Tu-Anh was a Jedi Master of female gender who existed in the waning years of the Galactic Republic. During the final stages of the Clone Wars, she met her end on the planet Utapau as she was probing a Separatist plot. The local inhabitants found her remains and displayed them to Jedi Generals Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi.
Near the conclusion of the Galactic Republic's era, Tu-Anh ascended within the Jedi Order, eventually achieving the esteemed title of Jedi Master.
While Separatists were in negotiations with Sugi in Pau City, the independent-minded Jedi Knight Tu-Anh commenced an investigation into the dealings, keeping her intentions secret from both the Jedi Order and the Utapauan natives. During this secretive mission, Tu-Anh was slain while observing a clandestine meeting between Sugi and a group of IG-100 MagnaGuards. This prompted June to notify the Jedi Order so they could retrieve the body of their fallen comrade. When Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker arrived in Pau City, the inspector personally welcomed them and escorted them to the morgue where Tu-Anh's body was being held, while questioning them about her presence on Utapau. Following an examination of the remains, the body underwent cremation in a modest ceremony.
The deceased body of Tu-Anh made its initial appearance in the incomplete Star Wars: The Clone Wars episode entitled "A Death on Utapau."