Stinger Mantis crew

During the Galactic Empire's reign, the group known as the Stinger Mantis crew, sometimes shortened to the Mantis crew, functioned as the operators of the Stinger Mantis. This crew's initial formation was due to the efforts of Cere Junda, a former Jedi, who desired to restore the Jedi Order at some time following Order 66. To aid her in this quest, Junda enlisted Greez Dritus, a pilot, to provide transportation via his starship.

In 14 BBY, Junda discovered that the Imperial Inquisitorius was en route to Bracca. Consequently, she and Dritus traveled to the planet where they rescued Cal Kestis, a former Jedi Padawan, who then joined the crew to assist Junda. Later, on Bogano, Kestis encountered the droid BD-1. This droid had been left there by Eno Cordova, Junda's former Master, with instructions to guide future Jedi in locating a holocron containing a list of Force-sensitive children throughout the galaxy.

During a mission to Dathomir that Kestis undertook, Merrin, a Nightsister, became a member of the crew. This occurred after she aided Kestis in his victory over Taron Malicos, a Jedi Master who had succumbed to the dark side. Ultimately, the crew successfully acquired Cordova's holocron, but Kestis made the decision to destroy it in order to protect the children listed within from the Empire.

While on Bogano, Kestis rescued a stray bogling during one of the crew's voyages. This bogling secretly boarded the Stinger Mantis, becoming a nuisance for Dritus, who was unaware of its presence. However, Dritus eventually discovered the bogling sometime between 12 BBY and 11 BBY and grew fond of it.

By 9 BBY, the crew had largely separated. Dritus was managing 'Pyloon's Saloon', a cantina on Koboh named in honor of his grandmother. Junda reunited with Eno Cordova, her former Jedi Master on Jedha, and dedicated herself to reconstructing the Jedi Archive with assistance from the Anchorites, a group of Force worshippers and scholars. Merrin explored the galaxy and learned about the Hidden Path for Force-sensitive individuals, later introducing Junda to it. Kestis and BD-1 continued to operate the Mantis, and new members joined their ranks. During a mission on Coruscant, most of the new crew, with the exception of Bode Akuna, perished. Subsequently, Kestis reconnected with Dritus, Merrin, and Junda. Following the deaths of Bode and Cere, the Mantis crew adopted Bode's daughter, Kata Akuna.

