Ezra Bridger entering a portal on Lothal
A portal represented a rupture within the Force, functioning as a conduit connecting existence and death. It transcended the boundaries of both time and space, and theoretically, they could open pathways to alternate realities.
A monolith adrift in space, specifically within the Chrelythiumn system, housed a vergence in the Force. This vergence had the ability to transport matter into Mortis, a realm serving as the focal point of both the galaxy and the Force. This was due to the never-ending conflict among the Daughter, the Son, and the Father – a trio of individuals who could use the Force and embodied its dual nature and equilibrium.
The Sith cave situated on Mustafar gained a portal after Darth Vader's Fortress was erected. The fortress amplified the portal's power. The Sith Lord Darth Momin asserted the portal could resurrect Vader's late wife, Padmé Amidala. Vader's attempt to activate the portal was thwarted by an attack from the Mustafarians, leading to Momin's own resurrection.

After Vader's victory over Momin, he successfully opened the portal, causing his soul to depart from his physical form. Within the portal, Vader encountered visions of his mother, Lord Sidious, and his younger self. He then witnessed memories of past events, from his triumph in the Boonta Eve Classic to a duel against his former apprentice. Vader encountered a vision of the Jedi Temple, where he faced apparitions of his fellow Jedi, his former master, and Darth Sidious. After defeating these apparitions, Vader found his wife. He pleaded with Amidala to join him, but she declared that Anakin Skywalker, Vader's former identity, was dead to her. Amidala ended her own life due to Vader's inability to let go of the past. A beam of blue light emanating from their son Luke Skywalker returned the Sith Lord to his body. Consumed by anger, Vader obliterated the portal.
The Jedi Temple located on Lothal contained a portal that served as a gateway to the World Between Worlds, a realm housing countless other portals offering access across the continuum of space and time. Ezra Bridger perceived voices originating from numerous points in both the past and future, and he observed the duel between Tano and Vader on Malachor through one of these portals.

Bridger soon discovered his ability to interact with these portals, leading him to rescue Ahsoka by pulling her into the World Between Worlds. Ezra's intervention weakened the barrier between dimensions, enabling Sidious from the Ceremonial chamber within Inquisitorius Headquarters on Coruscant to glimpse into it with the aid of Sith magic. However, because he had ensnared Ezra with a fiery lasso, he was unable to physically enter and required Ezra's assistance to fully harness the dimension's power. He was prevented from doing so by Ahsoka Tano's lightsabers. After fending off Sidious' attempts to capture them, both Ezra and Ahsoka returned through their respective portals, with Ahsoka returning to Malachor and Ezra to Lothal.