Jocasta Nu

Jocasta Nu, a human female strong in the Force, held the esteemed position of Master within the Jedi Order. During the waning years of the Galactic Republic, she was known as the Chief Librarian overseeing the vast collection of the Jedi Archives. Her primary duty involved managing the extensive Archives, aiding fellow Jedi in their search for knowledge, and regulating access to restricted areas containing valuable artifacts.

Beyond her role as Chief Librarian, Nu also participated in other matters concerning the Jedi, even serving on the Jedi High Council at one point. She collaborated with other Jedi, including Masters Tera Sinube and Eno Cordova. During the Clone Wars, she found herself entangled in a scheme orchestrated by the bounty hunter Cad Bane, who sought to steal a Jedi holocron. Despite her efforts and those of her fellow Jedi, Bane succeeded in escaping the Jedi Temple with the artifact. Later, she assisted Padawan Ahsoka Tano in locating the thief who had stolen her lightsaber, supported the Jedi Council in their investigation into the death of Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas, and continued her duties as the guardian of the Archives.

As the Clone Wars drew to a close, the Great Jedi Purge decimated the Jedi Order, coinciding with the rise of the Galactic Empire. Nu was among the few Jedi who survived this initial massacre. Along with her assistant Gar, she dedicated herself to preserving the knowledge she possessed and establishing a secret academy to train future Jedi. Nu made the daring decision to return to the former Jedi Temple on Coruscant, driven by the knowledge that a holocron containing a list of Force-sensitive children was hidden within the Archives. She successfully infiltrated the Temple and retrieved the holocron. However, Darth Sidious, now the Emperor, determined to eradicate the Jedi completely, sent his agents, Darth Vader and the Grand Inquisitor, to hunt down the former Chief Librarian. Realizing that escape from Coruscant was impossible, Nu attempted suicide, but Vader intervened. Vader ultimately killed Nu, but he later destroyed the holocron after she warned him of Sidious's intentions. Years after the deaths of both Nu and Gar, Jedi Master Luke Skywalker discovered the hidden information she had protected, using it as a foundation to rebuild the shattered Jedi Order.


Early life

Jocasta Nu was on good terms with Jedi Master Dooku.

Before the [Clone Wars](/article/clone_wars], Jocasta Nu came into existence on the planet Coruscant. Discovered to possess a connection to the Force, she was brought to the Jedi Temple for instruction. She quickly rose to become a member of the Jedi High Council and a caretaker of knowledge within the Jedi Archives. She dedicated her studies to becoming a Consular Jedi, achieving this status soon after. As a Jedi, she focused her efforts on the Temple's extensive Jedi Archives, eventually earning the rank of Jedi Master and guiding several Padawans. At some point, she became affiliated with the Jedi High Council.

In 68 BBY, when Qui-Gon Jinn became Dooku's first Padawan, Nu had just been appointed as the Chief Librarian. The Coruscanti Jedi observed a friendly relationship between Dooku and Nu. She maintained this position for many years leading up to the Imperial Era. She held unwavering faith in the accuracy of her records, believing that anything not found in her library simply did not exist. As an archivist, she collected various items, including the Mask of Lord Momin.

Before the Clone Wars

Nu was among those who attended the service for Jedi Master Katri, who met her end at the hands of security personnel on Raxus Secundus.

Jocasta Nu was present when the Council received the report on the Mission to Nameel. Cere Junda lost her composure during the mission and attacked Trandoshans, mistakenly believing they were responsible instead of the Dupei Monks. The Council decided to dispatch both Junda and her master, Eno Cordova, to Ontotho to assist in the excavation of an Ontothan temple.

Before the Invasion of Naboo, Jinn and his apprentice, Obi-Wan Kenobi, reviewed tax documents from the Galactic Senate in the archives due to Jinn's concerns. Despite her friendly relationship with Jinn, Nu declined to assist them, much to Kenobi's frustration.

The encounter between Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn and the Sith Lord on Tatooine caused concern among the Jedi. Witnessing the unease within the temple, Dooku inquired with Nu about the situation, and she recounted the events to him.

The Separatist Crisis

Jocasta Nu and Obi-Wan Kenobi in the Archives

During the Separatist Crisis in 22 BBY, Nu offered assistance to Obi-Wan Kenobi when he visited the archives in search of the planet Kamino, based on information from his friend Dexter Jettster. Jocasta noticed him contemplating a bust of Dooku and provided a brief account of his history, including his departure and subsequent return as a Sith Lord, as well as his training of Qui-Gon Jinn. When Kenobi expressed his confusion about Dooku's departure, Nu explained that it stemmed from his frustration with the Council and its practices. However, she quickly clarified that she was not there to provide a history lesson and inquired about the reason for his visit.

Kenobi revealed that he was searching for a bounty hunter believed to be the mastermind behind a plot to eliminate senator Padmé Amidala. Nu admitted that she was unfamiliar with Kamino and asserted that if it was not in the Archives, it must not exist. Kenobi's suggestion that her records might be incomplete offended Nu, leading her to leave him to his investigations. Eventually, Yoda's young students pointed out the obvious: that the archives had been tampered with to conceal Kamino's existence.

Clone Wars

Following the First Battle of Felucia in 21 BBY, Nu was given Anakin Skywalker's apprentice, Ahsoka Tano, to act as the Jedi Archives' new security officer, after the young Togruta was assigned to Temple duty for disobeying orders. She gave Tano a tour of the archives, and showed her the entrance to the Holocron Vault, explaining that only members of the Jedi Council were allowed access due to the sensitive information contained inside and that she herself had not been inside it for years. When Master Ord Enisence bullied Tano while she was trying to help him, Nu was organizing books as she watched the scene unfold and looked suspicious of the Jedi. When the Jedi Temple was put on high alert due to Cad Bane's efforts to break into the Temple, Nu informed Master Enisence of this after noticing him in the archives working at a terminal seemingly unconcerned. However, she was then knocked out by Enisence, who was actually the Clawdite bounty hunter Cato Parasitti disguised, and also working as Bane's accomplice in the heist. Nu was then dragged away and relieved of her lightsaber by Parasitti, who shapeshifted to impersonate the Master Librarian. Tano subdued the bounty hunter after determining that she was an imposter. After Nu recovered, she and Tano took Parasitti away and brought in more security, but were unable to prevent Bane from escaping with a holocron.

Jocasta Nu introduced Tera Sinube and Ahsoka Tano

Following that incident, Nu lent her support to Tano when she visited the library to examine criminal records in an attempt to locate the thief who had stolen her lightsaber. Nu advised Tano to confess to Skywalker that she had misplaced her lightsaber, but the Padawan refused because her master had constantly warned her against losing her weapon. Nu acknowledged that locating thieves was not her forte and suggested that Tano seek the assistance of Jedi Master Tera Sinube, a specialist in the Coruscant Underworld, to find the thief. She guided Tano to the elderly Cosian, who was asleep at a table in the archives. They roused the sleeping Master, and Nu left the two to commence their search.

After Master Plo Koon discovered the wreckage of a starship on the barren satellite of Oba Diah that was identified as the ship of former Jedi Council member Sifo-Dyas and which still contained his lightsaber in 19 BBY, Nu was asked to brief the Jedi Council on the events surrounding the Jedi Master's passing. She informed them that Sifo-Dyas' last assignment was to Felucia, where he was killed attempting to negotiate a peace treaty between two tribes. Plo Koon inquired about the status of Sifo-Dyas' body, and Nu informed him that she did not know as further records on the mission had been ordered sealed. Master Mace Windu asked who had sealed them, and Nu revealed that the Office of the Supreme Chancellor was responsible. Windu thanked Nu for her briefing and she took her leave to allow the Jedi Council to discuss the situation.

During the war, Master Eno Cordova arrived on Coruscant. While exploring an ancient Zeffonian temple, Cordova received a vision of the fall of the Jedi Order and rushed to warn the Jedi Council however, none of the Council were concerned and disregarded his vision. The only member of the Order who believed him was Nu, his trusted confidante during his time at the Temple. Nu entered the archive and created a copy of the holocron listing all potential Force-sensitive children across the galaxy and gave it to Cordova to protect. This holocron was hidden in a Zeffo Vault on Bogano, where it remained until the vault was opened by Padawan Cal Kestis.

As the Clone Wars neared its end, Nu provided an explanation to Caleb Dume, Sammo Quid, and Tai Uzuma, three Jedi Initiates who had successfully completed their Initiate Trials, about how Jedi Knights selected their Padawans. Dume questioned the reasoning behind this method and whether it had ever been challenged. Nu pointed out that Dume was questioning it at that moment, but he clarified that he simply wanted to understand how the method had evolved.

According to the Grand Inquisitor, she separated the Jedi in her mind: the ones worthy of education and those who were not. He believed that she did not find him worthy of education, and claimed that she didn't allow him into the higher archives. It should be noted that the Grand Inquisitor was a highly biased source of information and who had been preyed upon by Sidious.

Preserving the Order

Jocasta Nu, in hiding during the Jedi Purge.

Nu managed to survive the destruction of the Jedi, and in the initial phases of the Jedi Purge, she dedicated herself to gathering and safeguarding whatever remained of the Order's legacy. Nu went into hiding and started recording holocrons and collecting information with her helper Gar, in an attempt to start a place of learning for new Jedi.

The Empire included Nu on a list of possible survivors, which Darth Sidious gave to the Grand Inquisitor. He was shocked that Nu survived, as he had not seen her fight once in her life. The Inquisitorius was instructed to locate Nu. When Vader was joined the hunt for Nu, with orders that she was to be brought in alive, the Grand Inquisitor spoke with him about the Jedi Master, and admitted how much he hated her. Sidious believed that Nu had a way to access key information that was hidden in the Jedi Archives. As Jocasta had served the Archives for decades, she would have known about every relic the Jedi possessed. Sidious believed that Jocasta would most likely try to escape custody.

At her school, Jocasta remembered that the Jedi Archives contained a holocron with a list of every Force-sensitive youngster catalogued prior to Order 66, and decided to return to Coruscant to rescue it. As Nu was about to leave, she bid him farewell and when Gar asked what could be worth the risk, she told him that her school would need students. Once on Coruscant, while trying to sneak into the former Jedi Temple, Imperial shock troopers found her and told her to identify herself, but she was able to escape them with a mind trick.

Once inside the Temple, she was shocked at the devastation the Empire caused. She snuck into the Archives, where she spotted the Grand Inquisitor pouring over the knowledge she once kept. She was horrified that the Empire was using the Archives, but forced herself to focus on her mission. Entering a secret vault within the Archives, Nu reunited with Cator and retrieved the holocron, relieved that it was still there. She was confident, that, with the holocron, the Jedi could return, and, in time, overthrow the Empire. She thanked Cator for looking over the vault despite everything, and asked him to remain guarding the vault. When she left the vault, she saw the Inquisitor again, and, offended that he insulted and tossed aside her books, confronted him, demanding that he leave her books alone.

The Grand Inquisitor's disregard for knowledge of the archives caused Nu to impulsively attack him, which consequently led to her death.

She demanded he tell her who he was, and was shocked and horrified to discover that he was once a Jedi. Disgusted that he had betrayed the Order, Nu told him that he was a traitor and that he had less right in the Archives than she imagined. She attempted to kill him, telling him to prepare to meet a traitor's end. However, he was able to block her blow, and the two engaged in a duel. Nu asked why he betrayed his order, and he responded that he felt the Jedi had betrayed him, by only showing him the light side of the Force. She told him that the Archives were deep, complex, and full of secrets, and that if she refused him access, then it meant that she believed he wasn't ready. She stated that it was her duty as Chief Librarian to safeguard the knowledge, and that it was still her duty. The Inquisitor claimed that since the Jedi were gone, she had no duties, and that she could do nothing to stop him from taking the knowledge within the Archives for himself. He claimed that even before the Purge he had dreamed of killing her. He bested her, threw her to the ground, and, about to kill her, claimed that it felt better than he had imagined.

Jocasta closed her eyes and began praying, but Vader saved her life, restating that she was to be captured alive. A brief argument between Vader and the Inquisitor then ensued, and while they were distracted, Nu with the power of her mind hurled several books at the two and fled. Vader claimed that she had nowhere to go and asked her to surrender. She responded, saying that she knew that he had destroyed the Order and that he wanted her alive so he could plunder the secrets of the Archives. She claimed that she would never help him, and deleted the Archives. As Vader continued his pursuit, Nu assembled a weapon that used a lightsaber to fight Vader.

Vader found her, and tried to convince her to surrender. Nu refused, attacking him. She revealed that she knew Vader was Anakin Skywalker. She taunted him, claiming that he was a slave to the Emperor, little more than a droid. She promised the Jedi would return, but her rifle failed just as she said this. Her saber ruined, Vader believed the fight over, but she overloaded the weapon, forcing it to self-destruct and blowing a hole in the Temple. Grabbing a green-bladed lightsaber from a shelf, Nu attempted to escape through the hole, but was forced to fight off several Coruscant Guard shock troopers led by Commander Fox. The troopers mistook Vader for another Jedi and fired on him due to Fox neglecting to provide a description of the Sith Lord. Nu found this greatly amusing. Snapping the commander's neck as punishment for this error in judgement, Vader ordered the troopers to take Nu alive, but she attempted to commit suicide by jumping off the Temple wall. Vader was able to save her using the Force, and she was captured.

Restrained and confined aboard a military transport, Nu was forced to watch as Vader accessed the coveted information: the Kyber memory crystal, containing a list of all known Force-sensitive children in the galaxy. She revealed that the Emperor would turn those children into dark side warriors, as he had with Vader, and asked Vader if that was what he wanted, which the Sith Lord did not respond to. When the troopers regarded her with contempt for being a Jedi, Nu told them that Vader was in fact Anakin Skywalker, a Jedi Knight. Vader then killed all the troopers to protect his identity. When Nu inquired as to what her fate would be, Vader ignited his lightsaber but met no resistance from Nu, who accepted her death.


Vader informed Sidious that Nu had attempted to escape and died in the process. The Emperor expressed regret and requested a detailed account of her death in person. When Sidious inquired if he had learned anything from her before her demise, Vader replied that he had learned nothing and destroyed the holocron. Later, Sidious told Vader that even though he wouldn't call the encounter with Nu a victory, he couldn't call it a defeat, as the relics she held were fascinating.

Shortly after the Battle of Fortress Vader, Vader entered a rift in space created by Darth Momin to resurrect his wife Padmé Amidala. While walking through visions, he encountered Nu along with many Jedi with their lightsabers ready to battle him. However, Vader killed all the illusions, impaling Nu through the chest as the words "Let the past die" resounded in his mind.

In 0 ABY, one of her holocrons managed to make it into the grasp of Grakkus the Hutt, who added it to his collection of Jedi artifacts in the criminal world of Nar Shaddaa. Vader's son Luke Skywalker, was forced to open all of the holocrons in the collection by Grakkus. As he opened the holocrons one by one, he noticed Madame Jocasta's message and many others.

Though Nu perished on her failed mission to locate prospective Jedi students, her sacrifice was ultimately not in vain. Her secret vault of Jedi artifacts and knowledge was tended to faithfully by Gar for many years until he grew too old to continue protecting it and sealed it by commiting suicide. The vault, and the information inside it, was then uncovered many years after her death by Luke Skywalker, who was attempting to rebuild the Order. Skywalker recovered all of Nu's holocrons and artifacts from her cache.

Personality and traits

Jocasta Nu was a human female Jedi who served as the Jedi Order's Chief Librarian. She was 1.69 meters (5 feet, 7 inches) tall, with white hair, blue eyes, and light skin. She had a blue scar going down her cheek. She was thin and frail by the time of the Separatist Crisis and often wore her hair in a tidy bun. Although she was often resistant to giving help when asked to, she could indeed be helpful whenever she felt like it. She was on good terms with Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn and did not mind his odd requests for information. She could be suspicious when something peculiar was happening at the Archives, including when "Ord Enisense" hassled Tano. She was not skilled in solving crimes, but she was willing to refer Jedi to members of the Order who were.

Due to her position as Chief Librarian of the Jedi Archives, Nu was sometimes too confident that her library had the answers for all the questions and that it cannot be altered, to the point that she could easily became irritated by the suggestion that her records could be incomplete. According to the Grand Inquisitor, she supposedly separated the Jedi in her mind, the ones worthy for education and the rest of them. When she felt that they weren't ready, she refused them access to the higher archives and apparently hovered over them when she did let them read a datafile or two. However, Nu ran the Archives as a tool rather than a service, expecting the Jedi to do their own research. She took this as her goal as Chief Librarian and that it was her duty.

Powers and abilities

Jocasta wielding her lightsaber.

Despite the fact that Jocasta Nu was not the most powerful Force user nor the most skilled lightsaber fighter, she still had some aptitude in both areas, possessing fundamental Jedi abilities. Consequently, she could manipulate objects with her mind using telekinesis, employing it both practically and offensively. Examples of this include activating and piecing together a holocron, as well as summoning books from the Jedi library to hurl at Vader and the Grand Inquisitor. Moreover, Jocasta exhibited proficiency with the mind trick, using it to influence shock troopers into disregarding her presence. Nevertheless, despite her extensive knowledge, Darth Sidious characterized her as being "middling in the Force" and "barely competent with a lightsaber."

Even though she was past her prime physically, Nu also demonstrated impressive physical feats, such as leaping down multiple levels from a hole blasted into the Jedi Temple wall. As a lightsaber combatant, she was adept enough to briefly stand against the Grand Inquisitor, until his superior skill and strength overwhelmed her. She also managed to deflect several blaster shots fired at her by numerous shock troopers.


Jocasta Nu wielded a blue-bladed lightsaber and was known to be trained in lightsaber combat, although she rarely used the weapon. She typically wore brownish outer robes adorned with various symbols, along with black clothing underneath. At the time of her capture and subsequent death, she donned a black cloak and utilized her lightsaber in a lightsaber rifle configuration. After the loss of both weapons, she grabbed a green-bladed lightsaber from a shelf, before being captured.

Behind the scenes

The character of Jocasta Nu was portrayed by actress and comedian Alethea McGrath in the 2002 movie Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones, which is the second film in the Star Wars prequel trilogy. Flo Di Re provided her voice in both the Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated TV series and the Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi animated anthology series.

Her fate is different from what is depicted in Star Wars Legends, where Skywalker kills her during Order 66 because she refused him access to the Archives.

In an interview in Star Wars Insider 75, McGrath revealed that much of Nu's background and scenes from Attack of the Clones were removed prior to filming and during the editing process, including the revelation that Nu and Count Dooku were once romantically involved when Dooku was still a Jedi.

