Pau'an Warrior

Pau'an Warriors functioned as the infantry component of the Utapaun Security Forces. The Pau'an military, facing a scarcity of resources for modern gear, chose to equip their warriors with time-honored ceremonial armor and weaponry. Each warrior received thorough training in the use of their archaic axes and shields, proving capable of inflicting significant damage upon nearby adversaries. They also employed Dactillions and Varactyls for mobility.

During the Battle of Utapau within the Clone Wars, Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi journeyed to Utapau seeking to locate General Grievous of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Port Administrator Tion Medon met with Kenobi, revealing that Grievous was holding them captive and that the tenth level was teeming with thousands of battle droids. Kenobi instructed Medon to ensure the safety of his people by having them seek refuge, and to alert any available warriors that the moment to engage in combat had arrived.

In the aftermath of the Battle of Utapau and the simultaneous execution of Order 66, which branded the Jedi as traitors, Pau'an Warriors were captured as prisoner and forced onto [transports](/article/transport]. Despite their resourcefulness and combat prowess, they were ultimately outmatched by the Clone Army.

