Tion Medon

During the Clone Wars, a massive intergalactic conflict fought between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, a Pau'an male named Tion Medon held the position of Port Administrator for Pau City on the planet Utapau. As the war neared its conclusion, Grievous, the Head of State of the Confederacy, briefly established a base on the previously neutral Utapau. Medon and the citizens of Pau City found themselves as captives, leading the port administrator to seek assistance from Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi to free Utapau from the occupying forces. Although the Battle of Utapau resulted in liberation, the abrupt end of the war led to the Galactic Empire occupying the planet, and Medon, along with members of the Utapaun resistance, were taken into custody.


Master of Port Administration

Born on Utapau, the shared homeworld of both the Pau'an and Utai species, Tion Medon was a Pau'an. He was a descendant of Timon Medon, the individual responsible for uniting Utapau's various city-states. The establishment of the Utapaun Committee, an organization headed by a Chairman of Utapau and supported by local Port Administrators, allowed for the streamlined regulation of planetary politics and interplanetary affairs through a unified governing body.

By the time the Clone Wars erupted, a widespread galactic war pitting the Galactic Republic against the breakaway Confederacy of Independent Systems, Tion Medon was the master of Port Administration in Pau City, Utapau's capital and the central hub for the Utapaun Committee. In his capacity as Port Administrator, he was typically the one who welcomed visitors to the sinkhole spaceport and offered assistance. The Utapaun Committee had successfully maintained Utapau's isolation and neutrality for much of the war, continuing a tradition that had lasted for centuries. However, following a failed illegal arms deal between Separatists and Sugi arms merchants on Utapau, maintaining this neutrality became a challenge. Despite the failure of the arms deal, Confederate elements managed to gain a foothold within Utapau's civic leadership during this period.

As the war entered its final weeks, in the aftermath of the devastating Battle of Coruscant, a costly engagement that crippled the fleet of Confederate General Grievous and resulted in the death of Confederate leader Count Dooku, Grievous sought refuge on Utapau with an occupying force. Now serving as the Confederacy's new Head of State, Grievous quickly transformed Utapau and Pau City into a temporary haven for himself and the Executive Separatist Council. Upon his arrival in Pau City, Grievous ordered his MagnaGuards to kill the members of Medon's committee and established his command center on the city's tenth level. Medon and the rest of Pau City's inhabitants were effectively held as hostages, closely monitored by Grievous's battle droid forces. Recognizing the danger he and his people were in, Medon secretly began organizing the Utapaun Security Forces into a resistance movement. Because Grievous had become the Republic's primary target following Dooku's demise, Republic intelligence discovered his location on Utapau. Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi was dispatched to investigate this intelligence and landed in Pau City to pursue Grievous's trail.

Battle of Utapau

Port Administrator Medon greets Obi-Wan Kenobi.

After Kenobi landed his Eta-2 Actis-class light interceptor, Port Administrator Medon and his retinue extended a welcome to him in Pau City. Medon greeted Kenobi, inquiring about the purpose of his visit to Utapau. Kenobi responded that the war had brought him there, but Medon pretended to be unaware, assuring the Jedi that Utapau was free from conflict and would remain so unless Kenobi brought it with him. Kenobi requested to refuel his ship and sought Medon's permission to use Pau City as a base of operations while he searched the surrounding systems for Grievous. Medon summoned a group of Utai to refuel Kenobi's starfighter. While the Utai were refueling the Jedi's vessel, Medon leaned in and whispered to Kenobi that Grievous was indeed on Utapau and that they were under surveillance. Kenobi acknowledged that he understood, and the administrator revealed that Grievous and his armies were located on the tenth level of Pau City. Kenobi advised Medon to instruct his people to seek shelter and, in return, shared a secret, informing him that it was time to mobilize Utapau's resistance.

Medon steadied himself with his cane and bowed to Kenobi. As the Jedi prepared to board his ship, one of Medon's associates inquired whether Kenobi would be bringing reinforcements. Medon informed his confidant that Kenobi had not mentioned it, then turned to the general once more in a conspiratorial manner. Medon told Kenobi that Grievous was a formidable opponent and asked if he would be bringing additional troops. Kenobi assured Medon that he would make the necessary arrangements and that Grievous would be dealt with if they planned accordingly. The Jedi then sent his starfighter on a preprogrammed decoy trajectory away from the planet while he secretly continued his search for Grievous within Pau City.

Medon promptly relayed Kenobi's message to the local Utapaun forces and anxiously awaited a signal from the Republic. Elsewhere, thanks to the information provided by Medon, Kenobi located Grievous and engaged him in combat. Their duel escalated into a full-scale battle as the Republic's 7th Sky Corps arrived at Pau City to confront the Separatist occupying forces, giving Medon the signal he had been waiting for. The Utapaun resistance supported the Republic clone troopers in any way they could, and Grievous was ultimately killed as he attempted to escape the battle. With Grievous dead, Kenobi led his forces in an assault to defeat the now-leaderless droid armies.

However, Kenobi became a target of Order 66, and his clone troopers turned against him mid-battle when he and other Jedi across the galaxy were branded as traitors to the Republic. The Republic forces on Utapau destroyed the remaining battle droids, but Utapau's freedom was short-lived. In a devastating turn of events, the Republic army seized control of Pau City and began arresting members of the Utapaun resistance, including Medon and his fellow administrators. Meanwhile, Kenobi survived the betrayal and fled Utapau aboard Grievous's starfighter as a fugitive.


At some point following the Clone Wars, Tion Medon's staff came into the possession of Sconto, a merchant and the son of a clone, who kept the walking cane in his junk shop in Pau City. Sconto recognized the staff as belonging to Medon because of the name engraved on its side, but he was unsure of Medon's identity until he conducted some research and discovered that Tion Medon had been the Port Administrator of Pau City during the Clone Wars. Despite believing it to be Medon's, Sconto lacked a way to verify its authenticity and was unable to demand the high price he desired for the artifact, considering that Medon was a relatively common name on Utapau.

Karr Nuq Sin (pictured) discovered Tion Medon's staff during his journey to learn about the Jedi.

Between 31 and 32 ABY, Karr Nuq Sin, RZ-7, and Maize Raynshi visited Sconto's pawnshop while traveling the galaxy to learn more about the long-gone Jedi and their history. Sconto initially turned the trio away, harboring personal resentment towards the Jedi and the Clone Wars. Sin and Raynshi deceived Sconto into believing they were students investigating the fall of the Republic on Utapau and other obscure worlds, prompting the merchant to present various items he had available. Karr noticed Tion Medon's cane and was reminded of a similar one in his personal collection back home. Sconto eagerly picked up Medon's cane and informed Nuq Sin that it came with proof of authenticity, pointing out Medon's name engraved on its side. Nuq Sin inquired about Medon's identity, and Sconto explained that he had been unaware as well until he researched it.

Upon learning who Medon was from Sconto, the young Karr was excited by the possibility that the port administrator had been involved in the Clone Wars. Sconto expressed his regret that he couldn't be entirely certain if the cane belonged to Medon. Nuq Sin, who possessed the ability of psychometry, asked to handle Medon's staff, which Sconto permitted. While touching the fragile artifact, Karr experienced a vision of Port Administrator Medon's meeting with General Kenobi before the Battle of Utapau. Nuq Sin was disturbed by the vision and struggled to maintain it upon seeing Medon's blood-red eyes. Through observing Medon and Kenobi's conversation, Nuq Sin not only witnessed a Jedi for the first time but also authenticated Medon's staff. The vision dissipated once Medon and Kenobi parted ways, and Karr lost consciousness from the experience. Once Nuq Sin recovered, he informed Sconto that the cane belonged to Medon and recommended he price it accordingly.

Personality and traits

Tion Medon was a slender Pau'an male with a gaunt physique, standing at 2.06 [meters](/article/meter], or 6 feet and 10 inches in height. He had a preference for darkness over sunlight and favored raw meat over cooked. As a Pau'an, Medon possessed sharp teeth and gray skin, which was wrinkled due to the limited sunlight in Utapau's sinkholes. The skin surrounding his black [eyes](/article/eye] was red, creating the illusion that his eyes were bleeding. Despite his striking appearance, Medon was a welcoming and gracious individual. While accommodating, he was also a clear-thinking person who recognized the danger he and his people faced during the Separatist invasion and was courageous enough to take action. Medon was willing to risk his own safety to discreetly alert General Kenobi to General Grievous' presence on Utapau. Initially feigning ignorance, Medon successfully conveyed all the necessary information for Kenobi to complete his search for Grievous.


As the Port Administrator of Pau City, Medon owned a walking cane typical of port masters. The staff was adorned with an engraving of Medon's surname on its side. By the time Karr Nuq Sin discovered it in Sconto's pawn shop, the artifact was delicate and required careful handling. Towards the end of the Clone Wars, Medon wore a set of crimson floor-length robes, which were considered a recent fashion trend on Utapau at the time. Due to his tall, slender frame, Medon wore a wide belt to provide support for his body.

Behind the scenes

Bruce Spence played Tion Medon in Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith, the 2005 film that concluded the Star Wars prequel trilogy.

Initially, it was uncertain whether Medon would be brought to life through practical makeup effects or as a computer-generated character. Ultimately, the Utapauns were created using both methods, but Medon was designed to be portrayed by a live actor wearing makeup, with Spence in the role.

