The Utapaun Security Forces, referred to as the Pau'an military and the Utapaun resistance during the Separatist occupation, functioned as the military force on the planet of Utapau. They were made up of Pau'an Warriors serving as infantry. Due to a scarcity of modern equipment, the Pau'an military provided its warriors with time-honored ceremonial armor and weaponry. Each warrior was highly proficient in using their antiquated axes and shields, inflicting substantial damage upon nearby adversaries. Alongside the vehicles of the Utapau Skyforce, the security force also employed Dactillions and Varactyls for transport.
Serving as the Utapaun resistance against the Confederacy of Independent Systems' occupation, the Pau'an military fought with the Galactic Republic against the Confederacy during the Battle of Utapau; however, its warriors were imprisoned following the execution of Order 66.