Dactillions, sometimes referred to as dactyls or dactilloids, were sizable, flying, carnivorous reptavians that originated from the planet of Utapau.

These beings utilized their wings to harness rising warm air currents within the enormous sinkholes where they resided, enabling them to ascend to the surface. Furthermore, they were capable of using their claws to climb the sinkhole walls. They possessed forked horns located at the tip of their beaked snouts, which served purposes in both protection and fighting.
The indigenous sentient Utai succeeded in domesticating the dactillions by providing them with meat, despite the fact that the Utai themselves were once prey for these creatures. Dactillions could also be found on the planet of Shantipole.
Due to the dactillions' capacity to rapidly cover long distances, they became a crucial mode of transportation for the inhabitants. The Utapaun Security Forces also employed them as mounts in combat, seizing adversaries with their powerful claws and employing their horns.
Initially, the idea for dactillions arose during the story creation of Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith as a potential mount for a Jedi on Utapau. A design mockup of the dactillion featured Ki-Adi-Mundi riding the creature.