Tee Watt Kaa

Tee Watt Kaa existed as a male Lurmen, serving as the leader of a village situated on the Outer Rim planet of Maridun amidst the Clone Wars. A dedicated pacifist, Kaa staunchly opposed any form of combat, even when his own life was threatened.


During the era of the Clone Wars, Tee Watt Kaa presided over his pacifistic community of Lurmen residing in a village located on Maridun. Together with his son, Wag Too, his primary aim was to discover tranquility and refuge far from the conflict, showing a preference for maintaining neutrality and steering clear of galactic politics and hostilities.

Following the Battle that took place at Quell, Kaa's path intersected with Jedi Master Aayla Secura, her Padawan Ahsoka Tano, and Clone Commander Bly. Initially, he did not extend a warm welcome to the Jedi, asserting that their role did not align with peacekeeping. He urged them to depart in order to safeguard their cherished peace. Nevertheless, he found himself unable to disregard Ahsoka's heartfelt plea for assistance concerning her gravely injured master. He permitted his son, Wag Too, a skilled healer, to accompany her and Bly, while Secura remained at his village. Subsequently, Kaa offered Secura a beverage to provide her with comfort. During their shared time, Secura and Kaa engaged in discussions regarding the Jedi's aspirations to reinstate peace through their involvement in the Republic's fight.

Subsequently, Kaa and his fellow villagers observed a Separatist landing ship approaching their village. Initially, he presumed that the Separatists were targeting the Jedi, but Tano clarified that they were unaware of their presence. Kaa then instructed the Jedi to leave before their discovery. Despite Tano's objections, he proceeded to engage in dialogue with the Separatists. Kaa encountered the Separatist commanding officer, General Lok Durd. Kaa passively observed as Durd's battle droids meticulously searched the village in pursuit of weapons and Republic contraband. Durd then informed Kaa that he would conduct additional random searches to ensure the security of the planet. Following the Separatists' departure, Kaa engaged in a conversation with his son, emphasizing the importance of preserving their peace.

The Jedi soon became aware of Durd's scheme to evaluate a novel weapon, referred to as the Defoliator, on the Lurmen village. This weapon possessed the capability to eradicate all organic life while leaving battle droids unaffected. Kaa received notification of this from the Jedi, who sought to contribute to the defense of the village. However, Kaa declined their assistance, owing to his unwavering conviction against engaging in combat and conflict. His son, Wag Too, along with his companions, held the conviction that they should assist the Jedi and clones in safeguarding the village. While the Republic contingent established shield generators, which they had acquired from the Separatist base, around the village, they endeavored to repel the droids and safeguard the Lurmen. Wag Too and his friends ultimately lent their support to the defense, but Kaa remained uncertain about the genuine implications of their participation in the conflict.

Personality and traits

Tee Watt Kaa was a Lurmen male who stood at a height of 1.03 meters, equivalent to 3 feet, 5 inches, distinguished by his white white hair and brown [eyes](/article/eye]. Kaa employed apis wax to maintain the stiffness of his beard. He held the distinction of being the founder and leader of the Lurmen colony on Maridun. He ardently embraced the peaceful ideology known as Te Padka. Kaa resolutely refused to engage in combat, even in self-defense, firmly believing that war corrupts and decimates everything it touches. Kaa's convictions faced a formidable test when General Lok Durd brought his Separatist army to his doorstep, compelling the peaceful colonists to confront a painful decision.

Skills and abilities

Kaa held the esteemed position of leader within the Lurmen colony on Maridun. Furthermore, he possessed proficiency in the arts of persuasion and debate.

Behind the scenes

Tee Watt Kaa made his inaugural appearance in the thirteenth episode of season one of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, entitled "Jedi Crash," with George Coe lending his voice to the character.

