The Gungan General

"The Gungan General" marks the twelfth installment of Season One within the Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated television program. As the series' twelfth episode, it provided closure to a narrative arc that commenced in the preceding episode, "Dooku Captured."

Official description

Anakin and Obi-Wan find themselves imprisoned while attempting to negotiate the terms for Count Dooku's release. In an unexpected turn, the Jedi and Sith are forced to cooperate in an attempt to break free, relying solely on Jar Jar Binks for assistance.

Plot summary

Anakin and Obi-Wan awaken to find themselves confined within the pirates' holding cell, the effects of a sedative administered the previous evening having taken hold, despite their earlier caution. Compounding their situation, they discover their fellow inmate is Count Dooku, and that all three are bound together by chains, rendering any escape attempt significantly more challenging due to their mutual animosity.

In a parallel development, Jar Jar Binks and Senator Kharrus journey to the Weequay pirate's stronghold, carrying a substantial quantity of spice as payment for Dooku's freedom. Accompanying them are Commander Stone and a contingent of five clone troopers.

Turk Falso challenges Hondo's choice to offer Dooku back to the Republic, arguing that engaging with the Separatists would have yielded greater financial gains. Hondo retorts, questioning his decision to retain Turk's services, reasoning that the Separatists would have deployed a droid army to eliminate them rather than providing the requested ransom. Turk objects to this assessment, deciding to betray Hondo by ordering his subordinates to destroy the shuttle and seize the ransom for themselves. The resulting crash claims the lives of the pilots and Kharrus, leaving Jar Jar unexpectedly in command of the surviving clone troopers.

Left with no other recourse, the two Jedi and the Sith endeavor to escape towards the hangar, only to be discovered and returned to their incarceration after being spotted by Pilf. Subsequently, Obi-Wan employs a mind trick to persuade a guard to release them for a second attempt at freedom. However, during an attempt to vault over the outer wall, Dooku's chain is severed by gunfire. Obi-Wan seizes hold of him, compelling Anakin to lift all three of them, much to his chagrin. They are then recaptured by Hondo while still suspended from the wall.

Turk leads his group in pursuit of the Republic delegation's survivors near the acidic geysers. Following a brief confrontation, Jar Jar directs the clones to leap into a geyser, prompting the Weequays to assume they will be killed by the acid. Jar Jar expresses great confidence, citing the local fauna's behavior as an indicator of impending geyser eruptions, which ultimately saves their lives. Upon returning to the wreckage of the shuttle, they discover that the spice ransom has vanished. Despite the clones' recommendation to await reinforcements, an impatient Jar Jar resolves to pursue the pirates, utilizing the skalders to overtake them. They successfully intercept and subdue the pirates, recovering the spice and tracing a series of power lines directly to the pirate base.

Upon his return to the base, Turk deceives Hondo, claiming that the Republic dispatched an army to liberate the Jedi, and suggests deploying tanks to counterattack. Hondo reluctantly consents, stating that he will personally handle the Jedi. The tanks are dispatched and quickly observed by Jar Jar, who alerts the clones. Commander Stone instructs Jar Jar to "negotiate," recognizing that the Gungan's incompetence will prove advantageous.

Hondo grows increasingly frustrated with the Jedi, particularly Anakin's impetuous remarks. Convinced that negotiations have failed, he subjects Anakin and Obi-Wan to electrical torture, while Dooku remains confined to his cell.

As the pirates hold him captive, Jar Jar inadvertently causes one tank to collide with another, resulting in both tanks crashing into the power lines and causing a power outage. The Weequays attempt to eliminate him, only to be held at gunpoint by the clones.

The power outage at the base allows the Jedi and Dooku to separately seize the opportunity to escape: Dooku eliminates Turk and departs in a vessel; Anakin and Obi-Wan reclaim their lightsabers and take Hondo hostage before encountering Jar Jar outside. Obi-Wan instructs Anakin to release Hondo, as they have no grievance with him since Dooku has already escaped. Hondo acknowledges the Jedi's honor, but Obi-Wan cautions him that Dooku is likely to seek retribution, before the Twilight departs.


The design of Senator Kharrus's staff drew inspiration from the Staff of Ra featured in Raiders of the Lost Ark.

One of the swoop bikes showcases nose art depicting the mudflap girl.

At the beginning of the episode, Obi-Wan and Anakin awaken after their drinks were spiked with a sedative. However, in the preceding episode, they switched the spiked drinks. Originally, webcomics were published on the official Star Wars website to complement the episodes. To fully understand how Anakin and Obi-Wan were captured by the pirates, it was necessary to read the comic: Pilf Mukmuk gassed the entire room.

In one scene, as Jar Jar buries Kharrus, a skalder walks past him. However, in the subsequent shot, the skalder is absent.

During a shot where Jar Jar and the Clones run back to the shuttle, only two Coruscant Guard troopers are visible, despite three Guards having survived the crash. The third Guard reappears shortly thereafter.

Obi-Wan and Anakin arrived without their lightsabers, while the pirates possessed the lightsabers they had taken from Dooku—his own and Anakin's. When Obi-Wan and Anakin recover the lightsabers, both are standard blue Jedi lightsabers, and Dooku's curved-hilt lightsaber is nowhere to be found.

During a shot of the shuttle flying over Florrum, the clone troopers accompanying Jar Jar and Kharrus are depicted as troopers with unpainted armor. When the shuttle crashes, they are shown as Coruscant Guard.


