond the Western Reaches.

Lok Durd, an obese male of the Neimoidian species, functioned as an arms developer for the powerful Trade Federation. He eventually took part in the Clone Wars as a general in the Separatist Droid Army. During the battle that occurred on the planet Maridun, Durd was accompanied by a male Aqualish named Pune Zignat. The Neimoidian's intention was to evaluate the defoliator against a colony inhabited by Lurmen. Although Zignat was the true mind behind the defoliator's creation, Durd, being his superior, claimed the design as his own. General Durd, a driven Separatist officer, dedicated his efforts to creating a weapon that would earn him both a promotion and the approval of Count Dooku, the Head of State of the CIS. After inspecting the Lurmen village, the Neimoidian had the defoliator, mounted on a DDT, tested and then contacted the Sith Lord. General Durd informed Count Dooku about the weapon's ability to destroy all organic matter while remaining harmless to their battle droids, and then prepared to advance towards the settlement of Chief Tee Watt Kaa. His attempt to conduct a definitive weapon test was thwarted by the combined efforts of Galactic Republic forces, led by Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, and the Lurmen colonists. This resulted in the capture of both the Neimoidian and his Aqualish assistant, Zignat.

Lieutenant Commander Orson Callan Krennic's original strategy to free the scientist Galen Walton Erso and his family from Vallt involved exchanging the still-imprisoned General Durd and Doctor Nuvo Vindi for the valuable prisoner held by the Confederacy. However, the Neimoidian managed to escape from Republic custody, rejoining his Separatist allies and causing widespread disruption in the Western Reaches. This forced Krennic to revise his initial plans.
Lok Durd's debut appearance was in "Defenders of Peace" from The Clone Wars television series. George Takei provided the voice for the character, who was initially intended to be a recurring antagonist, a plan that ultimately did not materialize. Kilian Plunkett created the concept art for the Neimoidian.