Eno Cordova's holocron

A Jedi holocron, which contained a registry of Force-sensitive younglings located throughout the galaxy, was concealed within the Bogano Vault prior to 14 BBY. Jedi Master Eno Cordova hid it there to safeguard the future of the Jedi Order. In the wake of the Great Jedi Purge, Padawan Cal Kestis embarked on a quest to locate and ultimately retrieve the holocron, hoping to revive the Jedi Order. However, he ultimately chose not to utilize it. Instead, Kestis opted to shatter the holocron, leaving the destinies of the children to the will of the Force, understanding that enlisting children into the Jedi would strip them of their autonomy, compromise their free will, and expose them to danger.


Eno Cordova received the holocron, which held a directory of Force-sensitive children, from Jedi Master Jocasta Nu. After experiencing a vision foretelling the devastation of the Order, Cordova made the decision to secrete it within a vault on the uncharted world of Bogano sometime before 14 BBY. Cordova made sure that the vault could only be opened by retracing his journey across the galaxy, studying the history of the Zeffonian species and eventually finding an astrium that would unlock the vault.

Years later, following the near annihilation of the Jedi, [Cal Kestis](/article/cal_kestis], a Jedi survivor and Padawan, along with Cordova's droid, BD-1, discovered the holocron. They accomplished this after completing Cordova's quest alongside Cere Junda, Cordova's former apprentice. Upon discovering the holocron in the Bogano Vault, Kestis experienced a vision depicting the demise of those whose names were listed within it, as well as his own descent to the dark side. Immediately after the vision, he was attacked by the Inquisitor known as the Second Sister, who, despite her defeat, managed to steal the holocron after Kestis was weakened by a vision of her past and her fall to the dark side, and escaped to the Fortress Inquisitorius on Nur.

Although the holocron and the list were finally in his possession, Kestis destroyed the holocron and entrusted the children's fate to the Force.

Shortly after the holocron was lost, Kestis and Junda infiltrated the Nur fortress, successfully retrieving it and evading both the Sith Lord Darth Vader and his Imperial forces. After escaping Nur, influenced by his premonition on Bogano, Kestis decided to destroy the holocron with the support of his crew, to allow the children to choose their own paths.

By 9 BBY, after Kestis gained possession of the Mantis, he stored the holocron's remnants, along with his other keepsakes, in the compartment that previously housed Greez Dritus' terrarium. Kestis often pondered whether he had made the right decision in destroying the holocron.

Behind the scenes

The holocron is featured in the 2019 video game Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order.

During the game's development, various potential MacGuffins were considered before the holocron was chosen. One of the ideas that was considered was a lost starship.

