"A Death on Utapau" represents an uncompleted installment of the animated TV show Star Wars: The Clone Wars. This episode was made available as a story reel on StarWars.com on September 25, 2014, as a component of The Clone Wars Legacy initiative. Although it remains unfinished due to the show's cancellation before its completion, it is recognized as official Star Wars canon.
Following the assassination of Jedi Master Tu-Anh, Obi-Wan Kenobi, accompanied by his former Padawan Anakin Skywalker, journeys to Utapau to investigate the circumstances surrounding her death. Their spacecraft descends into Pau City, a city located within a large sinkhole on Utapau, and touches down on a designated platform. A Pau'an delegation, headed by Inspector Jen June, welcomes them and escorts them to the location where Tu-Anh's body is being held. June sees the arrival of the Jedi as an indication of future events. Upon examining Tu-Anh's remains, they observe no apparent injuries; however, Anakin discerns that her mind was disturbed before her passing due to neurological trauma, and the Jedi notice abrasions on her knees and elbows. Kenobi characterizes her as a nonconformist Jedi who wasn't always in constant communication with the Jedi High Council. He also pledges to provide Inspector June with any relevant information discovered during their investigation.
The two Jedi then proceed to the crime scene, which is revealed to be a confined pathway. Kenobi dismisses the possibility of death by falling, as her body exhibits no signs of bone fractures, contusions, or head trauma. Noticing a small opening in the window of a distant room, he concludes that she was assassinated by a precision laser dart directed at her optic nerve, inducing a severe seizure through its electromagnetic pulse. The Jedi deduce that she crawled to the location where she was discovered, accounting for the abrasions. While examining the room Tu-Anh appeared to be observing, the Jedi encounter a Toydarian who initially denies any knowledge of Master Tu-Anh. After some persuasion by Anakin, he admits to receiving twenty druggats from a droid to leave the building unlocked two days prior. The Toydarian's mention of the droid having "red eyes" leads Kenobi to suspect an IG-100 MagnaGuard.
Simultaneously, Inspector June analyzes the residue from Tu-Anh's crime scene and identifies it as slime originating from an Amani, an alien species that has begun establishing settlements on Utapau. While the majority of Amani reside within the cities of Utapau, a portion of them inhabit the planet's open plains. Although Kenobi and Anakin doubt the Amani's capacity to operate a precision weapon, they suspect collaboration between the Amani and the Separatists. Subsequently, June informs the Jedi that Governor Torul Blom wishes to meet with them in his office and suggests that he desires their departure from Utapau.
In the Governor's office, Governor Blom asserts that the Jedi's presence is unsettling the populace and voices his disapproval of Anakin's forceful methods. Kenobi reiterates his need to remain on Utapau to continue the investigation into Tu-Anh's death. The Governor denies any Separatist presence on Utapau and insists on his ability to manage Utapau's affairs independently. Kenobi and Anakin then travel on winged dactillions to the lower levels of Pau City, where an Amani settlement is located. Unbeknownst to the Jedi, Blom is contacting mysterious associates. During their journey, Kenobi expresses his suspicion that Master Tu-Anh was killed while she investigated the Amanis' dealings with the Separatists. Upon landing at the Amani settlement, Kenobi cautions Anakin against causing any conflict with the Amani.
Kenobi informs the Amani chief that they are investigating contact between certain Amani and Separatist droids. The chief reveals to Kenobi that an Amani outcast from the plains was observed interacting with droids. The Jedi proceed to explore a nearby cave but are trailed by a reptilian nos monster. Deep within the cave, they observe two MagnaGuards. Before they can engage the droids, they are ambushed by the nos monster, which Anakin dispatches by impaling his lightsaber through its head. This distraction allows the MagnaGuards to escape on their STAPs. The Jedi pursue them on their dactillion mounts.
The chase leads the Jedi through a series of caves and subterranean waterfalls before they emerge on the surface. As the MagnaGuards approach large windmill structures, Kenobi instructs Anakin to jump onto one of the droids. Anakin and the droid land on a platform, and a skirmish ensues between the Jedi and the Separatist droids. While Kenobi battles the second MagnaGuard, he reminds his apprentice not to destroy the droids, as they need to interrogate them. Anakin disregards his orders and hurls one MagnaGuard into a propeller, destroying it. However, Anakin manages to leap onto the second droid and subdue it.
The Jedi attempt to interrogate the MagnaGuard, but it initiates a data overload. Before its self-destruction, Anakin manages to use a device to extract information from its memory banks. This information reveals that the MagnaGuards had been collaborating with a plains Amani and a Sugi arms dealer. Subsequently, the Jedi meet with Inspector June and inform her that General Grievous appears to be utilizing some of the Amani as bodyguards for an arms transaction. When questioned about the Sugi presence, June explains that Utapau is a diverse locale that attracts various elements. Utilizing this information, the Jedi decide to visit the plains Amani.
Later, Kenobi and Skywalker attend Master Anh's cremation ceremony. When Anakin inquires about their return to Coruscant, Kenobi replies that he has received instructions from Master Yoda to continue their investigation on Utapau.