The Amanin were a species from the planet Maridun possessing sentient thought, although they were quite primitive. These aliens had a tall and flat build, with lengthy, awkward arms, and their slimy, wrinkled skin was quite noticeable. During the Clone Wars era, some Amani resided on Utapau, but the Pau'an government considered them to be a threat, and their technological advancement was minimal.

The Amani were sentients of considerable height and slenderness, exhibiting short legs, extended and ungainly arms that could reach the ground, large hands, and yellow-and-green skin that was covered in a slimy substance. They could curl into a spherical shape and roll as a form of movement. This species typically reached a height of two meters, and their lifespan averaged 90 standard years. Their preferred environment consisted of open plains and grassland.
The Amani were regarded as being primitive when compared to numerous other species. They lived in basic tents and had a tribal structure. Moreover, they had a reputation for being dangerous, and Amani head hunters were once in high demand. It was common to see Amani carrying staffs adorned with several skulls.
The Amani originated on Maridun, a planet situated in the Outer Rim and characterized by vast grass plains. During the Clone Wars, a war fought between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, they shared their home with a group of Lurmen refugees.
During the High Republic Era, an Amani known as Prot Xan was employed by the Galactic Agricultural Alliance as a scientist.
As the Clone Wars neared its end, the Amani had recently established communities on Utapau, where they cohabitated with the native Pau'ans and Utai, existing as nomadic hunter-gatherers. They built their settlements on the plains or below ground, but they rarely entered the cities. At that time, General Grievous used a rogue Amani as a bodyguard in order to facilitate a major weapons transaction with the Sugi. While investigating the matter, Jedi Master Tu-Anh was killed, which led Anakin Skywalker and his master, Obi-Wan Kenobi, to undertake a mission to Utapau. Upon arriving, the two Jedi visited the Amani section of Pau City, where they learned from the local chief that an Amani who had been exiled from the plains was collaborating with some Separatist IG-100 MagnaGuards.

Using this information, Kenobi and Skywalker traveled to the plains of Utapau on winged dactillion mounts. They came across an Amani camp inhabited by several Amani outcasts, who attacked them using spears, arrows, and precision laser darts. The two Jedi defeated their attackers, but the Amani escaped into the wilderness. While tracking the Amani outcasts, the two Jedi were captured by a group of Sugi mercenaries, who had discovered a large kyber crystal that they intended to sell to the Separatist leader Count Dooku. These Sugi were accompanied by at least one Amani outcast. Later, the two Jedi fought their Sugi captors and stole the crystal.
While searching for an animal to help them carry the kyber crystal, Kenobi encountered an Amani villager from the plains but used a Jedi mind trick to make him believe that he had not seen the Jedi. Meanwhile, the Sugi leader Endente attempted to conceal the theft of the kyber crystal by claiming that they could no longer trust the plains Amani to guard it. To cover up the theft, Endente told Grievous to meet them at Pau City. However, Grievous saw through the deception and executed Endente.
Many years later, not long before the Battle of Endor, an Amani bounty hunter named Amanaman was present in the palace of Jabba the Hutt on Tatooine.
During the First Order-Resistance War, an Amani named Bina ran a Creature Stall in the Black Spire Outpost Market on Batuu.