A spinning lightsaber with two blades was the weapon of choice for the Second Sister while she was a member of the Inquisitorius during that period.

After Trilla Suduri's capture by the Galactic Empire and her subsequent corruption by the dark side of the Force, Suduri became the Second Sister. This lightsaber became her main weapon. She employed it in the pursuit of Padawan Cal Kestis throughout the Great Jedi Purge. During their third encounter on Bogano, Kestis managed to disarm Suduri and seize the lightsaber. Through his psychometry, he was then forced to experience Suduri's capture and induction into the Inquisitorius, which allowed her to steal a Jedi holocron and escape. Kestis then entrusted the saber to his master, Cere Junda, the Second Sister's former mentor, who used it to knight him. Junda then wielded the lightsaber as her primary weapon during the Mission to Nur. However, by the time Kestis and the Second Sister had their fourth and final confrontation at Fortress Inquisitorius, she had replaced this lightsaber with a different one.
The Second Sister's lightsaber exhibited a distinctive circular aesthetic, inspired by concepts of fencing and elegance.
The inscription present on the wheel component of the Second Sister's lightsaber is "Aurebesh" and reads "MASDFGHJKLQWERTYUIOPZXCVBNMAASDFGHJKLQWERTYIONMASDFGHJKLQWERTYIOPZXCVBNMASDFGHJKLQWERTYUIOPZ".