
Psychometry, alternatively referred to as Sense Echo, Force Echo, or retrocognition, signifies the Force ability to glean insights about individuals or occurrences linked to an object or location, achieved exclusively through physical contact or entry.


Psychometry constituted a Force power wherein a Force-user possessed the capability to uncover historical data pertaining to an object or its past interactors. The "Force Echo" emanating from the object, alongside those who engaged with it, became accessible to the Force-user simply by touching the object or, in the case of a specific area, entering it. Individuals employing this ability would perceive an intense, radiant light preceding the reception of a Force vision, albeit with a degree of input distortion, encompassing the sights, sounds, and emotions connected to the object. Consequently, this skill proved valuable for pursuing escaped targets.

Psychometry was not a power achievable through meticulous training; rather, it was exclusive to those born with the inherent capacity, exemplified by Karr Nuq Sin. The power's manifestation was not invariably immediate at birth, as illustrated by Nuq Sin, who commenced experiencing visions triggered by objects at the age of thirteen. Despite its innate nature, the skill necessitated a degree of instruction and practice to attain proficiency. For an untrained individual, contact with an object inducing a vision could precipitate severe headaches and seizures, thereby presenting these episodes as symptoms indicative of a grave ailment rather than a rare and potent Force ability. Nuq Sin ascertained that donning gloves prevented the ability's activation when undesired. Jedi Knight Vildar Mac observed that his psychometric power frequently yielded no outcomes, with the Force visions exacting a toll on him whenever it did function.


Jedi Master Quinlan Vos was skilled in psychometry, using it here upon touching the ground to track Ziro Desilijic Tiure.

During the Clone Wars era, Jedi Master Quinlan Vos gained recognition for his psychometric aptitude, establishing him as a proficient tracker. Nevertheless, the Jedi Order disapproved of its members employing psychometry to interact with violent weaponry. The Order harbored concerns that, given the wielder's emotions could be perceived, the Jedi utilizing their psychometric skill might become susceptible to the dark side of the Force. Cal Kestis's third confrontation with the Inquisitor known as Second Sister contained such a moment. At the conclusion of the battle, Kestis acquired the Second Sister's lightsaber and promptly experienced a vision revealing the anguish and suffering that propelled her toward the dark side. This vision momentarily paralyzed Kestis, enabling the Inquisitor to escape.

Ahsoka Tano gained access to memory echoes imprinted on the destroyed map to Peridea, thereby discovering that Sabine Wren had departed Seatos alongside Baylan Skoll and Shin Hati aboard the Eye of Sion. Jedi Master Rey Skywalker also demonstrated the capacity to utilize this ability.

Behind the scenes

Psychometry's initial appearance in the new Star Wars canon occurred in "Hunt for Ziro," the ninth installment of Season Three of the animated television program Star Wars: The Clone Wars, which was broadcast on November 12, 2010, and was initially identified within the episode guide featured on This power was originally presented within the Star Wars Legends continuity through the 1994 novel The Courtship of Princess Leia, authored by Dave Wolverton.

The power played a significant role in both the 2019 novel Force Collector and the video game Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, which featured the psychometry practitioners Karr Nuq Sin and Cal Kestis, respectively. According to Force Collector author Kevin Shinick, he penned the initial draft of the novel without prior knowledge of Kestis's powers in the concurrently developing project and only became aware of it approximately a year before the book's publication. The content Shinick had already composed closely aligned with Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, necessitating only minor adjustments to the power's rules and effects to harmonize the two narratives, such as the blinding white light experienced by Nuq Sin upon touching an object to correspond with the events in the game when Kestis employs his "Sense Echo" power.

